{ PICSDEF.INC - Pascal Integrated Communications System defaults} { 5/25/87 Ver. 1.4 -1.6 Copyright 1987 by Les Archambault} const num_drives = 4; {set to number of ( drives -1 ) i.e. 3=4 drives } {num_drives darf NICHT kleiner sein als 3! - B.B. } Mhz = 4.0; { machine speed [.0 is important]} def_maxfree_uplds =40; { #K disk space left when uplds will be disabled} def_maxfree_logs =20; { #K " " " " logins will be disabled} def_maxfree_mslimit =15; { #K left when msgs will be limited to maxfree_lines} def_maxfree_lines =10; { # lines allowed when msgs are limited by disk space} def_maxfree_abs =5; { when this amount of space remains, all mesg entering restricted} def_uval_acc = 10; { Default access level } def_uval_time = 20; { Default time limit } def_chars = 80; { Default characters per line } def_lines = 23; { Default lines per page } def_val_acc = 20; { Access level for validated users } def_val_time = 45; { Time limit for validated users } def_chat_ok = true; { allow chat function} Def_ChatStart = 20; { Chat hours } Def_ChatEnd = 22; fence = '|'; { Character between directory columns } def_unv_days = 14; { Days to retain unvalidated user } def_val_days = 120; { Days to retain validated user } def_unr_days = 90; { Days to retain unread, undeleted messages } def_rea_days = 7; { Days to retain read, undeleted messages } def_Max_Tries = 3; { Max number of tries for password } Deflt_macro = 'S;N;G'; { DEFAULT MACRO STRING ^M=CR } def_auto_macro_start = 4; { auto macro start time} def_restrict300 = false; {restrict 300 baud callers} def_start_restrict300 = 19; def_end_restrict300 = 23; def_auto_macro = false; {no auto macro processing} def_max_msg_lines = 100; def_restrict_public = false; def_limit_lines = false; def_up_down_ratio =10; { downloads per upload, 0=no restriction} def_sleepy_time = 300; {input timeout in seconds} def_extra_time_val = 20; {extra minutes on sys allowed at certain ties} def_extra_time_start=1; {hour tostart extra time on system} def_extra_time_stop=6; {hour extra time stops} def_extra_time=true; {extra time enabled} def_time_adjust=1.15; {for no clock routines} { File names } user_data = 'USERDAT'; { User data } user_indx = 'USERIDX'; { Index to user data } logr_name = 'LOG'; { Log file } mesg_name = 'MESSAGE'; { Messages } summ_name = 'SUMMARY'; { Summaries } sysm_name = 'SYSMSG'; { System messages } sysm1_name = 'SYSMSGG'; sect_name = 'SECTION'; { Section names } stat_name = 'STATS'; { Statistics } nwin_name = 'NEWIN'; { New uploads list } ext = '.BB#'; { File type } { ASCII constants } NUL = #$00; SOH = #$01; STX = #$02; ETX = #$03; EOT = #$04; ACK = #$06; BEL = #$07; BS = #$08; TAB = #$09; LF = #$0A; FF = #$0C; CR = #$0D; DC1 = #$11; { XON } DC3 = #$13; { XOFF } NAK = #$15; CAN = #$18; ESC = #$1B; RUB = #$7F; { Turbo Toolbox constants } MaxDataRecSize = 137; { max record size } MaxKeyLen = 26; { max key size } PageSize = 16; { page size } Order = 8; { half page size } PageStackSize = 5; { page buffer size } MaxHeight = 5; { max B-tree height } { CP/M-80 constants } Vers = 12; { BDOS version } ResDsk = 13; { BDOS drive reset } seldrive = 14; { BDOS drive select } findfirst = 17; { BDOS search for first file } findnext = 18; { BDOS search for next file } getdrive = 25; { BDOS get default drive } setdma = 26; { BDOS set DMA buffer address } getallocvec = 27; { BDOS get allocation vector } SetAttr = 30; { BDOS set file attributes } getdiskparm = 31; { BDOS get disk parameters } getseluser = 32; { BDOS get/select user area } DskSpc = 46; { BDOS get disk free space } SCB = 49; { BDOS get/select SCB values } setclock =104; { BDOS Set TOD } getclock =105; { BDOS Get TOD } fcb = $80; { Default DMA buffer address } SCB_DMA =$3c; { SCB Offset to current DMA } SCB_Drv =$3e; { SCB Offset to current drive } { PICS constants } len_fn = 10; { length of firstname } len_ln = 15; { length of lastname } len_name = 25; { sum of above } len_ad = 20; { length of address } len_cy = 20; { length of city } len_ph = 12; { length of phone number } len_pw = 10; { length of password } len_comp = 15; { length of computer } len_subj = 56; { length of subject } len_msg = 72; { length of message } message_mode = 1; files_mode = 2; utility_mode = 3; sysop_mode = 4; pr_msg : array[1..4] of string[13] = ('MessageSystem', 'FileSystem', 'Utilities', 'Sysop'); {end of PICSDEF.INC }