Joyce Character Set

Beneath the standard character set the Joyce uses some more characters which may be used e.g. for window frames. The manual describes the changeover to different national fonts (selected by the ESCape sequence ESC 2 n):
The above output may be generated by the following program written in MALLARD-BASIC:
Find the listing here
Some characters of the extended set overlap the range of control characters. To use them as extended characters they must be prefixed by the ESCape character. The complete extended character set looks like follows:
Setting LANGUAGE 0 (USA) Setting LANGUAGE 2 (Germany)
This output may be generated e.g. by the following program written in MALLARD-BASIC:
Here for the Listing
The same output created by the following TURBO Pascal program:
Here for the listing
Using assembler the BDOS functions 2 and 6 are available for console output. Of course output through BIOS may be performed, too.
Call by function BDOS 6 Call by function BDOS 2 Call by function BDOS 2, corrected, and call by BIOS
The characters 0xFDH, 0xFEH and 0xFFH are functions to the call and will not be displayed.
The tab character (0x09H) will not be displayed correctly.
Here all characters are displayed correctly.
The sample utility allows the output as above:
Here for the listing

The examples show the proper output of the extended characters running MALLARD-BASIC as well as TURBO-Pascal. Other PASCAL compilers (e.g PROSPERO) do not work properly, neither Microsoft BASIC does.
Because Joyce characters are stored as a matrix of 8x8 bytes in the character memory they may be modified easily. A base article will be found here. More examples will be found in a German article, called Superscript. I myself modified the character set for characters as used in the SOL-20 machine.
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