Im Magazin „8000 PLUS" wurde im Dezember 1988 der folgende Artikel abgedruckt.
Ein simples BASIC-Programm zum Erzeugen von Grafiken


by John Bilton
In October's 8000 Plus we showed you how to design and print out any graphic in BASIC, Protext or Mini Office. Now John Bilton has used Larry Simon's plot routines (August issue) to automate all this.
Run the program and make your design on a 32 by 16 grid. The cursors move a marker about the grid while F and E fill and empty squares. 'S' prints your design and 'D' prints DATA followed by the numbers required to form the character.
You can then use them in a BASIC listing:
10 odd$=CHR$(27)+"L"+CHR$(15)+CHR$(0)
20 even$=odd$
30 FOR j%=l to 32:READ d%:odd$=odd$+CHR$(d%):even$=even$+CHR$(d%):NEXT j%
40 DATA (nos. in the first data statement)
50 FOR j%=1 to 32 : READ d% : NEXT j%
60 DATA (nos. in the second statement)
70 LPRINT odd$; CHR$(27)+"J"+CHR$(2)+CHR$(13); even$
This works for a graphic two characters wide. Do wider designs in parts. For a three double-characters width graphic, replace the '32' in lines 30 and 50 above by 96. The first DATA Statement in the above would hold the first lines of numbers together from each DATA statement for the three parts of the graphic as determined by the listing below. The second would hold the three second lines of numbers put together.
To incorporate the graphics in a Protext document, put the stored command >oc 27,76,32, followed by the numbers of the first line. On the next line >oc 27,74,2,13 then on the next oc 27,76,32, and the second lot of numbers. For a three double-characters width graphic, replace the 32s by 96s; run the figures from the first three lines of the DATA Statements together for the first Protext line of codes, and the three second lines together for the second.
Similarly for Mini Office. The equivalent of '>oc' is [SHIFT][ALT]X; precede all digits by [ALT]. Build up large graphics line by line.

[BASIC-Listing] und [Assembler-Listing]

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Dezember 2004
© 8000 PLUS