Z80 Development System by MITEK

In 1984 MITEK provided a Z80 development system containing the following utilities:

The assembler as well as the linker and the librarian are handling REL-80 format. The assembler may also generate INTEL HEX format as well as the INLINE format as used by TURBO PASCAL.
Call the utilities as follows:
ZAS file [$]opt                  ZLINK file=file [$]opt           ZLIB file=file [$]opt
 C   Listing to terminal          Cxxxx  Define code segment       D  Delete module
 H   Enable .HEX file             Dxxxx  Define data segment       P  Display entry names
 L   Listing to printer           L      Library request           M  Display modules
 Pd  Set drive for .PRN file      P      Enable console output     R  Replace module
 Od  Set drive for .REL file      Rxxxx  Define non standard
 Sd  Set drive for .SYM file             load address
 T   Build INCLUDE file for       S      Enable SYMbol file
     Turbo Pascal

ZREF file [$]opt        ZBUG file   ZCON Z80-file opt             Interaction calling:
 L  Suppress XRF file,               U  Convert to upper case      INSTZAS and
    put to LST:                                                    INSTZBUG
The debugger prints text with high bit set. This may cause annoying display on machines with an extended character set. The following small RSX does suppress this feature:
The RSX will be linked by: GENCOM ZBUG ZRSX