KeywordBrief description
LABEL80.MAC Adapts assembler sources to the Microsoft format; ie: labels closed by ':' and EQU without ':'
LABS.MAC A REL-80 linker accepting pure ASEG code only
Language extensions for CP/M Based on the Microsoft calling standard this article points out the usage of different programming languages
LBREQU.MAC Searches for EQU-assignments in .MAC-files of selected libraries.
LBR Libraries Tools for and description of LBR files
LF2CRLF.MAC Performs a conversion of line breaks. CP/M files uses 0x0d (Carriage Return) and 0x0a (Line Feed) to terminate lines, and UNIX uses 0x0a only.
LIB.COM and LINK.COM The disassembled tools LIB and LINK written by Digital Research
Library Description of a library designed by myself
LIBCOMM.MAC Tool for displaying the definitions of COMMON segments from the selected REL-80-library
LIBREF.MAC This tool displays references of modules from a selected REL-80 library
Line drawing An algorithm for fast line drawing implemented in PASCAL
LocoScript LocoScript conversion using TURBO Pascal
LOG.MAC A module for logging console output to a file
LOKOMOTIVE A game driving an engine
Long-distance data transmission Comments on data transmission using the JOYCE
Long Numbers in Pascal A program for processing long integer numbers
Loops Programming of loops in Turbo Pascal and Basic
LRUN Calling a program from a LBR file