Im Magazin „8000 PLUS" wurde im Oktober 1988 der folgende Artikel abgedruckt.
Ein simples BASIC-Programm, das Text in doppelter Größe darstellt


by Lawrence Simons
Everyone knows how to get enlarged text when printing out (in case you don't it involves typing in LPRINT CHR$(27)+"W"+CHRS(1) in BASIC) but can you do it so that the letters appear double width on screen? Well you can know if you just type in this listing from Larry Simons.
The important part of the program is the bit from 52000 onwards which does all the fancy stuff. This looks terribly complicated but it does have its own error checking for the data lines.
The first part just shows you how to use the program. The idea is that you add the utility at the end of your own program and run it as a GOSUB somewhere early in the process.
Then whenever you want to produce double width text you just have to assign values to the variables L%, C%, A$ and V%. These are reasonable obvious. L% decides in what line the text will be written and C% allows you to choose the column (obviously L% must not be greater than 30 and C% cannot be more than 88).
The variable A$ is the actual text you want to appear and V$ decided whether the text is printed normally or in reverse Video. If V$ is nothing it prints normally, anything else and it is reversed.
Then just use the line CALL DWPRINT (L%, C%, A$, V%) and the text appears on screen in a suitably impressive lengthened condition.

Wie aus dem Artikel zu sehen ist, wird die Prozedur, mit der Text doppelt dargestellt wird, mit dem Aufruf CALL DWPRINT (L%, C%, A$, V%) aktiviert. Hierbei ist L% die Zeile im Bereich 0..30, C%, die Spalte im Bereich 0..88, A$ der auszugebende Text und V% das Videoattribut; ist dies 0, so wird der Text normal dargestellt. Ist es 1, dann erscheint der Text invers.

[BASIC-Listing] und [Assembler-Listing]

Eingescanned von Werner Cirsovius
April 2003
© 8000 PLUS