The PL/I-80 Runtime Subroutine Library (PLILIB.IRL) is discussed in this section, along with the optional subroutines for direct CP/M Input Output. The information given here is useful when PL/I-80 is used as a "systems language," rather than an application language, since direct access to implementation dependent CP/M functions is allowed. Note that the use of these features makes your program very machine and operating system dependent.

5.1. Stack and Dynamic Storage Subroutines

A number of implementation-dependent functions are included in the PL/I-80 Runtime Library which provide access to stack and dynamic storage structures. The functions are discussed below, with sample programs which illustrate their use. The stack is placed above the code and data area, and below the dynamic storage area. The default value of the stack size is 512 bytes, but can be changed using the STACK(n) option in the OPTIONS portion of the main program procedure heading. In general, the PL/I-80 dynamic storage mechanism maintains a list of all unallocated storage. Upon each request for storage, a search is made to find the first memory segment which satisfies the request size. If no storage is found, the ERROR(7) condition is signaled (Free Space Exhausted) otherwise, the requested segment is taken from the free area, and the remaining portion goes back to the free space list. In version 1.0 of PL/I-80, storage is dynamically allocated only upon entry to RECURSIVE procedures, upon explicit or implicit OPENS for files which access the disk, or upon executing an ALLOCATE statement. In any case, an even number of bytes, or whole words, is always allocated, no matter what the request size.

5.1.1. The TOTWDS and MAXWDS Functions

It is often useful to find the amount of storage available at any given point in the execution of a particular program. The TOTWDS (Total Words) and MAXWDS (Max Words) functions can be used to obtain this information. The functions must be declared in the calling program as

dcl totwds returns(fixed(15));
dcl maxwds returns(fixed(15));

When invoked, the TOTWDS subroutine scans the free storage list and returns the total number of words (double bytes) available in the free list. The MAXWDS subroutine performs a similar function, but returns the size of the largest segment in the free list, again in words. A subsequent ALLOCATE statement which specifies a segment size not exceeding MAXWDS will not cause the ERROR(7) signal to be raised, since at least that much storage is available. Note that since both TOTWDS and MAXWDS count in word units, the values can be held by FIXED BINARY(15) counters. If, during the scan of free memory, invalid link words are encountered (usually due to a out-of-bounds subscript or pointer store operation), both TOTWDS and MAXWDS return the value -1. Otherwise, the returned value will be a non-negative integer value.

5.1.2. The ALLWDS Subroutine

The PL/I-80 Runtime Library contains a subroutine, called ALLWDS, which is useful in controlling the dynamic allocation size. The subroutine must be declared in the calling program as

dcl allwds entry(fixed(15)) returns(ptr);

The ALLWDS subroutine allocates a segment of memory of the size given by the input parameter, in words (double bytes). If no segment is available, the ERROR(7) condition is raised. Further, the input value must be a non-negative integer value. The ALLWDS function returns a pointer to the allocated segment.

An example of the use of TOTWDS, MAXWDS, and ALLWDS functions is given in the ALLTST program on the next page. A sample program interaction is given following the program listing.

5.1.3. The STKSIZ Function

The function STKSIZ (Stack Size) returns the current stack size in bytes whenever it is called. This function is particularly useful for checking possible stack overflow conditions, or in determining the maximum stack depth during program testing. The STKSIZ function is declared in the calling program as

dcl stksiz returns(fixed(15));

A Sample use of the STKSIZ function appears in the listing of the recursive Ackermann test. In this case, it is used to check the maximum stack depth during the recursive function processing. An interaction with this program is given following the program listing.


L: List Source Program




   1 a 0000 alltst:
   2 a 0006     proc options(main);
   3 a 0006     /* assembly language interface to
   4 a 0006     dynamic storage allocation module */
   5 c 0006     dcl
   6 c 0006         totwds returns(fixed(15)),
   7 c 0006         maxwds returns(fixed(15)),
   8 c 0006         allwds entry(fixed(15)) returns(ptr);
   9 c 0006 
  10 c 0006     dcl
  11 c 0006         allreq fixed(15),
  12 c 0006         memptr ptr,
  13 c 0006         meminx fixed(15),
  14 c 0006         memory (0:0) bit(16) based(memptr);
  15 c 0006 
  16 c 0006         do while('1'b);
  17 c 0006         put edit (totwds(),' Total Words Available',
  18 c 004F             maxwds(),' Maximum Segment Size',
  19 c 004F             'Allocation Size? ')
  20 c 004F             (2(skip,f(6),a),skip,a);
  21 c 004F         get list(allreq);
  22 c 0067         memptr = allwds(allreq);
  23 c 0070         put edit('Allocated',allreq,
  24 c 00B2             ' Words at ',unspec(memptr))
  25 c 00B2             (skip,a,f(6),a,b4);
  26 c 00B2 
  27 c 00B2             /* clear memory as example */
  28 c 00B2             do meminx = 0 to allreq-1;
  29 c 00CC             memory(meminx) = '0000'b4;
  30 c 00E7             end;
  31 c 00E7         end;
  32 a 00E7     end alltst;

DATA AREA = 0078


 25596 Total Words Available
 25596 Maximum Segment Size
Allocation Size? 0

Allocated     0 Words at 250A
 25594 Total Words Available
 25594 Maximum Segment Size
Allocation Size? 100

Allocated   100 Words at 250E
 25492 Total Words Available
 25492 Maximum Segment Size
Allocation Size? 25000

Allocated 25000 Words at 25DA
   490 Total Words Available
   490 Maximum Segment Size
Allocation Size? 490

Allocated   490 Words at E92E
     0 Total Words Available
     0 Maximum Segment Size
Allocation Size? 1

ERROR (7), Free Space Exhausted
Traceback: 016D
End of Execution


L: List Source Program




   1 a 0000 ack:
   2 a 0006     procedure options(main,stack(2000));
   3 c 0006     dcl
   4 c 0006         (m,n) fixed,
   5 c 0006         (maxm,maxn) fixed,
   6 c 0006         ncalls decimal(6),
   7 c 0006         (curstack, stacksize) fixed,
   8 c 0006         stksiz entry returns(fixed);
   9 c 0006 
  10 c 0006     put skip list('Type max m,n: ');
  11 c 0022     get list(maxm,maxn);
  12 c 0046         do m = 0 to maxm;
  13 c 005F             do n = 0 to maxn;
  14 c 0078             ncalls    = 0;
  15 c 0088             curstack  = 0;
  16 c 008E             stacksize = 0;
  17 c 0091             put edit
  18 c 012F                 ('Ack(',m,',',n,')=',ackermann(m,n),
  19 c 012F                  ncalls,' Calls,',stacksize,' Stack Bytes')
  20 c 012F                 (skip,a,2(f(2),a),f(6),f(7),a,f(4),a);
  21 c 012F             end;
  22 c 012F         end;
  23 c 012F     stop;
  24 c 0132 
  25 c 0132     ackermann:
  26 c 0132         procedure(m,n) returns(fixed) recursive;
  27 e 0132         dcl
  28 e 015C             (m,n) fixed;
  29 e 015C         ncalls = ncalls + 1;
  30 e 0177         curstack = stksiz();
  31 e 017D         if curstack > stacksize then
  32 e 018A             stacksize = curstack;
  33 e 0190         if m = 0 then
  34 e 0199            return(n+1);
  35 e 01A1         if n = 0 then
  36 e 01AA             return(ackermann(m-1,1));
  37 e 01C1         return(ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1)));
  38 c 01E8         end ackermann;
  39 a 01E8     end ack;

DATA AREA = 0084


Type max m,n: 6,6

Ack( 0, 0)=     1      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 1)=     2      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 2)=     3      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 3)=     4      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 4)=     5      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 5)=     6      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 0, 6)=     7      1 Calls,   4 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 0)=     2      2 Calls,   6 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 1)=     3      4 Calls,   8 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 2)=     4      6 Calls,  10 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 3)=     5      8 Calls,  12 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 4)=     6     10 Calls,  14 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 5)=     7     12 Calls,  16 Stack Bytes
Ack( 1, 6)=     8     14 Calls,  18 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 0)=     3      5 Calls,  10 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 1)=     5     14 Calls,  14 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 2)=     7     27 Calls,  18 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 3)=     9     44 Calls,  22 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 4)=    11     65 Calls,  26 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 5)=    13     90 Calls,  30 Stack Bytes
Ack( 2, 6)=    15    119 Calls,  34 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 0)=     5     15 Calls,  16 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 1)=    13    106 Calls,  32 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 2)=    29    541 Calls,  64 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 3)=    61   2432 Calls, 128 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 4)=   125  10307 Calls, 256 Stack Bytes
Ack( 3, 5)=

5.2. PL/I-80 Runtime Subroutine Entry Points

The standard PL/I-80 Runtime Library entry points are listed below. The entry point name is shown to the left, followed by the input value registers and the result registers. A short explanation is given on the right. Note that this list does not include the environmental or I/O operators since these entry points may vary from version to version. Further, the definitions shown below are for general information purposes only, and are subject to change without notice. The register names are given in capital letters, M(r) denotes memory addressed by the register pair r, and ST represents a stacked value.

name     parameters   result   comment or definition
----     ----------   ------   ---------------------
im22n    DE     HL     HL      word*word integer multiply
id22n    DE     HL     HL      word/word integer divide
is22n    DE     HL     HL      word-word integer subtract
in20n    HL            HL      -word
fl40m    HL            ST      fp load from M(HL) to stack
fx44s    ST     HL     M(HL)   fp xfer from stack to M(HL)
fx44m    DE     HL     M(HL)   fp xfer from M(HL) to M(DE)
fa44s    ST     ST     ST      fp add stack+stack to stack
fa44m    DE     HL     ST      fp add M(DE)+M(HL) to stack
fa44l    ST     HL     ST      fp add stack+M(HL) to stack
fa44r    HL     ST     ST      fp add M(HL)+stack to stack
fs44s    ST     ST     ST      fp sub stack-stack to stack
fs44m    DE     HL     ST      fp sub M(DE)-M(HL) to stack
fs44l    ST     HL     ST      fp sub stack-M(HL) to stack
fs44r    HL     ST     ST      fp sub M(HL)-stack to stack
fm44s    ST     ST     ST      fp mul stack*stack to stack
fm44m    DE     HL     ST      fp mul M(DE)*M(HL) to stack
fm44l    ST     HL     ST      fp mul stack*M(HL) to stack
fm44r    HL     ST     ST      fp mul M(HL)*stack to stack
fd44s    ST     ST     ST      fp div stack/stack to stack
fd44m    DE     HL     ST      fp div M(DE)/M(HL) to stack
fd44l    ST     HL     ST      fp div stack/M(HL) to stack
fd44r    HL     ST     ST      fp div M(HL)/stack to stack
fc44s    ST     ST     ST      fp comp stack:stack to stack
fc44m    DE     HL     ST      fp comp M(DE):M(HL) to stack
fc44l    ST     HL     ST      fp comp stack:M(HL) to stack
fc44r    HL     ST     ST      fp comp M(HL):stack to stack
fn40s    ST            ST      fp negate stack
fn40m    HL            ST      fp load from M(HL) and negate
fe40s    ST            A       float p extract sign from stack
fe40m    HL            A       float p extract sign from memory
                                1 => positive sign (non zero set)
                                0 => zero result (zero flag set)
                               -1 => negative sign (minus set)
fmodf    ST     ST     ST      floating point mod(x,y)
fabsf    ST            ST      floating point abs(x)
fmaxf    ST     ST     ST      floating point max(x,y)
fminf    ST     ST     ST      floating point min(x,y)
froun    ST     A      ST      floating point round(x,k)
ftrnc    ST            ST      floating point trunc(x)
fflor    ST            ST      floating point floor(x)
fceil    ST            ST      floating point ceil(x)
fexop    ST     A      ST      fp ** k (k pos constant)
ffxop    ST     ST     ST      x ** y (exp(y*log(x))
bc12n    D      HL     HL      8/16 bit concatenate, where
                               B=length of d, C=mask
bc22n    DE     HL     HL      16/16 bit concatenate, where
                               B=length of d, C=mask
bsl16    B      HL     HL      bit shift left 16, size in b
bsl08    A      B      A       bit shift left 8, size in b
bst08    A B C  HL     M(HL)   bit substring store bit(8) in
                               A to bit(8) in memory at HL,
                               B = index, C=length
bst16    B C DE HL     M(HL)   bit substring store bit(16) in
                               DE to bit(16) in memory at HL
bix08    A B D H       A/HL    bit index, A=source, B=search
                               D=len(source), E=len(search)
bix16    B C DE HL     A/HL    bit index, B=len(source),
                               C=len(search), DE=source,
boolf    B      DE HL  HL      bool(x,y,b), B=4-bit mask
                               x,y operands in DE and HL
ie12n    A             HL      sign extend A to HL
ie10n    A             A       integer extract sign (8-bit)
ie20n    HL            A       integer extract sign (16-bit)
imdop    DE     HL     HL      integer mod(x,y)
iab07    A             A       integer 7 abs(i)
iab15    HL            HL      integer 15 abs(i)
imaxf    DE     HL     HL      integer max(x,y)
iminf    DE     HL     HL      integer min(x,y)
iroun    HL     A      HL      integer round(i,k)
iexop    HL     A      HL      integer ** k (k pos constant)
slvts    HL            A       string load varying to stack
                               A=length of string on return
slcts    A             HL      string load char to stack
                               A=length of char string
ssvfs    A      B      HL      string store varying from stack
                               A=current len, B=max length
sscfs    A      B      HL      string store char from stack
smvvm    A      DE     HL      string move vary to vary in memory
                               A=max target len, DE=source, HL=target
smvcm    A      DE     HL      string move vary to char in memory
                               A=target length
smcvm    A    B DE     HL      string move char to vary in memory
                               A=max target len, B=source len
smccm    A    B DE     HL      A=target len, B=source len
sjsts    A      ST     ST'     string juxtapose (catenate) stack
                               A=length of left, ST=chars of left
                               ST'=pushed psw with length of right
                               followed by chars of right
sjscm    A      B      HL      string juxtapose stack with char memory
                               A=stacked len, B=char len, HL=.char
sjsvm    A             HL      string juxtapose stack with vary memory
savvm    A      B      HL      string append vary to vary in memory
                               A=char len, B=max target length
sasvm    A      B      HL      string append stack to vary in memory
                               A=stacked length, B=max target length
sacvm    A      B      HL      string append char to vary in memory
                               A=char len, B=max target length
scccm    A   B  DE     HL      string compare char to char in memory
                               A=len right, B=len left,
                               DE=char left, HL=char right
sccvm        B  DE     HL      string compare char to vary in memory
                               B=len left, DE=.char, HL=.vary
scvcm    A      DE     HL      string compare vary to char in memory
                               A=len right char, DE=.vary, HL=.char
scvvm           DE     HL      string compare vary to vary in memory
                               DE=.vary left, HL=.vary right
scscm    A B           HL      string compare stack to char in memory
                               A=len stk, B=len char, HL=.char
scsvm    A             HL      string compare stack to vary in memory
                               A=len stk, HL=.vary
sccms    A B           HL      string compare char in mem to stack
                               A=len stk, B=len char, HL=.char
scvms    A             HL      string compare vary in mem to stack
                               A=Ien stk, HL=.vary
scsts    A                     string compare stack to stack
                               A=len right element on stack,
                               ST is stack right string, next is
                               pushed psw with len left string,
                               followed by left string, result:
                               sign value & cond if 1 < r,
                               zero value & cond if 1 = r,
                               pos  value & cond if 1 >= r,
                               nzer value & cond if 1 > r.
cs2ad    A      E      HL      char substr(ex,ei) address
                               A=length, E=ei, HL=ex
                               A=result length on return
cs3ad    A   C  E      HL      char substr(ex,ei,el) address
                               A=result length on return
vs2ad           E      HL      vary substr(ex,ei) address
                               E=ei, HL=ex
                               A=result length on return
vs3ad        C  E      HL      vary substr(ex,ei,el) address
                               A=result length on return
cxccm    A  B   DE     A/HL    str index char to char in memory
                               A=len right, B=len left,
                               DE=char left, HL=char right
cxcvm       B   DE     A/HL    str index char to vary in memory
                               B=len left, DE=.char, HL=.vary
cxvcm    A      DE     A/HL    str index vary to char in memory
                               A=.len right char, DE=.vary, HL=.char
cxvvm           DE     A/HL    str index vary to vary in memory
                               DE=.vary left, HL=.vary right
cxscm    A  B          A/HL    str index stack to char in memory
                               A=len stk, B=len char, HL=.char
cxsvm    A             A/HL    str index stack to vary in memory
                               A=len stk, HL=.vary
cxcms    A  B          A/HL    str index char in mem to stack
                               A=len stk, B=len char, HL=.char
cxvms    A             A/HL    str index vary in mem to stack
                               A=len stk, HL=.vary
cxsts    A                     str index stack to stack
                               A=len right element on stack,
                               ST is stack right string, next is
                               pushed psw with len left string,
                               followed by left string, result:
                               A/HL=0 if right not found in
                               left, otherwise index returned
verop    A   ST ST     A/A/HL  verify(s,c), A=len(c), st
                               has chars(c) len(s) chars(s)
colop                  A/ST    collateo, A=128, stack has
xl2op    A   ST ST     A/ST    translate(s,t), A=len(t),
                               stack has chars(t), s
xl3op    A   ST ST ST  A/ST    translate(s,t,x) A=len(x),
                               stack has chars(x), t, s
                               0, 1, ..., 127 (ascii chars)
dldop    A      HL     ST      decimal load to stack, A=prec
dasop    A      ST     HL      decimal assign, stack to memory
dadop    ST     ST     ST      decimal add to stack
dsuop    ST     ST     ST      decimal subtract to stack
dngop    ST            ST      decimal negate to stack
dcmop    ST            A       decimal compare operator
dexop    ST     ST     ST      decimal exponentiate to stack
dmuop    ST     ST     ST      decimal multiply to stack
ddvop    ST     ST     ST      decimal divide to stack
dsiop    ST            A       decimal sign extract
dmodf    ST     ST     ST      decimal mod(x,y)
dabsf    ST            ST      decimal abs(x)
dmaxf    ST     ST     ST      decimal max(x,y)
dminf    ST     ST     ST      decimal min(x,y)
droun    ST     A      ST      decimal round(x,k)
dtrnc    ST            ST      decimal trunc(x)
dflor    ST            ST      decimal floor(x)
dceil    ST            ST      decimal ceil(x)
dexop    ST     A      ST      decimal ** k (k pos constant)
qcdop    A B    ST     ST      convert character to decimal
                               A string length, B=scale
                               ST character string, returns
                               ST decimal number
qddsl    A      ST     ST      decimal/decimal left shift
                               A=shift count
qddsr    A      ST     ST      decimal/decimal right shift
                               A=shift count
qicop    A             HL      convert integer to char in stack
                               A=string size, HL=integer value
qvcop    A/ST          A/ST    convert varying to char
qi07d    A             ST      convert fix(7) to decimal
qi15d    HL            ST      convert fix(15) to decimal
qi07f    A             ST      convert fix(7) to float
qi15f    HL            ST      convert fix(15) to float
qfi07    ST            A       convert float to fix(7)
qfi15    ST            HL      convert float to fix(15)
qfcss    A      ST     A/ST    convert float-char stack to stack
                               A=target length, ST=fp number
qfcms    A      M(HL)  A/ST    convert float-char memory to stack
qb08c    A      B      ST      convert bit(8) in a, to string
                               in stack, with precision b
qb16c    HL     B      ST      convert bit(16) in HL to string
qb08i    A      B      HL      convert bit(8) in A to fixed
                               with precision B in HL
qb16i    HL     B      HL      convert bit(16) to fixed
qi07b    A      B      A       convert fix(<8) to bit(8)
                               fixed precision in b
qi15b    HL     B      HL      convert fix(<16) to bit(16)
qdi07    ST            A       convert dec in stack to fix(7)
qdi15    ST            HL      convert dec in stack to fix(15)
qciop    A/ST          HL      convert char in stack to integer
qcfop    A/ST          ST      convert char in stack to float
qccop    A B    ST     A/ST    convert char to char on stack
                               A=len(s), B=converted length
                               return A=b, ST trunc or extend
nstop    BC DE HL      M(HL)   non-computational store, move
                               M(DE) to M(HL) for BC bytes
nc22n    DE     HL     A       double byte non-computational
                               compare: zero flag set if
                               DE=HL, non-zero otherwise
ncomp    BC DE HL      M(HL)   non-computational compare,
                               M(DE)-M(HL), set flags

5.3. Direct CP/M Function Calls

Access to all CP/M version 1 and 2 functions, and equivalent MP/M calls, is accomplished through the optional subroutines included in PLIDIO.ASM, given in the listing of Appendix A, and included in source form on the PL/I-80 diskette.

The PLIDIO.ASM subroutines are not included as a part of the standard PLILIB.IRL file because specific applications may require various changes to the direct CP/M functions which either remove operations to decrease space, or alter the manner in which the interface to a specific function takes place. Note that if the interface to a function is changed, it is imperative that the name of the entry point is also changed to avoid confusion when the program is read by another programmer.

The relocatable file, PLIDIO.REL, is created by assembling the source program using RMAC:

rmac plidio $pz+s

(the $pz+s option avoids production of the listing and symbol files). Given that a PL/I-80 program, such as DIOCOPY.PLI, is present on the disk, the DIOCOPY.REL file is produced by typing:

pli diocopy

(a listing of the DIOCOPY program is given in Appendix C). These two programs are then linked with the PLILIB.IRL file by typing:

link diocopy,plidio

resulting in the file DIOCOPY.COM which is a program that directly executes under CP/M.

The file DIOMOD.DCL is a source file containing the standard PLIDIO entry point declarations so that they can be conveniently copied into the source program during compilation using the "include" statement

%include `x:diomod.dcl';

where the optional "x:" drive prefix indicates the drive name (A: through P:) containing the DIOMOD.DCL file. The drive prefix need not be present if the DIOMOD.DCL file is on the same drive as the PLI source file. The contents of the DIOMOD.DCL file is shown below, and in the listing of Appendix C.

		memptr entry         returns (ptr),
		memsiz entry         returns (fixed(15)),
		memwds entry         returns (fixed(15)),
		dfcb0  entry         returns (ptr),
		dfcb1  entry         returns (ptr),
		dbuff  entry         returns (ptr),
		reboot entry,
		rdcon  entry         returns (char(1)),
		wrcon  entry         (char(1)),
		rdrdr  entry         returns (char(1)),
		wrpun  entry         (char(1)),
		wrlst  entry         (char(1)),
		coninp entry         returns (char(1)),
		conout entry         (char(1)),
		rdstat entry         returns (bit(1)),
		getio  entry         returns (bit(8)),
		setio  entry         (bit(8)),
		wrstr  entry         (ptr),
		rdbuf  entry         (ptr),
		break  entry         returns (bit(1)),
		vers   entry         returns (bit(16)),
		reset  entry,
		select entry         (fixed(7)),
		open   entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		close  entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		sear   entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		searn  entry         returns (fixed(7)),
		delete entry   (ptr),
		rdseq  entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		wrseq  entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		make   entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		rename entry   (ptr),
		logvec entry         returns (bit(16)),
		curdsk entry         returns (fixed(7)),
		setdma entry         (ptr),
		allvec entry         returns (ptr),
		wpdisk entry,
		rovec  entry         returns (bit(16)),
		filatt entry         (ptr),
		getdpb entry         returns (ptr),
		getusr entry         returns (fixed(7)),
		setusr entry   (fixed(7)),
		rdran  entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		wrran  entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7)),
		filsiz entry   (ptr),
		setrec entry   (ptr),
		resdrv entry         (bit(16)),
		wrranz entry   (ptr) returns (fixed(7));

Three programs are included which illustrate the use of the PLIDIO calls. Appendix B lists the DIOCALLS program that gives examples of all the basic functions, while Appendix C shows how the fundamental disk I/O operations take place, in a program called DIOCOPY which performs a fast file-to-file copy function. The last program, given in Appendix D, illustrates the operation of the random access primitives. These programs are designed to demonstrate all of the PLIDIO entry points, and show various additional PL/I-80 programming facilities in the process.

The file FCB.DCL is used throughout DIOCOPY and DIORAND to define the body of each File Control Block declaration. This file is copied into the source program during compilation using the statement:

%include 'x:fcb.dcl';

where, again, "x:" denotes the optional drive prefix for the drive containing the FCB.DCL file.

Note that the use of these entry points generally precludes the use of some PL/I-80 facilities. In particular, the dynamic storage area is used by the PL/I-80 system for recursive procedures and file I/O buffering. (Be aware that there are no guarantees that the dynamic storage area will not be used for other purposes as additional facilities are added to PL/I-80.) Thus, the use of the MEMPTR function as shown in Appendix B disallows the use of dynamic storage allocation functions. Further, you must ensure that the various file maintenance functions, such as delete and rename do not access a file which is currently open in the PL/I-80 file system. Simple peripheral access, as shown in these examples, is generally safe since no buffering takes place in this case.

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