Helpful tools from CP/M archives

Some programs, which I collected in CP/M archives over the years, are compiled here. I modified most programs to enhance them - from my point of view.

Sources included
Article in German only

DASM is a disassembler which may create INTEL 8080 as well as ZILOG Z80 mnemonic sources.
DDTZ The debugger DDTZ is an extension of the CP/M 2.2 debugger DDT working on Z80 opcodes. [Download]
DUMP DUMP is like the standard CP/M dump tool but contains more information. [Download]
FIND FIND is searching for expressions in source files. [Download]
MLOAD MLOAD allows to patch an existing .COM file.
Find three versions in the ZIP file:
  • v2.5: The original, written for the 8080 CPU
  • v2.6: Rewritten for the Z80 CPU
  • v2.7: Accepts both .HEX and .REL files
NOTATE A utility using macros is NOTATE (from UK CP/M USER GROUP VOL.29). The source is unchanged - except for a small modification due to a bug. The tool simply appends a comment at the end of a line of a source file. [Download]
WADE The debugger WADE works like (Z)SID but with enhanced input facilities. It is designed running as an RSX. [Download]
Z8E The debugger Z8E works screen oriented. [Download]
Sources not included
MAILUTIL This collection is helpful in an eMail environment. [Download]
MITEK The program package by MITEK includes a complete Z80 development system. [Download]
Article in German only

PMARC is a very effective file archiver.
XIZI The bundle XIZI contains XIZ.COM und XZI.COM. XIZ.COM converts 8080 mnemonics into Z80 mnemonics while XZI.COM performs exactly the counterpart.
A while ago I started disassembling both programs.
ZMAC An assembler package consisting of the Z80-assembler ZMAC and the linker ZLINK. It misses a librarian. The code generated is not REL-80 compatible. [Download]
ZSM This assembler package is designed for generating a syntax similar to the language C. A very extensive C like library is enclosed. The package includes the Z80-assembler ZSM, the linker ZLINK as well as the librarian ZLIB. The code generated is not REL-80 compatible, too. [Download]