KeywordBrief description
Scientific interface Scientific interface for the Amstrad PCW
Screen addresses A compilation of methodes to calculate screen addresses
Screen compression An article describing a methode to downsize screen data
Screen memory An article by Cliff Lawson referring to „Joyce screen memory"
SCREENY This article describes graphical functions without GSX and presents routines for running under BASIC
SCREEN SAVE ROUTINE A BASIC program for saving and loading the PCW screen
Sieve of Eratosthenes The Sieve of Eratosthenes calculates prime numbers.
Sorting by Dispersion An article about search by dispersion
Search by hashing An article about search by hashing
Searching and sorting A series of articles for searching and sorting with programming examples in BASIC and PASCAL
Searching for files using TURBO PASCAL Describes a procedure of multiple files for TURBO PASCAL similar to BASIC FIND$
Serial interface Hints for programming the serial interface of the JOYCE
Simultaneous input and output This article describes a mechanism to work in polled systems (unlike interrupt driven ones) handling I/O efficiently
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (I) This article discusses how tasks with real numbers can be accomplished also with integer numbers
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (II) Also this article discusses how tasks with real numbers can be accomplished with integer numbers - using tables
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (III) Another implementation to calculate integer Sine and Cosine.
SLR assembler The disassembled package SLR
SOKOBAN The de-compiled game of Sokoban. (With reference to a similar game called Slider)
SOL computer games Several games based upon the SOL computer. Rewritten for the JOYCE
Sort routines (1) A compilation of different sort routines on assembler level
(Linear-, Binary-, Bubble-, Shake-, Heap- and Quick-Sort)
Sort routines (2) A compilation of different sort routines on Pascal level
(Quick-, Select-, Heap, Insert-, Shell- and Bubble-Sort)
Sort routines (3) A compilation of different sort routines on Pascal level, too
(Bubble-, Insertion- and Quick-Sort)
Sorting with Binary Trees Binary Trees in BASIC and PASCAL
Sorta Super Fast A procedure for fast sorting of data
SPOOLER This RSX prints files while waiting for BDOS calls
Squares using integer mathematics This article discusses how to calculate squares by integer numbers - using tables
Square roots using integer mathematics This article describes how to calculate square roots using integer numbers
Square Root Routine by Tiny BASIC This article describes how to calculate integer square roots using Tiny BASIC
SSED.MAC An editor referring to the output format of the comparison program DFC
STRINGS.MAC Searches for standard ASCII characters in any type of file
Submit and Turbo Pascal This article describes a hint executing Turbo Pascal programs, if batch files are processed
Superscript - adventure on the inside of the JOYCE An interesting package for the manipulation of the JOYCE character set
System Control Block Explains the layout of the SCB