, the relocating macro assembler, version 2.5.
To configure it the delivered utility INSTZAS.COM
is required.
, the linking loader, version 2.3ZLIB.COM
, the library manager, version 2.3ZREF.COM
, the cross reference generator, version 2.4ZBUG.COM
, the debugger.
This debugger uses ESCape sequences for screen control and has to be adapted by the utility INSTZBUG.COM
Additinally the help file ZBUG.HLP
is included.
, the 8080 to Z80 source converter, version 2.1TEST.Z80
a source for testing the assemblerZAS file [$]opt ZLINK file=file [$]opt ZLIB file=file [$]opt C Listing to terminal Cxxxx Define code segment D Delete module H Enable .HEX file Dxxxx Define data segment P Display entry names L Listing to printer L Library request M Display modules Pd Set drive for .PRN file P Enable console output R Replace module Od Set drive for .REL file Rxxxx Define non standard Sd Set drive for .SYM file load address T Build INCLUDE file for S Enable SYMbol file Turbo Pascal ZREF file [$]opt ZBUG file ZCON Z80-file opt Interaction calling: L Suppress XRF file, U Convert to upper case INSTZAS and put to LST: INSTZBUG |
The RSX will be linked by: GENCOM ZBUG ZRSX