Read here the manual for the spool RSX as distributed by M.M.L. Systems Ltd.:

    SPOOL - CP/M Plus LST: SPOOLER for computers with M: drive

SPOOL  is  a utility which automatically spools all output to  the 
LST:  device (Printer) using the fast silicon ram memory disk  M:. 
Using  the  spooler,  the  computer is  available  for  additional 
processing  whilst  the printing continues in the  background.  In 
addition, many types of printing are actually produced faster with 
the  SPOOL utility as the computer no longer has to wait  for  the 
printer to be ready during processing.

The SPOOL utility is very easy to activate,  simply type SPOOL and 
spooling  automatically  starts.  This can be done as part of  the 
initial procedures when the computer is first switched on.

The  utility DESPOOL removes the SPOOL utility when,  for  example 
the  printer is jamed,  and it is necessary to start the  printing 

|  A> SPOOL<cr>                                                  |
| Messages:                                                      |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ? Requires CP/M 3.1                                     |
|              The SPOOL utility can only be used in a           |
|              CP/M Plus environment. It cannot be used with     |
|              CP/M 2.2 nor MP/M II.                             |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL installed - output to LST: device now spooled            |
|              The normal message to confirm that the SPOOL      |
|              utility has been successfully completed           |
|                                                                |
| << Cannot install SPOOL >>                                     |
|              The SPOOL utility could not be installed          |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL:                                                         |
|              The SPOOL utility puts out this prompt when it    |
|              starts.                                           |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - SPOOL already installed                         |
|              An attempt is made to load the spooler a          |
|              second time.                                      |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: *** Cannot load SPOOL - Insufficient common memory      |
|              The SPOOL utility requires to be loaded into      |
|              'common' memory. The most likely cause of this    |
|              error is the presence of other RSXs consuming     |
|              the common memory space available.                |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - No M: RAM DISK MEMORY found                     |
|              The SPOOL utility requires the logical drive      |
|              name M: to be assigned to silicon ram memory.     |
|              SPOOL was unable to select this disc drive or     |
|              the M: drive failed to be validated as a          |
|              silicon ram memory drive.                         |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: Spooler file already exists - Delete it first (Y/N) ?   |
|              The SPOOL utility uses a file of name             |
|              M:spooler.$$$ and this file already exists        |
|              perhaps because the SPOOL utility has been        |
|              previously used.                                  |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - Cannot delete old spooler file                  |
|              The SPOOL utility could not delete the file       |
|              M:spooler.$$$ either because it is a read only    |
|              file or because the M: drive was read only,       |
|              or because the file was password protected.       |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - Cannot create spooler file                      |
|              The SPOOL utility could not create the file       |
|              M:spooler.$$$ because the M: drive driectory      |
|              is full.                                          |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - Error accessing spooler file                    |
|              The file M:spooler.$$$ could not be accessed      |
|              because of a disk i/o error.                      |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: ERROR - Insufficient space on M:                        |
|              The drive M: has less than 16k free space on      |
|              drive M:.                                         |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL: LST: Spooler implemented in M:                          |
|              Specifies the the spooler has been implemented    |
|              to spool all output to the logical LST: device    |
|              using  disk space on drive M:                     |
|                                                                |

The  SPOOL  utility is an RSX which is loaded at the  top  of  the 
Transient  Program  Area  (TPA)  and the remove flag  is  not  set 
forcing  the RSX to remain in place.  The RSX requires 8 pages  of 
memory which includes a one page buffer area. The SPOOL RSX spools 
LST: output onto the file M:spooler.$$$ and removes data from this 
file  whenever  a  console input request is made  and  no  console 
character is ready and when the LST:  physical device (or devices) 
are ready.

|  A> DESPOOL<cr>                                                |
| Messages:                                                      |
|                                                                |
| DESPOOL: ? Requires CP/M 3.1                                   |
|              BDOS Function 13 does not return 31h              |
|                                                                |
| SPOOL removed - output to LST: device not spooled              |
|              Normal message for successful removal of the      |
|              SPOOL RSX.                                        |
|                                                                |
| << Cannot DESPOOL LST: spooler >>                              |
|              Unable to find SPOOL RSX because either it was    |
|              not loaded or the SPOOL RSX has the wrong name or |
|              the RSX has the wrong remove flag.                |
|                                                                |
| DESPOOL Error: SPOOLER already disabled                        |
|              The BIOS jumps have not been patched for          |
|              pre-processing by the SPOOL RSX.                  |
|                                                                |
| SPOOLER is active - Abort spooler (Y/N) ?                      |
|              The SPOOL RSX has some characters saved for       |
|              printing to the LST: device. If Y is answered     |
|              then this output will be lost, otherwise DESPOOL  |
|              without will terminate doing anything.            |
|                                                                |
| << SPOOLER remains active >>                                   |
|              The SPOOL RSX contains characters for output, and |
|              the DESPOOL utility is terminated without         |
|              affecting the SPOOL operation.                    |
|                                                                |

M.M.L.  Systems Ltd.
11 Sun Street,
London EC2M 2PS

17th May 1986