Keyword | Brief description |
Scientific interface | Scientific interface for the Amstrad PCW |
Screen addresses | A compilation of methodes to calculate screen addresses |
Screen compression | An article describing a methode to downsize screen data |
Screen memory | An article by Cliff Lawson referring to „Joyce screen memory" |
SCREENY | This article describes graphical functions without GSX and presents routines for running under BASIC |
SCREEN SAVE ROUTINE | A BASIC program for saving and loading the PCW screen |
Sieve of Eratosthenes | The Sieve of Eratosthenes calculates prime numbers. |
Sorting by Dispersion | An article about search by dispersion |
Search by hashing | An article about search by hashing |
Searching and sorting | A series of articles for searching and sorting with programming examples in BASIC and PASCAL |
Searching for files using TURBO PASCAL |
Describes a procedure of multiple files for TURBO PASCAL similar to BASIC FIND$
Serial interface | Hints for programming the serial interface of the JOYCE |
Simultaneous input and output | This article describes a mechanism to work in polled systems (unlike interrupt driven ones) handling I/O efficiently |
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (I) | This article discusses how tasks with real numbers can be accomplished also with integer numbers |
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (II) | Also this article discusses how tasks with real numbers can be accomplished with integer numbers - using tables |
Sine and Cosine using integer mathematics (III) | Another implementation to calculate integer Sine and Cosine. |
SLR assembler | The disassembled package SLR |
SOKOBAN | The de-compiled game of Sokoban. (With reference to a similar game called Slider) |
SOL computer games | Several games based upon the SOL computer. Rewritten for the JOYCE |
Sort routines (1) |
A compilation of different sort routines on assembler level (Linear-, Binary-, Bubble-, Shake-, Heap- and Quick-Sort) |
Sort routines (2) |
A compilation of different sort routines on Pascal level (Quick-, Select-, Heap, Insert-, Shell- and Bubble-Sort) |
Sort routines (3) |
A compilation of different sort routines on Pascal level, too (Bubble-, Insertion- and Quick-Sort) |
Sorting with Binary Trees | Binary Trees in BASIC and PASCAL |
Sorta Super Fast | A procedure for fast sorting of data |
SPOOLER | This RSX prints files while waiting for BDOS calls |
Squares using integer mathematics | This article discusses how to calculate squares by integer numbers - using tables |
Square roots using integer mathematics | This article describes how to calculate square roots using integer numbers |
Square Root Routine by Tiny BASIC | This article describes how to calculate integer square roots using Tiny BASIC |
SSED.MAC | An editor referring to the output format of the comparison program DFC |
STRINGS.MAC | Searches for standard ASCII characters in any type of file |
Submit and Turbo Pascal | This article describes a hint executing Turbo Pascal programs, if batch files are processed |
Superscript - adventure on the inside of the JOYCE | An interesting package for the manipulation of the JOYCE character set |
System Control Block | Explains the layout of the SCB |