NOTATE Utility

This assembler tool — written in 8080 mnemonic — (from UK CP/M USER GROUP VOL.29 1) is a nice example how to use macros 2).
The function of the tool is quite simply: every line of the source file will be displayed and the utility expects any input from the keyboard. This input will be appended as a comment to the lines of the file. To finish input type the control character ^Z.

Look here for the source files:

1. Referring to the above list these files may be found there: NOTATE.ASM, NCOMPARE.LIB, SYMSTACK.LIB, SEQIO.LIB, DOWHILES.LIB and WHENS.LIB. The files of the UK CP/M USER GROUP are available at, ( or
2. In May 2014 a post referring to structured programming was published in the CP/M Newsgroup with an informative link to a site titled Adding Structured Control-flow to any Assembler