title REVAS Disassenbler name ('REVAS') .z80 aseg org 0100h ; DASMed version of REVAS.LOD ; the REVAS V2 Z80/8080 Disassenbler ; ; DASMed by W.Cirsovius ; ; This tool is written to confuse the russians :-) ; From document CPMAN by A. E. Hawley: ; REVAS.LOD, contains the actual REVAS program embedded ; in a relocating loader. It is loaded into memory and executed ; by REVAS.COM, which contains a reference by filename.ext to REVAS.LOD ; Any file FN.COM will be loaded first. After successfull loading ; REVAS.LOD will be loaded at next record/page boundary ld.hl macro db 21h endm jp.nz macro db 0c2h endm jp.c macro db 0dah endm jr.nc macro db 30h endm confil equ 00h concnt equ 0 prnfil equ 00h prcnt equ 0 .drv equ 1 .nam equ 8 .ext equ 3 _EX equ 12 FCBlen equ 33 null equ 00h tab equ 09h lf equ 0ah cr equ 0dh eof equ 1ah MSB equ 10000000b NOMSB equ 01111111b LOMASK equ 00001111b HEADER equ 5 ; Printer head lines PRPAGE equ 56 ; Total printer page length FOOTER equ 5 ; Printer foot lines l0000 equ 00h l0004 equ 04h l0005 equ 05h l0006 equ 06h l0008 equ 08h l0011 equ 11h l005c equ 5ch l0080 equ 80h l0100: ld iy,$-$ ; Filled by loader [BBCB] di ld de,(l0100) ; Save code ld hl,256*0e9h+0e1h; Set 'pop hl' [E5H] and 'jp (hl)' [E1H] ld (l0100),hl call l0100 ; Pop address l0112 and jump to it l0112: ld (l0100),de ; Reset code xor a ld de,l0112 sbc hl,de ; Build offset - depends on load address ld b,h ; Copy it ld c,l ld hl,l11dc add hl,bc ; Build execution address jp (hl) ; Execute it - it is l11dc+offset ; ; Code moved after .COM file [NOT to top of memory] ; [This address-1 is the highest available address in memory] ; ; --->>> MAIN COMMAND LOOP <<<--- ; ; Set to record/Page boundary [0200] ; l0123: ld sp,l11d1 ; Reset stack [12AE : Offset 00DD] jp l05f4 ; Enter command mode ; l0129: dw l1137 ; Pointer to parameter l012b: dw l113b+1 l012d: dw l1148 l012f: dw l1150 l0131: dw l1156 l0133: dw l116b dw l1170 l0137: db 20h,22h l0139: db 'df' ; ; ############## Status area ############## ; ; The byte at IY-2 ??????: ; ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ; | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; l013b: db 68h db 0aah ; ; IY+0 ; l013d: dw 0 l013f: dw l0123 ; Current top of memory ; ; The status byte at IY+4 controls the output: ; ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; | BYT | TAB | ??? | LOG | FCB | LST | CON | MEM | ; | ... | ... | ... | CON | ... | ... | CON | ... | ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; l0141: db 00000010b ; Console output ; ; The status byte at IY+5 ??????: ; ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; | HLT | ??? | ... | ... | ... | ... | ID | ??? | ; | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; l0142: db 00000000b l0143: dw 0 ; Memory pointer ; ; The status byte at IY+8 ??????: ; ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; | ??? | ??? | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | IDX | ; | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ; +-----+-----+-----+-----#-----+-----+-----+-----+ ; l0145: db 0 l0146: dw 0 ; ; The byte at IY+11 current printer page length: ; l0148: db PRPAGE ; ; The byte at IY+12 printer footer lines: ; l0149: db FOOTER ; ; The byte at IY+13 printer header lines: ; l014a: db HEADER ; ; The byte at IY+14 printer page length: ; l014b: db PRPAGE ; ; ######################################### ; l014c: dw 0 l014e: dw 0 l0150: dw 0 l0152: dw 0 l0154: dw 0 l0156: dw l0100 ; Current disassemble address l0158: jp l0000 ; ; Do OS call preserving index registers ; ENTRY Reg C holds function ; Reg (D)E holds possible parameter ; EXIT Accu holds result ; l015b: push ix push iy call l0005 ; Call it pop iy pop ix ret ; ; Read character from keyboard ; EXIT Accu holds character ; l0167: xor a inc a ; Map to function 1 jp.c ; Never done ; ; Get state of keyboard ; EXIT Accu holds 0 if no chracter available ; l016a: ld a,0bh ; Set function ; push bc push de push hl ld c,a call l015b ; Get state of keyboard pop hl pop de pop bc ret ; ; Put character to file ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l0177: push hl push bc ld hl,l0080+l0080-1 ld a,(hl) ; Get record pointer inc (hl) ; Point to next ld l,a ld (hl),c ; Store character call z,l0188 ; Write record to file if filled pop bc pop hl ld a,c or a ret ; ; Write record to file ; l0188: ld hl,l0080 call l06f8 ; Write record to file ; ; Init record pointer ; l018e: ld a,l0080 ld (l0080+l0080-1),a; Init record pointer ret ; ; Put character to printer ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l0194: ld a,5 res 7,c jr l019c ; ; Put character to console ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l019a: ld a,2 l019c: push bc push de push hl ld e,c ld d,0 ld c,a call l015b ; Put to console or printer pop hl pop de pop bc ld a,c ret ; ; Put word to console formatted as [0]xxxxH ; ENTRY Reg HL holds word ; l01ab: call l0273 ; Print possible prefix '0' call l027d ; Put word to console jr l01b9 ; Print 'H' on device ; ; Put byte to console formatted as [0]xxH ; ENTRY Reg HL holds word ; l01b3: call l0274 ; Print possible prefix '0' call l0282 ; Put byte to console ; ; Print 'H' on device ; l01b9: ld c,'H' ; ; Put character to device ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l01bb: push af res 7,c ; No hi bit bit 0,(iy+4) ; Test to memory jp nz,l01f0 ; Store character to memory if so push bc ld a,tab cp c ; Test tabulator jr nz,l01cd ; Nope ld c,' ' ; Map to blank l01cd: ld a,(iy+4) and 00010010b ; Test console jr z,l01dd call l019a ; Put character to console if so bit 4,(iy+4) ; Test console only jr nz,l01ed ; Yeap, no printer or file l01dd: bit 2,(iy+4) ; Test printer call nz,l01fc ; Put character to printer if so pop bc push bc bit 3,(iy+4) ; Test file call nz,l0241 ; Put character to file if so l01ed: pop bc pop af ret ; ; Store character to memory ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l01f0: push hl ld hl,(l0143) ; Get memory pointer ld (hl),c ; Store character inc hl ; Update pointer ld (l0143),hl pop hl pop af ret ; ; Printer output ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l01fc: bit 6,(iy+5) jr nz,l0214 set 6,(iy+5) push bc ld b,(iy+12) ; Get printer footer lines call l0238 ; Advance lines ld a,(iy+14) ; Get printer page length ld (iy+11),a ; Init current printer page length pop bc l0214: ld a,c sub cr ; Test end of line jr z,l021d call nc,l0194 ; Put character to printer if not ret l021d: call l033a ; Give new line on printer dec (iy+11) ; Count down current printer page length ret nz ; Still more lines push bc ld b,(iy+13) ; Get printer header lines call l0238 ; Advance lines res 6,(iy+5) bit 7,(iy+5) ; Test halt at top of each page call nz,l02dc ; Read character and check immediate command pop bc ret ; ; Put new lines to printer ; ENTRY Reg B holds line count ; l0238: xor a cp b ; Test zero ret z ; Ignore if so l023b: call l033a ; Give new line on printer djnz l023b ret ; ; Put character to file ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; l0241: ld a,c ; Get character cp cr ; Test end of line jr z,l026c ; Yeap, put it cp lf jr z,l026c bit 6,(ix+0) ; Test suppressing print ret z cp ':' ; Test delimiter jr nz,l0259 call l0177 ; Put character to file ld a,tab ld c,a ; Set tab after delimiter l0259: cp tab ; Test tab jr z,l0266 ; Set active cp ' ' ; Test blank jr nz,l026c ; Reset active tab bit 6,(iy+4) ; Test active tabulator ret nz ; Yeap l0266: set 6,(iy+4) ; Set active tabulator jr l0270 l026c: res 6,(iy+4) ; Reset active tabulator l0270: jp l0177 ; Put character to file ; ; Print prefix '0' if byte range A0..FF ; ENTRY Reg H holds byte ; l0273: ld a,h ; Get byte ; ; Print prefix '0' if byte range A0..FF ; ENTRY Accu holds byte ; l0274: cp 16*(9+1) ; Test range ret c ; No prefix necessary ld c,'0' call l01bb ; Put prefix to device ret ; ; Put word to console ; ENTRY Reg HL holds word ; l027d: ld a,h ; Get hi byte call l0282 ; Put to console ld a,l ; Then lo byte ; ; Put byte to console ; ENTRY Accu holds byte ; l0282: push af ; Save byte rrca ; Extract upper bits rrca rrca rrca call l028b ; Put hi nybble to console pop af ; Get back byte for low nybble ; ; Put nybble to console ; ENTRY Accu holds nybble ; l028b: call l0291 ; Convert nybble to ASCII digit jp l01bb ; Put it to device ; ; Convert nybble to ASCII digit ; ENTRY Accu holds bybble ; EXIT Reg C holds digit ; l0291: and LOMASK ; Mask nybble add a,90h ; Convert to ASCII daa adc a,40h daa ld c,a ; Unpack result ret ; ; Get two addresses ; EXIT Reg HL holds 1st address ; Reg DE holds 2nd address ; Addresses stored into l013d and l013f ; l029b: call l02e4 ; Load two parameters pop de ; Get results pop hl jr l02ab ; ; Get address range ; EXIT Reg HL holds 1st address ; Reg DE holds 2nd address ; l02a2: ld hl,l111d call l0379 ; Tell address range call l0334 ; Load two parameters l02ab: ld (l013d),hl ; Parameter 1 for ???? ld (l013f),de ; Parameter 2 for top of memory ret ; ; Position behind string ; ENTRY Reg HL points to string ; Reg B holds number of elements to skip ; EXIT Reg HL positioned ; l02b3: xor a cp b ; Test nothing to skip ret z ; Yeap l02b6: bit 7,(hl) ; Test hi bit set inc hl jr z,l02b6 ; Nope djnz l02b6 ; Test done ret ; ; Compare ; ENTRY Reg IX holds subtrahend ; EXIT Reg DE holds top of memory ; Flags set accordingly ; l02be: ld de,(l013f) ; Get top of memory ; ; Compare ; ENTRY Reg DE holds number ; Reg IX holds subtrahend ; EXIT Flags set accordingly ; l02c2: push ix pop hl push de push hl ex de,hl xor a sbc hl,de ; Compare DE:IX pop hl pop de ret ; ; Read character from keyboard and check immediate command ; l02ce: call l016a ; Get state of keyboard or a ; Test key present ret z ; Nope call l05c8 ; Read character from keyboard call l05df ; Execute immediate command if found cp 'S' ; Test suspend from execution ret nz ; Nope ; ; Read character and check immediate command ; l02dc: call l05c8 ; Read character from keyboard call l05df ; Execute immediate command if found jr l0360 ; Give new line ; ; Load two parameters ; ENTRY Accu holds digit ; EXIT Parameters on stack ; l02e4: ld c,2 ; Set count or MSB ; Set hi bit for skipping first read jr l02f0 ; ; Load two parameters ; EXIT Parameters on stack ; l02ea: ld c,2 ; Set parameter count ld.hl ; ; Load one parameter ; EXIT Parameter on stack ; l02ed: ld c,1 ; Set parameter count ; ; The loop ; l02ef: xor a ; Reset hi bit for complete reading ; ; Convert to number ; ENTRY Accu holds 00H and MSB reset for complete reading the number ; ENTRY Accu holds digit and MSB set for bypassing reading the first digit ; l02f0: push af ; Save entry ld hl,l1137 ; Point to parameter xor a ld (hl),a ; Clear result inc hl ld (hl),a dec hl pop af ; Get back entry push bc jp m,l0309 ; Skip first reading l02fe: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr z,l02fe ; Wait for no delimiter jr l0309 l0305: push bc call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard l0309: res 7,a ; Clear hi bit pop bc jr c,l032b ; End of input jr z,l032b ; Got delimiter sub '0' ; Strip off offset jp c,l0123 cp 9+1 ; Verify valid range jr c,l0323 sub 'A'-'0'-10 ; Fix for hex jp c,l0123 cp 15+1 jp nc,l0123 l0323: rld ; Shift nybbles inserting new digit inc hl rld dec hl jr l0305 l032b: ld hl,(l1137) ; Get result ex (sp),hl ; Put current result onto stack push hl ; Save caller dec c ; Test all parameters processed jr nz,l02ef ; Nop, get next ret ; ; Load two parameters ; EXIT Reg HL holds 1st parameter ; Reg DE holds 2nd parameter ; l0334: call l02ea ; Load two parameters pop de ; Get them pop hl ret ; ; Give new line on printer and delay if defined ; l033a: push hl push bc ld hl,l111b call l0353 ; Put new line to printer ld bc,256*prnfil+prcnt; Load filler and length xor a cp b call nz,l034d ; Print characters pop bc pop hl ret ; ; Put characters to printer ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; Reg B holds length ; l034d: call l0194 ; Put character to printer djnz l034d ret ; ; Put string to printer ; ENTRY Reg HL points to string ; l0353: ld c,(hl) call l0194 ; Put character to printer bit 7,(hl) ; Test end of string inc hl jr z,l0353 ; Nope ret ; ; Print string on device and close line ; ENTRY Reg HL points to string ; l035d: call l0379 ; Print message ; ; Give new line on device and delay if defined ; l0360: push hl push bc ld hl,l111b call l0379 ; Put new line to console ld bc,256*confil+concnt; Load filler and length xor a cp b call nz,l0373 ; Print characters pop bc pop hl ret ; ; Put characters to console ; ENTRY Reg C holds character ; Reg B holds length ; l0373: call l01bb ; Put character to device djnz l0373 ret ; ; Put string to device ; ENTRY Reg HL points to string ; l0379: ld c,(hl) call l01bb ; Put character to device bit 7,(hl) ; Test end of string inc hl jr z,l0379 ; Nope ret ; ; Put string to device ; ENTRY Reg HL points to string ; Reg B holds length of string ; l0383: ld c,(hl) call l01bb ; Put character to device inc hl djnz l0383 ret ; ; Load byte from program ; ENTRY Reg IX holds program counter ; EXIT Accu holds byte ; Reg IX incremented by one ; l038b: ld a,(ix+0) ; Load byte inc ix ; Update PC ret ; ; ; l0391:: call l0d1e ; Print opcode l0394: call l040d ; Extract destination bits ; ; Print register ; ENTRY Accu holds register bits in range 0..7 ; Original Fixed ; 0: B A ; 1: C B ; 2: D C ; 3: E D ; 4: H E ; 5: L H + 2 -> 7 ; 6: M L + 3 -> 9 + 2 -> 11 ; 7: A M + 3 -> 10 + 2 -> 12 ; l0397: inc a ; Fix bits and 00000111b ; Mask bits cp 6 ; Test A..H jr c,l03a0 ; Yeap add a,3 ; Map it l03a0: cp 5 ; Test A..E jr c,l03a6 ; Yeap add a,2 ; Map it l03a6: add a,'A' ; Build register character ld c,a cp 'M' ; Test memory reference jp nz,l01bb ; Put character to device if not ld a,e ; Test index register ???? l03af:: and 11011111b cp 11011101b jp nz,l01bb ; Put character to device call l038b ; Load byte from program call l03dc ld a,(ix-1-1) ; Get previous byte cp 11001011b ; Test bit reference jr nz,l03c5 ; Nope inc ix ; Update PC l03c5: ld c,'(' call l01bb ; Put character to device call l03d1 ; Put index register ld c,')' jr l03d9 ; ; Put index register ; l03d1: ld c,'X' ; Init register ld a,e cp 11011101b ; Test state jr z,l03d9 inc c ; Fix for IY l03d9: jp l01bb ; Put character to device ; ; ; l03dc: push bc bit 7,a ; Test sign of offset jr z,l03ea ; Skip if positive neg ; Negateit ld c,'-' call l01bb ; Put character to device jr z,l03af ; Skip if zero offset l03ea: ld bc,256*100+' ' call l03fe ; Divide by 100 ld bc,256*10+' ' call l03fe ; Divide by 10 or '0' ; Make ASCII digit ld c,a call l01bb ; Put character to device pop bc ret ; ; Divide numbers ; ENTRY Accu holds number ; Reg B holds divisor ; Reg C holds blank on entry ; l03fe: cp b ; Test in range jr c,l0407 ; Nope sub b ; Subtract inc c ; Update quotient set 4,c ; Force digit jr l03fe l0407: bit 4,c ; Test resulting digit ret z ; Nope jp l01bb ; Put digit to device ; ; Extract destination bits ; ENTRY Reg D holds byte ; EXIT Accu holds bits right justifued ; xxDDDxxx -> 00000DDD ; l040d: ld a,d ; Get byte and 00111000b ; Extract bits rrca ; Position them rrca rrca ret ; ; Print condition code ; ENTRY Reg D holds byte ; l0414: call l040d ; Extract condition bits ld hl,l105b ; Set base pointer jp l0d19 ; Print CC ; ; Print register pair ; ENTRY Reg D holds byte ; l041d: call l040d ; Extract destination bits and 00000110b ; Mask pair bits cp 00000110b ; Test stack pointer jp nz,l0397 ; Nope ld c,'S' call l01bb ; Put 'SP' to device ld c,'P' jp l01bb ; ; ; l0431:: ld hl,l043a call l035d ; Tell out of memory jp l0123 ; l043a: dc 'OUT OF MEMORY' ; ; ; l0447:: push hl push de push bc xor a ld hl,(l0005+1) ld de,l0006 sbc hl,de ld de,(l11d6) push de sbc hl,de ld de,(l11da) sbc hl,de jr c,l0431 pop hl ld bc,l0004 add hl,bc ld (l11d6),hl ld a,e or d jr z,l047c inc de add hl,de push hl add hl,bc push hl ex de,hl add hl,bc inc hl push hl pop bc pop de pop hl lddr l047c: pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; ; ; l0480: ld a,' ' ld b,l1173-l1137 ld hl,l1137 ; Pointer to ???? l0487: ld (hl),a inc hl djnz l0487 set 0,(iy+5) set 6,(iy+4) ; Set active tabulator ld a,tab ld (l1148),a ; Store tab ret ; ; ; l0499: call l0480 ld b,6 l049e: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr z,l04a9 ; Skip delimiter push af djnz l049e call l05b0 ; Get character from keyboard l04a9: ld a,6 sub b jp z,l0123 ld b,a ld hl,l113b+1 l04b3: pop af ld (hl),a dec hl djnz l04b3 ret ; ; ; l04b9: call l054b ex de,hl inc hl inc hl jr c,l04c5 inc hl bit 5,(hl) dec hl l04c5: ex de,hl ret l04c7: push ix ld ix,(l11d4) push ix ex de,hl ld a,(l11d1) bit 0,a jr nz,l04f6 set 0,a ld (l11d1),a pop hl l04dd: ld (ix+0),e ld (ix+1),d xor a ld (ix+2),a ld a,(iy+4) and 10000000b ; Extract ??? ld (ix+3),a l04ef: push ix pop hl pop ix ex de,hl ret l04f6: ld bc,l0004 l04f9: ld l,(ix+0) ld h,(ix+1) xor a sbc hl,de pop hl jr z,l04ef push hl jr c,l0521 inc bc inc bc inc bc inc bc dec ix dec ix dec ix dec ix exx ld de,(l11d2) call l02c2 ; Compare DE:IX exx jr c,l04f9 jr z,l04f9 l0521: pop hl inc ix inc ix inc ix inc ix inc hl inc hl inc hl push de ld d,h ld e,l inc de ld (l11d4),de push de push hl ld hl,(l11d6) ex de,hl xor a sbc hl,de pop hl pop de call nc,l0447 inc de inc de inc de lddr pop de jr l04dd l054b: ld a,(l11d1) bit 0,a jr z,l05ae push hl ld hl,(l11d2) ld (l014c),hl ld hl,(l11d4) ld (l0150),hl ld (l014e),hl ld a,l and 3 ld c,a l0566: ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) pop hl push hl sbc hl,de jr z,l05a6 ex af,af' ld hl,(l014c) ld de,(l014e) xor a sbc hl,de jr z,l05ac ex af,af' ld hl,(l014e) jr c,l0587 ld (l014c),hl jr l058a l0587: ld (l0150),hl l058a: ld hl,(l014c) ld de,(l0150) xor a adc hl,de rr h rr l l0598: ld a,l and 3 cp c jr z,l05a1 dec hl jr l0598 l05a1: ld (l014e),hl jr l0566 l05a6: pop hl ld de,(l014e) ret l05ac: ex af,af' pop hl l05ae: scf ret ; ; Get character from keyboard ; EXIT Accu holds character as upper case ; Carry flag set on end of line ; l05b0: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr nz,l05b0 ; Ignore delimiter ret ; ; Get character from keyboard ; EXIT Accu holds character as upper case ; Carry flag set on end of line ; Zero flag set on delimiter ; l05b6: call l05c8 ; Read character from keyboard push af exx call c,l0360 ; Process end of line exx cp 'a' ; Test lower case jr c,l05c5 res 5,c ; Convert to upper case l05c5: pop af ld a,c ret ; ; Read character from keyboard ; EXIT Accu and reg C hold character ; Carry flag set on end of line ; Zero flag set on delimiter ; l05c8: call l0167 ; Read character from keyboard and NOMSB ld c,a cp 'C'-'@' ; Test abort call z,l0158 ; Exit if so cp cr ; Test end of input scf ret z cp ' ' ; Filter delimiter ret z cp ',' ret z or a ; Mark normal character ret ; ; Execute immediate command if found ; l05df: cp 'R' ; Test return to command mode jp z,l0123 cp 'C' ; Test comment field control jp z,l07c2 cp 'H' ; Test halt at top of each page jp z,l08ca cp 'H'-'@' ; Test cancel halt at top of each page jp z,l08cf ret ; ; Command mode ; l05f4: ld iy,l013d ; Point to status area bit 1,(iy+5) ; Test ID already told jr nz,l0608 ; Yeap, so skip telling ld hl,l0f34 call l035d ; Tell our ID set 1,(iy+5) ; Set no more telling it l0608: ld c,'#' call l019a ; Put character to console call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard ld hl,l05f4 push hl ; Set RET to command mode ld hl,l0633+ll0633-1 ld bc,ll0633 cpdr ; Find command in list ret nz ; Nope, so reenter command mode ld hl,l0647 add hl,bc ; Position in command list add hl,bc ld e,(hl) ; Fetch address inc hl ld d,(hl) ex de,hl set 4,(iy+4) ; Force console log res 0,(iy+4) ; Disable write to memory xor a ld (l0145),a ; Init ??? status jp (hl) ; Execute command ; ; Command table ; l0633:: db 'TBL' ; -> Also used for file type db 'FEADO' db 'WCSGKPXH' db 0ch,08h,'MN' ll0633 equ $-l0633 l0647: dw l095f ; T - Create data label dw l0a6f ; B - Build index table dw l0962 ; L - Create label ; dw l067e ; F - Find statements dw l06a1 ; E - End command dw l0676 ; A - Assign start of symbol table dw l0a73 ; D - Display as mnemonic dw l08d4 ; O - Output device definition dw l0736 ; W - Write table to file dw l07c2 ; C - Comment field control dw l0961 ; S - Create instruction label dw l066f ; G - Go to routine dw l09ec ; K - Kill symbol table entry dw l07ce ; P - Print symbol table dw l0908 ; X - Search through address range dw l08ca ; H - Halt at top of each page dw l08aa ; ^L - Go to top of next page dw l08cf ; ^H - Cancel halt at top of each page dw l0a50 ; M - Set address mode dw l08bf ; N - ??? ; ; G - Go to routine ; l066f: call l05b0 ; Get character from keyboard call l02ed ; Load address parameter ret ; Execute it at address ; ; A - Assign start of symbol table ; l0676: bit 0,(iy+5) jp z,l113b ret ; ; F - Find statements ; l067e: call l05b0 ; Get character from keyboard res 4,(iy+4) ; Disable log to console set 7,(iy+8) call l02ed ; Load one parameter pop hl ; Get parameter call l04c7 ex de,hl ld (l0152),hl ld (l0154),hl call l02a2 ; Get address range ld ix,(l013d) jp l0b53 ; ; E - End command ; l06a1: res 4,(iy+4) ; Disable log to console ld ix,l0139 ld hl,l1117 call l035d ; Put .END bit 3,(iy+4) ; Test file write enabled ret z ; Nope ld c,eof call l0177 ; Put character to file ld hl,l0080 call l06f8 ; Write record to file set 4,(iy+4) ; Enable log to console bit 3,(iy+4) ; Test file write enabled ret z ; Nope res 3,(iy+4) ; Disable file write exx call l0764 l06d0: ld hl,l0633 ld de,l005c+.drv+.nam ld bc,.ext ldir ; Set .TBL exx ret ; ; ; l06dd: bit 3,(iy+4) ; Test file write enabled ret nz ; Yeap exx ld hl,l07a3 ld de,l005c+.drv+.nam ld bc,.ext ldir ; Set .ASM call l0716 ; Open file jr z,l06d0 ; Not found call l018e ; Init record pointer exx ret ; ; Write record to file ; ENTRY Reg HL points to disk buffer ; l06f8: push hl push de push bc ex de,hl call l0797 ; Set disk buffer ld de,l005c ld c,15h call l015b ; Write record to file pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; ; Write data to file ; ENTRY Reg HL points to initial disk buffer address ; Reg DE points to final disk buffer address ; Reg BC holds increment ; l070b: call l06f8 ; Write record to file ld a,e sub l ; Test all written ld a,d sbc a,h ret c ; Yeap add hl,bc ; Advance buffer jr l070b ; Write next record ; ; Open file ; EXIT Zero flag set if not found ; l0716: xor a ld hl,l005c+_EX ld b,FCBlen-_EX l071c: ld (hl),a ; Clear remainder of file inc hl djnz l071c ; call l0794 ; Set default disk buffer ld de,l005c ld c,0fh call l015b ; Open file ld hl,l07bb inc a ; Test file on disk jr nz,l0772 ; Yeap, tell it ld hl,l07ab jr l0772 ; Tell not found ; ; W - Write table to file ; l0736: ld hl,l0633 ; Point to .TBL ld de,l005c+.drv+.nam ld bc,.ext call l0880 ; Find extension jr z,l074a ; Got it ld hl,l079c jp l035d ; Tell close l074a: call l0716 ; Open file ret z ; Not found ld bc,l0011 ld de,(l11da) ld hl,(l11d6) add hl,bc add hl,de ld de,l11d1 ex de,hl ld bc,l0080 call l070b ; Write data to file l0764: call l0794 ; Set default disk buffer ld de,l005c ld c,10h call l015b ; Close file ld hl,l07b5 ; Tell saved l0772: push af push hl ld hl,l005c ld b,.nam l0779: inc hl ld a,(hl) cp ' ' ld c,a call nz,l01bb ; Put character to device djnz l0779 ld c,'.' call l01bb ; Put character to device ld b,.ext inc hl call l0383 ; Print type pop hl call l035d ; Give message pop af ret ; ; Set default disk buffer ; l0794: ld de,l0080 ; ; Set disk buffer ; ENTRY Reg DE points to disk buffer ; l0797: ld c,1ah jp l015b ; Set disk buffer ; l079c: db 'CLOSE .' l07a3: db 'ASM' ; -> Also used for file type dc ' FILE' l07ab: dc ' NOT FOUND' l07b5: dc ' SAVED' l07bb: dc ' OPENED' ; ; C - Comment field control ; l07c2: push af rl (iy-2) ccf rr (iy-2) pop af ret ; ; P - Print symbol table ; l07ce: res 4,(iy+4) ; Disable console log ex af,af' ld a,0ffh ex af,af' ld hl,(l11d4) ld (l013f),hl ; Set top of memory ld bc,l0004 ld ix,(l11d2) l07e3: call l02be ; Compare TOP:IX jr c,l07f0 res 4,(ix+3) add ix,bc jr l07e3 l07f0: call l0360 ; Give new line on device l07f3: call l02ce ; Read character from keyboard ld ix,(l11d2) ld a,0ffh ld (l1137),a l07ff: call l02be ; Compare TOP:IX jr c,l084d bit 5,(ix+3) jr z,l0846 bit 4,(ix+3) jr nz,l0846 ld l,(ix+2) ld a,(ix+3) and 0fh ld h,a ld de,(l11d6) add hl,de ld de,l113b+4 ld bc,l0006 call l0891 ld l,(ix+0) ld h,(ix+1) ld (l1145),hl ld hl,l1137 call l0880 jp po,l0846 jr nc,l0846 ld bc,l0008 ex de,hl call l0891 ld (l1147),ix l0846: ld bc,l0004 add ix,bc jr l07ff l084d: ld a,(l1137) inc a jp z,l0360 ; Give new line on device ex af,af' inc a and 3 call z,l0360 ; Give new line on device ex af,af' ld hl,l1137 ld b,6 call l0383 ; Print value ld c,'=' call l01bb ; Put character to device ld hl,(l113b+2) call l027d ; Put word to console ld bc,256*4+' ' call l0373 ; Give blanks ld ix,(l1147) set 4,(ix+3) jp l07f3 ; ; ; l0880: push bc push hl push de l0883: ld a,(de) cp (hl) cpi jp po,l088d inc de jr z,l0883 l088d: pop de pop hl pop bc ret ; ; ; l0891: push hl push bc push de push de ex de,hl add hl,bc ex de,hl l0898: ld a,(hl) cp ' ' jr nz,l08a3 dec bc dec de inc hl ld (de),a jr l0898 l08a3: pop de ldir pop de pop bc pop hl ret ; ; ^L - Go to top of next page ; l08aa: bit 6,(iy+5) jr nz,l08b3 add a,(iy+12) ; Add printer footer lines l08b3: add a,(iy+13) ; Add printer header lines add a,(iy+11) ; Add current printer page length ld b,a ; Save length l08ba: call l033a ; Give new line on printer djnz l08ba ; Advance to next page ; ; N - ??? ; l08bf:: res 6,(iy+5) ld a,(iy+14) ; Get printer page length ld (iy+11),a ; Init current printer page length ret ; ; H - Halt at top of each page ; l08ca: set 7,(iy+5) ; Set halt ret ; ; ^H - Cancel halt at top of each page ; l08cf: res 7,(iy+5) ; Reset halt ret ; ; O - Output device definition ; l08d4: ld a,(iy+4) ; Get flag and 11111000b ; Mask devices ld d,a l08da: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr c,l08ff ; End of input cp 'C' ; Test console jr z,l08ed cp 'L' ; Test printer jr z,l08f0 cp 'A' ; Test file jr z,l08f4 jr l08da l08ed: set 1,d ; Enable console jp.nz l08f0: set 2,d ; Enable printer jr l08f6 l08f4: set 3,d ; Enable file l08f6: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr c,l08ff ; End of input jr nz,l08f6 jr l08da l08ff: bit 3,d ; Test file enabled call nz,l06dd ; Yeap ld (iy+4),d ; Set device ret ; ; X - Search through address range ; l0908: set 7,(iy+8) res 4,(iy+4) ; Disable console log ld hl,l1129 call l0379 ; Tell symbol value range call l0334 ; Load two parameters push de ; Save parameter 2 call l054b ld (l0152),de exx pop hl call l054b ld (l0154),de call l02a2 ; Get address range exx jr l0938 l0930: ld de,(l0152) inc de inc de inc de inc de l0938: ld hl,(l0154) xor a sbc hl,de ret c ld (l0152),de ld ix,(l013d) jp l0b53 l094a: ld hl,l0953 call l035d ; Tell symbol table full jp l0123 ; l0953: dc 'SYM TBL FULL' ; ; T - Create data label ; l095f: scf l0960: jr.nc ; ; S - Create instruction label ; l0961: inc a ; ; L - Create label ; l0962: push af ld hl,0ff9h ;; l0ff9 ld de,(l11d8) xor a sbc hl,de jr c,l094a call l02ed ; Load one parameter ld c,'=' call l019a ; Put character to console call l0499 pop hl ; Get parameter call l04b9 inc de jr c,l0991 ex de,hl jr nz,l0998 bit 5,(hl) jr z,l0998 ld a,(hl) dec hl ld l,(hl) and 0fh ld h,a pop af jr l09af l0991: call l04c7 inc de inc de inc de ex de,hl l0998: ld de,(l11d8) ld a,80h and (hl) or ' ' or d ld (hl),a pop af jr nc,l09a8 set 7,(hl) l09a8: jr z,l09ac res 7,(hl) l09ac: dec hl ld (hl),e ex de,hl l09af: ld bc,(l11d6) add hl,bc ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) dec hl push bc ld de,l1137 ex de,hl ld bc,l0006 ldir pop bc ld hl,(l11d8) ld de,(l11da) xor a sbc hl,de jr z,l09d6 ld l,c ld a,b and 0fh ld h,a jr l09e8 l09d6: ld bc,l0006 add hl,bc add hl,de ld (l11da),hl ld de,(l11d6) ex de,hl add hl,de ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d ex de,hl l09e8: ld (l11d8),hl ret ; ; K - Kill symbol table entry ; l09ec: call l02ed ; Load one parameter pop hl ; Get parameter push af call l04b9 jr c,l0a4c push de jr z,l0a11 ex de,hl ld c,(hl) inc hl ld a,(hl) and 0fh ld b,a ld hl,(l11d6) add hl,bc ld de,(l11d8) ld (l11d8),bc ld (hl),e set 7,d inc hl ld (hl),d l0a11: ld hl,(l11d4) ld de,(l014e) xor a sbc hl,de push hl pop bc pop hl jr z,l0a24 inc hl inc hl ldir l0a24: ld hl,(l11d2) sbc hl,de jr c,l0a42 ld (l11d8),hl ld (l11da),hl ld (l11d4),de ld hl,l0004 add hl,de ld (l11d6),hl xor a ld (l11d1),a jr l0a4c l0a42: ld hl,(l11d4) dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld (l11d4),hl l0a4c: pop af ret c jr l09ec ; ; M - Set address mode ; l0a50: call l0334 ; Load two parameters push de ; Save parameter 2 call l04b9 jr c,l0a64 inc de ex de,hl l0a5b: pop bc ld a,c or a set 7,(hl) ret nz res 7,(hl) ret l0a64: call l04c7 ex de,hl inc hl inc hl inc hl set 6,(hl) jr l0a5b ; ; B - Build index table ; l0a6f: set 0,(iy+8) ; Indicate it ; ; D - Display as mnemonic ; l0a73: res 7,(iy+4) ; Reset byte dump l0a77: call l05b6 ; Get character from keyboard jr c,l0a88 ; End of input jr z,l0a92 ; Skip delimiter cp 'T' ; Test byte dump jr nz,l0a8d ; Nope set 7,(iy+4) ; Set byte dump jr l0a77 l0a88: ld hl,(l0156) ; Load current disassemble address jr l0a95 l0a8d: call l029b ; Get two addresses jr l0a95 l0a92: call l02a2 ; Get address range l0a95: push hl ; Put address pop ix ; Get start address pop hl res 4,(iy+4) ; Disable console log jp l0b53 ; ; Disassemble loop ; l0aa0: bit 7,(iy+8) jr z,l0ac4 bit 6,(iy+8) jp z,l0abd ld hl,(l0152) ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) ex de,hl ld de,(l0146) xor a sbc hl,de jr z,l0ac4 l0abd: pop hl call l02ce ; Read character from keyboard jp l0b53 l0ac4: ld hl,(l012b) ld (l0143),hl ; Init memory pointer push ix pop hl ld (l0156),hl ; Update current disassemble address pop de push de xor a sbc hl,de ld b,l push bc ex de,hl l0ad8: ld a,(hl) call l0282 ; Put byte to console inc hl ld a,b cp 3 jr nz,l0ae7 ld c,' ' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0ae7: djnz l0ad8 pop bc ld hl,(l0133) ld (l0143),hl ; Init memory pointer pop hl ld c,';' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0af6: ld a,(hl) and NOMSB cp ' ' jr nc,l0aff l0afd: ld a,'.' l0aff: cp '{'+1 jr nc,l0afd ld c,a call l01bb ; Put character to device inc hl djnz l0af6 res 0,(iy+4) ; Disable write to memory push ix ld ix,l0137 l0b14: ld a,(ix+0) and 0fh ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,l0129 add hl,bc ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) push de inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl ld h,(hl) ld l,b dec hl set 7,(hl) bit 7,(ix+0) jr z,l0b3c ld a,0a0h l0b34: cp (hl) jr nz,l0b3c dec hl set 7,(hl) jr l0b34 l0b3c: pop hl ; Get back message call l0379 ; Print it bit 7,(ix+0) jr nz,l0b4a inc ix jr l0b14 l0b4a: pop ix inc e call l0360 ; Give new line on device call l02ce ; Read character from keyboard ; ; ENTRY Reg IX holds program counter ; l0b53: set 0,(iy+4) ; Enable write to memory res 6,(iy+8) call l02be ; Compare TOP:IX push hl jr nc,l0b6c pop hl bit 7,(iy+8) jp nz,l0930 jp l05f4 l0b6c: exx ld hl,l0aa0 push hl ; Set loop address call l0480 ld hl,(l0129) ld (l0143),hl ; Init memory pointer exx call l027d ; Put word to console call l04b9 jr c,l0bc2 ex af,af' inc de ex de,hl bit 0,(iy+8) ; Test build index table jr z,l0b98 ; Nope res 7,(hl) bit 7,(iy+4) ; Test byte dump jr z,l0ba4 ; Nope set 7,(hl) jr l0ba4 l0b98: res 7,(iy+4) ; Reset byte dump bit 7,(hl) jr z,l0ba4 set 7,(iy+4) ; Set byte dump l0ba4: bit 6,(hl) jr nz,l0bc2 res 5,(iy+4) ld bc,(l012d) ld (l0143),bc ; Init memory pointer ex af,af' push af call z,l0d77 pop af call nz,l0d92 ld c,':' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0bc2: ld hl,(l012f) ld (l0143),hl ; Init memory pointer bit 7,(iy+4) ; Test byte dump jr z,l0bee ; Nope ld hl,l1112 call l0d1e ; Print opcode ld b,4 jr l0bdd l0bd8: ld c,',' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0bdd: call l038b ; Load byte from program call l01b3 ; Put formatted byte to console call l02be ; Compare TOP:IX ret c call l04b9 ret nc djnz l0bd8 ret l0bee: xor a ld e,a call l038b ; Load byte from program ld d,a ; Save it ld hl,l1067 ld bc,ll1067 cpir ; Find relative jump and bit reference jp z,l0d28 ld c,ll106e cpir ; Find extension prefix 0DDH,0EDH,0FDH jp z,l0db1 ld hl,l0f8c ld c,ll0f8c cpir ; Find single opcode jp z,l0d0f ld c,ll0f9f cpir ; Find opcode with byte operand jp z,l0d03 ld c,ll0fa9 cpir ; Find address reference jp z,l0cf3 l0c1e:: and 11000000b ; Mask bits cp 01000000b ; Test MOV r,r jp z,l0ce2 cp 10000000b ; Test ALU jp z,l0cd7 ld a,d ; Get back opcode and 11000111b sub 4 jp z,l0cd1 dec a jp z,l0ccc dec a jp z,l0cbf ld a,d ; Get back opcode again and 11000000b jr z,l0c9d ld a,d ; Get back opcode once more and 11000111b sub 0c0h jr z,l0c95 sub 2 jr z,l0c8a sub 2 jr z,l0c86 sub 3 jr z,l0c69 ld a,d ; Get back opcode last time and 7 ld hl,l0f74 call l0d15 call l040d ; Extract destination bits cp 00000110b jp nz,l0cf0 ld hl,l1058 jp l0d1e ; Print opcode l0c69: ld hl,l1055 call l0d1e ; Print opcode call l040d ; Extract destination bits call l0282 ; Put byte to console bit 0,(iy+8) ; Test build index table ret z ; Nope ld a,d and 00111000b ld l,a ld h,0 ld (l0146),hl jp l04c7 l0c86: ld c,'C' jr l0c8c l0c8a: ld c,'J' l0c8c: call l01bb ; Put character to device call l0414 ; Print condition code jp l0cf9 l0c95: ld c,'R' call l01bb ; Put character to device jp l0414 ; Print condition code l0c9d: ld hl,l1041 ld a,d and 0fh dec a jr z,l0cb2 cp 4 jr c,l0cac sub 5 l0cac: call l0d19 jp l041d l0cb2: call l0d1e ; Print opcode call l041d l0cb8: ld c,',' call l01bb ; Put character to device jr l0cf9 l0cbf: ld hl,l103e call l0391 ld c,',' call l01bb ; Put character to device jr l0d09 l0ccc: ld hl,l103b jr l0cd4 l0cd1: ld hl,l1038 l0cd4: jp l0391 ; ; Found ALU ; l0cd7:: call l040d ; Extract destination bits ld hl,l1020 call l0d19 jr l0ced ; ; Found MOV r,r ; l0ce2:: ld hl,l101d call l0391 l0ce8: ld c,',' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0ced: ld a,d ; Get back opcode and 00000111b ; Extract source register l0cf0: jp l0397 ; ; Found address reference ; l0cf3:: ld hl,l1008 call l0d1a l0cf9: call l038b ; Load byte from program ld l,a call l038b ; Load byte from program ld h,a jr l0d43 ; ; Found opcode with byte operand ; l0d03:: ld hl,l0feb call l0d1a l0d09: call l038b ; Load byte from program jp l01b3 ; Put formatted byte to console ; ; Found single opcode ; l0d0f:: ld hl,l0faf jr l0d1a l0d14: ld a,c l0d15: srl a srl a l0d19: ld c,a l0d1a: ld b,c call l02b3 ; Position behind string l0d1e: call l0379 ; Print message ^HL l0d21: ld hl,(l0131) ld (l0143),hl ; Init memory pointer ret ; ; Found relative jump and bit reference ; l0d28:: cp 0cbh ; Test bit reference jp z,l0e7e ld hl,l1071 call l0d1a call l038b ; Load byte from program push ix pop hl ld d,0 ld e,a bit 7,e jr z,l0d42 ld d,0ffh l0d42: add hl,de l0d43: ld (l0146),hl set 6,(iy+8) call l04b9 jr c,l0d65 inc de ex de,hl set 5,(iy+4) bit 5,(hl) jr nz,l0d92 bit 0,(iy+8) ; Test build index table jr nz,l0d6c ; Yeap bit 6,(hl) jr nz,l0d73 jr l0d77 l0d65: bit 0,(iy+8) ; Test build index table jr z,l0d74 ; Nope ex de,hl l0d6c: ex de,hl call l04c7 xor a jr l0d7a l0d73: ex de,hl l0d74: jp l01ab ; Put formatted word to console l0d77: bit 7,(hl) ex de,hl l0d7a: push af bit 5,(iy+4) jr nz,l0d86 ld c,' ' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0d86: pop af ld c,'S' jr z,l0d8c inc c l0d8c: call l01bb ; Put character to device jp l027d ; Put word to console l0d92: ld a,0fh and (hl) ld b,a dec hl ld c,(hl) ld hl,(l11d6) add hl,bc ld b,6 bit 5,(iy+4) jr z,l0dac l0da4: ld a,(hl) cp ' ' jr nz,l0dac inc hl djnz l0da4 l0dac: call l0383 ; Print message ex de,hl ret ; ; Found extension prefix 0DDH,0EDH,0FDH ; l0db1:: cp 0edh ld e,d jp nz,l0ddd ld a,(ix+0) and 01000111b cp 01000011b jp nz,l0ea7 call l038b ; Load byte from program ld d,a call l040d ; Extract destination bits and 00000110b rlca ld b,0 bit 3,d jr z,l0dd3 add a,16 l0dd3: ld c,a ld hl,l1087 call l0d14 jp l0cf9 l0ddd: ld hl,l0f62 call l038b ; Load byte from program ld d,a ld c,ll0f62 cpir jr z,l0e3c ld c,ll0f67 cpir jr z,l0e27 cp 023h jr nz,l0df9 ld hl,l1048 jr l0e00 l0df9: cp 02bh jr nz,l0e06 ld hl,l1052 l0e00: call l0d1e ; Print opcode jp l03d1 ; Put index register l0e06: and 0cfh cp 9 ld a,d jp nz,l0c1e ld hl,l104b call l0379 ; Print DAD call l03d1 ; Put index register call l0d21 ld a,00110000b and d cp 00100000b push af call z,l03d1 ; Put index register pop af jp nz,l041d l0e27: ld hl,l0f74 ld b,c call l02b3 ; Position behind string ld a,c cp 2 push af call nc,l0379 ; Print message ^HL pop af call c,l0d1e ; Print opcode jp l03d1 ; Put index register l0e3c: cp 0cbh jr nz,l0e46 ld a,(ix+1) jp l0e81 l0e46: cp 021h jr nz,l0e56 ld hl,l1041 call l0d1e ; Print opcode call l03d1 ; Put index register jp l0cb8 l0e56: cp '6' jp z,l0cbf cp '"' jr nz,l0e66 ld c,'S' call l01bb ; Put character to device jr l0e6b l0e66: ld c,'L' call l01bb ; Put character to device l0e6b: ld c,'I' call l01bb ; Put character to device call l03d1 ; Put index register ld c,'D' call l01bb ; Put character to device call l0d21 jp l0cf9 l0e7e: call l038b ; Load byte from program l0e81: ld d,a rlca rlca and 3 jr z,l0e9b dec a ld hl,l10a7 call l0d19 call l040d ; Extract destination bits add a,'0' ld c,a call l01bb ; Put character to device jp l0ce8 l0e9b: call l040d ; Extract destination bits ld hl,l10b0 call l0d19 jp l0ced l0ea7: call l038b ; Load byte from program ld d,a and 11100000b cp 10100000b jp nz,l0ece ld hl,l10d1 ld a,d and 00000011b ld b,a call l02b3 ; Position behind string call l0379 ; Print message ^HL ld hl,l10da call l040d ; Extract destination bits and 00000011b ld b,a call l02b3 ; Position behind string jp l0379 ; Print message ^HL l0ece: ld a,d ld bc,ll0f6c ld hl,l0f6c cpir jr nz,l0ee5 ld hl,l0f84 and 8 rrca call l0d15 jp l041d l0ee5: ld c,4 ld hl,l10e0 cpir jr nz,l0f05 ld hl,l100f srl c ld b,c call l02b3 ; Position behind string call l0379 ; Print message ^HL ld c,'I' bit 3,d jr z,l0f02 ld c,'R' l0f02: jp l01bb ; Put character to device l0f05: ld c,8 cpir jr nz,l0f11 ld hl,l10ec jp l0d1a l0f11: and 0c6h cp '@' jr nz,l0f2a ld a,d and 0feh cp 70h jr z,l0f2a ld a,1 and d ld hl,l1106 call l0d19 jp l0394 l0f2a: ld hl,l110d call l0d1e ; Print opcode ex de,hl jp l027d ; Put word to console ; l0f34: db 'REVAS/CPM V 2.5' db cr,lf dc 'Copyright 1981 by A.E. Hawley' l0f62: db 0cbh,021h,022h,02ah,036h ll0f62 equ $-l0f62 l0f67: db 0e9h,0e3h,0f9h,0e5h,0e1h ll0f67 equ $-l0f67 l0f6c: db 4ah,5ah,6ah,7ah,42h,52h,62h,72h ll0f6c equ $-l0f6c l0f74: dc 'POP','PUSH','SPI','XTI','PCI' l0f84: dc 'DSBC','DADC' l0f8c: db 0d9h,008h,000h,007h,00fh,017h,01fh,027h,02fh,037h db 03fh,076h,0c9h,0e3h,0e9h,0ebh,0f3h,0f9h,0fbh ll0f8c equ $-l0f8c l0f9f: db 0c6h,0ceh,0d3h,0d6h,0dbh,0deh,0e6h,0eeh,0f6h,0feh ll0f9f equ $-l0f9f l0fa9: db 22h,2ah,32h,3ah,0c3h,0cdh ll0fa9 equ $-l0fa9 l0faf: dc 'EI','SPHL','DI','XCHG','PCHL','XTHL','RET' dc 'HLT','CMC','STC','CMA','DAA','RAR','RAL' dc 'RRC','RLC','NOP','EXAF','EXX' l0feb: dc 'CPI','ORI','XRI','ANI','SBI' dc 'IN','SUI','OUT','ACI','ADI' l1008: dc 'CALL','JMP' l100f: dc 'LDA','STA','LHLD','SHLD' l101d: dc 'MOV' l1020: dc 'ADD','ADC','SUB','SBB' dc 'ANA','XRA','ORA','CMP' l1038: dc 'INR' l103b: dc 'DCR' l103e: dc 'MVI' l1041: dc 'LXI','STAX' l1048: dc 'INX' l104b: dc 'DAD','LDAX' l1052: dc 'DCX' l1055: dc 'RST' l1058: dc 'PSW' l105b: dc 'NZ','Z','NC','C','PO','PE','P','M' l1067: db 0cbh,010h,018h,020h,028h,030h,038h ll1067 equ $-l1067 l106e: db 0ddh,0edh,0fdh ll106e equ $-l106e l1071: dc 'JRC','JRNC','JRZ','JRNZ','JMPR','DJNZ' l1087: dc 'SBCD','SDED','DATA','SSPD' dc 'LBCD','LDED','DATA','LSPD' l10a7: dc 'BIT','RES','SET' l10b0: dc 'RLCR','RRCR','RALR','RARR' dc 'SLAR','SRAR','.WORD','SRLR' l10d1: dc 'LD','CC','IN','OUT' l10da:: db 0c9h,0c4h,'I',0d2h,'D',0d2h l10e0: db 'OG_WDEMFV^og' l10ec: dc 'RRD','RLD','IM2','IM1' dc 'IM0','RETI','RETN','NEG' l1106: dc 'INP','OUTP' l110d: dc '.WORD' l1112: dc '.BYTE' l1117: dc '.END' l111b: db cr,lf+MSB l111d: dc ' ADDR RANGE=' l1129: dc 'SYM VAL RANGE=' ; l1137: dw 0,0 l113b:: ld a,(l0100) cp 0fdh jp nz,l0480 db 0cdh,0edh l1145: db 2,0c1h l1147: db 6 ; LD B,0 l1148: db 0 ld hl,l117f add hl,bc add hl,bc ld e,(hl) inc hl l1150: db 'V',0ebh,11h,'#',1,19h l1156: db 0afh,11h db '#',1,0edh,'Ry',0feh,6,0e5h,'0' db 7,0cdh,0edh,2,0c1h,0e1h,'q',0c9h db 0e1h,6 l116b: db 1,1fh,0feh,5,' ' l1170: db 1,'G',0cdh l1173: db 0c8h db 5,'(',4,'w#',10h,0f7h,'+',0cbh db 0feh,0c9h l117f: ;; dw l0344 db 'D',3,'j',3,'I',1,'J' db 1,'K',1,0abh,0bh,0dah,2,0e0h,5 db 0beh,0bh,0f2h,0ah,12h,11h,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 l11af: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0,0,0 l11d1: db 0 l11d2: dw l11dc l11d4: dw l11dc l11d6: dw l11e0 l11d8: db 0,0 l11da: db 0,0 ; ; Relocate data with offset in reg BC - offset depends on load address ; l11dc: ld hl,l1238 ; Get pointer to bit map add hl,bc l11e0: push hl pop ix ; Copy it ld hl,l11dc ld de,l0123 ; Point to top of memory push de sbc hl,de ; Calculate length of code ex (sp),hl ; -> 10B9H add hl,bc push hl ; -> 0223H-0100H ld hl,l0100 add hl,bc push hl ; -> 0200H-0100H exx pop de ; <- 0200H-0100H pop hl ; <- 0223H-0100H pop bc ; <-> 10B9H push bc ldir ; Copy from 0123 to 0100 10B9 bytes pop bc ; Get back length ld d,b ; Copy it ld e,c exx push iy ; [BBCB] pop bc xor a cp b ; Test 0000H jr nz,l120c ; Nope cp c jr nz,l120c push hl pop iy l120c: ld sp,hl ; Get back start of code ld bc,l0123 ; Point to top of memory xor a sbc hl,bc ; Calculate relocation offset ex de,hl ; Copy it ; ; Relocation loop ; l1214: ld a,(ix+0) ; Get byte from bit map ld b,8 ; Set length of byte l1219: rlca ; Test bit exx dec bc ; Count down length exx jr c,l1222 ; Got relocation bit inc sp ; Skip byte if not jr l1229 l1222: pop hl add hl,de ; Relocate push hl pop hl exx dec bc ; Count down length exx l1229: djnz l1219 ; Loop thru byte ; exx ld h,d ; Reload length ld l,e xor a sbc hl,bc ; Test still in range exx inc ix ; Point to next byte in bitmap jr nc,l1214 jp (iy) ; [BBCB] ; ; Bit map ; l1238: db 01011111b,11100000b,00010000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b db 00000000b,00001000b,00000000b,00010000b,00000100b,00000000b,00000000b db 00001000b,00010100b,01010000b,00000010b,00000000b,00000001b,00000000b db 00010000b,00010000b,01000100b,00000000b,00000000b,10000000b,00000010b db 01000000b,00010000b,00000100b,00001000b,00000000b,00000000b,00010000b db 00000000b,00000000b,00000001b,00000001b,00010000b,00010010b,10000000b db 00001000b,00101010b,10010000b,00000000b,00100000b,00000000b,10001010b db 00010100b,00000000b,00000010b,00000001b,01000000b,10000000b,00010000b db 00010001b,00000000b,01000000b,01000000b,10100000b,01000010b,00001000b db 00001000b,10100000b,01000010b,00001000b,00000100b,00000000b,01010000b db 00000000b,00000000b,01000000b,10101000b,00000000b,01010000b,00000000b db 01000000b,00001000b,00010000b,10000100b,00000000b,00000100b,00000010b db 10101000b,00100010b,00101010b,10000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00001000b db 00100000b,00000100b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,01000000b,00000000b db 01001000b,10000001b,00001001b,00000001b,00000000b,00000001b,00001000b db 00001000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b db 00000000b,10100000b,00000000b,00000000b,00100010b,00000010b,00000000b db 10000001b,01010101b,00000000b,00000001b,00100000b,00100010b,00101001b db 00000000b,00000000b,01000001b,00000010b,00010001b,00000000b,00010000b db 00100000b,00000000b,00100010b,00100010b,00100000b,00101000b,00001010b db 10010000b,00010000b,00000000b,00001000b,00000000b,00000000b,00111111b db 11111111b,11111101b,01000000b,10010000b,00000100b,10010101b,00101000b db 00010101b,00000000b,10000100b,00000000b,00000101b,00000000b,00000000b db 01000000b,00010001b,00000001b,00000010b,00001000b,00000000b,00000000b db 10000001b,01000010b,00100000b,00100010b,10100000b,01010001b,00000101b db 00000010b,10000000b,00000010b,00001000b,01001000b,00000100b,00000000b db 00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,01010000b db 01010000b,00000001b,01001000b,10100000b,00000000b,00000000b,00001001b db 00001000b,00001010b,10100000b,00100100b,00000010b,01000001b,00100010b db 00101010b,00010010b,00001000b,00000100b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b db 00000000b,00000000b,00000001b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000010b db 00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,01000000b,00010000b,00000000b,01010100b db 10010001b,00101000b,00100000b,10000001b,00101010b,10100000b,00000000b db 00000000b,10000001b,00010100b,10000000b,00000000b,00000100b,00001000b db 00000000b,00000000b,00100000b,00100000b,00010010b,00000000b,00000000b db 01001000b,00001001b,00010000b,00000000b,01000100b,10000001b,00100000b db 00000000b,10000010b,10010000b,01001000b,10000010b,00001001b,00000000b db 00000010b,00000000b,00000000b,10000000b,00000000b,10001000b,10000000b db 00100000b,00000010b,10000001b,00000001b,01010100b,00100000b,00000100b db 00000001b,00001010b,00010000b,00000000b,00010000b,00000001b,00000000b db 01000000b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b,01000000b,00000000b,10100000b db 00001000b,00000010b,10010010b,10100101b,00000000b,00000000b,00000000b db 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