Sort Routines

In 1981 the German magazine „MC" (Franzis publishing company) published the series „ Suchen und Sortieren in Pascal und Basic" ( only in German). This was the reason for me to code the printed utilities in assembler.

Look here for some hints and the source files:
Method Description
( only in German)
  • Linear sort
  • Binary sort
  • Bubblesort
  • Shakersort
  • Heapsort
  • Quicksort
The descriptions are extracted from the series, © Franzis-Verlag.

The assembler routines will be compiled as usual. They were called by the main program SORT.MAC.

Compile all modules (assembler should be compatible to Microsoft's .REL file format) as well as the main program. Link them with the DRI-LINK-80 by the command:
Call the sort program by
The file to be sorted may be any text file but must contain the control characters CARRIAGE RETURN (0x0D) und LINE FEED (0x0A) only.
Another type of sorting data is the so called Binary Tree method. I used this type of sorting based upon an article in „Dr. Dobb's Journal of Computer & Orthodontia".
A final article from „Microcomputing" describes the Shell-Metzner Sort.