Im Magazin „8000 PLUS" wurde im Oktober 1988 der folgende Artikel abgedruckt.
Ein simples BASIC-Programm zum Zeichnen von Linien


by Nick Harmer and Jonathan Baggaley
When we carried the listing for the Plot Routine by Lawrence Simons (a clever little program to switch pixels on or off) it was predicted (hat we would see some ingenious applications over the coming months. And sure enough this is one the best of the flood of programs all based round this utility.
It's a drawing package that allows you to produce effective and quite accurate graphics on screen. Run the program and the screen goes blank except for a tiny dot in the centre. You can move this dot in any direction using the keys W - Up, Z - down, A - left and S - right, a quite sensible group of keys at the far left of the key board. This will produce a straight line which can be positioned very accurately.
If you want a thicker line press 2 for double thickness and 1 to take you back to the thin line. Make a mistake and you just press E for erase which will remove every pixel you cross until you press I for ink. If you want to move to another part of the screen without leaving a line, press U for brush up and D for brush down starts the flow of 'paint' again. Finally you can add text anywhere you want by simply pressing T for text. When you press return you will return to the normal mode.
As the cursor is normally not shown (except in text mode) it is possible to lose yourself on the screen. At this point chose F and the pixel where the cursor is positioned will flash on and off for a few seconds.
When you are totally delighted with the results you can, of course, get a hard copy of the drawing by pressing [EXTRA] and [PTR] at the same time.
As the program is based on the Plot Routine printed in our August edition any Listings Plus devotees who have already typed this in can save themselves a lot of trouble by merging the lines from 50000 on with new program.

Wie aus dem Artikel zu ersehen ist, wird nach Aufruf des Programms in der Mitte des Bildschirms ein weißer Punkt zu erkennen sein. Dies ist der Ausgangspunkt für die zu erstellende Zeichnung. Folgende Kommandos können dabei verwendet werden:
  • W: Bewegt Punkt nach oben
  • Y: Bewegt Punkt nach unten
  • - war im Original Z
  • A: Bewegt Punkt nach links
  • S: Bewegt Punkt nach rechts
  • 2: Verdoppelt die Strichstärke
  • 1: Strichstärke auf normal
  • E: Punk löschen
  • I: Tinte aktivieren
  • U: Stift anheben
  • D: Stift absenken
  • T: Text eingeben
  • L: Löschen des Schirms
  • F: Flackern des Punktes zum Ermitteln des Cursors
  • Q: Beenden des Programms - neues Kommando

[BASIC-Original-Listing], [BASIC-Listing] und [Assembler-Listing]

Eingescanned von Werner Cirsovius
April 2003, Dezember 2014
© 8000 PLUS