program LABDASM(input,output); {$V-} (* Build reference list from disassembled source This one searches for CALL instructions Dynamic routines base upon (Archive 2008, June, "Binary Search Tree") TURBO program written by W.Cirsovius (Previously used dynamic routines base upon RODNAY ZAKS) *) const tab = ^I; space = ' '; labcolumn = 8; type LStr = string[255]; FStr = string[ 14]; SStr = string[ 20]; ErrType = (NoFI,SamFI,CtrlC,IO,RT,Intern); SymPtr = ^SymList; SymList = record Left, Right : SymPtr; SymName : SStr; end; var Symbol : SStr; FNI, FNO : FStr; FI, FO : text; FLine : LStr; Root, Symb : SymPtr; col, cidx : integer; procedure Error(Err:ErrType); (* Print error messages and exit *) Begin case Err of NoFI : writeln('Cannot find source file ',FNI); SamFI : writeln('Files must be different'); CtrlC : writeln('User abort'); IO : writeln('Destination file ',FNO,' error'); RT : writeln('Runtime error'); Intern : writeln('Unknown error'); end; halt; End; procedure ErrorHandler(Code,PC:integer); (* Print redirected file error messages and exit *) Begin {$I-}close(FO){$I+}; if IOResult<>0 then Error(IO); case Hi(code) of 0 : Error(CtrlC); 1 : Error(IO); 2 : Error(RT); else Error(Intern); end; End; (* ========== START DYNAMIC ROUTINES ========== *) function MakeNode(Symbol:SStr):SymPtr; (* Create a new node *) var TmpNode : SymPtr; Begin New(TmpNode); TmpNode^.SymName:=Symbol; TmpNode^.Left:=NIL; TmpNode^.Right:=NIL; MakeNode:=TmpNode; End; {$A-} procedure Insert(var Symb:SymPtr;Symbol:SStr); (* Insert label into list *) Begin if Symb=NIL then Symb:=MakeNode(Symbol) else if Symbol> Insert ',Symbol); end; cnt:=succ(cnt); Insert(Symb,Symbol); End; procedure upline(var Line:LStr); (* Convert line to upper case *) var i : integer; Begin for i:=1 to length(Line) do Line[i]:=upcase(Line[i]); End; function white(i:integer):boolean; (* Test white space in line *) Begin white:=FLine[cidx+i] in [tab,space]; End; function comment:boolean; (* Test comment in line *) Begin comment:=FLine[cidx]=';'; End; procedure listSymbols(cnt:integer); (* Write listing of labels to file *) Begin writeln; rewrite(FO); writeln(FO,cnt:5,' symbols found:'); writeln(FO,'--------------------'); col:=0; printSymbols(Root); close(FO); End; procedure findCALL(var cnt:integer;dbg:boolean); (* Extract label from line *) var work : boolean; Begin cidx:=cidx+3; repeat cidx:=succ(cidx); until not white(0); Symbol:=''; cidx:=pred(cidx); repeat cidx:=succ(cidx); if ((not white(0)) and (not comment)) then Symbol:=Symbol+FLine[cidx]; until ((white(0)) or comment or (cidx>=length(FLine))); if Symbol[2]=',' then delete(Symbol,1,2) else if Symbol[3]=',' then delete(Symbol,1,3); if not Find(Root,Symbol) then Putlist(Symbol,Root,cnt,dbg); End; procedure Help; (* Print help *) Begin writeln('Build reference list from disassembled source'); writeln('This one searches for CALL instructions'); writeln; writeln('Call it:'); writeln; writeln(tab,'LAB [+]source [destination]'); writeln; writeln('Prefix "+" enables dump of labels inserted'); halt; End; procedure GetInFile; (* Get source file *) Begin FNI:=Paramstr(1); upline(FNI); End; procedure GetTwoFiles; (* Get two different files *) Begin GetInFile; FNO:=Paramstr(2); upline(FNO); End; procedure GetFromOneFile; (* Build two files from one file *) var p : integer; Begin GetInFile; p:=pos('.',FNI); if p=0 then p:=length(FNI) else p:=pred(p); FNO:=copy(FNI,1,p)+'.SSM'; End; var DUMP : boolean; codx, Symcnt : integer; procedure isCALL; (* Test CALL pssible *) Begin if cidx<>0 then (* Check any CALL *) begin if ((white(4) and (* Verify delimiter after CALL *) ((cidx=1) or (* Ok if at left *) (cidx>1) and (white(-1))))) (* Verify previous delimiter *) then findCALL(Symcnt,DUMP); end; End; BEGIN (* MAIN *) DUMP:=false; case Paramcount of 0 : Help; 1 : GetFromOneFile; 2 : GetTwoFiles; else Help; end; if FNI[1]='+' then begin delete(FNI,1,1); DUMP:=true; if FNO[1]='+' then delete(FNO,1,1); end; if FNI=FNO then Error(SamFI); Symcnt:=0; assign(FI,FNI); assign(FO,FNO); {$I-}reset(FI);{$I+} if IOresult <>0 then Error(NoFI); Root:=NIL; while not eof(FI) do begin readln(FI,FLine); upline(FLine); cidx:=pos('CALL',FLine); codx:=pos(';',FLine); case codx of 0 : isCALL; else if codx>cidx then isCALL; end; end; close(FI); ErrorPtr:=Addr(ErrorHandler); listSymbols(Symcnt); writeln('File ',FNO,' written with ',Symcnt,' symbols'); END.