{**************************************************************************} {* Entschluesselung der Include-Anweisungen *} {**************************************************************************} FUNCTION Sonder( VAR x : line) : boolean; BEGIN Sonder:=(pos(Chr(39),x)=0) AND (((pos('{$I',x)>0) OR (pos('(*$I',x)>0)) AND (pos('{$I+',x)=0) AND (pos('{$I-',x)=0) AND (pos('(*$I+',x)=0) AND (pos('(*$I-',x)=0)) END; FUNCTION SonderZeile ( VAR x : line ) : boolean; VAR h : boolean; i : integer; BEGIN h:=Sonder(x); IF h THEN BEGIN i:=pos('{$I',x)+3; IF i=3 THEN i:=pos('(*$I',x)+4; IF i>3 THEN BEGIN InclFileName:=''; WHILE x[i]=' ' DO i:=i+1; WHILE (i