This section describes the layout of memory used by various Digital Research language processors so that the programmer can properly interface assembly language routines with high level language programs and the PL/I-80 runtime subroutine library. A set of standard subroutine interface conventions is also given so that programs produced by various programmers and language processors can be conveniently interfaced.

4.1. Representation of Data Elements

The internal memory representation of data items is presented below.

4.1.1. Pointers, and Entry and Label Variables

Variables which provide access to memory addresses are stored as two contiguous bytes, with the low order byte stored first in memory. Pointer, Entry, and Label data items appear graphically as shown below:

| LS | MS |

where "LS" denotes the least significant half of the address, and "MS" denotes the most significant portion. Note that MS is the "page address," where each memory page is 256 bytes, and LS is the address within the page.

4.1.2. Fixed Binary Data Format

Simple single and double byte signed integer values are stored in Fixed Binary format. Two modes are used, depending upon the precision of the data item. Fixed Binary values with precision 1-7 are stored as single byte values, while data items with precision 8-15 are stored in a word (double byte) location. As with other 8080, 8085, and Z-80 items, the least significant byte of multi-byte storage appears first in memory. All Fixed Binary data is represented in two's complement form, allowing single byte values in the range -128 to +127, and word values in the range -32768 to +32767. The values 0, 1, and -1 are shown graphically below, where each boxed value represents a byte of memory, with the low order byte appearing before the high order byte:

Fixed Binary(7)     Fixed Binary(15)
   +----+             +----+----+
   | 00 |             | 00 | 00 |
   +----+             +----+----+

Fixed Binary(7)     Fixed Binary(15)
   +----+             +----+----+
   | 01 |             | 01 | 00 |
   +----+             +----+----+

Fixed Binary(7)     Fixed Binary(15)
   +----+             +----+----+
   | FE |             | FE | FF |
   +----+             +----+----+


4.1.3. Bit Data Representation

Bit String data, like the Fixed Binary items shown above, are represented in two forms, depending upon the declared precision. Bit Strings of length 1-8 are stored in a single byte, while Bit Strings of length 9-16 occupy a word (double byte) value. Bit values are left justified in the word, with "don't care" bits to the right when the precision is not exactly 8 or 16 bits. The least significant byte of a word value is stored first in memory. The Bit String constant values '1'b, 'A0'b4, and '1234'b4 are stored as shown below

  Bit(8)              Bit(16)
  +----+            +----+----+
  | 80 |            | 00 | 80 |
  +----+            +----+----+

  Bit(8)              Bit(16)
  +----+            +----+----+
  | AO |            | 00 | AO |
  +----+            +----+----+

  Bit(8)              Bit(16)
   N/A              | 34 | 12 |

4.1.4. Character Data Representation

Two forms of character data are stored in memory, depending upon the declaration. Fixed character strings, declared as CHAR(n) without the VARYING attribute, occupy n contiguous bytes of storage with the first string character stored lowest in memory. Character strings declared with the VARYING attribute are prefixed by the character string length, ranging from 0 to 254. The length of the area reserved for a CHAR(n) VARYING is n+l. Note that in either case, n cannot exceed 254. The string constant

'Walla Walla Wash'

is stored in a CHAR(20) fixed character string as

|W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|s|h| | | | |

This same string is stored in a CHAR(20) VARYING data area as

|10|W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|s|h|?|?|?|?|

where "10" is the (hexadecimal) string length, and "?" represents undefined character positions.

4.1.5.Fixed Decimal Data Representation

Decimal data items are stored in packedBCD form, using nine's complement data representation. The least significant BCD pair is stored first in memory, with one BCD digit position reserved for the sign. Positive numbers have a 0 sign, while negative numbers have a 9 in the high order sign digit position. The number of bytes occupied by a decimal number depends upon its declared precision. Given a decimal number with precision p, the number of bytes reserved is the integer part of

(P + 2) / 2

where p varies between 1 and 15, resulting in a minimum of 1 byte and a maximum of 8 bytes to hold a decimal data item. Given a decimal number field of precision 5, the numbers 12345 and -2 are represented as shown below:

+--+--+--+   +--+--+--+
|45|23|01|   |98|99|99|
+--+--+--+   +--+--+--+


4.1.6. Floating Point Binary Representation

Floating Point Binary numbers are stored in four consecutive byte locations, no matter what the declared precision. The number is stored with a 24 bit mantissa, which appears first in memory, followed by an 3-bit exponent. Following data storage conventions, the least significant byte of the mantissa is stored first in memory. The floating point number is normalized so that the most significant bit of the mantissa is "1" for non-zero numbers. A zero mantissa is represented by an exponent byte of 00. Since the most significant bit of the mantissa must be "1" for non-zero values, this bit position is replaced by the mantissa sign. The binary exponent byte is biased by 80 (hexadecimal) so that 81 represents an exponent of 1 while 7F represents an exponent of -1. The Floating Point Binary value 1.5 has the representation shown below:


Note that in this case, the mantissa takes the bit stream form

0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

which indicates that the mantissa sign is positive. Setting the (assumed) high order bit to "1" produces the mantissa bit stream

1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Since the exponent 81 has a bias of 80, the binary exponent is 1, resulting in the binary value

1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

or, equivalently, 1.5 in a decimal base.

4.1.7. File Constant Representation

Each file constant in a PL/I-80 program occupies 32 contiguous bytes, followed by a variable length field of 0 to 14 additional bytes. The fields of a file constant are all implementation dependent and subject to change without notice.

4.2. Layout of Aggregate Storage

PL/I-80 data items are contiguous in memory with no filler bytes. Bit data is always stored unaligned. Arrays are stored in row-major order, with the first subscript running slowest and the last subscript running fastest. The RMAC COMMON statement is used to share data with PL/I-80 programs which declare data using the EXTERNAL attribute. The following PL/I-80 program is used as an example:

  a (10) bit(8) external,
  1 b external,
    2 c bit(8),
    2 d fixed binary(15),
    2 e (0:2,0:1) fixed;

The following RMAC COMMON areas share data areas with the program containing the declaration given above.

        common /a/
x:      ds      1
        common /b/
c:      ds      1
d:      ds      2
e00:    ds      2
e01:    ds      2
e10:    ds      2
e11:    ds      2
e20:    ds      2
e21:    ds      2

where the labels e00, e01, e21 correspond to the PL/I-80 subscripted variable locations e (0, 0), e(0, 1), . . . , e (2, 1).

4.3. General Parameter Passing Conventions

Communication between high-level and assembly language routines can be performed using the PL/I-80 general-purpose parameter passing mechanism described below. Specifically, upon entry to a PL/I-80 or assembly language routine, the HL register pair gives the address of a vector of pointer values which, in turn, lead the the actual parameter values. This situation is illustrated in the diagram below, where the address fields are assumed as shown for this example:

   HL         Parm Address       Actual Parameters
+------+           +------+          +----------------+
| 1000 |     1000: | 2000 |    2000: |  parameter #1  |
+------+           +------+          +----------------+
                   | 3000 |    3000: |  parameter #2  |
                   +------+          +----------------+
                   | 4000 |    4000: |  parameter #3  |
                   +------+          +----------------+
                     . . .                  . . .
                   +------+          +----------------+
                   | 5000 |    5000: | last parameter |
                   +------+          +----------------+

The number of parameters, and the parameter length and type is determined implicitly by agreement between the calling program and called subroutine.

Consider the following situation, for example. Suppose a PL/I-80 prog ram uses a considerable number of floating point divide operations, where each division is by a power of two. Suppose also that the loop where the divisions occur is speed-critical, and thus an assembly language subroutine will be used to perform the division. The assembly language routine will simply decrement the binary exponent for the floating point number for each power of two in the division, effectively performing the divide operations without the overhead of unpacking, performing the general division operation, and repacking the result. During the division, however, the assembly language routine could produce underflow. Thus, the assembly language routine will have to signal the UNDERFLOW condition if this occurs.

The programs which perform this function are given on the following pages. The DTEST program, listed first, tests the division operation. The external entry DIV2 is the assembly language subroutine that performs the division, and is defined on line 4 with two parameters: a fixed(7) and a floating point binary value. The test value 100 is stored into "f" on each loop at line 9, and is passed to the DIV2 subroutine on line 10. Each time DIV2 is called, the value of f is changed to f/(2**i) and printed using a PUT statement. At the point of call, DIV2 receives a list of two addresses, corresponding to the two parameters i and f, used in the computation.

The assembly language subroutine, called DIV2, is listed next. Upon entry, the value of i is loaded to the accumulator, and the HL pair is set to point to the exponent field of the input floating point number. If the exponent is zero, DIV2 returns immediately since the resulting value is zero. Otherwise, the subroutine loops at the label "dby2" while counting down the exponent as the power of two diminishes to zero. If the exponent reaches zero during this counting process, an UNDERFLOW signal is raised.

The call to "?signal" within DIV2 demonstrates the assembly language set-up for parameters which use the general-purpose interface. The ?signal subroutine is a part of the PL/I-80 subroutine library (PLILIB.IRL) . The HL register pair is set to the signal parameter list, denoted by "siglst." The signal parameter list, in turn, is a vector of four addresses which lead to the signal code "sigcode," the signal subcode "sigsub," the file name indicator "sigfil" (not used here), and the auxiliary message "sigaux" which is the last parameter. The auxiliary message is used to provide additional information to the operator when the error takes place. The signal subroutine prints the message until either the string length is exhausted (32, in this case) or a binary 00 is encountered in the string.

The (abbreviated) output from this test program is shown following the assembly language listing. Note that the loop counter i becomes negative when it reaches 128, but the processing within the DIV2 subroutine treats this value as an unsigned magnitude value, thus the underflow occurs when i reaches -123.


L: List Source Program




   1 a 0000 dtest:
   2 a 0006     proc options(main);
   3 c 0006     dcl
   4 c 0006         div2 entry(fixed(7),float),
   5 c 0006         i fixed(7),
   6 c 0006         f float;
   7 c 0006 
   8 c 0006         do i = 0 by 1;
   9 c 000A         f = 100;
  10 c 0015         call div2(i,f);
  11 c 001B         put skip list('100 / 2 **',i,'=',f);
  12 c 0063         end;
  13 a 0063     end dtest;

CODE SIZE = 0063
DATA AREA = 0018

                        public  div2
                        extrn   ?signal
                ;       entry:
                ;               p1 -> fixed(7) power of two
                ;               p2 -> floating point number
                ;       exit:
                ;               p1 -> (unchanged)
                ;               p2 -> p2 / (2**p1)
                div2:                   ;HL = .low(.p1)
 0000 5E                mov     e,m     ;low(.p1)
 0001 23                inx     h       ;HL = .high(.p1)
 0002 56                mov     d,m     ;DE = .p1
 0003 23                inx     h       ;HL = .low(p2)
 0004 1A                ldax    d       ;a = p1 (power of two)
 0005 5E                mov     e,m     ;low(.p2)
 0006 23                inx     h       ;HL = .high(.p2)
 0007 56                mov     d,m     ;DE = .p2
 0008 EB                xchg            ;HL = .p2
                ;       A = power of 2, HL = .low byte of fp num
 0009 23                inx     h       ;to middle of mantissa
 000A 23                inx     h       ;to high byte of mantissa
 000B 23                inx     h       ;to exponent byte
 000C 34                inr     m
 000D 35                dcr     m       ;p2 already zero?
 000E C8                rz              ;return if so
                dby2:   ;divide by two
 000F B7                ora     a       ;counted power of 2 to zero?
 0010 C8                rz              ;return if so
 0011 3D                dcr     a       ;count power of two down
 0012 35                dcr     m       ;count exponent down
 0013 C20F00            jnz     dby2    ;loop again if no underflow
                ;underflow occurred, signal underflow condition
 0016 210000            lxi     h,siglst;signal parameter list
 0019 CD0000            call    ?signal ;signal underflow
 001C C9                ret             ;normally, no return
 0000 0800      siglst: dw      sigcod  ;address of signal code
 0002 0900              dw      sigsub  ;address of subcode
 0004 0A00              dw      sigfil  ;address of file code
 0006 0C00              dw      sigaux  ;address of aux message
                ;       end of parameter vector, start of params
 0008 03        sigcod: db      3       ;03 = underflow
 0009 80        sigsub: db      128     ;arbitrary subcode for id
 000A 0000      sigfil: dw      0000    ;no associated file name
 000C 0E00      sigaux: dw      undmsg  ;0000 if no aux message
 000E 20556E6465undmsg: db      32,'Underflow in Divide by Two',0
 002A                   end


100 / 2 **       0 =  1.000000E+02
100 / 2 **       1 =  5.000000E+01
100 / 2 **       2 =  2.500000E+01
100 / 2 **       3 =  1.250000E+01
100 / 2 **       4 =  0.625000E+01
100 / 2 **       5 =  3.125000E+00
100 / 2 **       6 =  1.562500E+00
100 / 2 **       7 =  0.781250E+00
100 / 2 **       8 =  3.906250E-01
100 / 2 **       9 =  1.953125E-01
100 / 2 **      10 =  0.976562E-01
100 / 2 **      11 =  4.882812E-02
100 / 2 **      12 =  2.441406E-02
100 / 2 **      13 =  1.220703E-02
100 / 2 **      14 =  0.610351E-02
100 / 2 **      15 =  3.051757E-03
100 / 2 **      16 =  1.525878E-03
100 / 2 **      17 =  0.762939E-03
100 / 2 **      18 =  3.814697E-04
100 / 2 **      19 =  1.907348E-04
100 / 2 **      20 =  0.953674E-04
100 / 2 **      21 =  4.768371E-05
100 / 2 **      22 =  2.384185E-05
100 / 2 **      23 =  1.192092E-05
100 / 2 **      24 =  0.596046E-05
100 / 2 **      25 =  2.980232E-06
100 / 2 **      26 =  1.490116E-06
100 / 2 **      27 =  0.745058E-06
100 / 2 **      28 =  3.725290E-07
100 / 2 **      29 =  1.862645E-07
100 / 2 **      30 =  0.931322E-07
100 / 2 **      31 =  4.656612E-08
100 / 2 **      32 =  2.328306E-08
100 / 2 **      33 =  1.164153E-08
100 / 2 **      34 =  0.582076E-08
100 / 2 **      35 =  2.910383E-09
100 / 2 **      36 =  1.455191E-09
100 / 2 **      37 =  0.727595E-09
100 / 2 **      38 =  3.637978E-10
100 / 2 **      39 =  1.818989E-10
100 / 2 **      40 =  0.909494E-10
100 / 2 **      41 =  4.547473E-11
100 / 2 **      42 =  2.273736E-11
100 / 2 **      43 =  1.136868E-11
100 / 2 **      44 =  0.568434E-11
100 / 2 **      45 =  2.842170E-12
100 / 2 **      46 =  1.421085E-12
100 / 2 **      47 =  0.710542E-12
100 / 2 **      48 =  3.552713E-13
100 / 2 **      49 =  1.776356E-13
100 / 2 **      50 =  0.888178E-13
100 / 2 **      51 =  4.440892E-14
100 / 2 **      52 =  2.220446E-14
100 / 2 **      53 =  1.110223E-14
100 / 2 **      54 =  0.555111E-14
100 / 2 **      55 =  2.775557E-15
100 / 2 **      56 =  1.387778E-15
100 / 2 **      57 =  0.693889E-15
100 / 2 **      58 =  3.469446E-16
100 / 2 **      59 =  1.734723E-16
100 / 2 **      60 =  0.867361E-16
100 / 2 **      61 =  4.336808E-17
100 / 2 **      62 =  2.168404E-17
100 / 2 **      63 =  1.084202E-17
100 / 2 **      64 =  0.542101E-17
100 / 2 **      65 =  2.710505E-18
100 / 2 **      66 =  1.355252E-18
100 / 2 **      67 =  0.677626E-18
100 / 2 **      68 =  3.388131E-19
100 / 2 **      69 =  1.694065E-19
100 / 2 **      70 =  0.847032E-19
100 / 2 **      71 =  4.235164E-20
100 / 2 **      72 =  2.117582E-20
100 / 2 **      73 =  1.058791E-20
100 / 2 **      74 =  0.529395E-20
100 / 2 **      75 =  2.646977E-21
100 / 2 **      76 =  1.323488E-21
100 / 2 **      77 =  0.661744E-21
100 / 2 **      78 =  3.308722E-22
100 / 2 **      79 =  1.654361E-22
100 / 2 **      80 =  0.827180E-22
100 / 2 **      81 =  4.135903E-23
100 / 2 **      82 =  2.067951E-23
100 / 2 **      83 =  1.033975E-23
100 / 2 **      84 =  0.516987E-23
100 / 2 **      85 =  2.584939E-24
100 / 2 **      86 =  1.292469E-24
100 / 2 **      87 =  0.646234E-24
100 / 2 **      88 =  3.231174E-25
100 / 2 **      89 =  1.615587E-25
100 / 2 **      90 =  0.807793E-25
100 / 2 **      91 =  4.038967E-26
100 / 2 **      92 =  2.019483E-26
100 / 2 **      93 =  1.009741E-26
100 / 2 **      94 =  0.504871E-26
100 / 2 **      95 =  2.524354E-27
100 / 2 **      96 =  1.262177E-27
100 / 2 **      97 =  0.631088E-27
100 / 2 **      98 =  3.155443E-28
100 / 2 **      99 =  1.577721E-28
100 / 2 **     100 =  0.788860E-28
100 / 2 **     101 =  3.944304E-29
100 / 2 **     102 =  1.972152E-29
100 / 2 **     103 =  0.986076E-29
100 / 2 **     104 =  4.930380E-30
100 / 2 **     105 =  2.465190E-30
100 / 2 **     106 =  1.232595E-30
100 / 2 **     107 =  0.616297E-30
100 / 2 **     108 =  3.081487E-31
100 / 2 **     109 =  1.540743E-31
100 / 2 **     110 =  0.770372E-31
100 / 2 **     111 =  3.851859E-32
100 / 2 **     112 =  1.925929E-32
100 / 2 **     113 =  0.962964E-32
100 / 2 **     114 =  4.814824E-33
100 / 2 **     115 =  2.407412E-33
100 / 2 **     116 =  1.203706E-33
100 / 2 **     117 =  0.601853E-33
100 / 2 **     118 =  3.009265E-34
100 / 2 **     119 =  1.504632E-34
100 / 2 **     120 =  0.752316E-34
100 / 2 **     121 =  3.761581E-35
100 / 2 **     122 =  1.880790E-35
100 / 2 **     123 =  0.940395E-35
100 / 2 **     124 =  4.701977E-36
100 / 2 **     125 =  2.350988E-36
100 / 2 **     126 =  1.175494E-36
100 / 2 **     127 =  0.587747E-36
100 / 2 **    -128 =  2.938735E-37
100 / 2 **    -127 =  1.469367E-37
100 / 2 **    -126 =  0.734683E-37
100 / 2 **    -125 =  3.673419E-38
100 / 2 **    -124 =  1.836709E-38
100 / 2 **    -123 =  0.918354E-38
100 / 2 **    -122 =  4.591774E-39
UNDERFLOW (128), Underflow in Divide by Two
Traceback: 017F 011B
End of Execution

4.4. Returning Values from Functions

As an alternative to returning values through the parameter list, as described in the previous section, subroutines can produce function values which are returned directly in the registers or on the stack. This section shows the general-purpose conventions for returning data as functional values.

4.4.1. Returning Pointer, Entry, and Label Variables

Variables which provide access to memory addresses occupy a word value, as described in the previous section. In the case of Pointer, Entry, and Label Variables, the values are returned in the HL register pair. If a label variable is returned which can be the target of a GO TO operation, it is the responsibility of the subroutine containing the label to restore the stack to the proper level when control reaches the label.

4.4.2. Returning Fixed Binary Data

Functions which return Fixed Binary data items do so by leaving the result in the A register or HL register pair, depending upon the precision of the data item. Fixed Binary data with precision 1-7 are returned in A, while precision 8-15 items are returned in HL. It is always safe to return the value in HL, with the low order byte copied to the A register, so that register A is equal to register L upon return.

4.4.3. Returning Bit String Data

Similar to Fixed Binary data items, Bit String data is returned in the A register, or the HL register pair, depending upon the precision of the data item. Bit Strings of length 1-8 are returned in A, while precision 9-16 items are returned in the HL pair. Note that Bit Strings are left justified in their fields, so the BIT(1) value "true" is returned in the A register as 80 (hexadecimal). Again, it is safe to return a bit value in the HL register pair, with a copy of the high order byte in A, so that register A is equal to register H upon return.

4.4.4. Returning Character Data

Character data items are returned on the stack, with the length of the string in register A, regardless of whether the function has the VARYING attribute. The string

'Walla Walla Wash'

for example, is returned as shown in the diagram below:

  +--+    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
A |10|    |W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|l|l|a| |W|a|s|h| (low stack)
  +--+    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

where register A contains the string length 10 (hexadecimal), and the Stack Pointer (SP) addresses the first character in the string.

4.4.5. Returning Fixed Decimal Data

Fixed Decimal data is always returned as a sixteen decimal digit value (8 contiguous bytes) in the stack. The low order decimal pair is stored lowest in memory (at the "top" of the stack), with the high order digit pair highest in memory. The number is represented in nine's complement form, and sign-extended through the high order digit position, with a positive sign denoted by 0, and a negative sign denoted by 9. The decimal number -2, for example, is returned as shown below:

|98|99|99|99|99|99|99|99| (low stack)


4.4.6. Returning Floating Point Numbers

Floating Point numbers are returned as a four-byte sequence at the top of the stack, regardless of the declared precision. The low order byte of the mantissa is at the top of the stack, followed by the middle byte, then the high byte. The fourth byte is the exponent of the number. The value 1.5 is returned as shown in the following diagram:

|00|00|40|81| (low stack)
The sequence

loads the Floating Point value from the stack for manipulation, leaving the exponent in B, and the 24-bit mantissa in C, D, and E. The result can be placed back into the stack using


An example of returning a functional value is shown in the two program listings which follow. The first program, called FDTEST, is similar to the previous floating point divide test, but instead includes an entry definition for FDIV2 which is an assembly language subroutine that returns the result in the stack. The FDIV2 subroutine is then listed, which resembles the previous DIV2 program with some minor changes. First note that the input floating point value is loaded into the BCDE registers so that a temporary copy can be manipulated which does not affect the input value. The exponent field in register B is decremented by the input count, and returned on the stack before the PCHL is executed.


L: List Source Program




   1 a 0000 dtest:
   2 a 0006     proc options(main);
   3 c 0006     dcl
   4 c 0006         fdiv2 entry(fixed(7),float)
   5 c 0006             returns(float),
   6 c 0006         i fixed(7),
   7 c 0006         f float;
   8 c 0006 
   9 c 0006         do i = 0 by 1;
  10 c 000A         put skip list('100 / 2 **',i,'=',
  11 c 0055             fdiv2(i,100));
  12 c 0055         end;
  13 a 0055     end dtest;

CODE SIZE = 0055
DATA AREA = 0018

                        public  fdiv2
                        extrn   ?signal
                ;       entry:
                ;               p1 -> fixed(7) power of two
                ;               p2 -> floating point number
                ;       exit:
                ;               p1 -> (unchanged)
                ;               p2 -> (unchanged)
                ;       stack:  p2 / (2 ** p1)
                fdiv2:                  ;HL = .low(.p1)
 0000 5E                mov     e,m     ;low(.p1)
 0001 23                inx     h       ;HL = .high(.p1)
 0002 56                mov     d,m     ;DE = .p1
 0003 23                inx     h       ;HL = .low(p2)
 0004 1A                ldax    d       ;a = p1 (power of two)
 0005 5E                mov     e,m     ;low(.p2)
 0006 23                inx     h       ;HL = .high(.p2)
 0007 56                mov     d,m     ;DE = .p2
 0008 EB                xchg            ;HL = .p2
                ;       A = power of 2, HL = .low byte of fp num
 0009 5E                mov     e,m     ;E = low mantissa
 000A 23                inx     h       ;to middle of mantissa
 000B 56                mov     d,m     ;D = middle mantissa
 000C 23                inx     h       ;to high byte of mantissa
 000D 4E                mov     c,m     ;C = high mantissa
 000E 23                inx     h       ;to exponent byte
 000F 46                mov     b,m     ;B = exponent
 0010 04                inr     b       ;B = 00?
 0011 05                dcr     b       ;becomes 00 if so
 0012 CA2A00            jz      fdret   ;to return from float div
                dby2:   ;divide by two
 0015 B7                ora     a       ;counted power of 2 to zero?
 0016 CA2A00            jz      fdret   ;return if so
 0019 3D                dcr     a       ;count power of two down
 001A 05                dcr     b       ;count exponent down
 001B C21500            jnz     dby2    ;loop again if no underflow
                ;underflow occurred, signal underflow condition
 001E 210000            lxi     h,siglst;signal parameter list
 0021 CD0000            call    ?signal ;signal underflow
 0024 010000            lxi     b,0     ;clear to zero
 0027 110000            lxi     d,0     ;for default return
 002A E1        fdret:  pop     h       ;recall return address
 002B C5                push    b       ;save high order fp num
 002C D5                push    d       ;save low order fp num
 002D E9                pchl            ;return to calling routine
 0000 0800      siglst: dw      sigcod  ;address of signal code
 0002 0900              dw      sigsub  ;address of subcode
 0004 0A00              dw      sigfil  ;address of file code
 0006 0C00              dw      sigaux  ;address of aux message
                ;       end of parameter vector, start of params
 0008 03        sigcod: db      3       ;03 = underflow
 0009 80        sigsub: db      128     ;arbitrary subcode for id
 000A 0000      sigfil: dw      0000    ;no associated file name
 000C 0E00      sigaux: dw      undmsg  ;0000 if no aux message
 000E 20556E6465undmsg: db      32,'Underflow in Divide by Two',0
 002A                   end

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