I next tried to de-compile a game called Fruity Frank.
It was published as a bonus program on the Databox 4/1989 (PC AMSTRAD INTERNATIONAL).
This game was also compiled by TURBO PASCAL 3.x into a .COM file.
Look for some hints as described for QUATRIS.
Find the result here - because the compiler results in a memory overflow it is resolved into several files:
Hint: The part creating the pieces are two routines stored in the Common Memory of the Joyce.
Therefore this program will not run on all CP/M machines without modifications.
FR_Matrix found at address
$F300 .
It will be used by the procedure Setze_Matrix creating new characters by parameters passing.
It refers to characters in the range $a0..$e3 , which are special characters beyond standard ASCII range.
The definition of the characters will be performed by the procedure Fruit_Init.
FR_Msg found at
$F000 and used by the procedure Video_String.
This routine displayes characters on screen with several attributes set.
It bases upon an assembler program published in a German article Superscript.
The output will be done with two or four characters.
If you want compile by yourself:
A .COM file must be created.
Due to the address of FR_Msg ($F000 ) the maximum allowable compiler end address is $EFFF .