WADE - Wagners Debugger User Manual Version 1.5 - 85-04-27 WADE is an interactive symbolic Z80 debugger with full assembly and disassembly using standard ZILOG mnemonics. Up to eight conditional and/or unconditional breakpoints plus a temporary breakpoint may be defined. Full tracing with or without list and with real-time execution of subroutines on command or automatic (using protected areas) is provided. Tracing may be controlled by inst- ruction count or a conditional expression. A full set of operators provides for arithmetic, logical, shift, and relational operations on hex, decimal, binary, and cha- racter data, and on registers, variables, and symbols, including embedded assignments to registers and varia- bles. Extended addressing can be provided for systems with banking or memory management capabilities. WADE supports parameterised command macros and conditio- nal command execution. WADE is supplied with complete source code for the Digital Research RMAC assembler. System dependent rou- tines like console i/o, file i/o, and banking are collected in a single module to allow easy adaptation to other operating systems or stand-alone ROM-based appli- cations. No Copyright Wade was written 1984-1985 by Thomas Wagner Patschkauer Weg 31 D-1000 Berlin 33 West Germany BIX mail: twagner It has been released to the public domain in 1987. You may use and modify this program, its sources, or any parts of it, in any way you choose. No part of this program is copyrighted any longer, even if copyright notices still appear in some of the files. No contribution in any way is requested or expected (although I wouldn't reject it :-)). I've given up CP/M and Z80 programming, so this software is no longer supported. I'll try to help and answer questions about this software, but I haven't touched it for quite a while, so don't expect too much. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 2 Command Summary A {addr} Assemble B Display Breakpoints B adr {adr..} Set Breakpoints BI mexpr ;adr {adr..} Set Conditional Breakpoints BX Clear all Breakpoints BX adr {adr..} Clear specified Breakpoints BXI Clear Break Condition C {N}{J} {count} Trace over calls {Nolist}{Jumps} C {N}{J} W mexpr ..While C {N}{J} U mexpr ..Until D {from {to}} Dump memory E mexpr ;command Execute command conditionally F {command line} Specify Filename & command line G {to} {; breakadr} Go {with temp breakpoint} H Display Low and High addr of file H expr {expr..} Display result of expression(s) I {port} Input from port J file {params} Jump to macro file K Kill macro file L {from {to}} List disassembled code M begin end dest Move memory N Name (Symbol) list N expr symname ... Define Names NF filename Define Symbol File Name NS num Reserve Space for symbols NX Delete all Names NX symname ... Delete specified Names NR {offset} Read Symbol File NW Write Symbol File O {byte {port}} Output a byte to port P Display protect condition P mexpr Define protect condition PX Delete protect condition Q {J} begin end str Query {justified} for bytes R {offset} Read a File S {addr} Substitute memory S addr bytestring Substitute immediate T {N}{J} {count} Trace {Nolist} {Jumps only} T {N}{J} W mexpr ..While T {N}{J} U mexpr ..Until WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 3 U User input trap V begin end begin2 Verify (compare) memory W start end {offset} Write a file to disk X Examine CPU state X' Display alternate Registers X regname Display & Change Register X regname expr Change Register Y Display Y-Variables Y n Display & Change Y-Variable n Y n expr Change Y-Variable n Z begin end bytestr Zap (fill) memory with a string WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 4 Using WADE Syntax: WADE { filename { symbol-filename }} WADE is called like any other CP/M command. It relocates itself below the BDOS and sets the address at 6 corres- pondingly (for CP/M 3, this is done by the system using the RSX mechanism). If a filname is specified in the command line, this file is then read into memory, as if an R-command had been entered. Please note that you have to issue an F-command to clear the filename from the default FCB if the pro- gram under test expects parameters. If a second (symbol-) filename is given in the command line, this file is read as a Symbol File, as if an NR command had been entered. Note for CP/M 3, that the program file is read first, so if a program with attach- ed RSX is loaded, there may be not enough space to read all symbols. In this case, the symbols should be read before the program (see NF, NR and R commands). Example: WADE myprog.com myprog.sym To exit WADE under CP/M, issue a G command with the parameter 0. This will reset the BDOS-pointers and warm- boot the operating system. Example: g0 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 5 Command input Commands and parameters may be entered in upper- or lowercase. Spaces may be used freely as separator be- tween operands, commas may be used to separate parame- ters. The maximum accepted input line length is 79 characters. The line is interpreted only after a CR has been en- tered, so you can edit the input using the DEL or BS key. A TAB is interpreted as a space, a LF is ignored. All other control characters are refused. Auto Command Repeat All entered commands except 'G' are saved and re-exe- cuted if a carriage return only is entered. Parameters, however, are not saved, so the default values will be used if applicable. If parameters must be specified with a command, auto repeat is not possible. Display Control Display output can be stopped at each line end by ente- ring ^S (control + S), and continued by ^Q (control + Q). Hitting the space key once will also stop the dis- play, hitting it again (or entering ^Q) will let output continue. Command abort Every command which produces output can be aborted at the end of each output line by entering any character other than space, ^S, or ^Q. Also, a trace with Nolist can be aborted at any time the program does not execute in real-time. Aborting a command will also kill a cur- rently active command macro. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 6 Expressions All numbers in commands and assembly lines may be an expression, except for "X regname", where a register name, not a register designation (Rx) must be used. An expression has the general form factor { operator factor ...} where operator is one of the following: + addition - subtraction * multiplication / integer division % remainder of integer division (modulus) & bitwise AND ! bitwise OR | bitwise OR (alternate representation) # bitwise XOR ^ bitwise XOR (alternate representation) << circular 16-bit left shift >> circular 16-bit right shift < less than <= less than or equal to > greater than >= greater than or equal to = equal <> not equal && boolean AND || boolean OR !! boolean OR (alternate representation) := assignment (word) == assignment (byte) where the factor which is assigned to may be an unsigned register or variable specifica- tion, or an address value. The result of this operator is the value on the right-hand side of the assignment operator, which is at the same time assigned to the register, variable or address specified on the left-hand side. Size adjustment is automatic for variables and registers. If an address is used as the destination, a word is stored. To store a byte only, use the operator '=='. Note that to assign to a register or variable, no sign or expression may be used with the register or variable name, i.e. the expression RHL := 1234 will assign 1234 to register HL, whereas +RHL := 1234 will assign 1234 to the address contained in register HL. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 7 : extended memory specification the value of this operator is the value on the right-hand side of the operator. The value on the left-hand side specifies a (sys- tem dependent) extended address, which is used in memory references and with commands which expect an address. In all other cases, this value is ignored. An error occurs if the extended address is undefined in the target system, or if extended addressing is disabled. A factor has the form { sign } number where sign is + (plus), - (minus), or ~ (not) and number is (expression) the byte at the memory location addressed by "expression" (expression). the word at the memory location addressed by "expression" [expression] the value of the expression hhhh hex number dddd. decimal number bbbb" binary number 'c' character string character string (only the last 2 characters are significant) Rx contents of CPU-Register x Yn contents of Variable Y0..Y9 H special variable H(igh) L special variable L(ow) M special variable M(ax) T special variable T(op) X special variable eXtended address default $ CPU-register PC .symbol Value of the symbol The variable L contains the standard load address (100h for CP/M) and is not changed by the debugger, but may be user assigned to a different value. The variable H contains the highest address read on the last file. It is updated each time an R-command is executed. The variable M contains the highest address read on all previous R-commands. The variable T contains the top address of the user TPA. It is updated if symbol table space is expanded. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 8 The variable X contains the default bank for all operations if extended addressing is enabled. It may be changed by assignment or by changing the PC with an extended address. The short-form '$' for PC may only be used in expres- sions, not in an X-command. The character '_' (underline) may be used in numbers to enhance readability. It is completely ignored. String: Any number of characters delimited by quotes ('). Use a two quotes ('') to represent a single quote within a string: 'It''s a quote'. Register names: primary: A, F, AF, B, C, BC, D, E, DE, H, L, HL, IX, IY, SP, PC alternate: A', F', AF', B', C', BC', D', E', DE', H', L', HL' control: IFF (interrupt enable flip flop) I (interrupt register) R (refresh register, read only) Symbols: Any number of characters, of which only the first eight characters are significant (the significant length of symbols can be changed by reassembling). The first character must be non-numeric. Symbols may consist of letters, digits, and the special charac- ters @, ?, _, and $. Lowercase letters are translated to uppercase. Any underlines (_) are stripped. Multiple Expressions All commands expecting a condition will accept multiple expressions in sequence. Only the value of the last expression is used as the condition result. The general form for this "mexpr" is expression { {,} expression ... } Byte-Strings The commands Q(ery), S(ubstitute), and Z(ap) expect a byte-string as operand. In a byte-string, character strings are significant over their full length. The general form is expression-or-string { {,} expression-or-string ... } WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 9 only the lower byte is significant for expressions in byte strings. Note that a string is evaluated first, so to enter the expression 'N'-40 in a byte-string, you have to use brackets: 'N'-40 1+2*3 'A'+2 => 'N', -40, 7, 'A', 2 ['N'-40] [1+2]*3 ['A'+2] => '^N', 9, 'C' Order of Evaluation The precedence of operators is as follows (high to low): expression delimiters (), ()., [] signs +, -, ~ bitwise operators &, !, |, #, ^ multiplication operators *, /, %, <<, >> addition operators +, - relational operators =, <>, <, >, <=, >= boolean operators &&, ||, !! extended address : assignment :=, == Operators of equal precedence are evaluated left to right, and must be bracketed if a different order of evaluation is desired. Assignments are evaluated right to left. Examples: 1 + 2 * -3 => -5 5 - 2 : 2 * 3 => Bank 3, Address 6 3:5+2 == (3:6) => Assign contents of 3:6 to 3:7 rhl := +rde := 1 => Assign 1 to register HL and the address contained in DE rhl := (rde). := 1 => same as above The nesting depth of expressions is limited by the available debugger stack space. In the current release, 256 bytes are available for the stack, so that any reasonable expression should cause no problems. Booleans For commands expecting a conditional expression, and for the boolean AND/OR operators, the value 0 represents FALSE, while any value other than 0 represents TRUE. The result of the relational and boolean operators is 0 for TRUE and FFFF for FALSE. An example to show the difference between bitwise and boolean operators: 1 & 2 is 0 1 && 2 is FFFF. 1 | 2 is 3 1 || 2 is FFFF. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 10 Commands A - Assemble Syntax: A { start-address } If a start address is not specified, the last address displayed in an A or S command is used. The current contents of the location are displayed in hex and in disassembled form, and a line of assembly code is expected. The code must be specified in standard ZILOG mnemonics, with operands separated by a comma. No abbreviations are allowed. The entered instruction re- places the current one, and the command will advance to the next instruction. If you enter an empty line, the command will advance to the next instruction. To terminate the command, enter a dot (.) as first character in a line. If an input can be interpreted as both a register and a number (as in LD A,C ), the register interpretation takes precedence. Use LD A,0C to specify an immediate value. The displacement for relative jumps is entered as an absolute address. The debugger will calculate the dis- placement for you. A symbol may be defined at the current address by entering the symbol with a terminating colon (':'). A syntax error will exit assembly mode without changing the address pointer. Simply entering a carriage return will continue assembling at the same location. Example: :a 220 220 START: LD DE,2345 ld a,b 221 LD B,L here: ld d,'a' 223 JR NZ,0227 . : WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 11 B - Breakpoint Set/Delete/Display Syntax: a) B b) B address { address.. } c) BI multexpr ; address { address.. } d) BX e) BX address { address.. } f) BXI a) All breakpoints and the conditional break expression (if present) are displayed. b) The addresses are entered as unconditional break- points. If an address is already defined as conditio- nal breakpoint, the condition is deleted for this address. c) The expression is stored as break condition, and the addresses are defined as conditional breakpoints. Any previously defined conditional breakpoints are set to unconditional. d) Delete all breakpoints and the condition expression. e) Delete the specified breakpoints. f) Delete the break condition. All conditional breakpoints are set to unconditional. Example: :b 4711 .start :bi rc = 15; 5 :b 4711 0400 0005(If) If: rc = 15 : WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 12 C - Trace over calls Syntax: a) C {N} {J} {count} b) C {N} {J} W multexpr c) C {N} {J} U multexpr This command works the same as the T(race) command, except that routines CALLed are executed in real-time, i.e. they are not traced. The called routine MUST return to the instruction after the Call-instruction, or tracing will fail. That is, you can not use this command for routines which expect a parameter list after the call instruction and modify the return address, or for routines which might pop the return address and return to somewhere else. See definition of T for more details on the parameters. Example: cnw rbc <> 0 && rde = 0 D - Dump Syntax: D {from-address {to-address}} Memory is displayed in hexadecimal and ASCII format from the from-address up to, and including, the to-address. If the to-address is not specified, the from-address plus 7F is used, resulting in an 8-line display. If the from-address is not given, dumping continues from the last address dumped. If the to-address is smaller than the from-address, one line is dumped. Example: d 110 140 d 110 1 (this will dump 110 to 11f) WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 13 E - Execute Command Conditionally Syntax: E { multexpr } ; command The debugger command is executed only if the result of the expression is TRUE. If no expression is specified, or if the input is not an expression, the command will not be executed. This command is mainly for use in command macros. Example: e rhl > 1000;j mac2, rhl F - Specify Command Line Syntax: F { command-line } Execution of this command is system dependent. For CP/M, the command line is inserted at the standard location 80, and the default FCB's at 5C and 6C are filled. For CP/M Plus, the password fields at 51..56 are also defined. Example: f test.com;pass -f -x G - Start Real-Time Execution Syntax: G {to-address} {; temporary-break-address } The user program is entered at the specified to-address. If the to-address is not specified, execution begins at the current PC. A temporary breakpoint may be set, which is automatical- ly deleted on any break. Example: g;111 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 14 H - Display Expression Syntax: a) H b) H expression { {,} expression ... } a) The values of the special variables L(ow), H(igh), M(ax), and T(op) (see "expressions", above) are dis- played. b) The expression is evaluated and displayed in hex, decimal, binary and charater form, with two's comple- ment for hex and decimal. This is repeated for all given expressions. This command may also be used to assign to variables and registers and to display their values. Example: h y0 + $ << 2 & fffe I - Input from port Syntax: I { port } One byte is read and displayed from the specified port. If no port is given, the last port number specified for this command is used. For systems which evaluate the upper half of the address bus on I/O, the port may be specified as a 16-bit num- ber. The upper byte will be output on A8..A15. Example: :i 2210 I(Port=10, B=22): ... : WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 15 J - Jump to Command Macro Syntax: J filename { , parameter ... } Execution and format of this command is system depen- dent. Command input will be read from the specified file. The commands will be read until an error or end-of-file occurs. No nesting of command macros is possible, using this command from within a macro will terminate the calling macro. Macro execution may be prematurely terminated by entering a character at the console or by using the K- command from within the macro. Macros may be parameterized. The parameters specified in the macro call will be substituted for the parameter identifier @n in the macro body, where n is the position of the parameter, counting from 0 to 9. Spaces are significant in a parameter except after a comma, so commas must be used to separate parameters. An empty parameter is generated by two commas in sequence. The parameter identifier will be substituted anywhere, even in strings. To generate a @-character in a macro, use two @'s. Example: Contents of file TESTMAC: g;123 e rhl > @0; k e ; *** HL is less than @0 ! *** (Note 1) e @1; j testmac, @1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6 (Note 2) WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 16 Invocation: j testmac, 100, 50 Notes: 1) The command in this line will never be executed, but the line will be displayed on the terminal. It thus may be used to display a message. 2) This command will only be executed if the second parameter (number 1) is non-empty. K - Kill Macro Execution Syntax: K A currently active macro will be terminated. If no macro is active, this command has no effect. L - List Disassembled Code Syntax: L { from-address { to-address }} The code beginning at the from-address up to, and including, the to-address, is listed in disassembled form. If no to-address is given, eight lines are listed. If no from-address is specified, listing continues from the last listed instruction, or from the current PC if a break has occurred. If the to-address is smaller than the from-address, one line is listed. Example: l rpc rpc + 5 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 17 M - Move Memory Syntax: M begin-address end-address destination The memory starting at begin-address up to, and including, the end-address, is moved to the destination address. Overlapping moves are allowed and do not result in propagating values through memory. An error will result if the end-address is smaller than the begin-address. Example: m rpc rpc+10 3000 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 18 N - Name (Symbol) Definition Syntax: a) N b) N address symbol ... c) NF filename d) NX e) NX symbol ... f) NS number g) NR { offset } h) NW a) The number of defined symbols and the current free symbol space is displayed in decimal, then all de- fined symbols are listed in ascending address order. b) The symbol is defined as having the value "address". If the symbol is already defined, it will be assigned the new value. c) Defines the name for the symbol file. The symbol file name is not changed by the normal 'F'-command. The NF command is implied if a second filename is specified on the initial command line. d) All symbols are deleted. This will not release symbol table memory space. e) The specified symbol names are deleted. f) The symbol table is expanded to make room for "number" additional symbols. g) The file specified by the last NF-command will be read as symbol-file. If an offset is given, this offset will be added to all symbol values. The re- quired format is: First value, then symbol name, separated by spaces or tabs. Value and symbol must be on the same line. One line may contain multiple symbol definitions. No line may be longer than 80 characters. h) The symbol table will be written to the file specified by the last NF-command. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 19 Cautions: Symbol table space is allocated downwards (toward address 0) in memory, directly below the debugger. Expansion of this space is automatic if more symbols are defined than can be contained in the available space. If the program stack is within 512 bytes of the top of the TPA, the stack will be moved down, and the SP will be changed accordingly. If the program under test uses space at the top of the TPA for data or program storage, this space may be overwritten when symbol table space is expanded, or the program might overwrite the symbol table, causing the debugger to crash. To avoid this, reserve enough symbol table space before starting the pro- gram. To be safe from symbol table expansion, you may set the M-variable to the top of the TPA, since WADE will never expand the symbol table below Max (Exam- ple: h m := t). For CP/M 3 only, programs with an attached RSX will cause the M-variable to be set to the Top of the TPA, since all RSXes will be relocated there. Reserve symbol space before loading the program, since the symbol table cannot be expanded once the RSX is loaded. Example: :n 100 start, 5 bdos, 4711 stinks :ns 40. :nf test.sym :nr 2000 :nx bdos :nf new.sym :nw WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 20 O - Output to Port Syntax: O { data-byte { port-address }} Output the data-byte to the specified port-address. The data-byte will also be displayed. If the port-address is not given, the last port-address specified with an O-command is used. If the data-byte is not entered, the data of the last O-command is used. For systems which evaluate the upper half of the address bus on I/O, the port may be specified as a 16-bit num- ber. The high byte will be output on A8..A15. Example: :o 'x' 2210 O(Port=10, B=22): ... : WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 21 P - Trace Protection Syntax: a) P b) PX c) P multexpr a) Display current protect condition b) Delete protect condition c) Define protect condition The protect condition is evaluated on each trace. The instruction will be executed in real-time, with a break set to the current return address, if the protect exp- ression evaluates to a TRUE (nonzero) value. CAUTION: If the value at the current stackpointer is NOT a return address when the protect expression is true, the breakpoint will be set at an invalid address, and the program may fail, or it may not return to the debug- ger. The default value of the protect expression is 'RPC >= xxxx', where xxxx is the starting address of the debugger. This results in BDOS-calls being executed in real time. Be careful when changing the protect expression, since tracing into the BDOS will most likely not work (the debugger also uses BDOS-calls, and the BDOS is not re-entrant). Example: p rpc >= (6). Q - Query (search) for a byte string Syntax: Q {J} begin-addr end-addr byte-string Memory will be searched for the byte-string starting at the begin-addr up to, and including, the end-addr. Every match will be displayed as one line of dump, with the dump beginning at the first matching byte, or, if J is specified, at 8 bytes before the first matching byte. Example: qj l h 'Hello' 0d 0a WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 22 R - Read a File into Memory Syntax: R { offset } Execution of this command is system dependent. The file specified by the last F-command will be read into memory. An offset, if specified, will be added to the standard load address. If a file has the extension HEX, it is assumed to contain standard INTEL-Hex format records. All other filetypes are read into memory as they are without any editing. An error occurs if the file cannot be found, if the load address is below 80h (CP/M), or if the file would over- write the debugger. For CP/M 3, files with an attached RSX will be loaded via the system's "load overlay" function, which handles the relocation of the RSX. A file is assumed to have an attached RSX if the first byte contains a RET instruc- tion (C9), and if the filetype is .COM. Note that for files with attached RSX, the High address will not be set to the end of the file, since this address is unknown. Example: r h-100 S - Substitute Memory Syntax: a) S address byte-string b) S { address } a) The byte-string replaces the memory at address. b) The byte at the specified address is displayed, and input of a byte-string is expected. The byte-string replaces the contents of memory, and the next location is displayed. An empty input advances to the next location. Use a dot (.) as first input character to terminate the command. If no address is specified, substitution continues at the last address displayed by a previous S or A command. Example: :s rhl 'Hi, there' 0d 0a T - Trace Syntax: a) T {N}{J} {count} b) T {N}{J} W multexpr c) T {N}{J} U multexpr a) "count" instructions are traced. If no count is given, one instruction is traced. WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 23 b) tracing continues while the expression evaluates to a TRUE value. c) tracing continues until the expression evaluates to a TRUE value. If N is given, the traced instructions will not be displayed. If J is given, only instructions which modify the pro- gram counter (Jump, Call and Return instructions) will be displayed and counted or cause the expression to be evaluated. If NJ is specified, instructions will not be listed, and only instructions which modify the PC will decrease the count or test the condition. Tracing will terminate independent of count or expres- sion if a breakpoint is encountered, or if a character (other than ^S or ^Q) is entered at the console. If the protect condition (see P, above) becomes TRUE during trace, tracing will be inhibited and the protec- ted part will be executed in real-time. CAUTION: Since it is not possible to break at the cur- rent PC, instructions causing a loop to itself can be traced only when the loop is exited. Instructions other than DJNZ will cause the debugger to issue an error. That is, 100 LD B,10 102 DJNZ 102 will execute the DJNZ in real-time and then trace the next instruction, whereas 100 JP NZ,100 will cause the debugger to refuse to trace, even if the condition is false. You have to change the PC by hand to allow the program to continue. Self-modifying code can cause the trace to fail if the implicit break after the traced instruction is overwritten by the instruction itself. For example, 100 LD (103),A 103 NOP will cause the break at 103 to be missed, and execution of the program will continue in real-time. Example: tj u y0:=y0+1, rpc > 2000 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 24 U - User Input Trap Syntax: U This command is user-defineable. Execution and parame- ters are system dependent. The debugger will prompt for a character. Entering CR will delete any trap character, entering any other cha- racter will define this char as input trap character. If a trap char is defined, all console input by the program under test, except for the "read console buffer" func- tion of CP/M, will be checked for equality with the trap character, and a break will be entered on a match. The break will be set up such that the program will again read a character if a Go is issued. This second character read will then not again be checked for a match with the trap character. Example: :u Ch: ~ : V - Verify Memory Syntax: V begin-addr end-addr compare-addr Memory starting at the begin-addr up to, and including, the end-addr, is compared with memory starting at the compare-addr. Non-matching bytes are displayed with their address. Example: v 100 1ff 200 WADE - Wagners Debugger - User Manual - V. 1.5 - Page 25 W - Write memory to File Syntax: W start-address end-address { offset } Execution of this command is system dependent. Memory beginning at the start-address up to, and including, the end-address is written to the file specified by the last F-command. If the file type is An offset is only accepted for files of type HEX, and then specifies the offset to be added to the current write address when generating the Hex-file address. Example: w l h X - Examine CPU State/Registers Syntax: a) X b) X' c) X register-name d) X register-name expression {...} a) The primary registers, the current instruction, and the bottom stack words are displayed. b) The alternate register set is displayed. c) The contents of the register are displayed, and an expression is expected. The value of the expression is assigned to the register. d) The register is set to the specified value. This specification may be repeated. Example: :x pc 0100 1ac :x a 0a b 0c de 1234 X, Intel Hex format will be generated. Y - Display Y-Variables Syntax: a) Y b) Y n c) Y n expression {...} a) Display the contents of all 10 Y-Variables b) The contents of the variable n (n = 0..9) are dis- played, and an expression is expected. The value of the expression is assigned to the variable. c) The variable n is set to the specified value. This specification may be repeated. The Y-Variables are not modified by the debugger and are thus available as counters or event markers for user expressions and command macros. Example: :y 0 0000 123 :y 0 123 1 0c 2 0d Z - Zap (fill) memory Syntax: Z begin-addr end-addr byte-string Memory starting at begin-addr up to, and including, end- addr is filled with the byte-string. Example: z 2000 2fff 0d 0a X, Intel Hex format will be generated. Appendix Extended Memory Considerations The distribution disk contains a version of WADE which supports extended addressing under CP/M 3. If you are running a banked version of CP/M 3, this version should run on your system without modifications if, and only if, the following is true: - there is at least 2 k space in common memory below the BDOS entry. This space is required to allow WADE to switch back into the default bank (bank 1) on return from a breakpoint in a different bank. - the MOVE, XMOVE and SELMEM entries of your BIOS are in common memory. If you do not intend to use tracing or breakpoints outside of the normal bank 1, you should be able to use the extended version even if the first condition is not true. Please note that the extended version is much slower in all memory access operations due to the need to access memory via the MOVE and XMOVE BIOS routines instead of using direct access. The extended version should there- fore only be used where access to other banks is neces- sary. To verify that you can run the extended version, use the non-extended WADE and the command macro EXTEST: WADE J EXTEST and note where the macro stops execution. If the macro exits with a g0, you can use the extended version. If the message 'OK to use in non-trace mode' appears but the macro then terminats with 'Less than 2 k free', you may not trace any routine outside the default bank. Cautions WADE always operates on a 'default bank', which is set to 1 (the CP/M TPA bank) on entry. Since there is no system independent way to obtain the current active bank, you have to change the active bank by hand if you intend to trace any routine outside of bank 1. Extreme caution must be employed when tracing routines which might change the current bank, since tracing might fail (most likely completely crashing the system) if WADE is not informed on the bank switch. Please note, too, that the restart location in all banks for which a breakpoint has been defined will be changed while tracing is in progress or any breakpoint has been set and the program is executing in real time. Although WADE will restore the original contents of this location, you should not attempt to trace any routine which might depend on the information stored at this location (38h to 3ah in the current release). X, Intel Hex format will be generated. Changing the Bank The current active bank is contained in the special register 'X' and may be displayed using the H or X' command. It may be changed by assignment: H X := 0 or by changing the program counter with the X-command: X PC 0:100 You can also use all memory reference commands with locations outside the current bank by specifying an extended address: L 0:100 Lists Bank 0, Address 100 S 5:e000 Substitutes Bank 5, Address E000 M 0:0 ff 100 Moves from Bank 0, Address 0 to FF, to Address 100 in the current Bank Z 7:0 ff 0 Sets Locations 0 to FF in Bank 7 to 0 You may even assign to locations in other banks: H 0:100 := (7:100). Customization If you own the source version of WADE, you might possi- bly change the entry 'EBREAK' in module MONPEEK to obtain the currently selected bank in some hardware dependent way and store it in the variable 'CBANK' before switching to the default bank. This would allow tracing into other banks without setting the X-register by hand. If your BIOS returns the previously selected bank in register A on exit from the SELMEM routine, you may simply set the equate 'MEGA' to TRUE in the file MONOPT.LIB and re-assemble the module MONPEEK.