The following is an extraction referring to file size and disk free space under CP/M Plus. The original text was published in the Computer Journal, Issue 35, November/December 1988.

Advanced CP/M
ZSDOS and File Systems
By Bridger Mitchell
The Computer Journal, Issue 35
Reproduced with permission
of author and publisher

Some text deleted. Text related to ZSDOS System.

The main topic for this issue's Advanced CP/M column is file systems. Operating systems separate the organization and maintenance of a file system from the storage and retrieval of data on physical media. Files are most often stored on magnetic disks, and the portion of the CP/M operating system responsible for the file system is indeed called the basic disk operating system (BDOS1).

In contrast, the lower-level tasks of actually writing data to, and reading them from, the physical disk is delegated to a disk driver, code that is part of the BIOS2 — the basic input/output system that must know the particulars of the specific hardware of the host computer.

The separation of file system functions and hardware-specific functions is fundamental to the design of any major operating system, and it has far-reaching implications.

First, it makes it possible to use the same programs on different computers, with different physical disk drives, provided that they run the same operating system.

Second, by keeping the logical organization of a "disk" and its physical realization in separate layers of the operating system, we can use a wide variety of storage media with the same file system. A ram "disk", after all, doesn't spin at 300 rpm, and a cassette tape or local area network is hardly a conventional disk, either. Yet, to a program and the BDOS, a file is a file is a file.

Third, with some extensions of the operating system, it is possible to mount a different file system on the same computer. For example, some FORTH operating systems run on top of CP/M and provide access to both FORTH file screens and CP/M files. In a different way, DosDisk provides direct, transparent program access to MSDOS files in a CP/M environment.


The earliest CP/M computers had only a single format, the single-sided single-density 8" IBM "standard", and no provision for anything else. Then, as a few higher-performance and higher-capacity formats were introduced, they were hard-coded into the BIOS. Each new format required re-coding and reassembly of a new system.
Today, CP/M suffers from a surfeit of physical floppy disk formats. It seems that every manufacturer felt impelled to put his own label on yet another non-compatible format, to the point where we have well over 100 different ways of storing the same file on one 5 1/4" disk! This has also created something of an identity crisis, because it is not always possible to unambiguously determine a disk's format by magnetically reading the data on it.

The most modern BIOSes rise above this morass with flexibility and a degree of intelligence. They are able to identify a set of "native" formats, and automatically adapt themselves to the disk in each drive. In addition, they allow an external utility to set a drive to a "foreign" format, one that the BIOS cannot identify from its built-in data, but is known to the utility.

Text deleted. It relates to different BIOS versions as wll as tools from the Plu*Perfect Systems company.

Every file structure has two key properties — a method of naming files, and a method of allocating space for storing data.

Each file has a unique name within the filename space on the disk. (In CP/M, the filename space is a user number; in MSDOS and UNIX it is a subdirectory). With the name are usually a set of file attributes that may control permissions on access to the file, and perhaps datestamps as well.

Storage of data for the file is allocated in blocks — chunks of 128 or more bytes of data. With each filename the file system associates an ordered list of blocks, and a total length of the file.

The file system must maintain this information in an orderly fashion for each file on the disk. To do so, it uses a directory of filenames, a free list of unused data blocks, and an allocated list of blocks in use by the files.

The directory contains (at least) one entry for each filename. The entry will usually include permissions or attributes that control access to the file itself, and perhaps the datestamps for the file. And it will include some type of link to the file's data blocks.

The free list is some type of data structure that indicates which data blocks on the disk are not in use and can be allocated for writing data. On a fresh disk it will include all blocks of the disk not reserved for the directory, the boot code, or other operating system purposes. As a file is written, blocks are transferred from the free list to the allocated list and assigned to the file.

I haven't said anything yet about how the directory and allocated list are actually stored. Those are key choices made by the designer of the operating system, and it's instructive to see how they can differ.

In MSDOS, the list of blocks is encoded in a file allocation table (FAT). The FAT has an entry for each data block (called a cluster in MSDOS) on the disk. An entry indicates that the block is unallocated (and is thus part of the free list), is allocated to a file, or is otherwise reserved.

The FAT is encoded in a way that allows it to serve two functions — it records the allocated and free blocks, and it shows which blocks are associated with which files. Blocks that are allocated to one file form a linked list. Each entry in the FAT is a pointer to the next block in that file's list, and the last entry is a special end-of-list mark.

The MSDOS directory entry includes only a pointer to the first block of the file. The rest of the blocks are obtained by following the linked list in the FAT. The FAT itself is stored on the disk, and the MSDOS system keeps a copy of it in working system memory. Thus, there are two separate data structures on an MSDOS disk — the FAT (which is actually stored in duplicate) and the directory.

CP/M takes a different approach — it includes the storage information as well as the filename information in the directory entry. Each directory entry contains a set of data block numbers and there is no file allocation table. To obtain the data blocks for a CP/M file, the system finds the first directory entry and reads off the block numbers.

Where is CP/M's free list? It is implicit in the directory. When a disk is logged in, the CP/M BDOS reads through the directory of a disk and keeps track of each data block that is allocated to a file. It encodes this information in an allocation bitmap for the disk, setting one bit for each block that is in use. The bits that are not set then represent the free blocks.

The UNIX system uses aspects of each approach. Each UNIX directory entry includes the filename and an i-node number; this is much like MS-DOS. An i-node is a list of the first 10 (512-byte) data blocks of a file, plus links to indirect lists of additional blocks. Directly including the list of the first 10 blocks in the i-node (a bit like including the block numbers in the first CP/M directory entry) allows UNIX to rapidly retrieve smaller files and yet use linked lists to extend files to very large sizes.

One perennial disaster with many early CP/M programs, famous and obscure alike, was writing a file to an almost-full disk, running out of space during the operation, and having the program quit with the precious data lost forever. Of course, a well-written program wouldn't quit when a BDOS error occurs; it would clean up its incomplete file, allow the user to change disks, reset the disk system, and re-write the file.

But a really well-crafted program wouldn't even attempt to write to the almost-full disk. Instead, before writing, it would determine whether there is enough space left on the disk to hold the file.

To do this, the program must obtain the total number of free blocks. This is a natural function for the disk operating system to perform, and in CP/M Plus there is a system call for this purpose (46). But it wouldn't fit into the space on the system tracks of the original 8" CP/M 2.2 systems, and so the BDOS includes another system call (27) to return the address of the drive's bitmap, and programs must count up the free blocks themselves.

Figure 1 show the Z80 routine, get_freek, that returns the number of unallocated kilobytes of space on the currently logged drive. It is portable — it works under CP/M 2.2, CP/M Plus and even for an MS-DOS disk when running DosDisk. The code includes contributions from Jay Sage, Joe Wright, and others, and is used, in a slightly varied form, in the SP (space) command in Z3PLUS and NZ-COM.

The routine first determines which version of CP/M is running. If the system is CP/M Plus, the BDOS will do all of the work. In fact, it's necessary to let it do the work, because in most CP/M Plus systems the allocation bitmap will be stored in a different memory bank and therefore not readily accessible to the program. (If the routine did attempt to use the bitmap address, it would add up bits of whatever program or data happen to be in that part of the main memory, resulting in an incorrect value).

CP/M Plus function 46 returns the space remaining on the disk as a 24-bit number in the first three bytes of the dma, in units of 128-byte records. So, to use this function, get_freek first sets the dma address to the temporary buffer at 80h and calls function 46. The divide-by-8 code then converts this to kilobyte units.

If the routine is running under CP/M 2.2, it first calls function 31 to get several disk parameters for the logged-in drive — the block-shift factor, the extent mask, and the maximum number of blocks on the drive. Next, it calls function 27 to get the address of the bitmap (allocation vector). The code at label "cntfree" then counts the number of unset bits in the bitmap, accumulating the count in register DE.

Since each block represents some multiple of 1K (1024 = 210 bytes), the code at label "free2k" multiplies the free block count by the size of one data block. The block shift factor is the base-2 logarithm of the number of 128-byte records per data block. In other words, it is the exponent in this equation:

block size in records = 2 block-shift-factor

If the block size is 1K (8 records), the block shift factor is 3 (i.e., 8 = 23), and the number of free blocks is already in 1K units. Otherwise, we multiply by the number of K in one block; this calculation is simply a 16-bit left shift that results from doubling HL (blkshf-3) times.

One CP/M directory entry contains the following components:

user number - a logical partition of the volume (disk)
file name
file attributes
directory entry number
size of (the portion of) file indexed by this entry
the data block numbers for this entry

A single directory entry can hold either 16 8-bit data block numbers, or 8 16-bit directory numbers. A CP/M data block can be 1K, 2K, 4K, or 16K bytes (the blocking factor is part of the disk format specification), and the large blocks require 16-bit numbers. So a single directory entry may refer to a maximum of from 16*1K to 8*16K = 128K bytes of data, depending on the blocking factor for the disk.

Clearly, a file might be larger than the number of bytes that can be recorded in a single directory entry. To handle this case, CP/M creates additional directory entries to hold additional data block numbers. These entries have the same filename, user number and attributes as the initial entry, but they have unique directory entry numbers. (Contrast this with MS-DOS, which has just one directory entry, but a longer linked list of FAT clusters for a large file.)


The actual numbering of CP/M directory entries is somewhat torturous, and so we will discuss it later. First, let's get a grip on the details. Assume we already have a large file and consider first what the operating system does when an application program is reading the file.

First, the program calls the BDOS to open the file named in the indicated file control block (fcb3). The CP/M BDOS searches for the initial directory entry, finds it, and stores the entry data, including the data block numbers, in the user's fcb.

Next, the program repeatedly calls the BDOS to read the file sequentially from the beginning. The (CP/M 2.2) BDOS gets the first data block number from the fcb, converts that value to track and sector numbers, and calls the BIOS to read one 128-byte record. Next, it increments the sector number (adjusting for reaching the end of a track) and calls the BIOS again, repeating for the number of records in a data block (8 in a 1K block, etc.). It then gets the second data block number from the fcb, converts to track/sector, and reads another set of records.

Eventually (after processing 8 or 16 blocks) all of the first directory entry's data blocks have been used, and the BDOS must search for and read in the next directory entry. (At this point, on a physical disk the movement of the disk heads back to the directory track can often be heard; this extra motion significantly slows down access to large CP/M files.) The BDOS then repeats the process of computing track/sector numbers and calling the BIOS to read records.


Writing a file involves reversing these steps, with a few key additions, because disk space must be allocated. Let's assume our program is writing a new file.

First, the program calls the BDOS to create the file with the name stored in the fcb. The BDOS searches the directory for an empty (unused) directory entry. It then writes the new filename into that entry, with zeros for block numbers.

Now consider what the BDOS must do as the program sequentially writes the file. First, the BDOS must find a free data block on the disk. To do this it consults its free list for the disk (the allocation bit map) and assigns one block to the new file. It marks that block as used and puts the block number into the file control block. Now that the block number known, the next steps are much like reading — the BDOS translates from block number to track/sector numbers and calls the BIOS to write 128-byte records, until a block is full. Then, when a new block is needed, the BDOS gets the next free block from the free list, and repeats the process.

Eventually, the file control block is filled up with 8 or 16 data block numbers, and the BDOS must make a second directory entry. But before doing so, it "closes" the initial entry by writing the file control block values to that directory entry on the disk. Then, it searches for another empty entry, creates the second directory entry for the file (with the same name, but a different entry number), and finally resumes the process of allocating a data block and writing records.

At last, when the entire file has been written, the program calls the BDOS to close the file. Just as it did for the "internal" close of the initial directory entry, the BDOS writes the data block numbers in the file control block to the final directory entry on disk.

If an error occurs during the process of writing the file, you may see some residue of the incomplete process. Quickie Quiz: Explain how each of the following might result:

  1. Filename in directory, file is shown as OK.
  2. Filename in directory, file is shown as 16K (or 32K or ...), but the end of the file is missing.

Now we turn to the nitty-grity, and it is unavoidably confusing! It's also essential if you intend to really understand CP/M files.

The CP/M directory structure is like a tree house that grew as the kids got bigger. First it was a simple platform (for CP/M 1.4 files). Rooms got rebuilt to handle larger files and larger disks, and the file control block got extended to provide random access (CP/M 2.2). And small passageways were crammed with filesize, datestamps, and passwords (CP/M 3).

Some of the confusion is simply terminological. One direotory entry is 32 bytes of data. Sometimes it is also called a physical directory extent — "physical" because it refers to actual bytes on the disk. Whenever you see this topic discussed, read carefully — I suggest you translate all references from "physical extents" to "directory entries", and reserve the term "extents" exclusively for "logical extents," which we will examine soon.

The directory entry has several fields, shown in Figure 2. The information is densly packed. You can look at an actual sector, which contains 4 directory entries, with the DU (or DU3) utility, or by running the following bit of code under a debugger and then displaying the default buffer at 0080h.
        ld      c,11
        ld      de,5C
        ld      a,3F
        ld      (de),a
        call    5
        rst     38
Byte 0 of a directory entry (labeled "u") is the file's user number. A value of E5 hex indicates that the entry is unused. Otherwise, it can have a value of 0 to 31 in CP/M 2.2. In CP/M Plus user numbers are restricted to 0 to 15, and higher numbers indicate special datestamp, password, and volume label entries.

Bytes 1-8 are the filename and bytes 9-11 the filetype. They must be uppercase, 7-bit letters, numbers, or a few other symbols. Each of the 11 high (eighth) bits of the filename and filetype are file attributes. Attributes 5-11 are reserved for the system to designate files are read-only, archived, and so forth.

The next four bytes encode the entry number and the length of the file. They will get our full attention in a moment.

Bytes 16-31 (10h-1Fh) are where the data block numbers are stored. These are either 16 1-byte values, or 8 2-byte values, depending on the disk format. If there are no more than 255 (FF hex) block numbers on a disk (for example, on a single-sided single density disk), it's possible to use 1-byte values. Otherwise, 2-byte values are needed.


Now, had the tree house been built in one day, the directory number would be a 16-bit word. Instead, we have to climb through some tangled vines. So, hold on!

The CP/M file system has two fundamental units of measurement:

1 record =128 bytes 1 logical extent =128 records = 16K bytes

Records and logical extents are numbered sequentially, beginning with 0.

Now consider a 17K file, with copies on several types of disks. Things might look like this.

On Disk #1, 16K of data blocks fill up one directory entry. Then one entry corresponds to one logical extent. The 17K file will have 2 logical extents, and 2 directory entries.

On Disk #2, 32K of data blocks fill up one directory entry. (How might this occur? Suppose a block is 4K, and block numbers are 2-byte values. 8*4K = 32K.) Now, one entry can hold two logical extents. The 17K file will have 2 logical extents, but only one directory entry.

CP/M keeps track of logical extents with the EXtent byte, which can hold 0 to 31 (0 to 1F hex). After 31, it must again be 0.

Why, you may well ask, does CP/M not allow more than 32 extent values in this field? Well, the tree house architect wasn't that farsighted. In the directory search functions, the BDOS uses a '?' character to indicate a "wild-card" search. When a '?' appears in the EXtent byte of an fcb, the BDOS will match any extent number. And since the '?' byte is 3F hex = 00111111 binary, only 5 bits are available to number logical extents!

If five bits were indeed all that is available, CP/M files would be restricted to a maximum size of 32*block size. To allow larger files, the tree house added the S2 byte. It holds the "overflow" from the EXtent byte. Each unit of S2 thus represents 32 logical extents, and the the S2 byte can take a value from 0 to 3F hex.

The full logical extent number is, therefore obtained by combining the EXtent byte and the S2 byte as follows:

log_ext = (EXT & 1Fh) + ((S2 & 3Fh) << 5)

(I use the c language operators: '&' is bitwise and, '<<' is shift-left).

Note well that the high-order bits must really be masked; while the directory entry is active in the fcb, the BDOS uses the higher bits of the EXTent and S2 bytes for internal BDOS flags.

Now, what is the directory entry number (the "physical extent")? It is the logical extent number, divided by the number of logical extents per directory entry. And that depends on the format, Information that is not in the directory, but in the BIOS's data structure for the drive — the disk parameter block (dpb4).

entry_no = log_ext / extents_per_entry

The extent mask byte in the dpb encodes the number of logical extents per directory entry. Its value is

extent_mask = 2 ** extents_per_entry - 1

A strange, but handy, representation, because it gives the number of times to right-shift the log_ext value to calculate the directory entry number. And, simultaneously, it is a bitmask that, applied to the EXTent byte, yields the number of logical extents within the current directory entry that are in use.

entry_no = log_ext >> extent_mask

= ((EXT & 1fh) >> extmask) + ((s2 & 1fh) << (5 - extmask))

How big is a file? What is its size in records, or equivalently, what is the record number of the file? It is the record count in the last directory entry (the number of records in the final logical extent), plus the size, in records, of all prior extents. Since the RC byte may be 80 hex, we must mask it. The formula is:

recno = log_ext << 7 + (RC & 7Fh)

Before considering practical answers to that question, let's consider how large a record number can ever be. The record count is 7 bits, the EXtent byte is 5 bits, and the S2 byte can be 6 bits, a total of 18 bits. The largest possible record number is therefore 218. Since there are 8 = 2*3 records in 1 kilobyte, the maximum filesize is 215 K = 32 MB, a large file indeed!

This is the limit under CP/M Plus and ZSDOS. Regular CP/M 2.2, however, limited the record number to a 16-bit quantity (with the largest S2 value being 0F hex), and thus a maximum filesize of 4 MB. And I'm afraid most CP/M application programs expect that limit not to be exceeded.

We can determine a file's size in several ways. BDOS function 35 will return the filesize in the random record number field of the fcb. This is the easiest method; the BDOS does all of the tedious arithmetic, and the random record number field is 3 bytes, so it will hold a full 18-bit record number, should we ever have a file so huge. But it's slow, because the BDOS must search the directory from the beginning each time it is called.

A second method is to have the program read the complete directory, storing the directory entries for the file as it goes, and then find the last one. This is no faster for a single file, but it is a clear winner if the program is reading the complete directory anyway (in order to display it, for example). In this case, the file size calculation is made after the entries are stored and sorted by entry number (as well as alphabetically, perhaps).

Often enough, a program needs a file's size as an adjunct to other file operations. In this situation, the file can first be opened, or searched-for, and then its size quickly computed from the directory entry data. Figure 3 shows the routine, get_filesize, to perform this service.

If the file has only one directory entry, all of the information needed to calculate its size in records is available in the EXtent, S2, and RecordCount bytes returned in the fcb by an open call, or in the dma buffer by a search-first call. The routine first checks that that the fcb Information is, indeed, for entry number 0. It then determines that there are no others by checking the record count, because if it is 80h (128), the entry is full, and there may be another one.

If all of these tests get passed, it calculates:

records = RecordCount + 128 * number of prior logical extents

Otherwise, it calls the BDOS, which returns the number of records in the random-record number field of the fcb.

The get_filesize routine returns the filesize as a 3-byte value in the A, H, and L registers. Except for very large files, A will be zero, and the filesize can be used as the 16-bit value in the HL register pair.


What if you need to get the sizes of several files? If your routine has a lot of memory available to hold a large list of directory entries you can process them in a single batch. But in some applications memory must be conserved. The routine might be just a small part of a large program that need memory for other functions. Or perhaps it is a component of a Z-System resident command processor that wants to keep the TPA intact for the next GO command.

The most basic directory routine looks like this:
        set fcb to a wildcard mask
        set dma to a buffer
          if not found, quit
loop:   if entry number is 0, diaplay entry at offset in buffer
          if found, loop
How can we add the fast filesize calculation to this routine? Here's the sketch of the approach I used in the DIRectory command built into BackGrounder ii , and also later in JetFind. That command must be able to run when a regular program has been suspended, without molesting that program's memory. This is the special challenge.

We plan to modify the "loop" line to be:
        if directory-entry is not full, calculate filesize from entry.
        else use BDOS function 35.
Hmmm. Initially, this looks like it would be ok. In fact, we're in trouble as soon as it's necessary to use the BDOS filesize function, because that call will change the BDOS's internal directory pointers and mess up the next search-next call. This requires some discussion.

The BDOS search-first/search-next functions are unlike any other file functions, in that they are logically a single function that is called repeatedly at two entry points. This operation says, in effect: Find the first entry in the directory matching the supplied fcb and return it in the dma buffer. Thereafter, when entered at the search-next point, continue the search for the next matching entry.

The BDOS uses internal pointers to keep track of both the fcb and where it is in the directory search, and it presumes that there will be no intervening file operations except more search-next calls.

But, with some cleverness, we can get modify our routine further to get around this complication. After making the BDOS 35 call, we do a search-first call for entry 0 of that file. This resets the internal pointers to the spot where the previous search had last matched. Then, we search-next for the next entry. The routine now looks like this:
        set fcb to a wildcard mask
        set dma to a buffer
          if not found, quit
loop:   If directory-entry is not full, calculate filesize from entry.
                call BDOS function 35
                set fcb to last-found entry
          if found, loop
File systems are a big topic, we're out of space, and coding the little directory routine must be left as "an exercise for the reader."

I appreciate your comments and welcome auggestions for future columns. Topics I have in mind include stack and interrupt management and environmentally-aware programming. What else would you like to see? Drop me a line at Plu*Perfect!

Figure 1. Free Space on a Disk
[Here as source]
Figure 2 . A CP/M Directory Entry
           + user number           +----EXtent byte
          /                       / +---s1 byte
         /                       / / +--S2 byte
        /     filename   type   / / / + record count
       / --------------- ----- / / / /
00    u f i l e n a m  e t y p x 1 2 r
10    - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - data blocks
Figure 3. Calculate a Single Filesize
[Here as source]

The routine get_freek stores the byte extmsk but unfortunately only on a CP/M 2 system (routine dparams). If get_filesize will be called afterwards by a CP/M Plus system, calculation may result in an error due to the improper byte extmsk. Therefore I splitted the original file into the parts calculation and loading DPB parameters. If running a CP/M Plus system run dparams before calling the routine get_filesize.
1. The BDOS is the system interface for the program developer. It will be called by function numbers and possible parameters. An overview of the BDOS functions will be found here, a more derailed description here.
2. The BIOS is the hardware dependent part of CP/M. A description of the BIOS will be found here.
3. The File Control Block forms the interface between BDOS and disc I/O. Find the layout here. The different forms of directory entries are shown here.
4. The different fields of the Disk Parameter Block are described here.