Overview about some of the assemblers used

(and appropriate utilities)

The original debugger for CP/M 2 was the DDT (Dynamic Debugging Tool) while for CP/M 3 SID (Symbolic Instruction Debugger) was used. The function of SID was alike DDT but it allowed the additional reading symbol tables. Both debuggers work with 8080 instructions. At a later date ZSID [] (Z-80 Symbolic Instruction Debugger) came onto the market. It was identical to SID except working on Z80 instructions. In addition DDTZ became available which was based on DDT but also layed out for Z80 instructions. Beneath these line oriented debuggers some screen oriented debuggers (displaying CPU registers in an animated fashion) were available, e.g. Z8E or PMON by HiSoft (from the development tool DEVPAC80).
An exceptional position was WADE (WAgners DEugger).
Beneath the above noted assemblers there were three more which will be introduced briefly:
ZMAC In the old days Martin Kotulla distributed CP/M PD-software, which was available later on at the simtel server. Among others the Z80-assembler ZMAC V1.07 (1980 by Small System Design, Manchester, New Hampshire) and the linker ZLINK V1.4. It misses a librarian. Also the code generated is not REL-80 compatible.
ZAS This large package consists of the assembler ZAS V2.5 (MITEK, 1984), the linker ZLINK V2.3 and the librarian ZLIB V2.3. It also includes a reference program ZREF, a debugger ZBUG and a 8080 to Z80 converter ZCON. The code generated is REL-80 compatible.
ZSM Another Z80 assembler was available on the simtel server, ZSM V2.3 (by DPG, 1987). It includes a linker ZLINK V2.3 and a librarian ZLIB V2.3. The code generated is not REL-80 compatible. It is designed for generating a syntax similar to the language C. A large C like library is enclosed.

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Last updated: 2006 November 22