program Geisterfahrer(input,output); (* Quelle: *) (* #$82 - Cursor ein #$83 - Cursor aus *) var l3f3f : array[0..10,1..3] of integer; l3f3d : array[1..2] of byte; l3f3c : char; l3f36 : real; l3f34 : integer; l3f32 : integer; l3f30 : integer; l3f2e : integer; l3f2c : integer; l3f2a : integer; l3f28 : integer; l3f27 : byte; l3f26 : byte; l3f25 : byte; l3f24 : byte; const CRTcolumns = $0168; CRTlines = $0169; l1fe7 : byte = 20; l1fe8 : array[1..2] of string[9] =('_/~~\___.', ''); l1ffc : array[1..6,1..2] of string[10]=((' __/&&\_ ', '"-o---o- '), (' /&|||||| ', '<-o----o> '), (' _/&|ooo_ ', '<=o===o=+ '), (' _i_/&\ ', ' |o===O+` '), (' __/&&&\ ', '<-o----o` '), (' ___/&\__ ', '<-o---o-+ ')); procedure l2080(l3f23,l3f22:byte); Begin gotoxy(l3f23+l3f24,l3f22+l3f25); End; procedure l20ad; Begin for l3f34:=1 to 2 do begin l3f3d[l3f34]:=l3f3d[l3f34]-1; if l3f3d[l3f34]=0 then begin l2080(l3f3d[l3f34]+1,3); write(' '); l2080(l3f3d[l3f34]+1,14); write(' '); l3f3d[l3f34]:=60; end; l2080(l3f3d[l3f34],3); write('. '); l2080(l3f3d[l3f34],14); write('. '); end; End; procedure l21aa; Begin for l3f34:=1 to 9 do begin if l3f3f[l3f34,3]>0 then begin l3f2c:=l3f3f[l3f34,1]; if l3f2c<1 then l3f2c:=1; l3f2a:=2-l3f3f[l3f34,1]; if l3f2a<1 then l3f2a:=1; l3f28:=61-l3f3f[l3f34,1]; if l3f28>10 then l3f28:=10; l2080(l3f2c,l3f3f[l3f34,2]); write(copy(l1ffc[l3f3f[l3f34,3],1],l3f2a,l3f28)); l2080(l3f2c,1+l3f3f[l3f34,2]); write(copy(l1ffc[l3f3f[l3f34,3],2],l3f2a,l3f28)); l3f3f[l3f34,1]:=l3f3f[l3f34,1]-1; if l3f3f[l3f34,1]=-10 then l3f3f[l3f34,3]:=0; end; end; End; procedure l2411; Begin read(kbd,l3f3c); case l3f3c of #$1a,'5','8' : begin l3f26:=l3f26-1; l2080(l1fe7,l3f26+2); write(' '); end; #$0a,'2' : begin l3f26:=l3f26+1; l2080(l1fe7,l3f26-1); write(' '); end; end; l2080(l1fe7,l3f26); write(l1fe8[1]); l2080(l1fe7,l3f26+1); write(l1fe8[2]); End; procedure l2530(l3f11:byte); Begin for l3f34:=9 downto 0 do begin if l3f3f[l3f34,3]=0 then begin l3f3f[l3f34,1]:=60; l3f3f[l3f34,2]:=l3f11; l3f3f[l3f34,3]:=1+random(6); exit; end; end; End; procedure l25f0; Begin for l3f34:=1 to 9 do begin if ((l3f26=4) or (l3f26=12)) or (((l3f3f[l3f34,3]>0) and (l3f3f[l3f34,1] in [l1fe7-9..l1fe7+7])) and (l3f3f[l3f34,2] in [l3f26-1..l3f26+1])) then begin l2080(12,15); write('CRASH bei ',l3f36:1:1,' km. Nochmal? (Y/N) ',#$82); for l3f34:=1 to 10 do begin write(#7); delay(50); end; repeat read(kbd,l3f3c); l3f3c:=upcase(l3f3c); until l3f3c in ['Y','J','N']; write(l3f3c,#$83); exit; end; end; End; BEGIN write(#$83,#7#7); l3f25:=(mem[CRTlines]-14) DIV 2; l3f24:=(mem[CRTcolumns]-62) DIV 2; repeat clrscr; l3f32:=24; l3f30:=100; l3f36:=0; l3f26:=8; l3f3d[1]:=5; l3f3d[2]:=35; for l3f34:=1 to 9 do l3f3f[l3f34,3]:=0; l3f2e:=0; l2080(8,1); write('GEISTERFAHRER - bis 1.5 km ist Dummheit !!! '); for l3f34:=60 downto 1 do begin l2080(l3f34,4); write('='); l2080(l3f34,13); write('='); end; l2080(l1fe7,l3f26); write(l1fe8[1]); l2080(l1fe7,l3f26+1); write(l1fe8[2]); repeat if odd(l3f2e) then l20ad; if l3f2e=0 then begin repeat l3f27:=random(15); until l3f27 in [3,5..7,9..14]; if (l3f27 and 1)=1 then l2530(5); if (l3f27 and 2)=2 then l2530(7); if (l3f27 and 4)=4 then l2530(9); if (l3f27 and 8)=8 then l2530(11); end; l21aa; if keypressed then l2411 else l3f3c:=#00; l25f0; l3f2e:=l3f2e+1; if l3f2e=l3f32 then begin l3f2e:=0; l3f30:=l3f30-5; if l3f30<0 then l3f30:=0; l3f36:=l3f36+0.1; l2080(26,15); write(#7,l3f36:1:1,' km'); if round(l3f36*10) in [20,30,40,50] then l3f32:=l3f32-1; end; l2080(1,15); delay(l3f30); until l3f3c in [^C,'N','Y','J']; until l3f3c in [^C,'N']; l2080(14,2); write('Spalten(168H)=',mem[CRTcolumns],' Zeilen(169H)=',mem[CRTlines]); l2080(60,14); write(#$82); END.