Assembler | Description |
In the old days Martin Kotulla distributed CP/M PD-software, which was available later on at the simtel server.
Among others the Z80-assembler ZMAC V1.07 (1980 by Small System Design, Manchester, New Hampshire) and the linker ZLINK V1.4.
It misses a librarian.
Also the code generated is not REL-80 compatible.
This large package consists of the assembler ZAS V2.5 (MITEK, 1984), the linker ZLINK V2.3 and the librarian ZLIB V2.3.
It also includes a reference program ZREF, a debugger ZBUG and a 8080 to Z80 converter ZCON.
The code generated is REL-80 compatible.
Another Z80 assembler was available on the simtel server, ZSM V2.3 (by DPG, 1987).
It includes a linker ZLINK V2.3 and a librarian ZLIB V2.3.
The code generated is not REL-80 compatible.
It is designed for generating a syntax similar to the language C.
A large C like library is enclosed.