Z8E USER'S MANUAL Copyright 1984 by RICK SURWILO 330 CALVIN COURT WYCKOFF, NEW JERSEY 07481 Z8E - Z80 DEBUGGING MONITOR I. INTRODUCTION Z8E is a professional quality interactive debugging tool designed to speed the testing of Z80 assembly language programs. Origin- ally written as a standalone monitor, Z8E was used in the deve- lopement of the world's largest Touch-Tone Input/Voice Response system. Now redone to run in a CP/M or TurboDOS environment Z8E contains more features in less memory than any comparable soft- ware product. Occupying less than 9K of memory, Z8E includes the following among its many features: - Full screen animated display of the program under test while it is being executed by the Z80 - Complete Z80 inline assembler, with labels, sym- bols, expressions, and directives, using Zilog mnemonics - Interactive disassembly with labels and symbols to console or disk allows the user to specify output formats and add comments - Fully traced program execution including a full screen single step command that instructs Z8E to disassemble code and to move the cursor to the next instruction to execute - Up to 16 user settable breakpoints with optional pass counts - True symbolic debugging using the input from multiple Microsoft MACRO-80 .PRN and LINK-80 .SYM files and Z80ASM .LST and SLRNK and Z80ASM .SYM files from SLR Systems. - Dynamic relocation of Z8E at load time to the top of user memory regardless of size. No user configuration of any kind is required. You may want to spend some time familarizing yourself with the manual and Z8E's command structure, especially the EXAMINE memory command, before turning to the INSTALLATION section. II. INSTALLATION First make a working copy of Z8E, then place your original disk- ette in a safe place. Make all modifications to the working copy, not the original. Z8E's (E)xamine memory command will be used to change memory contents. This command is described briefly below. For a more detailed explanation please refer to SECTION V of this manual, COMMAND INPUT. Z8E requires an addressable cursor which can be patched sym- bolically as follows: First instruct Z8E to load itself as well as the symbol file: A>Z8E Z8E.COM Z8E.SYM The symbol file Z8E.SYM contains the name and address of each parameter which may need to be modified. Use the (E)xamine memory command to change the required bytes. You may enter commands in response to Z8E's asterisk prompt. Once you enter "E" followed by the symbolic name of the address you which to change, Z8E will respond by displaying the actual address followed by the hex and ASCII representation of the byte being examined (non-printable characters are shown as a "~"). For example: *E MXYCP 285E 2 ~ XX ;XX represents your input 285F 1B ~ XX 2860 3D = XX 2861 00 ~ . ;PERIOD ENDS COMMAND * IMPORTANT: Always patch using the symbolic name of the variable; the addresses shown in the example above are for demon- stration only and do not necessarily reflect the actual locations of the variables in memory. Listed below are the symbolic names of the addresses which may have to be patched for your CRT. MBANNR - Program heading. It is preceded by several carriage returns which can be overwritten by your terminal's "clear screen" sequence if you wish. MXYCP - Cursor addressing lead-in string. The first byte (the number 2 in the above example) rep- resents the number of bytes in the string. The string may be up to 10 bytes long. This actual lead-in string should immediately follow the count byte. Default is the two character string: 1B (Hex), 3D (Hex) ASCII ESCAPE, followed by EQUAL SIGN. ROWB4? - Set this byte as follows: NOT ZERO - Row is sent before Column ZERO - Column is sent before Row Default is NOT ZERO, row sent before column. ROW - Set this byte to contain the value which is to be added row number before it is sent to the screen. Default is 20 Hex, ASCII space. COLUMN - Set this byte to contain the value which is to be added column number before it is sent to the screen. Default is 20 Hex, ASCII space. CASE - This byte controls whether you prefer entering symbol names in upper or lower case. It also controls whether disassembly will be done in upper or lower case. Patch as follows: FF - lower case (DEFAULT) 00 - UPPER CASE MAXLEN - This is the maximum length of permitted for symbol names. The permissable values are 6 and 14. If patched to any other value then Z8E will use 6. The maximum length of the symbol is required by Z8E in order to allocate space for loading the symbol table. If MAXLEN equals 6 then Z8E reserves 8 byte per symbol, 6 for the name and two for the address. If the number 14 is used then Z8E reserves 16 bytes per symbol. Hence MAXLEN impacts the amount of TPA available to the program since a symbol table of 16 bytes per entry obviously takes up twice as much space as one with 8 byte entries. If, while reading in the symbols from disk, Z8E encounters a symbol longer than the value specified in MAXLEN the symbol name is truncated to MAXLEN. 6 - Maximum Symbol Length (DEFAULT) 14 - Optional Symbol Length RSTVEC - Determines the address of the vector to the break- point routine. The default address is 38h and is reached by an RST 38h (sometimes written as RST 7). The breakpoint vector occupies three bytes of memory so if your software uses locations 38h to 3Ah for something else (typically an interrupt handler) then alter RSTVEC to another value. Legal values are 08h, 10h, 18h, 20h, 28h and 30h. COMASK - Should be 7Fh or FFh. If your terminal displays graphics or exhibits other strange effects when characters which have the high-order bit set are sent to the screen then set COMASK to 7Fh. If your terminal has binary cursor addressing then you may need to send it characters with the high-order bit on in order to prevent the BDOS from expanding TAB characters to spaces. In this case set COMASK to FFh. Any other values for COMASK are just about guaranteed to yield undesirable results. TO SAVE THE PATCHED PROGRAM: *W ANYNAME.COM (Writes the File to Disk) This completes the installation of Z8E. Typing in ^C (Control C) in response to Z8E's asterisk prompt will return you to the operating system. USER CODED CONSOLE I/O The following section provides details on a method of optionally replacing the BDOS calls for Console I/O which Z8E uses with physical console I/O routines or direct BIOS calls. To modify them use the symbol names listed below and assemble your routine at the appropriate address (via Z8E's (A)ssemble command - See Manual). TTYQ: This routine checks the status of the console. If a character is waiting it is read; otherwise, TTYQ returns a zero in A to indicate that no character is waiting. TTYI: Read a character, waiting until one arrives. Return Character in A. TTYO: Output a character, waiting until it is sent. Character passed in A. Listed below is the code that Z8E uses to do console I/O; use it as a model. Your routines should replace the instructions with the double semicolons. Be sure to save the reqisters as show below. The size of each routine must not exceed 32 bytes. TTYQ: push bc push de push hl ld c,11 ;;Check console status call BDOS ;;BDOS returns: A = 00 No Character ;; A = NZ Input Waiting ;; and a ;;Character here? ld c,6 ;; ld e,0ffh ;; call nz,BDOS ;;If character here read it... ;; else fall thru pop hl pop de pop bc and 7fh ret org TTYQ+32 TTYI: push bc push de push hl TTYI00: ld c,06 ;;Unadorned console input ld e,0ffh ;;Tell CP/M this is Input Request call BDOS ;; and 7fh ;;Strip parity jr z,TTYI00 ;;Loop until input arrives pop hl pop de pop bc ret org TTYI+32 TTYO: push af push bc push de push hl ld c,02 ;; ld e,a ;; call BDOS ;;Console Output pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ret org TTYO+32 The symbols TTYQ, TTYI, and TTYO are included in Z8E.SYM. There- fore these routines can be patched symbolically using Z8E's assemble command, for example: *A TTYQ 1F76 C5 TTYQ: PUSH BC Z8E also contains a provision for user installed initialization code. As soon as Z8E is loaded, but before it relocates itself into high memory, it makes a call to INIT. As presently configured INIT merely contains a RET instruction. However the user may add up to 127 bytes of initialization code. This code may be used for any purpose, for example, to change your SIO or Uart from interrupt driven to non-interrupt driven in the event that the Z8E console routines were replaced. Any code installed at INIT is executed once and is not moved to high memory with the rest of Z8E. You need not save any registers. SUPPLYING YOUR OWN CURSOR ADDRESSING ROUTINE If your computer requires a custom cursor addressing routine it can be easily added by following the steps listed below: 1. Examine the Z8E.SYM file that to determine the address of Z8E's standard cursor addressing routine which is called XYCP. Associated with name XYCP in the file is its absolute address. 2. Using your own text editor code your routine and preface it with the following puedo-ops: ASEG .PHASE XXXXh Where XXXX represents the absolute hexadecimal address obtained in step 1. Z8E will pass the row address in the B REGISTER and the column address in the C REGISTER. Row numbers range from 0 to 23 while column numbers range from 0 to 79. Your job is to translate these two number into a cursor postion on the screen of your CRT. Save all registers including BC. Use the following skeleton as a guide: ASEG .PHASE XXXX ;From Z8E.SYM YOURS: PUSH BC PUSH DE PUSH HL CURSOR ADDRESSING CODE HERE POP HL POP DE POP BC RET END Use Z8E's output routine TTYO as described above (or your own routine) to output the characters in your cursor addressing sequence. Obtain the absolute address of TTYO from the file Z8E.SYM. Code the call to the subroutine using the absolute address in hexadecimal. For instance, if Z8E.SYM contains the entry: 2FE2 TTYO then code your call statements as: CALL 2FE2H Z8E imposes only one restriction on the code you write. In order to guarantee that your routine can be relo- cated into high memory by Z8E do not load any 16 bit constants into register pairs; instead do two 8 bit loads. For example, do not use the following state- ment: LD HL,1234H Rather, code it like this: LD H,12H LD L,34H This is the only restriction other than the maximum code length which is placed on your code which is 128 bytes. 3. Assemble your routine with either Macro-80 or Z80ASM. Link it with either Link-80 or SLRLNK. m80 =yourcode.z80 z80asm yourcode/m l80 yourcode,yourcode/n/e slrlnk yourcode,yourcode/n/e 4. Load Z8E.COM using Z8E: A>Z8E Z8E.COM Z8E.SYM * 5. Now overlay Z8E's cursor address code with your own: *L YOURCODE.COM,XYCP Z8E will load your cursor addressing routine on top its own beginning at the address associated with the symbol XYCP. 6. Save the new file using a name of your choosing: *W NEWDEBUG.COM 7. Exit back to the operating system be entering a Control-C at the asterisk prompt. IF YOU HAVE AN ANSI-COMPATIBLE TERMINAL... ... such as a VT-100 then you may select the ANSI screen driver by modifying the Z8E source code to set ATERM EQU TRUE and then reassembling. If you have one of the assemblers supported then it is probably easier to reassemble than to patch the code. III. INVOKING Z8E AT THE CP/M COMMAND LEVEL Upon invokation at the CP/M command level Z8E loads at the low end of the Transient Program Area (TPA) which begins at absolute address 100H. The TPA is the area in memory where user programs are exeYcb. Once loaded Z8E determines the size of the TPA by examining the address field of the jump instruction at location 5. This ad- dress represents both the entry point into CP/M and the end of the TPA. Z8E lowers this address by approximately 9K bytes and relocates into this area by adjusting all addresses within itself to reflect its new location. The jump instruction at location 5 is similiarly modified to reflect the new size of the TPA. Thus all programs which use this address to determine the amount of available memory can run unchanged. Z8E completes its initiali- zation by storing a jump instruction to its breakpoint handling software which is normally at absolute address 38 (hexadecimal). Symbols which are loaded from files are stored by Z8E in a symbol table at the top of the TPA just below Z8E. Z8E will dynamically allocate the storage necessary to hold all symbols loaded from files; however, Z8E also allows the user to enter his own symbols from the keyboard via the (A)ssemble command. Z8E does NOT reserve ANY space in memory for user generated symbols. The user must explicitly request memory space on the CP/M command line. This is accomplished by entering the number of symbols for which space should be reserved as a decimal number. This number must be enclosed in parentheses and must appear as the first argument on the command line as shown below: A>Z8E (32) In this example the user has requested space for 32 user defined symbols. If MAXLEN has be set to 6 (See INSTALLATION Section) then each symbol requires 8 bytes of storage, hence, in this example Z8E will set aside 256 bytes of memory for user defined symbols. Subsequent action is based on the format of the remainder of the command line as entered by the user. In the examples that follow bear in mind that any of these command lines may contain the argument requesting memory space for user symbol table entries. The argument would appear immmediate after "Z8E" in every case. 1. A>Z8E Z8E resides as a standalone program in memory. 2. A>Z8E USERFILE.COM USERFILE.COM is loaded at the beginning of the TPA and is ready to be acted on by Z8E com- mands. 3. A>Z8E USERFILE.COM USERFILE.SYM [,bias] USERFILE.SYM is read in by Z8E and all symbol names contained in the file are entered into a table which begins at the starting address of Z8E (the ending address of the "new" TPA) and extends downward in memory. The optional bias, if specified, is a 16 bit value which will be added to the 16 bit address associated with each symbol in the file. (In this exam- ple a .SYM file is shown; however, since all addresses appearing in a .SYM file are abso- lute the optional bias would probably not be used.) USERFILE.COM is loaded at the start of the TPA only after the .SYM file has been read and the symbol table built. 4. A>Z8E USERFILE.COM USERFILE.PRN [,bias] As in the previous example USERFILE.COM is loaded at the beginning of the TPA, but in this instance a .PRN file is used to construct the symbol table. The optional bias becomes very useful if the .LST or .PRN file repre- sents the listing of a relocatable program. Relocatable programs linked using Microsoft's LINK-80 default to a load address of 103H with the three bytes of memory located at 100H containing a jump to the entry point of the program. Therefore, if the user supplies a bias of 103 in the command line all relocat- able symbols in the file will be associated with their actual addresses in memory. Any bias specified will only be added to those symbols which are flagged as code relative in the .PRN file. A bias will not be added to any symbol flagged as ABSOLUTE, EXTERANL, OR COMMON. USERFILE.COM is loaded at the start of the TPA only after the .LST or .PRN file has been read and the symbol table built. 5. A>Z8E USERFILE.COM USERFILE.SYM [,bias] NFILE.LST [,bias] The true power of Z8E's symbol loading is best evidenced when loading multiple symbol tables from several files. The first file is gen- erally a .SYM file specifying all the global symbol names in the program to be tested. The subsequent files specified on the command line are usually .PRN or .LST files of the indivi- dual source modules that were originally as- sembled and then linked (which produced the .SYM file). Although only two files (USERFILE and NFILE) are shown in this example, in actu- ality the number of .SYM and .PRN files speci- fied in the command line is limited only by the size of Z8E's input buffer which is 80 characters long. USERFILE.COM is loaded at the start of the TPA only after all .SYM and .PRN/.LST files have been read and the symbol table built. Note: If no bias is specified, Z8E will use a bias of zero. If more than one .LST or .PRN file is being loaded, then each file name can be specified with its own bias. The bias may be entered in the form of a symbol name, hexadecimal number, decimal number, or any combinatiion of the three in an expression using the + and - operators. If the individual module has a global entry point, the name of which was previously loaded, the user can bias all symbols with the value associated with this name. In this way all symbols, both absolute and relocatable, are associated with their actual location in memory. Z8E as presently configured can build a symbol table from the list files produced by the following programs: 1. Microsoft MACRO-80 V3.37 .PRN files May 8, 1980 2. Microsoft MACRO-80 V3.44 .PRN files Dec 9, 1981 3. Microsoft LINK-80 V3.44 .SYM files Dec 9, 1981 4. SLR Systems Z80ASM V1.07 .LST files 5. SLR Systems SLRNK V1.07 .SYM files 6. SLR Systems Z80ASM V1.3 .PRN files Z80ASM and SLRNK may be configured for 80 or 132 column output. Z8E uses the file name extension (the three characters appearing to the right of the period) to determine the format of the file. Each of the above file types has a distinguishing format. The characteritics of each type are described in APPENDIX A. During the loading process Z8E displays status and error messages on the console relating to the activity in progress as shown below: STATUS MESSAGE DESCRIPTION 1. Loading: USERFILE.COM Z8E is attempting to open the named file (in this case, USERFILE.COM) 2. Number of symbols loaded: Following the loading of all symbols from a listing file or a .SYM file, the number of symbols loaded from the specified file is displayed as a decimal number. 3. Loaded: 100 YYYY Z8E displays the starting Pages: ZZZ and ending memory addres- ses of the target file (the first file specified on the CP/M command line and the one which is going to be debugged). "Pages:" refers to the decimal number of pages and is the count of 256 byte pages in the file. This number may be subse- quently used with the CP/M SAVE command once the de- bug session ends. ERROR MESSAGE DESCRIPTION 1. File not found The file specified in the command could not be found on the specified drive. 2. Symbol table not found The specified file was found but did not contain a properly formatted sym- bol table. 3. Invalid offset - using 0000 The user has specified an invalid offset to be added to each loaded symbol. Z8E will continue to load this symbol file but will not add any bias to the sym- bols. This error may have occured because the user specified an offset in the form of a symbol which had not been previously loaded, or the user may have specified a numeric value which contained an illegal character. 4. Syntax Error The file name was incor- rectly specified. After all user files, both symbol files and the .COM file to be debugged, have been loaded Z8E displays current memory usage as follows: Total Symbols: XXXX Symbol Table: XXXX - XXXX Z8E relocated: XXXX - XXXX Top of memory: XXXX It is important to note that Z8E expects the files appearing in the command line to be appear in a specific order. The first file name appearing in the command line is assumed to be the target file which is to be debugged. It is always the last file to be loaded. All file names following the target file name are assumed to be symbol input files and they are loaded in the order in which they appear. The first file named in the command line is always loaded starting at address 100 hex. The "I" command contains an option to allow the file to be loaded at a different address. This feature is not available at the CP/M command line level. For a discussion of the format of symbol files see APPENDIX A. IV. INITIALIZATION Once Z8E has been loaded, and has in turn loaded all files speci- fied on the command line, it initializes all user registers to 0 with the following exceptions: The user's program counter contains address 100 hex which is the start of the TPA. The user's stack pointer is set to the starting ad- dress of Z8E (the top of the TPA) minus two. These two bytes are set to zero in accordance with CP/M convention. When CP/M loads a program it initializes a stack for the loaded program by pushing the address of the jump to the system warm boot routine onto it. Thus user programs (STAT.COM is an example) can choose to terminate themselves and return to CP/M by execu- ting an RET through this address on the stack. Z8E accomplishes the same objective: the 0000 on the stack permits the user program to return to CP/M via address 0000 which always contains a jump to the system's warm boot routine. The user I (interrupt) register is set to the value contained in the I register when Z8E was loaded. Modify at your own risk. All input and output by Z8E is accomplished using buffers con- tained within itself. Z8E does not use the default DMA buffer at absolute location 80 nor does it use the default File Control Block (FCB) at absolute location 5C. Note: When CP/M finishes loading any program, including Z8E, it moves the command line tail to the default DMA buffer at absolute address 80 (hex) and initializes the de- fault FCB at absolute address 5C to the name of the first file (or first two files if two or more are specified) appearing in the command line. Z8E makes use of this information in order to load the user program and any symbol files. If the program to be tested also expects an ini- tialized FCB and/or DMA buffer (as is very often the case), then the user must effect this before attempting to execute the program. For example, many text editing programs are invoked by typing the name of the editor program followed by the name of the program to edit on the CP/M command line, as in hypothetical case: A>EDIT B:FYL2EDIT.BAS Once the program EDIT.COM is loaded it may expect to find the default FCB to be al- ready set up to read the file FYL2EDIT.BAS. EDIT.COM may also expect the DMA buffer to contain the number of characters in the command line at address 80, as well the the text of the command line starting at address 81. In this exam- ple location 80 would contain a hexadec- imal F (decimal 15) representing the num- ber of characters, and locations 81 through 8F would contain the 15 characters (space through S). Similiarly, the first byte of the default FCB at address 5C would contain the number 1 (numeric equi- valent of drive B) and the next 11 bytes would contain the file name FYL2EDIT in ASCII. If the name FYL2EDIT was shorter than 8 characters, then the remainder of the file name field in the FCB would be filled with ASCII spaces. The next 3 bytes would contain the file type in ASCII; in this example the file type is BAS. If no file type was specified, this field would contain 3 ASCII spaces. Now, if the user was to debug the EDIT program using Z8E, this initialization of the default DMA buffer and default FCB must be accomplished "by hand" prior to attempting to debug EDIT.COM, owing to the fact that CP/M has already set up these to areas with the data from the command line which was typed in to load Z8E. In short, EDIT must be tricked into believing it was loaded by CP/M and not by Z8E and the user must perform the initialization of these two areas. The user may use the "I" command to initialize the default command line buffer and FCB. Further information regarding the format of the FCB and DMA buffer may me found in Digital Research's CP/M 2.x INTERFACE GUIDE. V. COMMAND INPUT Once file and symbol table loading has been completed, Z8E prompts the operator for command input by displaying the "*" character. The operator can then type any of Z8E's single letter commands. Some commands require no arguments while others re- quire between one and four. Arguments may be in any of the forms listed below (except as noted in the description of the indivi- dual commands): SYMBOL: Any symbol previously loaded or previously entered via the keyboard (see A command) may appear as a command argument. All symbols are treated as 16 bit values. HEX: A 16 bit hex number may be entered as an argument. Only the last four characters en- tered are treated as significant input if Z8E is expecting a 16 bit argument. In those instances where Z8E expects a 8 bit argument, only the last two characters are significant. As such, the user may elect to correct mis- takes by either backspacing and retyping, or by continuing to enter the number and ensu- ring that the erroneous digit does not ap- pear in the rightmost four (or two) charac- ters as shown in the following example: *E 1E21F4 If a 16 bit argument is expected Z8E would ignore the first two digits (1 and E) and would examine the contents of memory location 21F4. If no symbol table is present in memory then hexadecimal numbers (8 or 16 bits in length) may begin with any digit 0 - F. However, if a symbol table is in memory then all hexa- decimal numbers which begin with a digit in the range A - F are evaluated first as symbol names. If no corresponding name is found in the symbol table then Z8E attempts to re-evaluate the name as a hexadecimal number. For example, the token DEAD is a valid symbol names as well as a valid hexa- decimal number. If a symbol table is present then Z8E first searches the symbol table looking for the string DEAD. If no match occurs then Z8E treats DEAD as the hexa- decimal number 0DEAD. To force Z8E to evaluate an argument as a hexadecimal number prefix the argument with a leading zero as in 0DEAD. REGISTER: Valid Z80 16 bit register names are permit- ted as arguments. If a 16 bit register name is entered, Z8E uses the 16 bit value currently contained in the specified register pair in the user's register set as an argu- ment. *D HL 8 instructs Z8E to dump the first eight of memory bytes which are located at the address contained in the user's HL register pair Valid 16 bit register names: AF - Accumulator and Flag BC - BC register pair DE - DE register pair HL - HL register pair SP - Stack Pointer P - Program Counter PC - Program Counter IX - IX index register IY - IY index register Note that the program counter may be speci- fied in either of two ways. The single cha- racter "P" can be used to specify the program counter provided it does not appear in an expression. To include the current value of the user's program counter in an expression the mnemonic "PC" must be used. If an expression used as an argument contains a register pair as one of its terms, the register pair must be the first term. Also, only one register pair may be included in an expression: HL+4 valid expression 5+DE invalid expression - register pair is not the first term HL+BC invalid expression - more than one register pair was specified P-3 invalid expression - "PC" must be used to include the current value of the program counter in an expression To differentiate between the hexadecimal numbers AF, BC, and DE and the Z80 register pairs of the same name be sure to prefix the numerical version with a leading 0. Note also that the Z80 prime register names are not allowed as arguments except in the R command. REGISTER Z8E allows the user to specify the data con- INDIRECT: tained in the memory location pointed to by a register pair as an argument. For instance, if the user's HL register pair contained 18EE and the addresses 18EE and 18EF contained the bytes 42 and 61 respectively, then the com- mand *E (HL) would examine the contents of memory location 6142. Note that register indirect memory references are indicated by enclosing the register pair name in PAREN- THESES which follows the ZILOG mnemonic meth- od of signifying "the contents of". The most useful application of register in- direct arguments is to set breakpoints at subroutine return addresses. Consider the situation of a program which is currently suspended via a breakpoint somewhere in the middle of a subroutine. The user is no longer interested debugging the body of the subroutine; he only cares about getting back to the instruction that follows the CALL that got him into the subroutine. Register in- direct format allows him to enter: *B (SP) This informs Z8E to set a breakpoint at the address pointed to by the stack pointer register. DECIMAL: Decimal numbers in the range 0 - 65535 may be entered as arguments. All digits of the num- ber must be in the range 0-9. A decimal number must be followed by a "#" character, otherwise Z8E will treat it as a hex number. The following example shows a decimal number being input as part of the E command: *E 512# instructs Z8E to examine memory location 512 decimal (200 hex) LITERAL: ASCII literals up to 78 bytes in length are permitted as arguments (Z8E's input buffer is 80 characters long less the opening and trailing quote characters). ASCII literals must be enclosed in quotes. The quote char- acter itself is the only character not per- mitted as a literal. Commands which do not permit the use of ARGUMENT-STRINGs (see be- low) will still accept input in the form of quoted strings. In such a case Z8E will ignore all but the last two characters of the quoted literal, treating the input as a 16 bit number. For example if the user entered: *Z 'ABCD' Z8E would treat 'BC' as a 16 bit number and begin disassembling at address at 4243. ARGUMENT- The F (find), E (examine memory), N (query STRINGS: I/O ports without pre-read), Q (query I/O ports), and Y (fill memory) commands permit the use of ARGUMENT-STRINGS, which are simply combinations of all valid argument types separated by commas. ARGUMENT-STRINGs may be any length up to the limit of Z8E's input buffer which is 80 bytes long. ARGUMENT- STRINGs may be terminated by either a carriage return or the first space character not appearing in between quote characters. The following is an example of a 15 byte ARGUMENT-STRINGS string which combines SYMBOLS, LITERALS, HEX, and DECIMAL numbers: SYMBOL,'xyZ',4F,12E4,9,21#,511#,'ABc' Assuming that SYMBOL is equal to 177H then the above ARGUMENT-STRING would evaluate to: 01 77 78 79 5A 4F 12 E4 09 15 01 FF 41 42 63 Again, ARGUMENT-STRINGS are terminated by either a carriage return or by the first space character that does not appear in a quoted literal string. Z8E permits expressions using the + and - operators. Any argu- ment type may be combined with any other type. The length of an expression is limited only by the size of the input buffer. Expressions are evaluated from left to right and the use of parentheses is not permitted. Z8E indicates argument errors by printing a question mark. Arguments may be line-edited using the standard CP/M control characters: backspace: erase the last character typed control X: erase the entire line control C: return to CP/M via warm boot When entering arguments control-X clears the argument list; a second control-X clears the command line and causes Z8E to re- prompt for a command. All input is truncated to the size of Z8E's input buffer which is 80 characters long. All alphabetic input to Z8E may be in uppercase or lowercase. All output by Z8E follows the dictates of the CASE byte as patched by the user (see INSTALLATION). In this manual the appearance of square brackets [ ] around an argument always indicates that the argument is optional. VI. BREAKPOINTS Breakpoints are those addresses in the program under test at which the user wishes to suspend execution and return control to Z8E. The user may set, clear, and display breakpoints at any time, via the appropriate command in response to Z8E's asterisk prompt. Z8E's implementation of breakpoints does not force the user to tediously enter breakpoint addresses every time execution is resumed. Rather, the user may enter up to 16 breakpoint ad- dresses and each breakpoint, once set, is stored in one of Z8E's internal tables and remains in effect until explicitly cleared by the user via the Clear breakpoint command (see C command). Z8E also allows you to specify a pass count to be associated with any breakpoint that is set. Pass counts indicate the number of times a particular instruction must be executed before Z8E will regain control. Furthermore, Z8E does not modify any code in the user program until a GO command is issued (see G command). This permits the user to examine code, and make patches if desired, at any point in the debug session. When a breakpoint is reached in the user program and Z8E regains control, the message: *BP*XXXX is displayed where XXXX represents the hexadecimal address of the breakpoint. In addi- tion, Z8E will display the symbolic name of this address if one exists in the symbol table. Z8E follows this with a display of the asterisk prompt indicating it is ready ready for command processing. The message: *ERROR*BP*XXXX is displayed on the console whenever Z8E determines that control has been regained without a valid breakpoint having been reached. This is generally caused by a user program which has gone off the deep end. If the user examines the current contents of the registers (via the X com- mand) the current program counter will most assuredly contain an address which had not previously been set as a breakpoint. Things to look for when this situation arises include: a program that blew its stack, a program that performed a 2 1/2 gainer with a full twist indirect through a register; ie. JP (HL) into the great unknown, and attempting to trace where wise men fear to tread (BIOS and BDOS I/O routines). Z8E will allow you to single step (trace) and set breakpoints anywhere in memory. However, bear in mind that as you enter the BIOS and BDOS netherworld your stack pointer will at some point be saved directly in memory as CP/M switches to its own stack (your stack pointer is not saved on a stack by CP/M). If a breakpoint has been set at an instruction somewhere in BDOS or in the BIOS (after this save of your stack pointer has occured) and this breakpoint is reached, Z8E will itself call a BDOS routine in an attempt to display the *BP*XXXX message on the console. At this point CP/M will save Z8E's stack pointer and overlay yours in memory. When BDOS eventually restores the stack pointer and executes a RET instruction you will not return to your program and your stack pointer will be gone. These routines can be traced, albeit with difficulty, but you must keep an eye on what CP/M is doing with the stack pointer. As distributed, Z8E uses memory location 38h as its breakpoint vector. If your system software uses 38h for its own purposes or if you are debugging another program which vectors through 38h then you may want to patch Z8E to use a different vector address. Change the value of RSTVEC to one of the other legal values. Instructions for doing this are given in section 2. A Assemble _________________________________________________________________ The A command permits the user to effect inline assembly of Z80 assembler source code, including labels and symbols, using the full Z80 instruction set. In addition, the assembler accepts standard Zilog mnemonics (APPENDIX B), expressions using the + and - operators, as well as the following five assembler direc- tives: ORG, DEFB, DDB, EQU, and DEFW. The format of the command is: *A ARG1 where ARG1 represents the starting address at which assembly will take place ARG1 may be of any type Z8E initially prompts the user by first disassembling and displaying the instruction currently located at the address specified by ARG1. This is done as a convenience to permit the user to ensure that any patches will be assembled into memory at the intended location. Z8E then outputs a carriage return/line feed, displays the address specified as ARG1, and awaits input. Z8E will not disassemble before every line of source code entered by the user, only before the first one. Z8E expects assembler input in the following format: LABEL: opcode [operand1] [,operand2] The label field is always optional, the opcode field is mandatory only if no label was entered, and the operand field must naturally be included for those Z80 instructions which require one. The three fields may be separated from one another by spaces or tab characters. Z8E does not automatically reserve space within itself for user supplied symbol names. User supplied symbols, as opposed to those loaded from files, are entered from the keyboard in the label field using the (A)ssemble command. Symbol table space to hold user supplied symbol names must be explicitly requested on the CP/M command line as explained in the section "INVOKING Z8E at on the CP/M COMMAND LEVEL". These user supplied symbols, once entered, may be referenced in the operand field of any subsequent assembly statement or in the argument field of any Z8E command. These symbols come in handy when disassembling .COM files for which no source listing exists and also when patching code. .cp2 The assembler is a one pass assembler and forward references to symbols which do not already appear in the symbol table are flagged as errors. However, Z8E allows the use of the ORG directive (see discussion below) which allows the user to mani- pulate the assembler's location counter, which helps to minimize the no forward reference limitation. Labels may begin in any column, but all labels must be followed by a colon even those appearing in an EQU statement. Labels may be of any length but only the first 6 characters are significant. Z8E always assigns the 16 bit value of the assembler's current location counter to the label being entered, unless the statement is an EQU directive. Labels need not be followed by an opcode and this (as well as the EQU directive) provides a convenient way to assign a value to a symbol name. Merely set the assemblers location counter (via the ORG directive or as ARG1 in the command line) to the value you wish to assign, then type the symbol name followed by a carriage return. No object code is produced and no user memory areas are modified but the symbol and its associated value are entered into the user symbol table. Z8E does not treat duplicate symbol names as errors. Rather, if the user enters a symbol name which already appears in the symbol table, the value associated with the new symbol replaces the one asso- ciated with the old. For example, if the symbol ENTRYP exists in the symbol table and is associated with the value 23DA and the user assembles the following instruction: 41FF 0E 04 ENTRYP: LD C,4 Z8E would replace 23DA with 41FF. Assembler statements which do not contain labels may begin in any column, including column one. There is NO need to insert a leading space or tab before an opcode if the opcode is not pre- ceded by a label. Operands appearing in the operand field of the instruction to be assembled may be any of the following types subject only to the proviso that 16 bit values cannot appear as operand for those Z80 instructions which require 8 bit values. Expressions combining any of the following four types (with the + and - operators) are also permissable. SYMBOL (from symbol table) HEX LITERAL (two bytes maximum) DECIMAL In addition the dollar sign ($) may also appear in both the operand field of any instruction in which a 16 bit operand is allowed, and also in the operand field of any relative jump instruction. The dollar sign represents the current value of the assembler's location counter, that is, the address appearing on the line at which the assembly is taking place. The operand field of a relative jump instruction can be entered in either of two ways. The user may code the operand using the dollar sign mentioned above as in the following examples: JR NZ,$+11 ;jump to address PC+11 (hex) DJNZ $-24# ;jump to address PC-24 (decimal) The user may alternatively specify a 16 bit value in the operand field of a relative jump instruction and let Z8E calculate the relative displacement from the assembler's program counter as shown below: JR C,LABEL Assuming LABEL exists, in the symbol table Z8E will calculate the offset. LABEL must be within +129 or -126 bytes from the assembler's location counter or an assembly error will result. JR NZ,1080 Z8E calculates the displacement be- tween the assembler's current loca- tion counter and the address 1080 (hex). Z8E indicates error-free input by first displaying the resultant object code and then displaying (on the next line) the next address at which assembly will take place. Assembly errors are always indicated by a double pair of question marks which appear following the location counter. An error flag is also printed and will be one of the following: ERROR FLAG MEANING L Label starts with numeric character O Invalid opcode S Syntax error T Symbol table full U Instruction references an undefined symbol name V Value error - a 16 bit value was specified as an operand for an instruction which permits only 8 bit numbers. If an error occurs, Z8E will reprompt the user with the same location counter address. As was mentioned previously the Z8E assmebler uses standard Zilog mnemonics. The one exception to this is the EX AF,AF' instruc- tion. To assemble this instruction the trailing quote character must be omitted. Z8E supports the ORG directive which allows the user to change the value of the assembly location counter. The operand field of the ORG directive may be a 16 bit argument of any type. After setting the new assembly location counter Z8E displays the disas- sembled instruction at the new address. Z8E supports the DEFB, DEFW, and DDB directives which give the user the ability to assemble data constants into memory. DEFB accepts an 8 bit operand; the value of which in placed into memory at the address of the assembler's current location coun- ter. DEFW allows the user to specify a 16 bit operand value, the low order byte of which is placed into memory at the address of the assembler's current location counter, while the high order byte of the operand is placed into memory at the address of the assembler's current location counter plus one. This is in accor- dance with the 8080/Z80 convention of storing the high order byte of 16 bit data toward the high end of memory. The DDB (define double byte) directive allows the user to specify a 16 bit value which, in contrast to the DEFW directive, is stored in memory with the high order byte toward the low end of memory. That is, a DDB directive instructs Z8E to store the most significant byte of the 16 bit operand value in memory at the address of the assembler's current location counter, and the least significant (low order) byte is placed into memory at the address of the assembler's current location counter plus one. The EQU directive allows the user to assign a value to a symbol. An EQU directive does not generate object code. It merely allows the user to reference a numeric value by a symbolic name in subsequent assembly statements or monitor commands. It is espe- cially useful when used prior to disassembling (see Z command) code for which no symbol table exists. The EQU directive re- quires the user to supply a symbolic name in the label field of the instruction. If Z8E indicates errors in an EQU statement by printing question marks. If an EQU statement is correctly assem- bled by Z8E, the address of the assembler's current location counter is erased since an EQU statement generates no object code. Operands appearing in EQU statements are evaluated to a 16 bit value. Z8E will display the value of this 16 bit number as four hex digits in the object code field on the console. B Set Breakpoint _________________________________________________________________ Breakpoints are those addresses at which the user wishes to suspend execution of the program under test. Breakpoints may be set at any time in response to Z8E's asterisk prompt. Z8E allows the user to set up to 16 individual breakpoints in his program. Z8E also allows the user to specify a pass count to be associated with any breakpoint. The command is invoked as follows: *B ARG1[,pass count] [ARG2... ARGn] where each argument represents the address in the user program at which a breakpoint is to be set Normally, that is when no pass count is specifed, execution of the user program stops and control returns to the Z8E command level as soon as a breakpoint is reached. Pass counts are used to inform Z8E that execution of the user program should halt only when the specified breakpoint is reached the number of times times indicated by the pass count. Pass counts are specified by following the breakpoint address with a comma and then entering a pass count immediately following the comma. An existing pass count may be changed to a different value by re- entering the same breakpoint address, following it with a comma, and then specifying the new pass count. To break on a multi-byte Z80 instruction the address specified as the breakpoint address must be that of the first byte of the instruction. Users who fail to observe this rule will generally find their programs hopping the next bus to never-never land. If a patch is made at an address of a breakpoint currently in effect be sure the breakpoint address is still pointing at the first byte of the new instruction. Multiple breakpoints may be set with the same B command by sepa- rating each one with a single space. If multiple breakpoints are specified and Z8E detects an erroneous argument (a non-existent symbol for example) a question mark will be printed, and the command terminates. All valid breakpoints specified up to the invalid one will be set. Z8E displays a question mark when a attempt is made to set a seventeenth breakpoint. C Clear Breakpoint _________________________________________________________________ The C command clears individual breakpoints previously set by a B command. The format of the command is: *C ARG1 [ARG2...ARGn] where each arg may be any valid argument type which evaluates to an address previously set as a breakpoint Multiple breakpoints may be cleared by the same C command by separating each argument with a single space. Z8E displays a question mark when an attempt is made to clear a non-existent breakpoint. To clear ALL breakpoints enter: *C * where the asterisk indicates ALL. D Dump _________________________________________________________________ The D command allows the user to dump memory in both hexadecimal and ASCII to the console in user specified block sizes. The format of the command is: *D [ARG1] [ARG2] where ARG1 = the starting address to dump ARG2 = dictates the dump format depending on its value. If ARG2 is in the range 0 - 255 then it is treated as a block size and represents the number of bytes to be displayed (0 is treated as 256). If ARG2 is greater than 255 then ARG2 is treated as an ending address and memory will be dumped non-interactively to the console. ARG1 and ARG2 may be of any argument type. If ARG1 is omitted then the dump resumes from the last memory address+1 as displayed via the previous invocation of the D command. If no previous D command had been given then memory is dumped starting at address 100H. If ARG2 is omitted then the most recent value of ARG2 (from the last D command) is used. The dump command displays the contents of memory in hexadecimal on the left side of the console while the ASCII equivalent of each byte is shown on the right side. During a block by block dump (ARG2 < 256 signifies a block by block dump) Z8E waits for user input after each block is dis- played. A carriage return entered by the user causes the command to terminate while any other character causes the next sequential block to be dumped. For non-interactive dumps, starting address to ending address, pressing any key terminates the dump. The dump command provides an especially easy way of examining tabular data, for example in scanning the disk parameter headers in your BIOS. That is, by specifying the base address as ARG1 and the table size as ARG2 the user can walk through memory, table by table. E Examine Memory _________________________________________________________________ The E command allows the user to examine and optionally modify the contents of memory. The format of the command is: *E ARG1 where ARG1 is the address of the first byte to examine ARG1 may be any symbol type Upon receipt of ARG1 Z8E will read the contents of the specified memory address and display the byte in both hex and ASCII. At this point the user has two options. The user may specify re- placement data to be written to memory starting at the current address, or he may choose to continue to passively examine memory. The choice is determined by the character(s) which are input after the contents of an address are displayed. If the user wishes to modify memory starting at the current memory address, then an ARGUMENT-STRING may be entered following the displayed byte. Z8E will evaluate the entire string and write the evaluated equivalent of the string into consecutive memory locations starting with the current memory address. For example the user could enter the following ARGUMENT-STRING: *E 45F9 45F9 42 B 'This is a string',0D,0A,13,4F,9,'More Text',05 ^ ^ The user input apprears between the arrows and would be evaluated to the following 31 bytes: 54 68 69 73 20 49 73 20 61 20 73 74 72 69 6E 67 0D 0A 13 4F 09 4D 6F 62 65 20 74 65 78 74 05 These 31 bytes would be stored into memory locations 45F9 to 4617 and the next address displayed on the screen would be 4618. 4618 23 # Remember that ARGUMENT-STRINGS may be terminated by either a carriage return or by the first space character which does not appear in a quoted literal string. The choice of terminator determines the which address will be displayed next. If a car- riage return is used to terminate the ARGUMENT-STRING, then Z8E will display the next sequential memory address. For example: *E 1002 1002 45 E 12,8F,00 1005 28 ( The user entered an ARGUMENT-STRING 12,8F,00 which was evaluated to 3 bytes. Since the ARGUMENT-STRING was terminated by a car- riage return the next address displayed was 1002+3 or 1005. By terminating the ARGUMENT-STRING with a space the user can verify the contents of memory just modified. ARGUMENT-STRINGS terminated by a space cause Z8E to redisplay the starting ad- dress; this makes the data just entered availalbe for re- inspection: *E 1002 1002 45 E 12,8F,00 1002 12 ~ If the user does not want to write any data to the current memory address, then the character entered should be a space character, up arrow (caret) character, or a carriage return. CHARACTER ACTION space read next sequential mem- ory address up arrow read previous memory ad- dress read next sequential mem- ory address command period terminate command The user may also change the current memory address by entering an equal sign "=" followed by a valid argument. The address obtained by evaluating this argument becomes the new current memory address as shown below: *E 1344 1344 89 ~ 1345 6F o 1346 52 R =9F34 9F34 63 c F Find _________________________________________________________________ The find command allows the user to search memory for multi-byte strings in memory. The format of the command is: *F ARG1 ARG2 where ARG1 = the starting address at which to begin the search, it may be of any type ARG2 = is an ARGUMENT-STRING representing the pattern to search for; the user may specify any combination of arguments separated by commas or spaces up to the limit of Z8E's command line buffer which is 80 bytes long. The actual number of bytes searched for depends on how the string is ultimately evaluated. Z8E will display every address which contains data matching ARG2. The search continues until the end of memory is reached. The user may elect to cancel the search at any time by depressing any key on the keyboard. If ARG2 is a single argument (as opposed to an argument string) and if this argument is a symbol name then Z8E will reverse the order of the two bytes comprising the 16 bit operand. Most 16 bit values in Z80 programs are stored with the least significant byte at a given address and the most significant byte at the given address+1 (toward the high end of memory). This is in accordance with the Z80 convention of storing the most significant byte of a 16 bit argument toward the high end of memory. The following are examples of the FIND command: *F 0 SYMBOL Assuming that the symbol "SYMBOL" is associated with the hex value 3BF then Z8E would attempt to find all address containing the byte pair BF and 03 in that order, with the search beginning at address 0000. Note that the order of the two bytes is reversed because the symbol "SYMBOL" exists in the symbol table. To search for the byte pair 03 and BF in that order the user should enter the argument as either a 16 bit hex number (3BF) or as two 8 bit hex numbers (03,BF). *F 100 87,32#,'ABCD',0C3,symbol,'p',271F Assuming that the symbol "symbol" is associated with the hex value 3BF then Z8E would attempt to find all starting addresses of the following 12 byte string: 87 20 41 42 43 44 C3 03 BF 70 27 1F Notice that Z8E would search for the two byte pattern 03 BF as the value for "symbol". If the user happened to be trying to find the instruction JP symbol the search would fail because as mentioned above 16 bit values are stored low order byte first. The user should have entered C3 BF 03. The two bytes which represent the address of symbol are not reversed as in the example above because ARG2 is specified as an ARGUMENT-STRING as opposed to a single argument. Z8E would begin its search at address 100 (ARG1). G Go _________________________________________________________________ The G command instructs Z8E to begin or resume execution of the user program. The format of the command is: *G [ARG1] where ARG1 = the address of the first instruction the user wishes to execute. ARG1 may be any argument type. If omitted then the current program counter value is assumed. Upon receipt of this command Z8E initializes all breakpoints in the user program, restores all user registers, and transfers control to the user program under test at the address specified in ARG1. Execution within the user program will continue until the user program reaches a breakpoint, at which point control will return to Z8E. This is the only way the user is able to return control to Z8E once the GO command is issued. Z8E breakpoint technique has been designed such that Z8E will not directly initialize a breakpoint at the address specified in ARG1. In actualiity it would be impossible to do so since an attempt would be made to resume execution at this address, a breakpoint would have been set at this address, and control would immediately return to the monitor without this instruction ever having been executed. This limitation has been overcome in Z8E by actually copying the single instruction located at ARG1 to Z8E's memory, THEN setting the breakpoint at the ARG1 address, and finally executing the "moved" version of the instruction in Z8E's memory rather than in the user program. Z8E compensates for the that CALL and RELATIVE JUMP instructions are affected by the address at which they are executed. This entire process is total- ly transparent and it allows the user to debug loops by setting only a single breakpoint within the range of a loop, obviates the need to clear any breakpoints which are located at the address where execution is to resume, and even allows breakpoints at a DJNZ $ instructions! HINT: When proceeding from a breakpoint it is simplest to use the parameterless form of the GO command: *G which tells Z8E to resume execution at the address specified by the user's current program counter. H Display Symbol Table _________________________________________________________________ The H command allows the user to view the symbol table on the console. The format of the command is: *H [ARG1] where ARG1 must be a symbol name If ARG1 is omitted Z8E will display the entire symbol table starting with the first symbol in the table. If ARG1 is present Z8E will begin the display with that symbol. Z8E displays a block of 32 symbols then waits for user input. If the user enters a carriage return then the command terminates. If the user enters any other character the next block of 32 symbols is displayed. If a symbol name entered as ARG1 cannot be found in the symbol table Z8E prints a question mark. I Initialize FCB and command tail _________________________________________________________________ The I command initializes the command tail at 80h and the file name fields in the default FCB (5Ch and 6Ch). *I [ARG1] [ARG2] ... [ARGn] where each arg may be any string. The command tail in the default DMA buffer at 80h will be filled in with a standard format command buffer comprising a length byte followed by the string formed by translating all the ARGs to upper case. A zero is appended after the last ARG. The first two ARGs are treated as (possibly ambiguous) file names and are copied with appropriate padding into the file name fields in the default FCB area. If no ARG2 is present then the file name field at 6Ch will be blank-filled from 6Dh to 77h. If no ARG1 is present then the file name field at 5Ch will be blank-filled from 5Dh to 67h. Since the "I" command with no arguments is a valid command, it cannot be aborted. Note that Z8E does not automatically insert a space at the head of the command tail. If you are debugging routines to parse the command line you should insert a tab or space yourself to make the command tail realistic. For example, the Z8E command: i square.peg generates the command tail: 0A 53 51 55 41 52 45 21 50 45 47 00 10 S Q U A R E . P E G 00 whereas the command tail to program 'fit' generated at the CP/M level by: fit square.peg would be: 0B 20 53 51 55 41 52 45 21 50 45 47 00 11 S Q U A R E . P E G 00 and you can emulate this form by putting the space in yourself before the word 'square'. J Animated Full Screen Debugger ________________________________________________________________ The J command provides the user with the ability to "see" inside the Z80 as it executes a program. The Z8E animated debugger allows the user to view registers, memory, and instructions while the Z80 is simultaneously executing code. In addtion the J command provides the user with the ability to interactively single-step through a program using the full screen facilities of the command. The format of the J command is: *J [/] [*] [ARG1] [ARG2] or *J # USE OF THE J COMMAND FOR SINGLE STEPPING IS DESCRIBED AT THE END OF THIS SECTION. THIS SECTION DESCRIBES THE NON-INTERACTIVE VERSION OF THE J COMMAND DURING WHICH THE USER TURNS OVER COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAM UNDER TEST TO Z8E. ARG1 is the starting address of the display and may be of any valid argument type. For example, the user may specify *J P to resume execution at the point where it had previouly been stopped. The slash and star control subroutine tracing as follows: "/" Slash informs Z8E not to trace any subrou- tines at all. "*" Asterisk informs Z8E not to trace any subrou- tine calls to addresses located in the range 0 to FF. This feature is intended to screen out calls to location 5 (BDOS) in order to prevent Z8E's and the user's stack from becoming hopelessly entangled. ARG2 represents an optional timeout paramter which affects the speed at which instructions are exe- cuted. This number may be in the range 0 - 255, with 10 (decimal) as the default if no value is entered. A timeout value of 10 yields approximate- ly a one half second delay between the execution of sequential instructions. A value of 0 repre- sents NO time delay and is in actuality the fast- est rate a which the J command can run. Once the J command commences, Z8E takes over the Z80 and fur- nishes the user with a "peephole" into the CPU. Z8E executes one instruction at a time in the user program pausing after each one to dynamically update the screen display. The J command divides the screen into three areas: register map, disassembled code, and memory window. The register map displays all registers on the top two lines of the screen along with the contents of the F register which is shown in mnemonic form. Z8E also disassembles 18 instructions based on the current PC value and displays them on the screen; finally, using the parameters entered in the W command, Z8E snapshots a block of memory and displays it as a window on the screen. Execution of the user program continues until any non-numeric key on the keyboard is pressed which ends the command. If a numeric key is pressed, then Z8E responds by changing the timeout parame- ter on the fly. The user may use the keys 0 - 9 as a throttle to govern the execution speed. Zero being the fastest; nine being the slowest. The command also terminates whenever a user defined breakpoint is reached. That is, if the user had set a breakpoint via the B command and this address is reached the J command ends and Z8E prompts the user for the next command. If the breakpoint had a pass count associated with it, the pass count must reach zero before the J command will terminate. USING THE J COMMAND FOR SINGLE STEPPING Z8E permits the user to single-step through a program while allowing a continuous full-screen view of the registers, code being executed, and the contents of a block of memory as speci- fied by the K command. In order to invoke the full screen single- step the user enters the following command: *J [/] [*] / instructs Z8E not to trace any subroutines at all * instructs Z8E not to trace any subroutines location below address 100H and is specifically designed to allow the user the option of not becoming tangled in BDOS and BIOS. Note that this version of the J command is differentiated from the non-interactive version by the absence of any argument indicating a execution address. This version allows the user to execute one instruction in his program and then regain control at the Z8E command level. Z8E will execute the instruction pointed to by the user's current PC. After the instruction is executed an ARROW ( => ) points to the next instruction to be executed. The / and * options are only valid if the next instruction to be executed is a CALL. If the program counter is pointing at any other instruction then the / and * have no immediate effect. However the meaning is remembered so that when a CALL instruction is encountered the appropriate action (or non-action) will be taken. After a J command has been issued pressing is equivalent to issuing another J command. This allows you to manually step through a program very quickly. REFRESHING THE SCREEN Z8E's orderly display can be disturbed by console output generated by the program being debugged. If that happens then use command form *J # to refresh the screen. No other argument is permitted. K Set Memory Window Parameters for Use With the J Command ________________________________________________________________ The K command sets the starting address and block size of the memory window display during the J command. The format of the command is: *K ARG1 [,ARG2] ARG1 represents the starting address of the memory block. ARG2 is an optional size paramter, if omitted the block size defaults to the maximum. The maximum block size is 144 decimal which is 90 hex. The starting address of the memory block can be anywhere in memory; it does not have to be within the confines of the user program. L Load file _________________________________________________________________ The L command allows the user to load files into the TPA after the debug session has started. The format of the command is: *L ARG1[,ARG2] ARG1 is a single unambiguous file name con- forming to standard CP/M syntax rules: - optional drive name followed by a colon - mandatory primary file name - optional secondary file name preceded by a period ARG2 is an optional load address. If ARG2 is not specified the named file is loaded at the start of the TPA (address 100 hex). If ARG2 is given the file will be loaded at this address. Z8E will NOT relocate individual addresses within the file to reflect the new load address. ARG2 may be of any type. NOTE: If no arguments are entered then Z8E will redisplay the starting address, ending ad- dress, and the number of 256 byte pages of the last file loaded. If Z8E detects a error in the file name specification the message "Syntax error" is printed on the console and the command terminates. If Z8E is unable to locate the file on the specified drive the message "File not found" is printed on the console and the command terminates. Z8E contains no facilties for converting .HEX (Intel Hex format) object files to loadable memory image. All files, regardless of type, are loaded into memory in exactly the same form as they appear on disk. To debug a .HEX file the user should first load the file with the CP/M LOAD command and save the file with the CP/M SAVE command which produces an absolute memory image load- able by Z8E. All .COM files are of course already in loadable form and no LOADing and SAVEing is required. If the file will not fit into the TPA, Z8E will print the message: Out of memory - Continue? If the user answers "Y", Z8E will resume loading the file at address 100 hex if ARG2 was not entered, or at the address speci- fied as ARG2. If the user types any other response, the loading process terminates and Z8E returns to the command level. However, the user may resume loading the file at a later time by issuing the L command and specifying the file name "." (a single period). The user may choose to specify a new starting load address following the period; if ARG2 is omitted then the load address defaults back to 100 hex, the start of the TPA. If the user has done any subsequent disk I/O (such as loading a new file of disassembling to disk) in between the time loading was suspended and then restarted, Z8E will treat the file name "." as a syntax error. The user may occasionally need to overlay a section of code in a program which already resides in memory with input from a file on disk, for example in modifying a BIOS in preparation for MOVCPM. While this is possible with loaders which process .HEX object files, it is not feasible with Z8E. The user can circumvent this limitation by loading the file from disk into an unused section of memory and then using Z8E's move command to move only the data needed to accomplish the overlay. M Move Memory _________________________________________________________________ The M command allows the user to move blocks of date from any address in memory to any other address in memory. The format of the command is: *M ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 where ARG1 = the starting address of the source data block ARG2 = the ending address of the source data block ARG3 = the starting address of the destination data block arguments may be of any type Z8E automatically decides whether a head-to-head or tail-to-tail move is required based on the three arguments entered. If a head-to-head move is needed then the first byte of the source data block will be written to the first byte position of the destination data block; the second byte of the source data block will be written to the second byte position of the destination data block, and so on until the ending address of the destination data block is reached. On the other hand, if a tail-to-tail move is necessary Z8E will move the last byte of the source data block to the last byte position of the destination data block, followed by the second to last byte of the source data block to the second to last byte position of the destination data block, and so on until the starting address of the destination block is reached. A tail to tail move would be necessary in the following example to prevent the overwriting of the destination data block: *M 1000 100F 1008 N Output to I/O Ports Without Pre-Read _________________________________________________________________ This command allows the user to output data to an I/O port with- out first reading the port (as occurs in the Q command). The format of the command is: *N [ARG1] where ARG1 is the port number to which the data will be written. If ARG1 is omitted then Z8E uses the last port address which had been input by a previous N or Q command. Z8E will prompt the user by displaying the current port number on the left hand side of the console and postioning the cursor two spaces the the right. At this point the user can enter the data to be sent to the port in the form of an ARGUMENT-STRING. The ARGUMENT-STRING allows the user to mix various argument types such as hex data and ASCII literal strings. Of course the user can elect to merely output single bytes if desired. The N com- mand is particularly useful when programming various Z80 peri- pheral chips such as the DMA and SIO chips which expect initia- lization bytes to arrive in a stream without intervening reads. *N 80 80 'T',00,12#,998 This ARGUMENT-STRING would be evaluated into the 5 bytes: 54 00 0C 09 98. These five bytes would be sent to port 80 via an OTIR instruction. No delay occurs between successive bytes. After the data has been entered and after it has been sent to the I/O port Z8E reprompts the user by displaying the same port number. This gives the user to oppportunity to send addtional data to the same port. However, by not entering data the user can change the current port address by entering any of the following: CARRIAGE The next sequential port number in ascending RETURN order becomes the current port address. UP ARROW The next sequential port number in descending order becomes the current port address. =ARG Any argument appearing immediately after the equal sign (no intervening spaces) is eva- luated as an 8 bit number, and if found to be valid then it becomes the new current port address. PERIOD Terminate command The user can also monitor an I/O port with the N command by enclosing the port number on the command line in parentheses. Monitor mode via the N command is identical to that of the Q command (see Q command). O Output Current Breakpoints to Console _________________________________________________________________ The O command allows the user to view all breakpoints currently in effect. The format of the command is: *O no arguments are required If Z8E finds a symbol name corresponding to the absolute hex address of a breakpoint address in the symbol table (if a symbol table exists) then the symbol name as well as the memory address is displayed. If no symbol corresponding to the address is found only the hex address is displayed. If any pass counts are currently in effect they are displayed next to the breakpoint address with which they are associated. P Examine/Modify PSW (Flag Register) _________________________________________________________________ The P command provides a convenient method of examining and optionally modifying the F(lag) register in the user register set. The format of the command is: *P no arguments are required on the command line Upon receipt of the P command Z8E displays the mnemonics corres- ponding to the current state of the four user-modifiable bits (sign, carry, zero, parity) in Flag register: MNEMONIC MEANING BIT STATUS P positive reset M minus set NC no carry reset C carry set PO parity odd reset PE parity even set NZ not zero reset Z zero set Z8E prints the mnemonic corresponding to the current state of each of the four flag bits. Z8E then issues a carriage return/line feed and pauses for user input. The user may modify any of the four flag bits by typing the appropriate mnemonic followed by a carriage return. The user may enter multiple mnemonics by separating each one with a space. If no mnemonics are entered, no flags bits are altered and the command terminates. If an invalid flag bit mnemonic is entered Z8E prints a question mark. Q Query I/O Ports _________________________________________________________________ The Q command allows the user flexible access to I/O ports by providing the ability to perform single byte input, continuous input (monitor mode), and single or multi-byte output following a pre-read of the port. The format of the command is: *Q [(] [ARG1] [)] where ARG1 is an 8 bit port address in the range 0 - 255 ARG1 may be any symbol type, however if a 16 bit value is specified only the low order byte is significant If no argument is given Z8E will use the most recent port number as entered by the user via an N or Q command. If ARG1 is enclosed in parentheses Z8E will enter MONITOR MODE. Upon receipt of ARG1 Z8E will read the specified I/O port and display the byte read as both 8 bit hexadecimal value and it's ASCII equivalent. Command options once a byte has been read from the I/O port are as follows: SINGLE BYTE INPUT By entering a SPACE immediately following the displayed contents of the I/O port the user can instruct Z8E to continue reading from the same I/O port: *Q EE EE 24 $ EE 24 $ By entering a CARRIAGE RETURN following the dis- played contents of the I/O port the user can instruct Z8E to read the next port number (ascending order): *Q EE EE 24 $ EF C1 A By entering a caret "^" following the displayed contents of the I/O port the user can instruct Z8E to read the previous port number (descending order): *Q EE EE 24 $ ^ (up arrow entered by user) ED 06 ~ By entering an equal sign "=" followed by a valid argument, the user can switch to reading a new port address: *Q EE EE 24 '$' =90 90 BF '?' CONTINUOUS INPUT (MONITOR MODE) Z8E provides the user with the ability to monitor an input port. Z8E will continously read the selected input port and display the contents on the screen. Z8E displays the byte in both hex and binary. This feature is useful in the testing of I/O ports. Depressing any key on the keyboard exits monitor mode. MULTI-BYTE OUTPUT Following the read of an I/O port the user may elect to output data. The user may enter an ARGUMENT-STRING which will be sent to the port on a byte by byte basis with no intervening reads between outputs as shown below: *Q 50 50 44 'D' 23,9,'B2E',00,F723,81 ^ ^ string as entered by user appears between arrows The data as entered by the user in this example would first be converted to the 9 bytes shown below: 23 09 42 32 45 00 F7 23 81 These 9 bytes would then be sent to port 50 one byte after another without any intervening reads or status checks. R Examine/Modify Register Contents _________________________________________________________________ The R command allows the user to examine and optionally modify registers and register pairs in the user register set. The format of the command is: *R ARG1 or space where ARG1 is any of the 22 register mnemonics listed below: A B C D E H L AF BC DE HL IX IY SP AF' BC' DE' HL' I R P PC (the program counter may be specified as either P or PC) To examine a register the user enters a mnemonic from the above list followed by a carriage return or a space. Z8E will display the current contents of the register on the same line. At this point the user has the option of entering an argument of any type if the contents of the register or register pair are to be changed. The replacement value may be terminated by either a carriage return or a space. If no value is entered Z8E issues a carriage return/line feed and waits for the next register mnemo- nic to be entered. If the user specifies a 16 bit value as the new contents of an 8 bit register only the low order byte of the value is used. The command terminates when a carriage return or space is entered when Z8E is waiting for a register mnemonic. S Single Step _________________________________________________________________ The S command allows the user to execute a program instruction by instruction. The S command provides for full tracing of the user program. The format of the command is: *S [/] [ARG1] where ARG1 is the number of instructions to exe- cute in the user program, if no argument is given Z8E defaults to 1 ARG1 may be of any type The slash "/" allows the user control over the tracing of subrou- tines. If a slash is included before the count (if a count is entered), or if the slash is the only character on the command line then subroutines will not be traced. A slash affects only CALL instructions which lie within the range of ARG1. In the most typical case no ARG1 is present and the single step count defaults to 1. If the current PC, 1000 in this example, is pointing to a call instruction then the command: *S / 1000 CD 56 30 RASRTN: CALL ANYSUB 1003 FE 04 CP 4 1005 CA 17 10 JP Z,AHEAD will cause the entire subroutine ANYSUB to be executed and control will return to the user at address 1003. If ARG1 is omitted Z8E will transfer control to the user program and one instruction, the one pointed to by the current contents of the user's program counter, will be executed. Following the execution of the instruction (or group of instructions if ARG2 was greater than 1) Z8E regains control and automatically dis- plays the current contents of all the user registers. The user may optionally indicate that more than one instruction is to be executed by entering a value greater than 1 for ARG1. Z8E will transfer control to the user program and regain control only when the specified number of instructions have been exe- cuted. This feature is useful in debugging small loops; in that the user can set ARG1 equal to the number of instructions in the range of the loop. Z8E will display the register contents after each instruction of the loop is executed and return control to the user after every iteration of the loop. The single step command always causes the execution of the instruction pointed to by the current contents of the user's program counter. This is the instruction that appears in dis- assembled form as part of the output of the "X" command (display machine state). Bear in mind that ARG1 is not the address at which single stepping is to begin; it is a count to the number of instructions to execute. If the user desires to single step at an address other than the one contained in the program counter, then the PC register must be modified via the R command before the single step command is issued to Z8E. Allowing the convenience of entering "S" to execute one instruction has the side effect of not allowing the user to abort the command in between the time the "S" is typed and the is entered by simply omitting an argument and typing . If you change your mind you can use ^X to cancel the command or you can type in an invalid argument as ARG1. This will cause a question mark to be displayed; however, no instruction will be executed. During block tracing (ARG1 greater than 1) the command may be terminated by hitting any key on the keyboard. After an S command has been issued pressing the key alone is equivalent to issuing S . The S command does not relocate instructions before execution as does the G command (see G command). Hence, it is not possible to single step through each iteration of a DJNZ $ instruction. U Write Symbol Table to Disk _________________________________________________________________ The U command allows the user to write the current symbol table to a disk file. The format of the command is: *U ARG1 ARG1 is the name of the file to which the symbol table is to be written. This command is useful to save any symbol names entered by the user via the A command. The entire symbol table is written to disk using the format of a .SYM file (see appendix A). The table can be subsequently loaded at the next invokation of Z8E. Note that since the file is stored as a .SYM formatted file the user should use a file name extension that begin with the letter "S". This is due to the fact that the next time Z8E loads this symbol file it will examine the the first character of the file name extension. If the first character is an "S" the format is assumed to be .SYM and the symbol table is built accordingly; the appearance of any other letter is taken to indicate a .PRN file. If a file with the name ARG1 already exists on disk it will be deleted. V Verify two memory blocks _________________________________________________________________ The V command allows the user to compare two blocks of memory. Z8E will display all differences between the two. The format of the command is: *V ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 where ARG1 = the starting address of memory block 1 ARG2 = the ending address of memory block 1 ARG3 = the starting address of memory block 2 Z8E compares memory block 1 to memory block 2 byte by byte. If a mismatch occurs Z8E will display the address in each block at which the mismatch was found, as well as the byte contained at each address. The comparison continues until the ending address is reached. The user may halt the command at any time by depressing any key on the keyboard. W write memory to disk _________________________________________________________________ The W command allows the user to write the contents of memory to a disk file. The format of the command is: *W arg1 [arg2 arg3] ARG1 is the name of a file to which writing will take place. ARG2 and ARG3 are the optional starting and ending addresses of the portion of memory to be written to the disk. If the addresses omitted then the memory block to be written is defined by the starting and ending addresses of the last file loaded. These addresses can be redisplayed by entering the I command with no arguments. Z8E always deletes any file on disk whose name is the same as ARG1. If no file by this name exists then Z8E will automatically create it. Z8E will echo the starting memory address and continually update the ending memory address as the writing to disk takes place. X display machine state _________________________________________________________________ The X command displays the current contents of all user registers. The format of the command is: *X no arguments are required Z8E displays displays all registers, except the I register and the R register, on two lines of the console. In addition, the instruction pointed to by the user's program counter is disassem- bled and displayed on the second line. Think of this as the "on deck" instruction: the instruction that will be executed upon the receipt of the next G (GO) or S (SINGLE STEP) command. To inspect the I or R registers use the R command. Y fill memory _________________________________________________________________ The Y command fills a user specified block of memory with a user specified pattern of bytes, the length of which is limited only by the length of Z8E's input buffer which is 80 bytes long: *Y ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 where ARG1 = the starting address of the block to fill ARG2 = the ending address of the block to fill ARG3 = is the data pattern to be written to memory. ARG3 is evaluated by Z8E as type ARGUMENT-STRING which may be of any length in the range of 1 through the number of bytes remaining in the input buffer once ARG1 and ARG2 have been input. The Y command gives the user the capability to initialize memory to any data pattern. The capability of entering multi-byte strings as the data pattern with which to fill memory allows the user to store repeating patterns of data in memory with a single command. For example if the user entered the command: *Y 1000 127C 'abcd',16,77 Z8E would begin writing the 6 byte pattern (61 62 63 64 16 77) entered as ARG3 starting at address 1000. This pattern would repeat at address 1006, 100C, 1012, etc. The command ends after a byte is written to the ARG2 address even if this byte does not represent the last byte in the ARG3 block. In the above example the command would end when a byte is written to address 127C even if that byte is not 77. Z disassemble command _________________________________________________________________ The Z command allows the user to disassemble a block of data. Z8E performs disassembly, which is the translation of binary memory data into source code format, using the full Z80 instruc- tion set and Zilog mnemonics. The resultant source code may be directed to the console or to the console and a disk file simul- taneously. Z8E also allows the user to disassemble interactively when ARG2 is equal to 1. The format of the command is: *Z ARG1 [ARG2 ARG3] where ARG1 = the start address at which dis- assembly is to begin ARG2 = is optional and represents the upper limit of the disassembly process (see details below) ARG3 = is an optional file name speci- fication for disassembly to disk ARG1 may be of any argument type. ARG2 is treated in one of two ways depending on its value: 1) If ARG2 evaluates to a number between 1 and 255 (decimal) Z8E will disassemble in "block mode" and ARG2 becomes a count of the number of instructions per block to disassemble. As will be explained below, Z8E pauses after each block is disassembled and allows the user to continue or to terminate the command. If ARG2 is omitted altogether a default block size of 1 is used. Whenever ARG2 equals 1, either explicitly or by default, Z8E allows interactive dis- assembly which allows the user to choose the output format of the data. Interactive dis- assembly is discussed below. 2) If ARG2 evaluates to a number greater than 255 it is assumed to be an ending address. In this case disassembly will proceed from starting address (ARG1) to ending address (ARG2) and no user intervention is required. ARG3, if present, is assumed to be the name of a disk file into which the disassembled output will be written. Z8E searches the specified disk for the named file. If the file is found, then all disassembled output will be written to it, over- writing any data that existed there. If the file does not exist the file will be created using the name specified in ARG3. NOTE: If ARG3 is present ARG2 must be explicitly specified, otherwise Z8E will mistakenly treat the file name as ARG2. Z8E outputs to the console using the following format: ADDRESS OBJECT CODE LABEL: OPCODE OPERAND Z8E writes to disk using the following formart: LABEL: OPCODE OPERAND Z8E disassembles memory block by block in the user specified block size. After each block is output Z8E pauses for user input. A carriage return input by the user terminates the com- mand, while any other character causes the next block to be disassembled (unless interactive mode is in effect). Perhaps the most convenient way to disassemble is to specify a count of one, either explicity or by omitting ARG2, and to use the space bar as an on/off switch. Holding down the space bar produces output, releasing the space bar ends output. Z8E's disassembler is especially powerful when used in con- junction with the symbol facility. By building a symbol table with both .PRN and .SYM files, and/or creating user defined symbol names via the A command, the user can virtually recreate an assembler output listing (minus the comments) with Z8E inserting labels and symbolic operands wherever possible. If Z8E cannot match an operand in the disassembled instruction to a corresponding symbol in the symbol table, or if no symbol table exists, Z8E uses the hexadecimal value. If multiple symbols in the symbol table are equal to the same 16 bit value or address, Z8E disassembles using the first symbol name encountered in the search of the symbol table which is equated to the 16 bit operand specified in the instruction being disassembled. This will unavoidably produce an occasional mis- named operand when more than one symbol name is equated to the same 16 bit value. Z8E does not substitute symbol names in those Z80 instructions which reference 8 bit immediate data (ie. LD A,24H). Eight bit immediate data is disassembled as a quoted ASCII character if it's absolute value is in the range 20 hex to 7E hex; otherwise, it is disassembled as a hex byte. Output by Z8E to a disk file is instantly assemblable by most any assembler which accepts Zilog mnemonics without any modifications other than adding an END statement at the end of the file. When disassembling a block of memory (starting address to ending address) the disassembly process may be halted at any time by depressing any key on the keyboard. Interactive disassembly allows the user to specify the format of the source code produced by disassembly on a line by line basis. Interactive mode, which is always in effect whenever ARG2 is equal to 1, causes Z8E to pause after each instruction is dis- assembled. This pause for input permits the user to enter one of the following commands to choose the desired output format: CHARACTER OUTPUT FORMAT EXAMPLE A ASCII DEFB DEFB 'Q' B HEX DEFB DEFB 23H C CODE EX DE,HL D HEX DEFW DEFW 02FCH or DEFW LABEL ; add COMMENT ;This is a Comment carriage (terminate command) return any other PROCEED TO THE character NEXT INSTRUCTION ASCII DEFB: The contents of memory at the current disassembly ad- dress is converted to a quoted ASCII character. Values less than hexadecimal 20 (ASCII space) or greater than hexadecimal 7E (ASCII tilde) cannot be disassembled into this format. HEX DEFB: The 8 bit contents of memory at the current disassembly address are converted to a hex byte. CODE: This is the normal default for disassembly. As Z8E moves on to a new address it will always display the contents of memory as a Z80 instruction. The "C" is only needed to redisplay the contents of memory as an instruction had one of the other characters (A, B or D) already been entered. HEX DEFW: The contents of the two bytes of memory starting at the loaction of the current disassembly address are output as a define word directive. The byte pointed to directly by the current disassembly address becomes the low order byte of the operand. The byte at disassembly address plus one becomes the high order byte. NOTE: If Z8E had just disassembled a multi- byte Z80 instruction and the user en- tered any of the characters listed above (A, B, C, or D) only the first byte, or first two for "D", of the instruction would be converted to the requested format. The remaining bytes of the instruction would be treated as a new Z80 instruction once the user proceeded to the next disassembly address. ADDING COMMENTS Z8E allows the user to add one comment per line of disassembled code. If MAXLEN is set to 6 then comments may be up to 29 characters in length. If MAXLEN is set to 14 then comments may be up to 16 characters in length. If during disassembly, Z8E encounters data which cannot be disassembled into a valid Z80 instruction it will display the data as DEFB's. ? Evaluate expression _________________________________________________________________ *? ARG1 where ARG1 is any legal form. The "?" command evaluates and displays its argument. Indirection is supported so that *? (HL) displays the word at the address contained in HL. The rules for expression formation are described before the listing of Z8E commands. > Change user number _________________________________________________________________ *> ARG1 where evaluates to a legal user number. Useful in preparation for a L(oad) command, the ">" command allows switching user numbers after Z8E is active so that you may then load files from user areas other than the one from which Z8E was invoked. APPENDIX A FILE FORMAT FOR SYMBOL TABLES Z8E is currently set up to be able to read any of the listing files which appear below: 1. Microsoft MACRO-80 V3.37 .PRN files May 8, 1980 2. Microsoft MACRO-80 V3.44 .PRN files Dec 9, 1981 3. Microsoft LINK-80 V3.44 .SYM files Dec 9, 1981 4. SLR Systems Z80ASM V1.07 .LST files 5. SLR Systems SLRNK V1.07 .SYM files 6. SLR Systems Z80ASM V1.3 .PRN files The unique characteristics of each are: MACRO-80 V3.37 Z8E searches for the 8 byte string "Symbols:" in the file. Once this string is found, Z8E expects an ASCII carriage return character and an ASCII line feed charac- ter to be the next two bytes in the file. The symbol table listing should begin in the next character position in the file. Each line of the symbol table listing contains four symbol names and an associated address. If the character following the symbol's hex value is an apostophe, the symbol is considered to be program rela- tive. If the user specified a bias in the command line the bias will be added to the symbol's value. If the character following the symbol's hex value is an "I" (meaning that the symbol is globally defined) then the character following the "I" is examined. If this character is an apostrophe it is considered to be program relative and the bias, if specified is added to the value. If the character following the hex symbol value or the "I" is any character besides an apostrophe, the symbol is considered absolute and the bias will not be added. The file should be terminated with the CP/M end-of-file character (control Z which is equivalent to a hex 1A). If the string "Symbols" is never found, Z8E prints the message: Symbol Table not Found MACRO-80 V3.44 Z8E searches for the 8 byte string "Symbols:" in the file. Once this string is found, Z8E expects an ASCII carriage return character and an ASCII line feed charac- ter to be the next two bytes in the file. The symbol table listing should begin in the next character position in the file. In this release of MACRO-80 the format of the symbol table is completely opposite of V3.37. That is, the hex value appears before the symbol name. In addition, these hex value/symbol name combination appear three per line. The character appearing after the hex value is inter- preted as described for version 3.37. If the string "Symbols" is never found, Z8E prints the message: Symbol Table not Found LINK-80 V3.44 LINK-80 can optionally produce a link map (.SYM file) which lists all globally defined symbols if the user specifies the "Y" option the L80 command line. Z8E treats all symbols names loaded from a LINK-80 .SYM file as absolute (non-relocatable) addresses. Nevertheless, if the user specifies a bias, it will be added to every symbol value read in from the .SYM file. Z8E expects the first symbol value in a .SYM file to begin in the first byte position in the file. Each symbol value consists of four hexadecimal bytes in ASCII followed by a tab character. Immediately after the tab character is the symbol name which may be between one and six alphanumeric characters in length. The symbol name is followed by a tab and the sequence repeats. Every fourth symbol value/symbol name pair should be followed by a carriage return and line feed. The file should be terminated with the CP/M end-of-file character (control Z which is equivalent to a hex 1A). Z80ASM Z80ASM may be configured to produce either 80 or 132 column output. Z8E searches for the 8 byte string "Symbol Table:" in the file. This string need not be at the beginning of the file; Z8E will scan the entire file looking for it. Once this string is found, Z8E expects an ASCII carriage return character and an ASCII line feed character to be the next two bytes in the file. The symbol table list- ing should begin in the next character position in the file. In a Z80ASM .LST file the hex value appears before the symbol name. Hex value/symbol name combinations appear three per line. Z80ASM symbol names may contain up to 16 characters. Z8E will accept the first 14 characters of a symbol name if MAXLEN is set to 14 or the first 6 charac- ters if MAXLEN is set to 6. If the string "Symbol Table:" is never found, Z8E prints the message: Symbol Table Not Found SLRNK SLRNK can optionally produce a link map (.SYM File) similar to the one produced by Link-80. Z8E treats all symbols loaded from a SLRNK .SYM file as absolute sym- bols. However, as in the case of Link-80 .SYM files, Z8E will add a relocation bias to each symbol if one is specified. Each symbol value in a SLRNK .SYM file consists of four hexadecimal bytes followed by a space followed by the symbol name. The symbol name is followed by two ASCII tab characters. Use SLRNK's /M option to produce a link map. NOTE: While reading in a MACRO-80 .PRN file, or a Z80ASM .LST file, Z8E is capable of reading an entire assembly list- ing file looking for the "Symbols:" string or "Symbol Table:" string. These strings need not be located at the beginning of the file. However, the loading of the symbol table will be speeded up considerably if the symbol table is the only data in the file. This is accomplished quite easily in both MACRO-80 by turning off the listing during an assembly through the use of the .XLIST directive. The listing can then be turned back on just prior to the END directive via a .LIST directive to ensure that the symbol table is written to disk. If you are using Z80ASM use the /S option to instruct Z80ASM to produce a symbol file. Z8E is able to process symbol tables which occupy multiple pages in any of the file types mentioned above. Headings which precede each page are automatically ignored by Z8E. PPENDIX B - ZILOG MNEMONICS 0049 NN EQU 49H ;8 BIT OPERAND 123F NNNN EQU 123FH ;16 BIT OPERAND 0036 INDEX EQU 36H ;INDEX REGISTER INDEX 010B 8E ADC A,(HL) 010C DD 8E 36 ADC A,(IX+INDEX) 010F FD 8E 36 ADC A,(IY+INDEX) 0112 8F ADC A,A 0113 88 ADC A,B 0114 89 ADC A,C 0115 8A ADC A,D 0116 8B ADC A,E 0117 8C ADC A,H 0118 8D ADC A,L 0119 CE 49 ADC A,NN 011B ED 4A ADC HL,BC 011D ED 5A ADC HL,DE 011F ED 6A ADC HL,HL 0121 ED 7A ADC HL,SP 0123 86 ADD A,(HL) 0124 DD 86 36 ADD A,(IX+INDEX) 0127 FD 86 36 ADD A,(IY+INDEX) 012A 87 ADD A,A 012B 80 ADD A,B 012C 81 ADD A,C 012D 82 ADD A,D 012E 83 ADD A,E 012F 84 ADD A,H 0130 85 ADD A,L 0131 C6 49 ADD A,NN 0133 09 ADD HL,BC 0134 19 ADD HL,DE 0135 29 ADD HL,HL 0136 39 ADD HL,SP 0137 DD 09 ADD IX,BC 0139 DD 19 ADD IX,DE 013B DD 29 ADD IX,IX 013D DD 39 ADD IX,SP 013F FD 09 ADD IY,BC 0141 FD 19 ADD IY,DE 0143 FD 29 ADD IY,IY 0145 FD 39 ADD IY,SP 0147 A6 AND (HL) 0148 DD A6 36 AND (IX+INDEX) 014B FD A6 36 AND (IY+INDEX) 014E A7 AND A 014F A0 AND B 0150 A1 AND C 0151 A2 AND D 0152 A3 AND E 0153 A4 AND H 0154 A5 AND L 0155 E6 49 AND NN 0157 CB 46 BIT 0,(HL) 0159 DD CB 36 46 BIT 0,(IX+INDEX) 015D FD CB 36 46 BIT 0,(IY+INDEX) 0161 CB 47 BIT 0,A 0163 CB 40 BIT 0,B 0165 CB 41 BIT 0,C 0167 CB 42 BIT 0,D 0169 CB 43 BIT 0,E 016B CB 44 BIT 0,H 016D CB 45 BIT 0,L 016F CB 4E BIT 1,(HL) 0171 DD CB 36 4E BIT 1,(IX+INDEX) 0175 FD CB 36 4E BIT 1,(IY+INDEX) 0179 CB 4F BIT 1,A 017B CB 48 BIT 1,B 017D CB 49 BIT 1,C 017F CB 4A BIT 1,D 0181 CB 4B BIT 1,E 0183 CB 4C BIT 1,H 0185 CB 4D BIT 1,L 0187 CB 56 BIT 2,(HL) 0189 DD CB 36 56 BIT 2,(IX+INDEX) 018D FD CB 36 56 BIT 2,(IY+INDEX) 0191 CB 57 BIT 2,A 0193 CB 50 BIT 2,B 0195 CB 51 BIT 2,C 0197 CB 52 BIT 2,D 0199 CB 53 BIT 2,E 019B CB 54 BIT 2,H 019D CB 55 BIT 2,L 019F CB 5E BIT 3,(HL) 01A1 DD CB 36 5E BIT 3,(IX+INDEX) 01A5 FD CB 36 5E BIT 3,(IY+INDEX) 01A9 CB 5F BIT 3,A 01AB CB 58 BIT 3,B 01AD CB 59 BIT 3,C 01AF CB 5A BIT 3,D 01B1 CB 5B BIT 3,E 01B3 CB 5C BIT 3,H 01B5 CB 5D BIT 3,L 01B7 CB 66 BIT 4,(HL) 01B9 DD CB 36 66 BIT 4,(IX+INDEX) 01BD FD CB 36 66 BIT 4,(IY+INDEX) 01C1 CB 67 BIT 4,A 01C3 CB 60 BIT 4,B 01C5 CB 61 BIT 4,C 01C7 CB 62 BIT 4,D 01C9 CB 63 BIT 4,E 01CB CB 64 BIT 4,H 01CD CB 65 BIT 4,L 01CF CB 6E BIT 5,(HL) 01D1 DD CB 36 6E BIT 5,(IX+INDEX) 01D5 FD CB 36 6E BIT 5,(IY+INDEX) 01D9 CB 6F BIT 5,A 01DB CB 68 BIT 5,B 01DD CB 69 BIT 5,C 01DF CB 6A BIT 5,D 01E1 CB 6B BIT 5,E 01E3 CB 6C BIT 5,H 01E5 CB 6D BIT 5,L 01E7 CB 76 BIT 6,(HL) 01E9 DD CB 36 76 BIT 6,(IX+INDEX) 01ED FD CB 36 76 BIT 6,(IY+INDEX) 01F1 CB 77 BIT 6,A 01F3 CB 70 BIT 6,B 01F5 CB 71 BIT 6,C 01F7 CB 72 BIT 6,D 01F9 CB 73 BIT 6,E 01FB CB 74 BIT 6,H 01FD CB 75 BIT 6,L 01FF CB 7E BIT 7,(HL) 0201 DD CB 36 7E BIT 7,(IX+INDEX) 0205 FD CB 36 7E BIT 7,(IY+INDEX) 0209 CB 7F BIT 7,A 020B CB 78 BIT 7,B 020D CB 79 BIT 7,C 020F CB 7A BIT 7,D 0211 CB 7B BIT 7,E 0213 CB 7C BIT 7,H 0215 CB 7D BIT 7,L 0217 DC 123F CALL C,NNNN 021A FC 123F CALL M,NNNN 021D D4 123F CALL NC,NNNN 0220 CD 123F CALL NNNN 0223 C4 123F CALL NZ,NNNN 0226 F4 123F CALL P,NNNN 0229 EC 123F CALL PE,NNNN 022C E4 123F CALL PO,NNNN 022F CC 123F CALL Z,NNNN 0232 3F CCF 0233 BE CP (HL) 0234 DD BE 36 CP (IX+INDEX) 0237 FD BE 36 CP (IY+INDEX) 023A BF CP A 023B B8 CP B 023C B9 CP C 023D BA CP D 023E BB CP E 023F BC CP H 0240 BD CP L 0241 FE 49 CP NN 0243 ED A9 CPD 0245 ED B9 CPDR 0247 ED A1 CPI 0249 ED B1 CPIR 024B 2F CPL 024C 27 DAA 024D 35 DEC (HL) 024E DD 35 36 DEC (IX+INDEX) 0251 FD 35 36 DEC (IY+INDEX) 0254 3D DEC A 0255 05 DEC B 0256 0B DEC BC 0257 0D DEC C 0258 15 DEC D 0259 1B DEC DE 025A 1D DEC E 025B 25 DEC H 025C 2B DEC HL 025D DD 2B DEC IX 025F FD 2B DEC IY 0261 2D DEC L 0262 3B DEC SP 0263 F3 DI 0264 10 04 DJNZ $+6 0266 FB EI 0267 E3 EX (SP),HL 0268 DD E3 EX (SP),IX 026A FD E3 EX (SP),IY 026C 08 EX AF,AF' 026D EB EX DE,HL 026E D9 EXX 026F 76 HALT 0270 ED 46 IM 0 0272 ED 56 IM 1 0274 ED 5E IM 2 0276 ED 78 IN A,(C) 0278 DB 49 IN A,(NN) 027A ED 40 IN B,(C) 027C ED 48 IN C,(C) 027E ED 50 IN D,(C) 0280 ED 58 IN E,(C) 0284 ED 60 IN H,(C) 0286 ED 68 IN L,(C) 0288 34 INC (HL) 0289 DD 34 36 INC (IX+INDEX) 028C FD 34 36 INC (IY+INDEX) 028F 3C INC A 0290 04 INC B 0291 03 INC BC 0292 0C INC C 0293 14 INC D 0294 13 INC DE 0295 1C INC E 0296 24 INC H 0297 23 INC HL 0298 DD 23 INC IX 029A FD 23 INC IY 029C 2C INC L 029D 33 INC SP 029E ED AA IND 02A0 ED BA INDR 02A2 ED A2 INI 02A4 ED B2 INIR 02A6 E9 JP (HL) 02A7 DD E9 JP (IX) 02A9 FD E9 JP (IY) 02AB DA 123F JP C,NNNN 02AE FA 123F JP M,NNNN 02B1 D2 123F JP NC,NNNN 02B4 C3 123F JP NNNN 02B7 C2 123F JP NZ,NNNN 02BA F2 123F JP P,NNNN 02BD EA 123F JP PE,NNNN 02C0 E2 123F JP PO,NNNN 02C3 CA 123F JP Z,NNNN 02C6 38 04 JR C,$+6 02C8 18 04 JR $+6 02CA 30 04 JR NC,$+6 02CC 20 04 JR NZ,$+6 02CE 28 04 JR Z,$+6 02D0 02 LD (BC),A 02D1 12 LD (DE),A 02D2 77 LD (HL),A 02D3 70 LD (HL),B 02D4 71 LD (HL),C 02D5 72 LD (HL),D 02D6 73 LD (HL),E 02D7 74 LD (HL),H 02D8 75 LD (HL),L 02D9 36 49 LD (HL),NN 02DB DD 77 36 LD (IX+INDEX),A 02DE DD 70 36 LD (IX+INDEX),B 02E1 DD 71 36 LD (IX+INDEX),C 02E4 DD 72 36 LD (IX+INDEX),D 02E7 DD 73 36 LD (IX+INDEX),E 02EA DD 74 36 LD (IX+INDEX),H 02ED DD 75 36 LD (IX+INDEX),L 02F0 DD 36 36 49 LD (IX+INDEX),NN 02F4 FD 77 36 LD (IY+INDEX),A 02F7 FD 70 36 LD (IY+INDEX),B 02FA FD 71 36 LD (IY+INDEX),C 02FD FD 72 36 LD (IY+INDEX),D 0300 FD 73 36 LD (IY+INDEX),E 0303 FD 74 36 LD (IY+INDEX),H 0306 FD 75 36 LD (IY+INDEX),L 0309 FD 36 36 49 LD (IY+INDEX),NN 030D 32 123F LD (NNNN),A 0310 ED 43 123F LD (NNNN),BC 0314 ED 53 123F LD (NNNN),DE 0318 22 123F LD (NNNN),HL 031B DD 22 123F LD (NNNN),IX 031F FD 22 123F LD (NNNN),IY 0323 ED 73 123F LD (NNNN),SP 0327 0A LD A,(BC) 0328 1A LD A,(DE) 0329 7E LD A,(HL) 032A DD 7E 36 LD A,(IX+INDEX) 032D FD 7E 36 LD A,(IY+INDEX) 0330 3A 123F LD A,(NNNN) 0333 7F LD A,A 0334 78 LD A,B 0335 79 LD A,C 0336 7A LD A,D 0337 7B LD A,E 0338 7C LD A,H 0339 ED 57 LD A,I 033B 7D LD A,L 033C 3E 49 LD A,NN 033E ED 5F LD A,R 0340 46 LD B,(HL) 0341 DD 46 36 LD B,(IX+INDEX) 0344 FD 46 36 LD B,(IY+INDEX) 0347 47 LD B,A 0348 40 LD B,B 0349 41 LD B,C 034A 42 LD B,D 034B 43 LD B,E 034C 44 LD B,H 034D 45 LD B,L 034E 06 49 LD B,NN 0350 ED 4B 123F LD BC,(NNNN) 0354 01 123F LD BC,NNNN 0357 4E LD C,(HL) 0358 DD 4E 36 LD C,(IX+INDEX) 035B FD 4E 36 LD C,(IY+INDEX) 035E 4F LD C,A 035F 48 LD C,B 0360 49 LD C,C 0361 4A LD C,D 0362 4B LD C,E 0363 4C LD C,H 0364 4D LD C,L 0365 0E 49 LD C,NN 0367 56 LD D,(HL) 0368 DD 56 36 LD D,(IX+INDEX) 036B FD 56 36 LD D,(IY+INDEX) 036E 57 LD D,A 036F 50 LD D,B 0370 51 LD D,C 0371 52 LD D,D 0372 53 LD D,E 0373 54 LD D,H 0374 55 LD D,L 0375 16 49 LD D,NN 0377 ED 5B 123F LD DE,(NNNN) 037B 11 123F LD DE,NNNN 037E 5E LD E,(HL) 037F DD 5E 36 LD E,(IX+INDEX) 0382 FD 5E 36 LD E,(IY+INDEX) 0385 5F LD E,A 0386 58 LD E,B 0387 59 LD E,C 0388 5A LD E,D 0389 5B LD E,E 038A 5C LD E,H 038B 5D LD E,L 038C 1E 49 LD E,NN 038E 66 LD H,(HL) 038F DD 66 36 LD H,(IX+INDEX) 0392 FD 66 36 LD H,(IY+INDEX) 0395 67 LD H,A 0396 60 LD H,B 0397 61 LD H,C 0398 62 LD H,D 0399 63 LD H,E 039A 64 LD H,H 039B 65 LD H,L 039C 26 49 LD H,NN 039E 2A 123F LD HL,(NNNN) 03A1 21 123F LD HL,NNNN 03A4 ED 47 LD I,A 03A6 DD 2A 123F LD IX,(NNNN) 03AA DD 21 123F LD IX,NNNN 03AE FD 2A 123F LD IY,(NNNN) 03B2 FD 21 123F LD IY,NNNN 03B6 6E LD L,(HL) 03B7 DD 6E 36 LD L,(IX+INDEX) 03BA FD 6E 36 LD L,(IY+INDEX) 03BD 6F LD L,A 03BE 68 LD L,B 03BF 69 LD L,C 03C0 6A LD L,D 03C1 6B LD L,E 03C2 6C LD L,H 03C3 6D LD L,L 03C4 2E 49 LD L,NN 03C6 ED 4F LD R,A 03C8 ED 7B 123F LD SP,(NNNN) 03CC F9 LD SP,HL 03CD DD F9 LD SP,IX 03CF FD F9 LD SP,IY 03D1 31 123F LD SP,NNNN 03D4 ED A8 LDD 03D6 ED B8 LDDR 03D8 ED A0 LDI 03DA ED B0 LDIR 03DC ED 44 NEG 03DE 00 NOP 03DF B6 OR (HL) 03E0 DD B6 36 OR (IX+INDEX) 03E3 FD B6 36 OR (IY+INDEX) 03E6 B7 OR A 03E7 B0 OR B 03E8 B1 OR C 03E9 B2 OR D 03EA B3 OR E 03EB B4 OR H 03EC B5 OR L 03ED F6 49 OR NN 03EF ED BB OTDR 03F1 ED B3 OTIR 03F3 ED 79 OUT (C),A 03F5 ED 41 OUT (C),B 03F7 ED 49 OUT (C),C 03F9 ED 51 OUT (C),D 03FB ED 59 OUT (C),E 03FD ED 61 OUT (C),H 03FF ED 69 OUT (C),L 0401 D3 49 OUT (NN),A 0403 ED AB OUTD 0405 ED A3 OUTI 0407 F1 POP AF 0408 C1 POP BC 0409 D1 POP DE 040A E1 POP HL 040B DD E1 POP IX 040D FD E1 POP IY 040F F5 PUSH AF 0410 C5 PUSH BC 0411 D5 PUSH DE 0412 E5 PUSH HL 0413 DD E5 PUSH IX 0415 FD E5 PUSH IY 0417 CB 86 RES 0,(HL) 0419 DD CB 36 86 RES 0,(IX+INDEX) 041D FD CB 36 86 RES 0,(IY+INDEX) 0421 CB 87 RES 0,A 0423 CB 80 RES 0,B 0425 CB 81 RES 0,C 0427 CB 82 RES 0,D 0429 CB 83 RES 0,E 042B CB 84 RES 0,H 042D CB 85 RES 0,L 042F CB 8E RES 1,(HL) 0431 DD CB 36 8E RES 1,(IX+INDEX) 0435 FD CB 36 8E RES 1,(IY+INDEX) 0439 CB 8F RES 1,A 043B CB 88 RES 1,B 043D CB 89 RES 1,C 043F CB 8A RES 1,D 0441 CB 8B RES 1,E 0443 CB 8C RES 1,H 0445 CB 8D RES 1,L 0447 CB 96 RES 2,(HL) 0449 DD CB 36 96 RES 2,(IX+INDEX) 044D FD CB 36 96 RES 2,(IY+INDEX) 0451 CB 97 RES 2,A 0453 CB 90 RES 2,B 0455 CB 91 RES 2,C 0457 CB 92 RES 2,D 0459 CB 93 RES 2,E 045B CB 94 RES 2,H 045D CB 95 RES 2,L 045F CB 9E RES 3,(HL) 0461 DD CB 36 9E RES 3,(IX+INDEX) 0465 FD CB 36 9E RES 3,(IY+INDEX) 0469 CB 9F RES 3,A 046B CB 98 RES 3,B 046D CB 99 RES 3,C 046F CB 9A RES 3,D 0471 CB 9B RES 3,E 0473 CB 9C RES 3,H 0475 CB 9D RES 3,L 0477 CB A6 RES 4,(HL) 0479 DD CB 36 A6 RES 4,(IX+INDEX) 047D FD CB 36 A6 RES 4,(IY+INDEX) 0481 CB A7 RES 4,A 0483 CB A0 RES 4,B 0485 CB A1 RES 4,C 0487 CB A2 RES 4,D 0489 CB A3 RES 4,E 048B CB A4 RES 4,H 048D CB A5 RES 4,L 048F CB AE RES 5,(HL) 0491 DD CB 36 AE RES 5,(IX+INDEX) 0495 FD CB 36 AE RES 5,(IY+INDEX) 0499 CB AF RES 5,A 049B CB A8 RES 5,B 049D CB A9 RES 5,C 049F CB AA RES 5,D 04A1 CB AB RES 5,E 04A3 CB AC RES 5,H 04A5 CB AD RES 5,L 04A7 CB B6 RES 6,(HL) 04A9 DD CB 36 B6 RES 6,(IX+INDEX) 04AD FD CB 36 B6 RES 6,(IY+INDEX) 04B1 CB B7 RES 6,A 04B3 CB B0 RES 6,B 04B5 CB B1 RES 6,C 04B7 CB B2 RES 6,D 04B9 CB B3 RES 6,E 04BB CB B4 RES 6,H 04BD CB B5 RES 6,L 04BF CB BE RES 7,(HL) 04C1 DD CB 36 BE RES 7,(IX+INDEX) 04C5 FD CB 36 BE RES 7,(IY+INDEX) 04C9 CB BF RES 7,A 04CB CB B8 RES 7,B 04CD CB B9 RES 7,C 04CF CB BA RES 7,D 04D1 CB BB RES 7,E 04D3 CB BC RES 7,H 04D5 CB BD RES 7,L 04D7 C9 RET 04D8 D8 RET C 04D9 F8 RET M 04DA D0 RET NC 04DB C0 RET NZ 04DC F0 RET P 04DD E8 RET PE 04DE E0 RET PO 04DF C8 RET Z 04E0 ED 4D RETI 04E2 ED 45 RETN 04E4 CB 16 RL (HL) 04E6 DD CB 36 16 RL (IX+INDEX) 04EA FD CB 36 16 RL (IY+INDEX) 04EE CB 17 RL A 04F0 CB 10 RL B 04F2 CB 11 RL C 04F4 CB 12 RL D 04F6 CB 13 RL E 04F8 CB 14 RL H 04FA CB 15 RL L 04FC 17 RLA 04FD CB 06 RLC (HL) 04FF DD CB 36 06 RLC (IX+INDEX) 0503 FD CB 36 06 RLC (IY+INDEX) 0507 CB 07 RLC A 0509 CB 00 RLC B 050B CB 01 RLC C 050D CB 02 RLC D 050F CB 03 RLC E 0511 CB 04 RLC H 0513 CB 05 RLC L 0515 07 RLCA 0516 ED 6F RLD 0518 CB 1E RR (HL) 051A DD CB 36 1E RR (IX+INDEX) 051E FD CB 36 1E RR (IY+INDEX) 0522 CB 1F RR A 0524 CB 18 RR B 0526 CB 19 RR C 0528 CB 1A RR D 052A CB 1B RR E 052C CB 1C RR H 052E CB 1D RR L 0530 1F RRA 0531 CB 0E RRC (HL) 0533 DD CB 36 0E RRC (IX+INDEX) 0537 FD CB 36 0E RRC (IY+INDEX) 053B CB 0F RRC A 053D CB 08 RRC B 053F CB 09 RRC C 0541 CB 0A RRC D 0543 CB 0B RRC E 0545 CB 0C RRC H 0547 CB 0D RRC L 0549 0F RRCA 054A ED 67 RRD 054C C7 RST 0 054D CF RST 08H 054E D7 RST 10H 054F DF RST 18H 0550 E7 RST 20H 0551 EF RST 28H 0552 F7 RST 30H 0553 FF RST 38H 0554 9E SBC A,(HL) 0555 DD 9E 36 SBC A,(IX+INDEX) 0558 FD 9E 36 SBC A,(IY+INDEX) 055B 9F SBC A,A 055C 98 SBC A,B 055D 99 SBC A,C 055E 9A SBC A,D 055F 9B SBC A,E 0560 9C SBC A,H 0561 9D SBC A,L 0562 DE 49 SBC A,NN 0564 ED 42 SBC HL,BC 0566 ED 52 SBC HL,DE 0568 ED 62 SBC HL,HL 056A ED 72 SBC HL,SP 056C 37 SCF 056D CB C6 SET 0,(HL) 056F DD CB 36 C6 SET 0,(IX+INDEX) 0573 FD CB 36 C6 SET 0,(IY+INDEX) 0577 CB C7 SET 0,A 0579 CB C0 SET 0,B 057B CB C1 SET 0,C 057D CB C2 SET 0,D 057F CB C3 SET 0,E 0581 CB C4 SET 0,H 0583 CB C5 SET 0,L 0585 CB CE SET 1,(HL) 0587 DD CB 36 CE SET 1,(IX+INDEX) 058B FD CB 36 CE SET 1,(IY+INDEX) 058F CB CF SET 1,A 0591 CB C8 SET 1,B 0593 CB C9 SET 1,C 0595 CB CA SET 1,D 0597 CB CB SET 1,E 0599 CB CC SET 1,H 059B CB CD SET 1,L 059D CB D6 SET 2,(HL) 059F DD CB 36 D6 SET 2,(IX+INDEX) 05A3 FD CB 36 D6 SET 2,(IY+INDEX) 05A7 CB D7 SET 2,A 05A9 CB D0 SET 2,B 05AB CB D1 SET 2,C 05AD CB D2 SET 2,D 05AF CB D3 SET 2,E 05B1 CB D4 SET 2,H 05B3 CB D5 SET 2,L 05B5 CB DE SET 3,(HL) 05B7 DD CB 36 DE SET 3,(IX+INDEX) 05BB FD CB 36 DE SET 3,(IY+INDEX) 05BF CB DF SET 3,A 05C1 CB D8 SET 3,B 05C3 CB D9 SET 3,C 05C5 CB DA SET 3,D 05C7 CB DB SET 3,E 05C9 CB DC SET 3,H 05CB CB DD SET 3,L 05CD CB E6 SET 4,(HL) 05CF DD CB 36 E6 SET 4,(IX+INDEX) 05D3 FD CB 36 E6 SET 4,(IY+INDEX) 05D7 CB E7 SET 4,A 05D9 CB E0 SET 4,B 05DB CB E1 SET 4,C 05DD CB E2 SET 4,D 05DF CB E3 SET 4,E 05E1 CB E4 SET 4,H 05E3 CB E5 SET 4,L 05E5 CB EE SET 5,(HL) 05E7 DD CB 36 EE SET 5,(IX+INDEX) 05EB FD CB 36 EE SET 5,(IY+INDEX) 05EF CB EF SET 5,A 05F1 CB E8 SET 5,B 05F3 CB E9 SET 5,C 05F5 CB EA SET 5,D 05F7 CB EB SET 5,E 05F9 CB EC SET 5,H 05FB CB ED SET 5,L 05FD CB F6 SET 6,(HL) 05FF DD CB 36 F6 SET 6,(IX+INDEX) 0603 FD CB 36 F6 SET 6,(IY+INDEX) 0607 CB F7 SET 6,A 0609 CB F0 SET 6,B 060B CB F1 SET 6,C 060D CB F2 SET 6,D 060F CB F3 SET 6,E 0611 CB F4 SET 6,H 0613 CB F5 SET 6,L 0615 CB FE SET 7,(HL) 0617 DD CB 36 FE SET 7,(IX+INDEX) 061B FD CB 36 FE SET 7,(IY+INDEX) 061F CB FF SET 7,A 0621 CB F8 SET 7,B 0623 CB F9 SET 7,C 0625 CB FA SET 7,D 0627 CB FB SET 7,E 0629 CB FC SET 7,H 062B CB FD SET 7,L 062D CB 26 SLA (HL) 062F DD CB 36 26 SLA (IX+INDEX) 0633 FD CB 36 26 SLA (IY+INDEX) 0637 CB 27 SLA A 0639 CB 20 SLA B 063B CB 21 SLA C 063D CB 22 SLA D 063F CB 23 SLA E 0641 CB 24 SLA H 0643 CB 25 SLA L 0645 CB 2E SRA (HL) 0647 DD CB 36 2E SRA (IX+INDEX) 064B FD CB 36 2E SRA (IY+INDEX) 064F CB 2F SRA A 0651 CB 28 SRA B 0653 CB 29 SRA C 0655 CB 2A SRA D 0657 CB 2B SRA E 0659 CB 2C SRA H 065B CB 2D SRA L 065D CB 3E SRL (HL) 065F DD CB 36 3E SRL (IX+INDEX) 0663 FD CB 36 3E SRL (IY+INDEX) 0667 CB 3F SRL A 0669 CB 38 SRL B 066B CB 39 SRL C 066D CB 3A SRL D 066F CB 3B SRL E 0671 CB 3C SRL H 0673 CB 3D SRL L 0675 96 SUB (HL) 0676 DD 96 36 SUB (IX+INDEX) 0679 FD 96 36 SUB (IY+INDEX) 067C 97 SUB A 067D 90 SUB B 067E 91 SUB C 067F 92 SUB D 0680 93 SUB E 0681 94 SUB H 0682 95 SUB L 0683 D6 49 SUB NN 0685 AE XOR (HL) 0686 DD AE 36 XOR (IX+INDEX) 0689 FD AE 36 XOR (IY+INDEX) 068C AF XOR A 068D A8 XOR B 068E A9 XOR C 068F AA XOR D 0690 AB XOR E 0691 AC XOR H 0692 AD XOR L 0693 EE 49 XOR NN APPENDIX C - SYSTEM MEMORY MAP |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| FFFF || || || || || CP/M (BDOS and BIOS) || || || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || || Z8E (Approx 8.75 BYTES) || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || || OPTIONAL SYMBOL TABLE || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || || || || || || || || || || || || TPA || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| --- 0100 || || || PAGE ZERO RESERVED || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ___ 0000 APPENDIX D - COMMAND SUMMARY REFERENCE CMD Description Arguments A Inline Assembly StartAddr B Set Breakpoint Addr1[,Pass Count] [Addr2..AddrN] C Clear Breakpoint Addr1 [Addr2..AddrN] D Dump Memory [StartAddr] [End/Count] E Examine Memory StartAddr F Find StartAddr MatchData G Go ExecutionAddr H Display Symbol Table [FirstSymbol] I Initialize command line [string1..stringN] J Full Screen/Animated Debug [/] [*] [Addr] [Timeout] K Set Memory Window StartAddr [Size] L Load File FileName [,Load Address] M Move Memory SourceStart SourceEnd DestStart N Output to Port NO Pre-Read [(] PortAddr [)] O Output Current Breakpoints P Exam/Modify PSW (Flag Reg) Q Query I/O Port [(] PortAddr [)] R Examine/Modify Registers RegSpecifier S Single-Step [/] [Count] U Write Symbol Table To Disk FileName V Verify Memory SourceStart SourceEnd DestStart W Write to Disk FileName [StartAddr] [EndAddr] X Examine Machine State Y Fill Memory FromAddr ToAddr Data Z Disassemble StartAddr End/Count FileName [] Denotes Optional Argument [/] Do Not Trace Subroutine [*] Do Not Trace BDOS Call [(] [)] I/O Port Monitor Mode Z8E Copyright (c) 1984 AERO-SOFT