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The Quit (Q) command leaves the ICU without saving any changes you made in this session. The Exit (E) command leaves the ICU and saves all the changes you made in this session. The Replace (R) command replaces the current control character. Various control characters allow you to move from screen to screen or to change the screen you are editing. These are : ^B - Takes you back one screen ^C - Takes you back to the main menu ^D - Deletes any entry if you are redisplaying a screen with a repetitive format. ^F - Takes you to the screen named after this control character. ^H - Shows this help list ^I - Inserts a new element in front of the current one if you are in a repetitive screen format. ^R - Redisplays the screen you are currently editing (OSP) 80130 Operating System Extension [Yes/No] No Answer "Yes" if your system includes the 80130 component. The 80130 component works with the 8086, 8088, 80186, and 80188 microprocessors. The component provides a set of Nucleus system calls (primitives) and can be used as a Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) and a Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC). You have the options of using the set of Nucleus system calls provided without using the 80130 PIC or timers, using the 80130 PIC or timers without using the set of Nucleus system calls provided, or using all of the features at the same time. -Additional Sources of Information- iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes hardware and related software iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - descibes related screens and lists primitives (OTU) 80130 Timer Used [Yes/No] No To use the 80130 Timer feature, answer "Yes" to this parameter. The 80130 component (as well as the 8253 PIT, 8254 PIT and 80186 component) may provide timing for your operating system. Your response to this parameter and the 80130 Base Port Address and 80130 Port Separation parameters define the attributes of an 80130 timer. You do not need to use the set of Nucleus system calls provided by the 80130 to answer "Yes" to this parameter. -Additional Sources of Information- iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes the 80130 component iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related screens that define timers (OPU) 80130 PIC Used [Yes/No] No If you plan to use the 80130 PIC, answer "Yes" to this parameter. The 8259A and 80130 provide interrupt control for your operating system. Either the 8259A or the 80130 can be used as master Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PICs). You do not need to use the set of Nucleus system calls provided by the 80130 to answer "Yes" to this parameter. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual - describes interrupts iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes the 80130 PIC (BL) 80130 Base Address Location [40H-0FFFFH] 0F800H Enter the base address location of the 80130 component. When you enter the address, specify all but the last four bits and the ICU will automatically append zero. The code in the 80130 component occupies 16K bytes of address space. You must specify the location at which you want the 16K bytes to start. The address must be on a 16-byte boundary, so the last four bits of address are always zero. You may still use the 80130 PIC or timer even if you do not use the code in the 80130 component. CAUTIONS: Any off-chip Nucleus code must be within 24K bytes of the address space reserved for the 80130 component. Do not include the 16K bytes of address space needed for the 80130 component in the memory declared in the "Memory" screen. This memory must be used exclusively by the 80130 component. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how to lay out memory and how to respond to prompts in the "Memory" screen iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes the 80130 component (BP) 80130 Base Port Address [0-0FFFFH] 00E0H Specify the 16-bit address of the first port of the interrupt controller. The 80130 component provides interrupt-control and timer functions. The 80130 base port address is the only address that needs to be specified for the 80130 component. It is the port address of the 80130 PIC ICW1 register. The 80130 Base Port is required if the 80130 PIC or the 80130 PIT is used. The ICU determines the 80130 PIC and timer addresses based on your response to this parameter and the "80130 Port Separation" parameter. -Additional Sources of Information- iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes the 80130 component iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related parameters iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual - describes interrupt control (MP) 8259A Master Port [0-0FFFFH] 00C0H Enter the 16-bit address of the first port of the master (as opposed to slave) controller. The 8259A provides interrupt control for your operating system. The 8259A communicates with the rest of your system by using a series of byte-sized ports located at contiguous addresses. The port addresses are separated by configurable intervals specified by the Master Port Separation (MPS) prompt. The default value applies to the following boards: iSBC 86/12A, 86/05, 86/14, and 86/30. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual - describes interrupt control (MPS) Master PIC Port Separation [0-0FFH] 0002H Enter the interval between ports on your Master PIC. You specify the base port address for the 8259A PIC. The ICU configures each additional PIC port address for you. Starting with the base port address, the ICU determines the address of the next port by adding a specified interval, the master port separation, to the previous address. This default value applies to the following boards: iSBC 86/12A, 86/05, 86/14, and 86/30. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual - describes interrupt control (SIL) Slave Interrupt Levels [1-7/None] None If you are not using any 8259A slaves, enter NONE. If you are using one or more 8259A slaves, specify the master interrupt lines to which slaves are attached. The numbers which identify the master interrupt lines range from 1 to 7 if the master PIC is either an 8259A PIC or an 80130 PIC or range from 4 to 5 if the master PIC is an 80186 PIC. Use commas (with or without blanks) to separate the numbers. Once you have identified your interrupt levels, the ICU prompts you for the port address (16-bit address) and port separation of each specified slave controller. To enter an additional master interrupt line, just specify the new entry. To delete an existing entry, specify "None" and re-enter the correct values. -Additional Sources of Information iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes slave interrupt levels; 8259A, 80130, and 80186 PICs iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual - describes interrupts (LSS) Level-Sensitive Slaves [1-7/None] None Enter "None" if all 8259A slaves handle edge-mode interrupts. Otherwise, specify the master lines that have level-sensitive 8259A slaves. The range of numbers that identifies the master lines is either 1 to 7 for an 8259A PIC or an 80130 PIC or 4 to 5 for an 80186 master PIC. Use commas (with or without blanks) to separate the numbers. To enter an additional master interrupt line, just specify the new entry. To delete an existing entry, specify "None" and re-enter the correct values. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes edge- and level-triggered modes; 80186 master PIC; 8259A PIC iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes 80130 PIC (LSP) Local Slave PICS [1-7/None] None If your master PIC is an 8259A or an 80186 PIC, specify "None". Otherwise, specify the master lines on your 80130 master PIC that have local slaves. Use commas (with or without blanks) to separate the numbers. If you are using the 80130 component as your Master PIC, then you need to specify which interrupt levels are to receive locally generated interrupts and which are to receive interrupts over the Multibus interface. -Additional Sources of Information- iOSP 86 Support Package Reference Manual - describes 80130 component iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes different uses of above information by some of Intel's iAPX 186-based microcomputer boards (TP) 8253/8254 Timer Port [0-0FFFFH] 00D0H Enter the 16-bit address of the first port for your 8253 or 8254 PIT. The 8253 and 8254 Programmable Interval Timers (PITs) provide timing for your operating system. These PITs communicate with the rest of your system by using a series of ports that are located at contiguous addresses. Your response to this parameter determines the address of the base port. The ICU calculates the addresses of the remaining ports using your response to the Timer Port Separation parameter. The default value applies to the following boards: iSBC 86/12A and the iSBC 86/30. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes four possible PITs (CIL) Clock Interrupt Level [0-7] 0002H Enter the number (0 through 7) of the interrupt line to which the timer is attached. The timer must be attached to an interrupt line on the master interrupt controller. The timer cannot be attached to the same line as any slave interrupt controller or any other device. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 86/12A or the iSBC 86/30. This parameter may not be changed if the CPU is 80186 and the PPU is master. (CN) Timer Counter Number [0,1,2] 0000H Enter the number of the Programmable Interval Timer counter used by the Nucleus. Be sure that the counter you select is not used by the Terminal Handler or any other module. There are three counter numbers associated with the 8253, 8254 or the 80130 PIT. It is recommended that the Nucleus uses either counter number 0 or 1. If you are using an Intel processor board such as the iSBC 86/12A board or the iSBC 86/30 board, counter number 0 is factory configured to a 1.23 MHz clock. If you are using 80130 Operating System extensions, the Nucleus uses counter number 0. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes Terminal Handler; 8253, 8254, 80130, and 80186 timers (CI) Clock Interval [0 - 0FFFFH msec] 000AH Enter the timer interval in milliseconds. For example, 7 means seven milliseconds. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The timer in your system is programmable. The standard clock interval for the iRMX 86 Operating System is 10 milliseconds. Unless an application requires a different value, it is highly recommended that you use this standard value. This ensures that programs using timed wait operations are portable between iRMX 86 systems. (CF) Clock Frequency [0 - 0FFFFH khz] 04CDH Enter the frequency (in khz) at which your timer operates. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is equivalent to 1229 (decimal). If you previously stated that you were using an 80130 Timer, enter the actual frequency of your timer (if you responded "Yes" to the 80130 Timer Used parameter, the ICU automatically divides the frequency that you enter by two). (TPS) Timer Port Separation [0-0FFH] 0002H Enter the interval between ports on your 8253 or 8254 PIT. Each PIT has a number of ports that are used for programming the chip. Starting with the base port address, the ICU determines the address of the next port by adding your response to this parameter to the previous address. When using Intel processor boards, such as the iSBC 86/12A and the iSBC 86/30 board, you should not change the default value. (NPX) Numeric Processor Extension [Yes/No] No Enter "Yes" if your system includes any tasks that contain floating-point instructions, that is, need support of a Numeric Processor Extension (NPX). The 8087 NPX on an iAPX 86-based board or the 80287 NPX on an iAPX 286-based board provide the iRMX 86 Operating System with NPX functions. Your response to this parameter affects the response you can make to a similar parameter on the "User Jobs", "I/O Jobs", and "HI Jobs" screens. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - further describes NPXs (NIL) NPX Interrupt Level [Encoded] 0008H Enter the encoded level of the line to which the NPX is attached. Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0000-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H The Numeric Processor Extension (NPX) must be attached to an interrupt line from either a master or slave interrupt controller. This interrupt line cannot be used by any other device. It is recommended that the NPX be attached to the highest priority interrupt. Memory Type : RAM = low, high Type : ROM = low, high Enter pairs of addresses for blocks of memory that the Operating System can use for system code and free space. The first number in the pair must be smaller than the second, and the specified block must be disjoint from any previously specified block. All numbers must be greater than 40H. The ICU interprets each address as the top 16 bits of a twenty-bit address. You must use the undeclared memory blocks to locate user jobs, first-level jobs, I/O jobs, and on-board dynamic RAM for boards like the iSBC 544. If your system uses the 80130 component, one restriction applies to your system: any off-chip Nucleus code must be located within 24K bytes of the 80130 component. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes special considerations, memory layout, the 80130 component, and controller boards Select the layers that you want incorporated into your system. Be aware that some layers require others, and the ICU automatically includes required layers. If you specify code to reside in RAM, you must load the code from secondary storage into RAM before an application can use it. Respond with a "Yes" for any layer that you desire. Note that the System Debugger and the Crash Analyzer cannot both be selected in the same system configuration. If you have purchased only the iOSP 86 Support Package, you may not select any subsystems. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - briefly describes various subsystems and software components (ICL) Initial Command Line Size [0-0FFFFH] 0100H Enter the largest number of characters that would normally be needed in a command line. The Human Interface allows for command lines greater than the size entered. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 0100H specifies a command line buffer with 256 bytes. Take care not to specify a value that is too large or too small. Specifying a value that is too large will waste memory. Specifying a value that is too small can lead to memory fragmentation as the CLI creates overflow buffers to handle lengthy commands. (CNM) Command Name Length [0-255] 0040H Enter the maximum number of characters in your longest command pathname. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 0040H specifies a maximum command pathname of 64. When your users invoke a Human Interface command, they actually enter the pathname of the file containing the object code that implements the command. How long a pathname are you willing to accept? (SYS) System Directory [1-45 characters] :SD:SYSTEM Specify the name of the system device and the name of the system directory on that device. The logical name that you enter for the system device must be the same logical name that you enter for the "(CDN) Configuration Device Name" parameter. The ICU does not check for path syntax or for the existence of the directory. Limit your response to 45 characters or less. The default system directory pathname :SD:SYSTEM specifies :SD: as the system device and SYSTEM as the system directory on that device. Reserved for future use, was (DRP) (RIP) Resident Initial Program [Default/1-45 characters] Default Choose the default response "Default" or enter the pathname of an object code file that is to be linked to the Human Interface during system generation. The default response indicates that the resident initial program is to be the Human Interface CLI program. Refer to the iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for details on how to replace the Human Interface CLI. Reserved for future use Reserved for future use (PMI) Human Interface Pool Minimum [0-0FFFFH] 0260H Enter the minimum size of the Human Interface's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is 608 decimal. To ensure that initialization is performed rapidly, do not decrease the memory pool to a value less than the default value. You may decide to increase the minimum pool size (and use the same value for the maximum pool size) if your system includes a user job that borrows memory. Calculate the pool size by adding the amount of memory required for all your Human Interface users to the amount needed for initialization. (PMA) Human Interface Pool Maximum [0-0FFFFH] FFFFH Enter the maximum size of the Human Interface's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. By setting the maximum pool size to 0FFFFH, you allow the Human Interface to borrow memory from the root job as necessary. Moreover, you make it possible to allow the Human Interface to initialize itself without borrowing memory. If your system includes a user job that borrows memory, you might not want to set the maximum pool size to 0FFFFH. instead, you might want to set it to a lower value to ensure that the user job has access to additional memory. In this situation, set the maximum pool size equal to the minimum pool size. (HIR) Human Interface in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Human Interface is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Human Interface from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (MIN) Jobs Minimum Memory [0-0FFFFH pages] 0200H Enter the minimum allowable size of a new Human Interface job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The default value of 0200H is adequate for most I/O jobs. The Human Interface uses your reponse to this parameter as the initial size of the memory pool for each Human Interface command job. (MAX) Jobs Maximum Memory [0-0FFFFH pages] 0000H Enter the maximum allowable size of a new Human Interface job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The default value of 0000H allows the Application Loader to determine memory pool information from the Load-Time Locatable (LTL) and Position-Independent Code (PIC) it loads. Because most Human Interface command-processing programs contain LTL or PIC code, setting the jobs maximum memory to 0000H is correct for most systems. Using the value 0FFFFH is valid but is strongly discouraged. (NPX) Numeric Processor Extension Used [Yes/No] No If applications to be loaded by the HI contain floating-point instructions, respond to this prompt with a "Yes". These floating-point instructions would require the 8087 or 80287 NPX for execution. (TDN) Terminal Device Name [1-12 characters] T0 Enter the name which specifies the resident user's terminal. NOTE: This terminal or any other terminal defined by the Human Interface should not be defined in the Extended I/O System. You must, however, specify this device- unit name when you configure one of your terminal drivers. The terminal of the resident user (single user) must be defined if it is to be managed by the Human Interface. (MTP) Maximum Task Priority [0-0FFH] 00C0H Enter the maximum task priority that the resident user may use. This value must be the highest (numerically lowest) allowable priority among the tasks that will run on behalf of the resident user. If no value is specified, the maximum priority given in the user definition will be used. The default value 00C0H is equivalent to 192 decimal. (UID) User ID Number [0-0FFFFH] 0FFFFH Enter the ID number of the resident user. By specifying a value for this parameter, you ensure that a user object will be created with this user ID during initialization. The default 0FFFFH (equivalent to 65535 decimal) represents WORLD, a special ID for which a user object is created even if you don't request it. The value 0 represents the system manager, which has no special characteristics unless you request a system manager when editing the BIOS screen. The values 08000H through 0FFFEH are reserved for use by Intel. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes users, user IDs, WORLD, and the system manager (IPP) Initial-Program Pathname [Resident/1-45 characters] Resident Enter the pathname of the initial program that the Human Interface should assign to the resident user. Defining the terminal of the resident user includes specifying the pathname of the initial program. This initial program will most often be a Command Line Interpreter (CLI), however, it is not restricted to a CLI. Resident specifies the resident CLI configured in the HI screen. (DEF) Default Directory [1-45 characters] :SD: Enter the pathname of the default directory for the resident user. When code running on behalf of this user encounters a file name without a directory, the default directory that you specify here is assumed. The default value :SD: for this parameter specifies the root directory on the system device. Prefixes Prefix : 1-45 characters Prefix : :PROG: Prefix : :UTILS: Prefix : :SYSTEM: Prefix : :LANG: Prefix : :$: A total of 20 prefixes can be entered. The prefixes :$:, :SYSTEM:, and :PROG: have already been added to your list. These three prefixes can be deleted or placed lower in the list. Enter the remaining prefixes in the order you want them searched. When you are through entering all of your prefixes, simply press the carriage return to continue. If you missed any entries or want to make changes to the entries that you are making, you can do so any time prior to generating the configuration modules (the G command) by using the ^ D and ^ I commands. The Human Interface allows you to store your commands (as object code programs) in directories. When you enter Human Interface commands without specifying a complete pathname, the Human Interface searches a number of directories for the command. This prompt asks you to name each of the directories. The order in which you enter these names determines the order of search. HI Logical Names Logical Name : logical name, path name [1-12 Chars ,1-45 Chars] Logical Name : WORK, :SD:WORK Logical Name : UTILS, :SD:UTILS Logical Name : LANG, :SD:LANG Enter the logical name, a mandatory comma, and the associated pathname. The Human Interface defines logical names for pathnames at initialization time. To define logical names, enter as pairs as shown in the example. (IBS) Internal Buffer Size [0 - 0FFFFH] 0400H Enter the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer for the Application Loader. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. This buffer must be large enough to accommodate the iterative portion of a data block record. (RBS) Read Buffer Size [0 - 0FFFFH] 0C00H Enter the size (in bytes) of the Application Loader's I/O buffer. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. This is the buffer that the Loader uses to read information from secondary storage. To some degree, your programs load faster with a larger buffer. You should make the buffer size an integral multiple of the granularity of the device from which your programs are loaded. (LJT) Load Job Type [None/Async/Sync] All Required You have your choice of three options. None Your system will contain only the A$LOAD Loader system call. Async Your system will contain both the A$LOAD and A$LOAD$IO$JOB Loader system calls. Sync Your system will contain the A$LOAD, A$LOAD$IO$JOB, and S$LOAD$IO$JOB Loader system calls. If you want your tasks to have control over how the loading of I/O jobs is to be synchronized with other system activities, specify Async. However, if you want the system to manage synchronization for you, specify "Sync". If your system includes the Human Interface, the default "All Required" is displayed. This means that all three loading system calls are required. (DMP) Default Memory Pool Size [0 - 0FFFFH] 0200H Specify the size, in 16-byte paragraphs, of the memory pool for jobs that the Application Loader loads. The default memory pool size is the size that jobs have when created with the S$LOAD$IO$JOB and A$LOAD$IO$JOB system calls if the following is true: input parameters for memory pool size are zero and the MEMPOOL control was not used when the program being loaded was processed by LINK86. This value is used for both the maximum and minimum pool sizes. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the default memory pool size in greater detail (CT) Code Type [Abs/Pic/Ltl/Ovr] All Required This prompt provides you with four options: Abs Allows your system to load only absolute code. Pic Allows your system to load both absolute and position-independent code. Ltl Allows your system to load absolute, position-independent, and load-time-locatable code. Ovr Allows your system to load overlays in addition to absolute, position-independent, and load-time-locatable code. If your system includes the Human Interface, the default value for this parameter is "All Required". This indicates that your application must be prepared to load any of the four kinds of code. (ALR) Application Loader in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Application Loader is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Application Loader from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (ASC) All System Calls in EIOS [Yes/No] Req If the default value for this parameter is "Req", you must change your responses on the "Sub-systems" screen to change this value. If you answer "No" to this question, you will be provided the opportunity to select individual system calls from the Extended I/O System. If you answer "Yes", your system will contain all of the system calls of the Extended I/O System, and you will not have to select them individually. If you configure the Human Interface, the ICU requires all Extended I/O System system calls. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Extended I/O System Ref. Manual - describes the EIOS System Calls iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes situations in which specific system calls are required (ABR) Automatic Boot Device Recognition [Yes/No] Yes Answer "Yes" to this parameter if your system requires Automatic Boot Device Recognition. Otherwise, specify "No". When the Extended I/O System is initialized, it attaches the configured logical devices. You can designate one of these devices the "system device" and give it a logical name. If the Bootstrap Loader loads the system, the EIOS assigns this logical name to the physical device from which the Bootstrap Loader reads the iRMX 86 system. If the iRMX 86 system was downloaded using the iSDM 86 or 286 monitor, the iSBC 957B Package, or the ICE-86 emulator, the Extended I/O System assigns the logical name to the device designated the "default system device". In this way pathnames can be given to specific files or directories without knowing the exact physical device from which they will be read. This feature is referred to as Automatic Boot Device Recognition. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic boot device recognition in greater detail (DLN) Default System Device Logical Name [1-12 characters] SD If you specified "Yes" to the "(ABR) Automatic Boot Device Recognition" parameter, enter the logical name of your (default) system device. The hexadecimal representation of each character must be between 020H and 07EH. None of the characters may be a colon (3AH), a slash (2FH), an up-arrow (5EH), or a circumflex (5EH). The ICU allows you to designate the remainder of your logical names on a different screen. Do not enter your response to this parameter (the system device logical name) with these other logical names. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic boot device recognition and default system devices (DPN) Default System Device Physical Name [1-12 characters] IW0 If you specified "Yes" to the "(ABR) Automatic Boot Device Recognition" parameter, enter the physical device name of the (default) system device. The name that you specify for this parameter must also be specified for a "(NAM) Device-Unit Name" parameter when you configure your device drivers. This physical name will be used if you selected Automatic Boot Device Recognition and the EIOS is unable to find a physical name cataloged under the name RQBOOTED in the root job's object directory. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic boot device recognition and default system devices (DFD) Default System Device File Driver [Physical/Stream/Named] Named If you specified "Yes" to the "(ABR) Automatic Boot Device Recognition" parameter, choose one of the following file driver types to be assigned to the default system device. Physical Physical file driver Stream Stream file driver Named Named file driver This file driver type will be used if you selected Automatic Boot Device Recognition and the EIOS is unable to find a physical name cataloged under the name RQBOOTED in the root job's object directory. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic boot device recognition and default system devices (DO) Default System Device Owner's ID [0-0FFFFH] 0000H If you specified "Yes" to the "(ABR) Automatic Boot Device Recognition" parameter, enter the owner's ID of the system device. This owner's ID will be used if you selected Automatic Boot Device Recognition and the EIOS is unable to find a physical name cataloged under the name RQBOOTED in the root job's object directory. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic boot device recognition and default system devices (IBS) Internal Buffer Size [0 - 0FFFFH] 0400H CAUTION: If you intend to use Human Interface system calls, do not use a value greater than 1024 decimal (0400H). Enter the buffer size, any 16-bit number, to be used for transfer of information to and from files. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. When your application program opens a connection, the Extended I/O System creates buffers equal to the largest multiple of the device granularity that does not exceed a specified buffer size. This specified buffer size is called the internal buffer size. (DDS) Default IO Job Directory Size [5 - 0FF0H] 0032H Enter the size of the object directories for the EIOS and all I/O Jobs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 32H is large enough for most systems. However, because I/O jobs can communicate only via the object directory of a common ancestor job, your system might require this value to be larger. (ITP) Internal EIOS Task's Priorities [0-0FFH] 0083H Enter the priorities of the internal EIOS task. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is 131 (decimal). By carefully selecting the value of this parameter, you can help ensure the maximum performance of your application system. In particular, the value you specify should not be lower (numerically higher) than the priority of any internal BIOS task. (PMI) EIOS Pool Minimum [0-0FFFFH] 0180H Enter the minimum size of the Extended I/O System's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is 384 decimal. Since the EIOS memory pool may borrow memory from the root job's memory pool if the maximum pool size exceeds the minimum pool size, you can prevent the EIOS from borrowing memory (thus avoiding fragmentation) if you set the minimum and maximum values equal. If your system includes the Human Interface and has I/O jobs, add the combined memory requirements of the I/O jobs to the default value of 0180H. (PMA) EIOS Pool Maximum [0-0FFFFH] 0180H Enter the maximum size of the Extended I/O System's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is 384 decimal. Since the EIOS memory pool may borrow memory from the root job's memory pool if the maximum pool size exceeds the minimum pool size, you can prevent the EIOS from borrowing memory (thus avoiding fragmentation) if you set the minimum and maximum values equal. If your system includes the Human Interface and has I/O jobs, add the combined memory requirements of the I/O jobs to the default value of 0180H. (EIR) Extended I/O System in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Extended I/O System is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Extended I/O System from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM Because you answered "No" to the "All System Calls" prompt, you now have the opportunity to select individual system calls from this group of system calls. The system calls designated "Req" are required to support other layers. You may change the status of any system call designated either "Yes" or "No". I/O Users User : user name,OWNER-ID [,ID,ID,ID,ID] User : WORLD, 0FFFFH Enter the user name and ID(s) for each user. Use commas as shown in the example. When you have finished entering a name and ID(s) for each of your users, enter a carriage return to continue. The Extended I/O System uses an iRMX 86 object type called a user object to correlate file access to iRMX 86 jobs. Each I/O user (user object) must have both a user name (any string up to 12 characters) and from one to five IDs (any 16 bit value). You may specify up to 32 I/O users by entering their user names and user IDs. The first ID that you enter for each user is the Owner ID. Subsequent IDs, separated by commas from the Owner ID, define additional access rights the I/O user has. Logical Names Logical Name : logical_name,device_name,file_driver, owner-ID [1-12 Chars ,1-14 Chars ,Physical/Stream/Named, 0-0FFFFH] Specify the initial logical names for particular device_names that you need when your system is initialized. Enter the logical name, the physical device name, the file driver type, and the owner-id for each particular logical device. When you have finished, enter a carriage return to continue. When the Extended I/O System is initialized, it can attach as many as 32 logical devices. Each of these devices has a logical name to which you may refer. This name consists of 1 to 12 characters. Each of these devices also has a physical device name, a string of 13 characters or less, which is supplied to the PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE system call in order to identify the device to be attached. A file driver defines the type of file supported on this device. The types of files are Physical, Stream, and Named. The owner's ID identifies one of the I/O users in the system as the owner of this device connection. (IJD) I/O Job Default Prefix [Logical Name] Enter the logical name of the default prefix for this job. The ICU allows you to enter up to 32 logical devices and one system device. Each of these devices has a logical name (up to 12 characters) and each logical name is normally associated with at least one I/O Job. You make the association between a logical device that has been defined and an I/O Job by using the logical name of the logical device as the Job Default Prefix in the I/O Job. (DU) Default User [I/O User] Enter the name of default user associated with this job. The ICU allows you to enter up to 32 I/O Users. Each of these I/O Users has a user name (up to 12 characters) and each I/O User is associated with at least one I/O Job. You make the association between an I/O User that has been defined and an I/O Job by using the user name of the I/O User as the Default User name in the I/O Job. (PMI) Pool Minimum [20H - 0FFFFH] 0260H Enter the minimum size of the I/O job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value is 608 decimal. To prevent borrowing (and thus memory fragmentation) set the minimum pool size equal to the maximum pool size. Set the minimum value to at least 32 (20H). If you specify 0:0H for the "(SSA) Stack Segment Address" parameter, set the minimum value to at least 20H plus the number of paragraphs you indicate for the "(SS) Stack Size" parameter. (PMA) Pool Maximum [20H - 0FFFFH] FFFFH Enter the maximum size of the I/O job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The size of each I/O job's memory pool can increase from a minimum value to a maximum value. Maximum pool size must be greater than or equal to the minimum pool size. If you configure the Human Interface, it is recommended that the Pool Maximum (PMA) should equal Pool Minimum (PMI) for your I/O jobs. Your EIOS job pool maximum value must include memory for your I/O job's memory requirements. (AEH) Address of Exception Handler [CS:IP] 0000H:0000H Enter the start address of the I/O job's exception handler. For example, a base address of 900H and an offset address of 384H is entered as 900H:0384H. A value of 0:0 indicates that the job uses the default system exception handler. An I/O job can inherit the exception handler of its parent job. In this case, the exception handler that would be inherited is the default system exception handler that you specified for the Nucleus. If you want a handler other than the default system exception handler, this prompt allows you to specify the start address of this other exception handler. (EM) Exception Mode [Never/Programmer/Environment/All] Never This prompt provides you with four options: Never: Control never passes to the exception handler. Programmer: Control passes to the exception handler on programmer errors only. Environment: Control passes to the exception handler on environmental conditions only. All: Control passes to the exception handler on all exceptional conditions. Any response to this prompt is ignored if you specified default system exception handler for this I/O job. If you did not choose to use the default system exception handler for this I/O job, you need to specify the exception mode of the exception handler specified in the prompt for the Address of Exception Handler (AEH). (PV) Parameter Validation [Yes/No] Yes Enter a "Yes" if you want the Nucleus to perform parameter validation for all Nucleus system calls made by tasks in this I/O job or its offspring. If you are thinking about entering a "No" to this prompt, reconsider your decision. It is strongly recommended that you use parameter validation. In order to provide parameter validation on the I/O job level, you must also include parameter validation on a system-level. You can include system-level parameter validation while configuring the Nucleus. (TP) Task Priority [0-0FFH] 009BH CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not enter a value of 0 for this parameter as system performance can be dramatically impacted by it. Enter the priority of this job's initialization task. A value of zero is not recommended because it assigns the initialization task a priority equal to the maximum priority of the Extended I/O System job. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value for this prompt is 155 decimal. A task's priority is an integer value between 0 and 255, inclusive. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the task. Unless a task is involved in processing interrupts, its priority should be between 129 and 255. The value of this parameter may not be numerically smaller than the maximum priority for the job. (TSA) Task Start Address [CS:IP] 0000H:0000H Enter the start address of this job's initialization task. Enter the address in the form base:offset. For example, a base address of 900H and an offset address of 384H is entered as 900H:0384H. Before you can answer this prompt, you needed to have linked and located this I/O job. The memory map that is created during the locate phase lists the base and offset addresses for the job. Use the base and offset addresses of the first instruction of this I/O job's initialization task as the response to this prompt. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how link and locate user jobs; explains how to use a memory map (DSB) Data Segment Base [0-0FFFFH] 0000H Enter the base value of the initialization task's data segment. A value of zero indicates that the task itself assigns the data segment. If you have not linked or located your user job, you should ignore this parameter. The value you specify is directly related to the size control that you specify with the PL/M-86 compiler call. The size control can be "Large", "Medium", "Compact", or "Small". If you choose "Large" model procedures, your response to this parameter must be zero. If you choose either "Medium" or "Compact" model procedures, your response should be the base address of the data segment (found on the locate map). You can not use "Small" model procedures for an initialization task. You should use the same PL/M size control for all of your PL/M-86 jobs and ensure that any assembly language modules be compatible with this control. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes "Medium" and "Compact" model considerations (SSA) Stack Segment Address [SS:SP] 0000H:0000H Enter the address of the initialization task's stack. For example, a base address of 900H and an offset address of 384H are entered as 900H:0384H. A value of 0:0 causes the Nucleus to allocate a stack segment to the task and initialize the SS register to the base address of this segment and the SP register to the value of the stack size prompt. It is recommended that you specify 0:0 for this parameter. This permits dynamic stack allocation and deallocation. (SS) Stack Size [0-0FFFFH] 0300H CAUTION: You must enter a value for this parameter even if the job uses dynamically-allocated stacks. Enter the size in bytes of the initialization task's stack segment. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value is 768 decimal. This stack size must be at least 16 bytes. The Nucleus increases specified values that are not multiples of 16 up to the next higher multiple of 16. The size should be at least 512 (decimal) bytes if the initialization task is going to make iRMX 86 system calls. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Programming Techniques - describes stack size iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes "Medium" model considerations (NPX) Numeric Processor Extension Used [Yes/No] No Specify "Yes" if the user jobs initial task contains floating-point instructions. You do not have to respond "Yes", however, if an offspring and not this user job contains a task that use floating-point instructions. The priority of the initial task can not be high enough to mask the interrupt level that you specified for the "NPX Interrupt Level" parameter in the "Hardware" screen. (CF) Clock Frequency [0 - 0FFFFH khz] 04CDH Enter the frequency (in khz) at which your timer operates. This timer can be an 8253 or 8254 Programmable Interval Timer or the 80130 component. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is equivalent to 1229 Khz (decimal). If the terminal handler is using the same timer component as the Nucleus, specify the same clock frequency for this parameter as you specified in the "Nucleus" screen. If you are using an 80130 Timer for this terminal Handler, then the frequency that you enter here is divided by two. (BR) Baud Rate [0-0FFFFH] 2580H Enter the baud rate of the terminal being used with the Terminal Handler. Specify one of the following rates: 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200 600 300 150 110 The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value 2580H is equivalent to 9600 decimal. (OTU) 80130 Timer Used [Yes/No] No If you are using the 80130 Timer feature to support this terminal handler, answer "Yes" to this prompt. The ICU will only accept a "Yes" response if you have already responded "Yes" to "(OSP) 80130 Operating System Extension" and "(OTU) 80130 Timer Used" parameters in the "Hardware" screen. The 8253 Programmable Interval Timer (PIT), the 8254 PIT, or the 80130 component can provide timing for your operating system. A "Yes" response to this prompt, and the following prompts from the "Hardware" screen determine the attributes of an 80130 component timer: "(BP) 80130 Base Port Address" and "(OSP) 80130 Port Separation". The timer counter number is 2. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the 80130 component iOSP 86 Support Package Ref Manual - describes the 80130 component (TBP) Timer Base Port [0-0FFFFH] 00D0H If you are using a PIT other than an 80130 PIT, enter the 16-bit address of the first port for the timer. If you are using an 80130 PIT, the ICU ignores this parameter. The 8253 or 8254 can provide timing for your terminal handler. Your response to this prompt, as well as the prompts for the Clock Frequency, and Timer Port Separation, and Timer Counter Number specify the attributes of these Programmable Interval Timers (PITs). (TPS) Timer Port Separation [0-0FFH] 0002H If you are using a PIT other than an 80130 PIT, enter the interval between ports on your PIT. If you are using an 80130 PIT, the ICU ignores this parameter. Each PIT has a number of ports that are used for programming the chip. Starting with the base port address, the ICU determines the address of the next port by adding your response to this parameter to the previous address. When using Intel processor boards, such as the iSBC 86/12A and the iSBC 86/30 board, you should not change the default value. If your Terminal Handler timer is the same timer as you defined on the "Hardware" screen, use the same value for this parameter as you did on the "Hardware" screen. (CN) Timer Counter Number [0,1,2] 0002H Enter the number of the PIT counter connected to the USART clock input. The output of this counter generates the Terminal Handler baud rate. Be sure that the counter you select is not used by the Nucleus or any other module. The Nucleus uses a single counter of the timer to which it is connected for the system clock. The default is 0, but any may be configured. If your system does not contain an off-board timer, it is recommended that you use counter 2 for the Terminal Handler. (UBP) Usart Base Port [0-0FFFFH] 00D8H CAUTION: The default value of 00D8H must be used for Intel processor boards such as the iSBC 86/12A and iSBC 86/05 single board computers. Enter the hexadecimal number specifying the base port address of the USART. The USART, Univeral Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, provides data communications to and from the processor for serial data transmission. To perform this process, the USART uses several addresses. These addresses are separated by your response to the USART Port Separation prompt, and this parameter specifies the first of these addresses. (UPS) Usart Port Separation [0-0FFH] 0002H Enter the interval between ports on your USART. Your Programmable Communications Interface uses several port addresses. The ICU configures each additional PCI port address for you. Starting with the USART base port address, the ICU determines the address of the next port by adding a specified interval, the USART port separation, to the previous address. (DDT) Dynamic Debugger's Terminal [Yes/No] No If the Dynamic Debugger or BIOS is to use this Terminal Handler, then respond to this prompt with a "Yes". The Terminal Handler that is supplied by the Dynamic Debugger has many of the same configuration features as other Terminal Handlers. If you respond to this prompt with a "Yes", you can define the configuration features of the Dynamic Debugger's Terminal Handler. (IOV) Input/Output Version [Yes/No] Yes If this Terminal Handler will be used for both input and output, respond with "Yes". If you require the Terminal Handler to support output only (that is, no user input), respond with "No". If the Dynamic Debugger and/or the BIOS is to use this Terminal Handler, respond to this prompt with "Yes". (IMN) Input Mailbox Name [1-12 Chars] RQTHNORMIN CAUTION: Upper and lower case characters are not equivalent in mailbox names. Enter the name of the mailbox used for input to the Terminal Handler. Legitimate names consist of 12 or fewer alphanumeric characters. If you intend to use the Basic I/O System's or Dynamic Debugger's USART driver to communicate with the Terminal Handler, you must provide a Terminal Handler whose input and output mailboxes have the names RQTHNORMIN and RQTHNORMOUT, respectively. The Basic I/O System communicates only with a Terminal Handler that uses these mailbox names. Only one Terminal Handler can use the default name RQTHNORMIN. (OMN) Output Mailbox Name [1-12 Chars] RQTHMORNOUT CAUTION: Upper and lower case characters are not equivalent. Enter the name of the mailbox used for output to the Terminal Handler. Legitimate names consist of 12 or fewer alphanumeric characters. If you intend to use the Basic I/O System's or Dynamic Debugger's USART driver to communicate with the Terminal Handler, you must provide a Terminal Handler whose input and output mailboxes have the names RQTHNORMIN and RQTHNORMOUT, respectively. The Basic I/O System will communicate only with a Terminal Handler that uses these mailbox names. Only one Terminal Handler can use the default name RQTHNORMOUT. (IIL) Input Interrupt Level [Encoded] 0068H Enter the encoded value that specifies the interrupt level used for input to the Terminal Handler. This value corresponds to the interrupt level as follows: Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0000-0007H 4 0048 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078 0-7 0070-0078H The input interrupt level must be a higher priority than the output interrupt level. The priorities of all user tasks should be lower (numerically higher) than the lowest priority interrupt task in the Terminal Handler. In the de- fault configuration, the Terminal Handler's input interrupt level is set to M6, which corresponds to a priority of 114 (decimal) for the input interrupt task. (OIL) Output Interrupt Level [Encoded] 0078H Enter the encoded value that specifies the interrupt level that the Terminal Handler used for output. This value corresponds to the interrupt level as follows: Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0000-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H The input interrupt level must be a higher priority than the output interrupt level. The priorities of all your non_interrupt tasks should be lower (numerically higher) than the lowest priority interrupt task in the Terminal Handler. In the default configuration, the Terminal Handler's output interrupt level is set to M7, which corresponds to a priority of 130 (decimal) for the output interrupt task. Thus, with the default Terminal Handler configuration, all of your non-interrupt tasks should have a priority lower (numerically higher) than 130. (RM) Rubout Mode [Echo/Replace] Replace Enter one of the following: Echo The Terminal Handler echoes the deleted character back to the terminal. Replace The Terminal Handler replaces the deleted character with the blanking character. A previously-typed character can be "rubbed out" in accordance with either of two rubout modes. The display that the Terminal Handler leaves on the screen varies with each rubout mode. If you strike RUBOUT three times in echo mode to "rubout" "ABC", the Terminal Handler leaves "ABCCBA" on the screen. In replace mode (also called blanking mode), the Terminal Handler moves the cursor to the left and leaves a blanking characters on the screen for each character "rubbed out". (BC) Blanking Character [0-0FFH] 0020H Enter the hexadecimal value of the ASCII character to be used as the blanking character. Respond to this prompt only if "Replace" was chosen as the "Rubout Mode" (RM) option. If you use the default value, the blanking character is assumed to be the ASCII space (020H). (SIC) Size of Characters [7,8] 7 Enter the number of bits of valid data per character sent from the USART. The Terminal Handler's default value assumes 7-bit characters, which is appropriate for systems using the ASCII character set. (CC) Control-C Required [Yes/No] No If your application is going to include the use of Control-C, respond with "Yes". Otherwise, use the default value (No). Control-C invokes a parameterless, user-written procedure named RQ$ABORT$AP. This user-written procedure, when specified in the "(UC) Name of Control-C Object File"parameter, can perform any actions that suit the application. This Control-C procedure does not interfere with the Human Interface Control-C routine. The Human Interface Control-C routine functions only with the Intel Terminal Driver. (UC) Name of Control-C Object File [0-32 Chars] If you are supplying your own Control-C routine and responded "Yes" to the "(CC) Control-C Required" parameter, enter the name of object file or library containing the Control-C function. Control-C invokes a parameterless, user-written procedure named RQ$ABORT$AP. This procedure can perform any actions that suit the application. (THR) Terminal Handler in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Terminal Handler is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Terminal Handler from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (ASC) All System Calls [Yes/No] Req If the default value for this parameter is "Req", you must change your responses on the "Sub-systems" screen to change this value. If you answer "No" to this question, you will be provided the opportunity to select individual system calls from the Nucleus. If you answer "Yes", your system will contain all of the system calls of the Nucleus, and you will not have to select them individually. Nucleus system calls form the foundation upon which your system software can be built. If your system uses the 80130 component, nearly all of the system calls (primitives) are provided on-chip. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Nucleus Ref. Manual - describes the Nucleus System Calls iOSP 86 Support Package Ref Manual - describes the OSP primitives, the 80130 component iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes situations in which specific system calls are required (PV) Parameter Validation [Yes/No] Yes If you want parameter validation on a system-level, respond to this prompt with a "Yes". If your system software includes the BIOS, you must include parameter validation. If your software does not include the BIOS, it is recommended that you include parameter validation during development stages. Parameter validation provides a very important safequard while developing software. If you do not include parameter validation, erroneous parameters go undetected until some undefined and possibly catastrophic result occurs. You must specify "Yes" for this parameter if you wish to enable parameter validation in any I/O Job or any user job. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - provides more information on parameter validation, I/O Jobs, and User Jobs (ROD) Root Object Directory Size [0 - 0FF0H] 0032H Enter the maximum number of objects that can be cataloged in the root job object directory. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. Zero is an acceptable value if you do not catalog entries into the root job directory and your application does not include any subsystems. When you calculate the maximum number of entries in the root job's object directory, keep in mind the needs of the Human Interface and EIOS. The EIOS catalogs each logical name you specify on the "Logical Names" screen and the Human Interface catalogs the system-wide logical names you specify in the "Prefix" screen. Also, if your system includes the Human Interface and you use the ATTACHDEVICE command, the Operating System catalogs the logical names in the root job's object directory. (MTS) Minimum Transfer Size [0 - 0FFFFH] 0040H Enter the minimum amount of memory, in 16-byte paragraphs, that the Nucleus allows to be transferred between jobs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value is equivalent to 64 (decimal) paragraph blocks. If your application programs consistently request memory in larger than 64-paragraph blocks, you should increase the default minimum transfer size. This increase cuts down on system overhead involved with transferring memory. However, if you specify a value much larger than the amount of memory your programs ordinarily request, memory fragmentation will occur. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes memory fragmentation (DEH) Default Exception Handler [Yes/No/Debugger/User) Yes Choose one of the following options: Yes Use the system default exception handler. No Use the alternative system exception handler that suspends rather than deletes. Including this alternate system default exception handler could result in a significant code savings, if you are not otherwise using the DELETE$TASK system call. Debugger Use the Dynamic Debugger as the system default exception handler. User Use a user-supplied exception handler as the system default. You must create your own exception handler, designate it to be a public procedure having the name RQSYSEX, and supply the name of its object module in the NEH prompt. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes characteristics of exception handlers (NEH) Name of Exception Handler Object Module [1-32chrs] Enter the name of the object module which contains the user's default exception hander. This prompt applies only if a user-supplied exception handler is the system default. You should enter the name of the object module which contains the RQSYSEX procedure. (EM) Exception Mode [Never/Programmer/Environment/All] Never Enter one of the following four options: Never: Control never passes to the exception handler. Programmer: Control passes to the exception handler on programmer errors only. Environment: Control passes to the exception handler on environmental conditions only. All: Control passes to the exception handler on all exceptional conditions. (NIR) Nucleus in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Nucleus is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Nucleus from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. If you are going to program the 80130 off-chip code in EPROM, answer "Yes" to this parameter. CAUTION: If you are using the 80130 component, answer this prompt to reflect whether you have RAM or ROM within 24K-bytes of your 80130 component's code. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM You answered "No" to the "All System Calls" prompt and you now have the opportunity to select individual system calls from this group of system calls. The system calls that have already been designated "Req" are required to support other layers. You may change the status of any system call designated either "Yes" or "No". If you are using the iOSP 86 support package, you cannot select additional Nucleus system calls beyond the set provided in the 80130. (ODS) Object Directory Size [0-0FF0H] 0000H Enter the maximum allowable number of entries in this first-level job's object directory. A value of zero indicates that no directory is to be created. Each job has its own object directory. An entry in an object directory consists of a token for an object and the object name. The number of objects in the object directory is limited to the object directory size. (PMI) Pool Minimum [20H - 0FFFFH] 0030H Enter the minimum allowable size of the first-level job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. If the "Stack Segment Address" parameter has a base value of zero, set the "Pool Minimum" parameter line value to 32 (decimal) plus the value specified on the "Stack Size" parameter line. Each first-level job has its own memory pool. The initial size of the memory pool is its pool minimum value. (PMA) Pool Maximum [20H - 0FFFFH] FFFFH Enter the maximum allowable size of the first-level job's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The size of each first-level job's memory pool can increase from a minimum value to a maximum value. This value of the maximum pool size must be greater than or equal to the minimum pool size. CAUTION: If your system includes the Human Interface, the value you specify for the "(PMI) Pool Minimum" should be the value you specify for the "(PMA) Pool Maximum". (MOB) Maximum Objects [1-0FFFFH] FFFFH Enter the maximum number of objects that can exist simultaneously in this first-level job. A value of 0FFFFH indicates that there is no limit to the number of objects that tasks in this first-level can create. (MTK) Maximum Tasks [1 - 0FFFFH] FFFFH Enter the maximum number of tasks that can exist simultaneously in this first-level job. A value of 0FFFFH indicates that there is no limit to the number of tasks that tasks in this first-level job can create. (MPR) Maximum Priority [0 - 0FFH] 0081H Enter the maximum allowable priority of tasks in this first-level job. Specify a value in the range of 0 to 255 decimal. A value of 0 indicates that the priority of the root task is the maximum allowable. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value is 129 decimal. (AEH) Address of Exception Handler [CS:IP] 0000H:0000H Enter the start address of the job's exception handler. For example, a base address of 900H and an offset address of 384H are entered as 900H:0384H. A value of 0:0 indicates that the job uses the default system exception handler. A first-level job can inherit the exception handler of its parent job. In this case, the exception handler that would be inherited is the default system exception handler that you specified for the Nucleus. If you want a handler other than the default system exception handler, this prompt allows you to specify the start address of this other exception handler. (EM) Exception Mode [Never/Programmer/Environment/All] Never This prompt provides you with four options: Never: Control never passes to the exception handler. Programmer: Control passes to the exception handler on programmer errors only. Environment: Control passes to the exception handler on environmental conditions only. All: Control passes to the exception handler on all exceptional conditions. This prompt can not be responded to if you specified default system exception handler for this first-level job. If you did not choose to use the default system exception handler for this first-level job, you need to specify the exception mode of the exception handler specified in the prompt for the Address of Exception Handler (AEH). Area(s) of Interest Reference(s) CREATE$JOB, exception mode iRMX 86 Nucleus Reference Manual user jobs iRMX 86 Configuration Guide (PV) Parameter Validation [Yes/No] Yes Enter a "Yes" if you want the Nucleus to perform parameter validation for all Nucleus system calls made by tasks in this first-level job or its offspring. Enter a "No" if you do not want the Nucleus to validate parameters for tasks in this first-level job or its offspring. If you did not request parameter validation on a system-level, the response to this prompt does not make any difference. (TP) Task Priority [0-0FFH] 009BH CAUTION: It is recommended that you do not enter a value of 0 for this parameter as system performance can be dramatically impacted by it. Enter the priority of this job's initialization task. A value of zero is not recommended because it assigns the initialization task a priority equal to the maximum priority of the Extended I/O System job. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value for this prompt is 155 decimal. A task's priority is an integer value between 0 and 255, inclusive. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the task. Unless a task is involved in processing interrupts, its priority should be between 129 and 255. The value of this parameter may not be numerically smaller than the maximum priority for the job. (TSA) Task Start Address [CS:IP] 0000H:0000H Enter the start address of this job's initialization task. Enter the address in the form base:offset. For example, a base address of 900H and an offset address of 384H is entered as 900H:0384H. Before you can answer this prompt, you need to have linked and located this User job. The memory map that is created during the locate phase lists the base and offset addresses for the job. Use the base and offset addresses of the first instruction of this User job's initialization task as the response to this prompt. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how link and locate user jobs; explains how to use a memory map (DSB) Data Segment Base [0-0FFFFH] 0000H Enter the base value of the initialization task's data segment. A value of zero indicates that the task itself assigns the data segment. If you have not linked or located your user job, you should ignore this parameter. The value you specify is directly related to the size control that you specify with the PL/M-86 compiler call. The size control can be "Large", "Medium", "Compact", or "Small". If you choose "Large" model procedures, your response to this parameter must be zero. If you choose either "Medium" or "Compact" model procedures, your response should be the base address of the data segment (found on the locate map). You can not use "Small" model procedures for an initialization task. You should use the same PL/M size control for all of your PL/M-86 jobs and ensure that any assembly language modules be compatible with this control. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes "Medium" and "Compact" model considerations (SSA) Stack Segment Address [SS:SP] 0000H:0000H Enter the address of the initialization task's stack. For example, the base address of 900H and an offset of 384H are entered as 900H:0384H. A value of 0:0 causes the Nucleus to allocate a stack segment to the task and initialize the SS register to the base address of this segment and the SP register to the value of the stack size prompt. It is recommended that you specify 0:0 for this parameter. This permits dynamic stack allocation and deallocation. (SS) Stack Size [0-0FFFFH] 0200H CAUTION: You must enter a value for this parameter even if the job uses dynamically-allocated stacks. Enter the size in bytes of the initialization task's stack segment. This stack size must be at least 16 bytes. The Nucleus increases specified values that are not multiples of 16 up to the next higher multiple of 16. The size should be at least 300 (decimal) bytes if the initialization task is going to make Nucleus system calls. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Programming Techniques - describes stack size iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes "Medium" model considerations (NPX) Numeric Processor Extension Used [Yes/No] No Specify "Yes" if the user jobs initial task contains floating-point instructions. You do not have to respond "Yes", however, if an offspring and not this user job contains a task that use floating-point instructions. The priority of the initial task can not be high enough to mask the interrupt level that you specified for the "NPX Interrupt Level" parameter in the "Hardware" screen. (UDF) UDI INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the UDI INCLUDE files and libraries. (HIF) Human Interface INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the Human Interface INCLUDE files and libraries. (EIF) Extended I/O System INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 Directory which contains the EIOS INCLUDE files and libraries. (ALF) Application Loader INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the Application Loader INCLUDE files and libraries. (BIF) Basic I/O System INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the BIOS and drivers INCLUDE files and libraries. (THF) Terminal Handler and Dynamic Debugger INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the Terminal Handler and Dynamic Debugger INCLUDE files and libraries. (NUF) Nucleus and Root Job INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains Nucleus INCLUDE files and libraries, the Root Job INCLUDE file and libraries, and the OSP INCLUDE files and libraries. (ILF) Interface Libraries :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the interface libraries. (CAF) Crash Analyzer INCLUDES and Libraries :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the crash analyzer INCLUDE files and libraries. (DTF) Development Tools Path Names :F0: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory containing the ASM86 assembler and the other tools used to build the system. (ROP) ROM Code Prefix :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which will contain your system ROM code files. (RAF) RAM Code File Name :F1:RMXRAM.SYS Enter the file name for the library which will contain your system RAM code. (ASC) All System Calls in BIOS [Yes/No] Req If the default value for this parameter is "Req", you must change your responses on the "Sub-systems" screen to change this value. If you answer "No" to this question, you will be provided the opportunity to select individual system calls from the Basic I/O System. If you answer "Yes", your system will contain all of the system calls of the Basic I/O System, and you will not have to select them individually. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref. Manual - describes the BIOS System Calls iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes situations in which specific system calls are required (ADP) Attach Device Task Priority [1-0FFH] 0081H Enter the priority of the BIOS's attach-device task. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 81H is equivalent to 129 decimal and is the highest priority allowed for a non-interrupt task. If you change this priority, it is recommended that you select a priority that is higher (numerically lower) than the priorities of user tasks which perform I/O and lower than the priorities of high-priority tasks that do not use the BIOS or the EIOS. If you do not have any tasks that run at high priorities, leave this parameter set to the default. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the attach-device task (TF) Timing Facilities Required [Yes/No] Yes Specify whether you want the I/O System timing facilities. Respond with either a "Yes" or a "No". Without timing facilities, the Basic I/O System fills in all time fields with a zero value and saves the overhead of maintaining a time-of-day clock. If you exclude timing facilities, you must also exclude the GET$TIME and SET$TIME system calls from the Basic I/O System. If you specify "No" to this parameter, the ICU ignores your response to the "(TTP) Timer Task Priority" parameter and the "(CUT) Common Update Timeout" parameters. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref. Manual - describes the GET$TIME and SET$TIME system calls (TTP) Timer Task Priority [0-0FFH] 0081H If you specified "Yes" to the "(TF) Timing Facilities Required" parameter enter the priority of the timer task. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 81H is equivalent to 129 decimal. The timer task manages the time-of-day clock for the Basic I/O System. Its priority can affect its performance and the Basic I/O System's behavior. If the priority is set too low, the timer task may not get to run as often as it needs to and the clock will run slower. If the priority is set too high, the timer task may take machine cycles away from high priority tasks. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - recommends how to adjust the timer task priority (CON) Connection Job Delete Priority [0-0FFH] 0082H Enter the priority of the Basic I/O System task which deletes file and device connections. The default value 0082H is 130 decimal. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The priority of the connection deletion task should be high enough to allow job deletion to proceed without delay. The default is the same as the default priority of the device service tasks. This value is sufficient for most applications. (ACE) Ability to Create Existing Files [Yes/No] Yes Specify "Yes" if you want to respond "FALSE" to the "must$create" parameter of the A$CREATE$FILE system call. Specify "No" if you want the Operating System to return an error condition whenever the creation of a duplicate pathname is attempted. The A$CREATE$FILE system call allows you to specify what you want it to do in situations where an attempt has been made to create a new file with the pathname of an existing file. The must$create input parameter of the A$CREATE$FILE system call allows you to specify one of two things in the situation described. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the A$CREATE$FILE system call options iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes more about this parameter (SMI) System Manager ID [Yes/No] Yes Enter "Yes" if you want your user ID 0 to have "System Manager" attributes. If you include the Human Interface, a "Yes" response is required. If you do not have the Human Interface, this parameter allows the user with the "0" ID to have the following special "System Manager" attributes: o Has read access rights to all data files. o Can change the access of any file, regardless of the owner's access. o Can delete any user's job. o Has, in general, no restrictions usually based on user id. (CUT) Common Update Timeout [0-0FFFFH] 03E8H If you specified that your system requires timing facilities, enter the time interval, in milliseconds, that the Basic I/O System waits before updating devices with data buffered in memory. The default value 03E8H is 1000 decimal. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. You must use a value that is a multiple of whole seconds; that is, 100, 200, 300. A value of 0FFFFH indicates that the common update-timeout feature will not be used. When deciding on a common update-timeout value, you will be trading off system performance against the data integrity you gain should your system be shut down. The larger the common update-timeout value, the less often the Basic I/O System updates designated devices. This implies higher performance. It also implies a greater amount of data loss should your system be shut down during the middle of an operating session. You designate which devices will use this feature by specifying "True" to the "(CUP) Common Update" parameter on the appropriate "Device-Unit Information" screens. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how the "common update" feature relates to a "request update timeout" based on individual device activity (CST) Control-Sequence Translation [Yes/No] Yes Enter "Yes" if you want the translation capabilites supported by the iRMX 86 Terminal Support Code. A "Yes" response allows you to write programs that are independent of individual terminals. A "Yes" response to this parameter also means that you should specify "Both", "Input", or "Output" to the "OSC Controls" parameter in the unit information screen for your terminal driver. The Basic I/O System allows you to interface an operator's terminal with an application using the iRMX 86 Terminal Support Code. The Terminal Support Code supports translation of escape sequences into equivalent terminal character sequences. The advantage of having translation capabilities is that it makes application systems easily adaptable to many terminal brands and models. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes Terminal Support Code iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related parameters (PMI) BIOS Pool Minimum [0-0FFFFH] 0800H Enter the minimum allowable size of the Basic I/O System's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default is 2048 decimal. The Basic I/O System has its own memory pool. The initial size of the memory pool is its pool minimum value. You should set the BIOS Pool Minimum value equal to the BIOS Pool Maximum value. This prevents the Basic I/O System from borrowing memory later (which is not always possible). The default value is larger than the absolute minimum BIOS pool size needs. However, the absolute minimum does not allow for the buffers needed to support any device (disk drive or terminal). It is important that you calculate the size of the BIOS memory pool. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how to calculate BIOS memory pool sizes (PMA) BIOS Pool Maximum [0-0FFFFH] 0800H Enter the maximum allowable size of the Basic I/O System's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value is 2048 decimal. The Basic I/O System has its own memory pool. The size of the pool can increase from the minimum pool size to the maximum pool size. You may not specify the maximum memory pool size to be smaller than the minimum memory pool size. You should set the BIOS Pool Maximum value equal to the BIOS Pool Minimum value. This prevents the Basic I/O System from borrowing memory later (which is not always possible). The default value is larger than the absolute minimum BIOS pool size needs. However, the absolute minimum does not allow for the buffers needed to support any device (disk drive or terminal). It is important that you calculate the size of the BIOS memory pool. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how to calculate BIOS memory pool sizes (BIR) Basic I/O System in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Basic I/O System is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Basic I/O System from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM The following Intel-supplied device drivers are available: 0) iSBC 204 1) iSBC 206 2) iSBC 208 3) iSBC 215/218 4) iSBC 220 5) iSBX 254 6) iSBC 270 7) iSBC 534 8) iSBC 544 9) 8251A Terminal Driver 10) Line Printer 11) Terminal Handler Driver 12) 8274 Terminal Driver 13) Line Printer for the iSBC 286/10 14) iSBC 251 15) SCSI Driver for iSBC 186/03 16) iSBC 218A 17) RAM Driver 18) iSBC 216 19) 82530 Terminal Driver Select a device driver that you want incorporated into your system. Enter the number of the device you wish to incorporate. (IL) Interrupt Level [Encoded Level] 00nnH Enter the encoded interrupt level at which the device will interrupt. The interrupt task uses this value to associate itself with the correct level. The values for this field are encoded as follows (where bit 0 is the low-order bit): Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0000-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H A default value 0058H (0000 0000 0101 1000 binary) specifies master interrupt level 5. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes individual device drivers (ITP) Interrupt Task Priority [0-0FFH] 00nnH Specify the initial priority of the device's interrupt task. The actual priority of the iRMX 86 interrupt task will change because the Nucleus adjusts an interrupt task's priority according to the interrupt level that it services. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value 0082H is equivalent to 130 decimal. (PA) Port Address [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Specify the address of the I/O port which matches the switch setting on an iSBC board or the address of the Multimodule connector used for an iSBX Multimodule board. If you have more than one iSBC board connected to the same interrupt line (for example, the iSBC 534), enter the port address of all the iSBC boards connected to this interrupt line. (MDV) Motor Delay Value [0-0FFFFH] nnnnH Enter the motor delay, in system clock intervals, for your 5 1/4 inch diskette. The motor delay value is the number of system clock intervals to wait after turning on the drive motor before accessing the drive. Motor delay is only needed for 5 1/4-inch diskettes, and the motor delay value is usually set for 50 (decimal) to 100 (decimal) clock ticks. (WIP) Wakeup I/O Port [0-0FFFFH] 0100H Specify the wakeup address which matches the switch setting on the iSBC board. The host CPU communicates with the controller via four blocks of information in host dual port memory. The memory mapped segment address of the first of these blocks (6 bytes) is the value specified by the wakeup address. The default memory address is 100:0H. Once the controller is initialized, the host CPU does an I/O write to the I/O mapped address specified by the wakeup address in order to initiate disk activity. The memory mapped address you specify for this parameter cannot be part of the memory you declare on the "Memory" screen. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how to plan memory and respond to the "Memory" screen prompts iRMX 86 Installation Guide - describes the correct switch settings Appropriate Hardware Reference Manual - describes wakeup address (IIL) Input Interrupt Level [Encoded Level] 00nnH Specify the encoded interrupt level for the receiver ready interrupt. The interrupt task uses this value to associate itself with the correct level. The values for this field are encoded as follows (where bit 0 is the low-order bit): Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0001-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H A default value 0068H (0000 0000 0110 1000 binary) specifies master interrupt level 6. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes individual drivers (OIL) Output Interrupt Level [Encoded Level] 00nnH Enter the encoded interrupt level for the transmitter ready interrupt. The interrupt task uses this value to associate itself with the correct interrupt level. The values for this field are encoded as follows: Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0001-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030 0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H A default value 0078H (0000 0000 0111 1000 binary) specifies master interrupt level 7. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes individual drivers (DP) Data Port Address [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Specify the address of the data port. The device driver uses the data port for bidirectional data communication. The address of the data port that you specify for this parameter must match your board's hardware configuration. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Manual - describes individual drivers iRMX 86 Installation Guide - describes hardware configuration that supports startup system (SP) Status Port Address [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Specify the address of the status port. The device driver uses the status port to determine the state of the board. The address of the status port that you specify for this parameter must match your board's hardware configuration. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Manual - describes individual drivers iRMX 86 Installation Guide - describes hardware configuration that supports startup system (NB) Number of iSBC 534 Boards [1-4] 0001H (NB) Number of iSBC 544 Boards [1-4] 0001H Specify the number of iSBC 534 boards or iSBC 544 boards that share the same interrupt line. For the iSBC 534 boards, the port address of each board must be sequential and the interval between addresses must be 10H. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes concerns about configuring multiple boards as separate units (UDP) USART Data Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (CAD) Channel A Data Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (CBD) Channel B Data Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the address of the appropriate communications data port (either an 8251A PCI, an 8274 MPSC, or an 82530 SCC). Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus data port offset for your board. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (USP) USART Status Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (CAS) Channel A Status Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (CBS) Channel B Status Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the address of the appropriate communications control/status port (either an 8251A PCI, channel A or B of the 8274 MPSC, or channel A or B of the 82530 SCC). Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus control/status port offset for your board. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (IRP) 8253 Inrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (AIP) Channel A Inrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (BIP) Channel B Inrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the port address for the appropriate Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) counter register used for the input rate. Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus timer port offset for your device. The typical timer for the 8251A PCI is the 8253 PIT; the timer for the 8274 MPSC can be an 8253 PIT, an 8254 PIT, an 80130 component, or an 80186 component; the timer for the 82530 SCC is the SCC on-board timer. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (ICP) 8253 Input Control Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (AIC) Channel A Inrate Command Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH (BIC) Channel B Inrate Command Port [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the port address for the timer control port (mode/command) used for the input rate. Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus control port offset for your device. The typical timer for the 8251A driver is the 8253 PIT; the timer for the 8274 driver can be an 8253 PIT, an 8254 PIT, an 80130 component, or an 80186 component; the timer for the 82530 SCC is the SCC on-board timer. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (IRC) 8253 Input Counter Number [0-2] 0002H (AIT) Channel A Inrate Counter [0-2] 0002H (BIT) Channel B Inrate Counter [0-2] 0001H Enter the number of the timer counter used for the input rate. The typical timer for the 8251A PCI is the 8253 PIT; the timer for the 8274 MPSC can be an 8253 PIT, an 8254 PIT, an 80130 component, or an 80186 component; the timer for the 82530 SCC is the SCC on-board timer. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (AIF) Channel A Inrate Freq. [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00nnnnnnH (BIF) Channel B Inrate Freq. [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00nnnnnnH If your timer is an 8253 PIT, 8254 PIT, or an 80130 component specify the input timer clock frequency; if your timer is an 80186 component specify 1/4 the frequency of the CPU frequency; if your timer is an 82530 timer specify the 82530 timer frequency. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes each individual driver (ORP) 8253 Outrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H (AOP) Channel A Outrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H (BOP) Channel B Outrate Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H If the address of the output rate port is the same as the address of the input rate port, use the default value 0000H. Otherwise, enter the address of the timer counter register used for the output rate. Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus the timer port offset for your board. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (OCP) 8253 Output Control Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H (AOC) Channel A Outrate Command Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H (BOC) Channel B Outrate Command Port [0-0FFFFH] 0000H If the address of the output control port is the same as the address of the input control port, use the default value 0000H. Otherwise, enter the port address of the PIT mode-control timer used for the output rate. Choose the address that matches the jumpers plus the timer port offset for your board. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (ORC) 8253 Output Counter Number [0-2] 0000H (AOT) Channel A Outrate Counter [0-2] 0000H (BOT) Channel B Outrate Counter [0-2] 0000H If the output counter number is the same as the input counter number, use the default value 0000H. Otherwise, enter the timer counter number used for the output rate. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the individual parameters for each terminal driver (AOF) Channel A Outrate Freq. [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00nnnnnnH (BOF) Channel B Outrate Freq. [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00000000H If one timer is used for both input and output, you should set this parameter to zero. Otherwise, if your second timer is an 8253 PIT, 8254 PIT, or an 80130 component specify the output timer clock frequency; if your second timer is an 80186 component specify 1/4 of the CPU frequency. (POA) 8255A Port A Address [0-0FFFFH] 00C8H Enter the address of the 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface A-port. The line printer driver and the SCSI/SASI driver provide an interface between the Basic I/O System and the 8255 parallel I/O port. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes line printer driver and SCSI/SASI driver. (POB) 8255A Port B Address [0-0FFFFH] 00CAH Enter the address of the 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface B-port. The line printer driver and the SCSI/SASI driver provide an interface between the Basic I/O System and the 8255 parallel I/O port. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes line printer driver and SCSI/SASI driver. (POC) 8255A Port C Address [0-0FFFFH] 00CCH Enter the address of the 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface C-port. The line printer driver and the SCSI/SASI driver provide an interface between the Basic I/O System and the 8255 parallel I/O port. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes line printer driver and SCSI/SASI driver. (CON) 8255A Control Port Address [0-0FFFFH] 00CEH Enter the address of the 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface Control port. The line printer driver and the SCSI/SASI driver provide an interface between the Basic I/O System and the 8255 parallel I/O port. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes line printer driver and SCSI/SASI driver. (TAB) Printer Expanded Tabs [Yes/No] Yes Enter "Yes" or "No". Depending on the response to this parameter, the line printer can handle expanded tabs or it can't. If you respond with a "Yes", all sequential tabs are forced to a single blank character. If you respond with a "No", the driver passes tab characters unchanged to the line printer. (NAM) Unit Info Name [1-17 characters] Enter the "Unit Info Name" for this device. The first character must be an alphabetic character. A DUIB uses the "Unit Info Name" to point to a particular unit information table. When developing your initial systems, you can create unit information tables that are never pointed to by a DUIB. There is no harm in this process during the development stages. However, when you configure your final system, eliminate all unused unit information tables to save memory. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes each individual driver and lists typical unit info names (TS) Track Size [0-0FFFFH] nnnnH Enter the track size in bytes. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. A value of 0D00H is equivalent to 3328 decimal or 26 sectors of 128 bytes each. Track size can be determined by multiplying the number of bytes per sector by the number of sectors per track. For an iSBC 204 driver, track size is either 26 sectors of 128 bytes each or 8 sectors of 512 bytes each. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes how this parameter relates to other parameters (MR) Maximum Retries [0-0FFFFH] 0009H Enter the maximum number of times the Basic I/O System should retry an operation before returning an E$IO$SOFT exception code. A value of 9 is recommended. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. -Additional Sources of Information- Appropriate Hardware Ref Manual - describes conditions that can cause "soft" errors iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the E$IO$SOFT exception code (SR) Step Rate [0-0FFH] 0008H Enter the step rate in milliseconds. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. Step Rate defines the time interval between step pulses as they relate to track-to-track access time. (ST) Settle Time [0-0FFH] 0008H Enter the settling time in milliseconds. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. Head Settling Time defines the time interval between stepping to the addressed track (with head loaded) and initiating a diskette read or write operation. (HLU) Head Load/Unload Time [0-0FFH] 0039H Specify the index count and the number of 4 millisecond time intervals that the controller waits after loading the head and before initiating a read or write operation. The default value of 0039H corresponds to a head load time of 36 milliseconds (bits 0-3) and a head unload timeout of 3 revolutions (bits 4-7). Note that head load time includes provision for head settling time. The head unload time is the time interval that the controller waits before unloading the head. During this interval, the controller might initiate a read or write operation without waiting for the head to load. (NT) Number of tracks per side [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the number of tracks per side. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. This device driver supports both 8-inch and 5 1/4-inch flexible disk formats. The 8-inch diskettes typically have 77 tracks on one side and 5 1/4- inch minidiskettes have 40 or 80 tracks on one side. (NS) Number of sectors/track [0-0FFFFH] 00nnH Enter the sectors per track. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The number of sectors per track on a fixed disk varies with the sector size and the hardware vendor. The number of sectors per track of a diskette varies with the sector size, the density and its overall size. Use the following information to determine the reponse to this parameter (for diskettes). Sector Size Density Sectors per Track Density Sectors per Track 8-inch 5 1/4-inch 8-inch 5 1/4-inch 128 Single 26 16 256 Single 15 9 Double 26 16 512 Single 8 4 Double 15 8 1024 Single 4 2 Double 8 4 (HLT) Head Load Time [0-0FFH] nnnnH Enter the head load time in milliseconds. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. A value of 0023H is 35 decimal. The head load time parameter specifies the time interval that the controller waits after loading the head but before initiating a read, write, or seek operation. Note that head load time includes provision for head settling time. (HUT) Head Unload Time [0-0FFH] 00F0H Enter the head unload time in milliseconds. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 00F0H is 240 decimal. The head unload time parameter specifies the time interval the controller waits after a disk operation completes before unloading the head. During this interval the controller can initiate another read, write, or seek operation without waiting HLT milliseconds for the head to be loaded. (NC) Number of Cylinders [0-0FFFFH] 0001H Enter the number of cylinders on the drive accessed by your controller board. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value allows you to use automatic device characteristics recognition on this device. This value can only be specified if the device is already formatted. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes automatic device recognition (NFH) Number of Heads/Fixed Disk [0-0FFH] 00nnH Enter the of number of heads per fixed platter on the drive serviced by your controller board. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. If this unit information is for an iSBX 218 or 218A floppy disk controller, enter 0. The default value allows you to use automatic device characteristics recognition on this device. Specify the value 0001H only if the device is already formatted. A example of how to determine this number is as follows: if your Winchester has three fixed platters and each platter has two surfaces, then assuming one head per surface, the correct response to this parameter is six. (NRH) Number of Heads/Removable Disk [0-0FFH] 00nnH Enter the number of heads on your SMD's removable platters or the number of sides on your flexible disk device. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. If this unit information is for a Winchester-type disk controller, enter 0. An example of how to determine this number is as follows: if your SMD has two removable platters and each platter has two surfaces and one head per surface, then the response to this parameter should be four. (NAC) Number of Alt. Cylinders [0-0FFH] 0001H Enter the number of alternate cylinders for this device. This parameter does not apply to flexible diskettes. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. It is suggested that each disk surface be divided into data track areas and alternate track areas. You must assign the number of the alternate tracks. Typically, this number is 1 to 2 percent of the total number of tracks on the surface. The number of alternate tracks per surface is also the number of auxiliary cylinders for this device. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes more about alternate cylinders, diagnostic cylinders, error-free disks, possible exception conditions (SSN) Starting Sector Number [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00000000H Enter the starting sector number for this device. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. It is possible (but not advised) to specify a value other than the default value. Refer to the iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for information. (BTI) Bad Track Information [Yes/No] Yes If you are using a Winchester disk purchased with a System 86/300 Series Microcomputer System, you can enter either a "Yes" or "No" to specify whether bad track information is to be used. Otherwise, specify "No". Specify "Yes" if during the process of formatting this disk you want the disk controller to use the factory generated bad-track information stored on the disk. Specify "No" if you do not want the disk controller to use the factory generated bad-track information stored on the disk during the process of formatting the disk. (NB) Number of Boards [1 - 4] 0001H Enter the number of iSBC 254 boards that are to be configured using the same interrupt line. The boards must have consecutive base addresses, 20H apart. If your system has more than one iSBC 254 board, you can configure each board (up to 4) as a separate unit of an imaginary device or you can configure as many as four boards as a single unit. If you configure several boards as a single unit, each board must have the same number of bubble devices. (BPA) Base Port Address of Board [0-0FFFFH] 0880H Enter the base address of the I/O port that matches the jumper configuration of the first iSBC 254 board. There can be multiple iSBC 254 boards in your unit. The boards must have contiguous base addresses (20H apart) and all boards must be connected to the same interrupt line. (NPB) Number of Pages per Board [0-0FFFFH] 0800H Specify the number of pages on each iSBC board. The default value of 0800H must be used if your board has just one bubble device (7110 component). If your board has more than one bubble device, keep the number of pages per board constant and increase the device granularity. Use the following examples: Boards/Unit 7110s/Board Pages/Board Granularity Device Size 1 1 800H 40H (64 dec) 20000H 1 2 800H 80H (128 dec) 40000H 1 4 800H 100H (256 dec) 80000H 2 1 800H 40H 40000H 3 1 800H 40H 60000H 4 1 800H 40H 80000H If your bubble device consists of more than one board defined as a single unit, then each board must have the same granularity. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related parameters (LEM) Line Edit Mode [Trans/Normal/Flush] Normal The initial default line editing mode may be one of the following choices. Transparent Console input is transparent (not line-edited). The terminal support code transmits input to the requesting task exactly as entered at the terminal. Before being transmitted, the terminal support code accumulates data in a buffer until an operator enters the requested number of characters. Normal Console input is used for line editing. Edited data accumulates in a buffer until an operator enters a carriage return. Flush Console input is not line-edited and the terminal support code transmits input to the requesting task exactly as entered. Before being transmitted, the terminal support code accumulates data in a buffer until it receives an input request. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - provides additional details (ECH) Echo Mode [Yes/No] Yes If echo mode is selected (a "Yes" response), characters entered at the keyboard are transmitted to the terminal screen. A "No" response does not allow an echo to return. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the A$SPECIAL system call and OSC sequences (IPC) Input Parity Control [Yes/No] No Specify "Yes" if you want the terminal support code to set the parity bit (bit 7) of input characters to zero. A "No" response tells the terminal driver to not change bit 7 of input characters. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the A$SPECIAL system call and OSC sequences (OPC) Output Parity Control [Yes/No] No Specify "Yes" if you want characters being output to the terminal to have their parity bits (bit 7) set to zero. A "No" response allows bit 7 on output characters to remain unchanged. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the A$SPECIAL system call and OSC sequences (OCC) Output Control in Input [Yes/No] Yes Specify "Yes" if you want the terminal support code to accept output control characters in the input stream. Specify "No" if you want the terminal support to ignore output control characters. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the A$SPECIAL system call, OSC sequences, and control characters (OSC) OSC Controls [Both/In/Out/Neither] Both Specify whether the device driver should act upon Operating System Command (OSC) controls when they appear in either the input or the output stream. Choose one of the following OSC controls. Both Act upon OSC control sequences in either input or output stream (from either terminal or program). In Act upon OSC control sequences in input stream only (from terminal and not from program). Out Act upon OSC control sequences in output stream only (from program and not from terminal). Neither Ignore OSC control sequences. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Basic I/O System Ref Manual - describes the OSC control sequences (TRM) Terminal Type [CRT/Hard Copy] CRT Enter "CRT" if your terminal can backspace and leave a blanking character on the screen for each character "rubbed out". Respond "Hard Copy" if your terminal cannot backspace and leave a blanking character on previously- displayed characters. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (SN) Scroll Number [1-0FFFFH] 0012H Enter the number of lines to scroll when an operator enters the scrolling output control character (Control-W is the default). Typically this value is between 10 and 24. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The default value of 0012H is 18 decimal. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (DUP) Duplex Mode [Full/Half] Full You can set the line protocol mode for a terminal to full-duplex or half- duplex. When line protocol mode is full-duplex, there can be simultaneous input to and output from the terminal. If you specify both echo mode and full-duplex, the terminal driver echos each character. When the line protocol mode is half-duplex, there can be input to and output from the terminal, but not simultaneously. If you specify half-duplex, the terminal, not the terminal support code, is responsible for providing an echo for each character. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (MC) Modem Control [Yes/No] No Specify "Yes" to establish an initial modem-based link between a task and a terminal. Specify "No" if your system does not contain a modem or you do not intend on using the Modem Query OSC sequence. If you specify "yes", set the "OSC Controls" parameter to either "Both" or "Out". Terminal Support Code supports terminals that communicate with an iRMX 86-based application system through a modem. For the most part, tasks and terminals communicate through modems if linked by a dedicated line. The task must control its modem using OSC sequences to break the link (hang up) and to re- establish a link (dial and answer). However, the initial link is established only if you specify "Yes" to this parameter. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (RPC) Read Parity Checking [See Help/0-3] 0000H Choose one of the following read parity checking options. The chosen option is used by the driver to set up the hardware for desired parity. 0 Ignore parity checking and set the input parity bit (bit 7) to zero. 1 Ignore parity checking and do not change the input parity bit (used for 8 bit data communication). 2 Set the input parity bit to zero if even parity is received. Set input parity bit to one if odd parity is received, if received stop bit has a value of zero (framing error), or if a new character has been input before the interrupt routine for character processing has completed (overrun error.) 3 Set input parity bit to zero if odd parity is received. Set parity bit to one if even parity is received, if the stop bit has a value of 0 (framing error), or if new character has been input before interrupt routine for character processing has completed (overrun error.) You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (WPC) Write Parity Checking [See Help/0-4] 0004H Choose one of the following write parity options. If value 2 or 3 is used and input parity is checked, then values 2 or 3 respectively must be used for read parity checking. 0 Set the output parity bit to zero. 1 Set output parity bit to one. 2 Set output parity bit to 1 if the total number of 1's in the character is odd, set the parity bit to 0 if the total number of 1's is even (even parity). This option should be used if the driver is using even parity checking for input. 3 Set output parity bit to zero if the total number of 1's in the character is odd. Set the output parity bit to 1 if the total number of 1's is even (odd parity). This option should be used if the driver is using odd parity checking for input. 4 Do not change the output parity bit (used for 8 bit data communication). You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (BR) Baud Rate [0-0FFFFH] nnnnH Enter the initial baud rate of this terminal. Set this rate to one if you want the initial baud rate to be determined automatically. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays its value in hexadecimal. You can alter the value you specify for this parameter at run time if you invoke the A$SPECIAL system call or send an OSC sequence. (NAM) Device-Unit Name [1-13 characters] Yes Enter the device-unit name that uniquely identifies the device-unit to the I/O system. The following table lists recommended responses. Controller Name(s) Controller Name(s) Controller Name(s) iSBC 204 * f0-f3, fx0 iSBX 218A * pmf0 SASI * sa0 iSBC 206 * d0, ds0 iSBC 215 * w0, iw0 SCSI * sc0 iSBC 208 * af0-af3, mw0, pw0, afd0, amf0, sw0 afdd0, afdx0 iSBC 220 * smd0 iSBX 218/ * wf0-wf3, iSBX 251 * bx0 iSBX 218A wfd0, wmf0, iSBC 254 * b0 on iSBC 215 wfdd0, wfdx0 NOTE: The * indicates device names used in supplied Bootstrap Loader files or burned into PROM. If you want to be able to boot from a particular device, its Bootstrap Loader configured name must match its ICU specified DUIB name. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes each individual driver (PFD) Physical File Driver Required [Yes/No] Yes A file driver may be a physical file driver, a stream file driver, or a named file driver. If accesses to this device driver require the physical file driver, respond with a "Yes". If this driver could be a physical file driver and/or a named file driver, it is recommended that you respond "Yes" to both parameters. There is no code savings to choose one and not the other. (NFD) Named File Driver Required [Yes/No] Yes A file driver may be a physical file driver, a stream file driver, or a named file driver. If accesses to this device driver require the named file driver, respond with a "Yes". If this driver could be a physical file driver and/or a named file driver, it is recommended that you respond "Yes" to both parameters. There is no code savings to choose one and not the other. (SDD) Single or Double Density Disks [Single/Double] Enter the recording density of this flexible diskette. Ignore this parameter for other types of disks. Flexible diskette characteristics can vary from device to device. One of these characteristics is a recording density which may be either single or double. (SDS) Single or Double Sided Disks [Single/Double] Enter the number of recording surfaces for this flexible diskette. Ignore this parameter for the other types of disks. Flexible diskette characteristics can vary from device to device. One of these characteristics is a recording surface on both sides of a diskette (double sided) or on one side only (single sided). (EFI) 8- or 5 1/4-Inch Disks [8/5] n Enter the dimensions of this flexible diskette. Ignore this parameter for other types of disks. Flexible diskette characteristics can vary from device to device. One of these characteristics is the outside dimensions of the diskette. The diskettes are either contained within an 8- by 8-inch envelope or a 5 1/4- by 5 1/4-inch envelope. It is recommended that you use only 5 1/4-inch drives with the iSBX 218A driver when the host CPU is an 8086, 8088, 80186, or 80188. (GRA) Granularity [0-0FFFFH] Enter the device granularity in bytes. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. This parameter is generally used for random access devices. It specifies the minimum number of bytes of information that the device reads or writes in one operation. Device granularity determines sector size and multiples of device granularity define volume and file granularities. The granularity specified for a SCSI/SASI device must be the same granularity specified in the "Initialization Data" parameter line. (DSZ) Device Size [0-0FFFFFFFFH] nnnnnnnnH Enter the device storage capacity in bytes. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays its value in hexadecimal. A default value of 0003E900H is equivalent to 256256 decimal. The device size for disks and diskettes is calculated using the following formula: dsz = (cylinders - alt. cylinders) * heads * sectors / track * device granularity. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the relationship of this parameter to other parameters (UN) Unit Number on this Device [0-0FFH] 0000H Enter the unit number of the device-unit associated with this device unit information block. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays its value in hexadecimal. This number identifies one out of several possible units of a device. The unit numbers for the device begin with zero and increase sequentially. For the iSBC 215/218 disk controller, the unit numbers must use the following ranges: Unit Numbers Disk Type 0 - 3 Winchester 4 - 7 Removable Winchester 8 - 11 Floppy Diskettes 12 - 15 Cartridge Tape The unit number for a SCSI/SASI device differs from other types of devices. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes individual drivers (UIN) Unit Info Name [1-17 characters] Enter the "Unit Info Name" for this device. Most drivers require a unit information table associated with each unit. Each device-unit information block (DUIB) contains one pointer field for a device information table and another for a unit information table. ICU86 creates these DUIBs for you and uses the "Unit Info Name" as a means to point to the unit information table you specified. DUIBs which correspond to units of the same device should point to the same device information table, but they can point to different unit information tables. Use the exact same "unit info name" for a DUIB as you did for a unit information table. (RUT) Request Update Timeout [0-0FFFFH] nnnnH Specify the number of clock ticks that the driver should wait (during a pause in activity) before updating the open files on the device. A value of 0064H is equivalent to 100 decimal. The values 0 and 0FFFFH do not indicate time intervals. A value of 0 indicates that the driver will never leave any data buffered in memory. A value of 0FFFFH indicates that updates on this device will occur only when a file is detached. The request update timeout capability allows the driver to update based on pauses in activity. If there is a pause in activity on this device, the driver determines when the common update would occur and compares that time interval to the request timeout value. The driver then waits the shorter of the two intervals and updates the attached files on the device. Thus, if you use the common update feature, the time interval you specify for the request update timeout should be shorter than that specified for the common update timeout. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes common update timeouts (NB) Number of Buffers [nonrandom = 0/random = 1-0FFFFH] nnnnH This parameter specifies whether a device is a random access device. If this parameter is nonzero, it specifies that the device is a random access device and indicates the number of buffers this unit will have for blocking and deblocking I/O requests. Each buffer is device granularity plus 24 bytes in length. The Basic I/O System uses these buffers to store partial blocks of data when I/O requests do not start on sector boundaries or transfer granularity bytes of data. The number of buffers you should enter for this parameter varies from device to device. A value of 0 for this parameter indicates that the device is not a random access device. Since the Operating System uses memory from the BIOS memory pool to create these buffers, you should increase the values you specified on the "BIOS" screen for both the minimum and maximum memory pool sizes if you increase the default value for the "Number of Buffers" parameter. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes each driver and how to calculate memory usage (CUP) Common Update [True/False] True Specify "True" if you want the driver to update the attached files on this device at the fixed interval you specified on the "BIOS" screen. Specify "False" if you do not want to update attached files on this device at fixed intervals but prefer to update attached files based only on the time interval you specified for the "Request Update Timeout" parameter. You should not specify "False" for this parameter and 0FFFFH for the "Request Update Timeout" parameter. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the BIOS screen parameters (MB) Max Buffers [0-0FFH] 00nnH The EIOS system call S$OPEN allows you to specify the number of buffers that you want the Extended I/O System to allocate for a particular connection. If the connection is to a physical or named file, the Extended I/O System will allocate either the number of buffers specified in the system call or up to the maximum number of buffers specified for this parameter. The Operating System takes memory required for these buffers from the calling job's memory pool, so by setting this parameter to 0FFH you allow the calling job to select the number of buffers based on its own memory pool size. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. (OPN) Object Code Pathname [1-45 characters/None] None Enter None if the object code of this device is provided by Intel in the I/O System Driver Library. Enter the pathname for the library which contains all the object code for your custom-written device drivers. In order to link the I/O System with your code, the ICU needs the pathname for the library that contains the user-written code for any custom-written device driver. (DPN) DUIB Source Code Pathname [1-45 characters] Enter the pathname for the source code for any user-written DUIBs. Custom-written device drivers (those not supported by the ICU) must have custom-written source DUIB's, device information tables, and unit information tables in order for the driver to properly interface with the operating system. The ICU assembles these modules along with the DUIB's, device information tables and unit information tables for Intel supplied devices it creates based on your entries. In order for this to happen you must enter the pathname for your source modules. NOTE: Any external declarations for code you have written to support this device driver must be contained in the device information source code file. (DUP) Device and Unit Source Code Pathname [1-45 characters] Enter the pathname for the source code of any user-written device information tables and/or unit information tables. Custom-written device drivers (those not supported by the ICU) must have custom-written source DUIB's, device information tables, and unit information tables in order for the driver to properly interface with the operating system. The ICU assembles these modules along with the DUIB's, device information tables and unit information tables for Intel supplied devices it creates based on your entries. In order for this to happen you must enter the pathname for your source modules. NOTE: Any external declarations for code you have written to support this device driver must be contained in the device information source code file. (ND) Number of User Defined Devices [0-0FFH] 0001H Enter the number of user defined devices. You must tell the ICU how many custom devices you have defined. The number that you enter is the number of different device numbers that you used in the DUIBs that you defined in your source module. (NDU) Number of User Defined Device-Units [0-0FFH] 0001H Enter the number of user defined device-units. You must tell the ICU how many custom device-units you have defined. The number that you enter is the number of different device-unit numbers that you used in the DUIBs that you defined in your source module. (OCD) 80130 Copyright Date 1981 If your 80130 component has a copyright date prior to 1984 stamped on its top, use the default value. Otherwise, specify 1984 as the copyright date. The initial release of the 80130 component has a copyright date of 1981. Subsequent releases of the 80130 component have later copyright dates. Copyright dates of 1984 or later indicate changes to the component that may very well have an impact on the configuration features of the component. If your 80130 component has a copyright date prior to 1984 stamped on it, use 1981 for this parameter. For copyright dates of 1984 or later, use 1984. (CDN) Configuration Device Name [1-14 chars] :SD: Enter the name of the device that your configuration files are on. Non-resident configuration of the Human Interface allows you to define configuration files that describe the system. One file contains the terminals to be managed and which user will be associated with each terminal. The other files define each of these users. Both of these configuration files are contained in a directory on the same disk. Area(s) of Interest Reference(s) Human Interface iRMX 86 Configuration Guide (MIN) Minimum Memory Required [0-0FFFFH] 2000H Enter the minimum allowable size of the resident user's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The Human Interface uses this response as the initial size of the memory pool for the resident user. Refer to the iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for additional information. (MAX) Maximum Memory Required [0-0FFFFH] 2000H Enter the maximum allowable size of the resident user's memory pool, in 16-byte paragraphs. The Human Interface uses this response as the maximum size of the memory pool for the resident user. Refer to the iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for additional information. (MA) Memory Address Base [0-0FFFFH] E000H Specify the base address in paragraphs of the dual port memory that matches the jumper configuration of your first iSBC 544 board. If you have multiple boards, set the jumpers of the second board to indicate a base address of 400H paragraphs greater than the first board. Use the same approach on the remaining boards. Also, you must prevent the Operating System from assigning this memory. To prevent this automatic assignment, ensure that none of the blocks of memory you define in the "Memory" screen include addresses that represent iSBC 544 on-board memory. (MS) Dual Port Memory Size [0-0FFFFH] 4000H Enter the size of each board's dual port memory in bytes. This value should match the appropriate jumpers on your iSBC 544 board. The ICU converts any number you enter and displays the value in hexadecimal. The iSBC 544 board has a two-port access arrangement in which the on-board dynamic RAM can be accessed by the on-board 8085A microprocessor or by a bus master board via the Multibus. If there are several boards on one line, they must have sequential memory addresses, separated by the dual-port memory board size. Intel recommends that the default value be used. (CS) Cylinder Size [0-0FFFFH] 0nnnnH This parameter line lets you specify the number of sectors per cylinder and whether the controller should perform automatic and/or concurrent seek operations. If you specify "0000H", the I/O System will not perform either automatic seek or concurrent seek operations. If you specify a value other than "0000H", the I/O System can perform both automatic seek operations and concurrent seek operations. Unlike other devices, a non-zero "Cylinder Size" value for a SCSI/SASI device does not necessarily mean that the random access software can concurrently perform seeks on more than one device unit. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - provides more information on the cylinder size parameter Do you have any (more) I.O. user jobs? If you have any jobs that are offspring of the EIOS, then you have I/O jobs and should answer this question "Yes". Your system must include the Human Interface or have an application job. The application job must either be a first-level-job (user job) or it must be an I/O user job. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes I/O jobs and User jobs Do you have any (more) user jobs? If you have any first-level-jobs other than subsystems, then you have user jobs and should answer this question "Yes". Your system must include the Human Interface or have an application job. The application job must either be a first-level-job (user job) of it must be an I/O user job. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes I/O jobs and User jobs Do you have any device drivers not supported by this ICU? This ICU supports a number of Intel-supplied device drivers. If you have written a custom device driver or are using one supplied by Intel but not supported by this ICU, answer "Yes" to this prompt. Do you have any (more) units for this device? This ICU supports up to 32 devices and 128 units. This means that each of the 32 possible devices could support an average of 4 units per device. If you are only configuring one device into your system, the ICU allows you to describe all 128 units for the one device. However, defined but unused units use as much memory as used units. CAUTION: If the driver that you are defining displays the preceding prompt, the driver requires at least one unit. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes individual needs of Intel-supplied drivers Do you have any (more) device information blocks for this device? This ICU supports up to 32 devices, 128 units, and 254 device information blocks. This means that each of the 32 possible devices could support an average of 4 units per device and each unit could support an average of around 2 device information blocks per unit. Do you need a resident user configured? A resident user may be the only user of the Human Interface system or the first user in a multi-access Human Interface System. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes resident users Do you need any more terminal handlers? If you need another terminal handler answer "Yes". Your iRMX 86 system can contain multiple versions of the Terminal Handler. In order to create multiple versions of the Terminal Handler each Terminal Handler must: > use different input and output mailbox names > use a unique USART > use a unique Timer > use different interrupt levels (CPU) Processor used in the system 8086 Enter the type of processor used in your system. Choose one of the following four choices: 8086, 8088, 80186, or 80286. If your system includes an iAPX 86-based board (iSBC 86/12A or iSBC 86/30 for example), enter 8086. If your system includes an iAPX 88-based board, enter 8088. If your system includes an iAPX 186-based board (iSBC 186/03 or iSBC 186/51 for example) or an iAPX 188-based board, enter 80186. If your system includes an iAPX 286-based board, enter 80286. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related screens (IRF) Inrate Frequency [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00012C000H Enter the counter input frequency. The default value 00012C000H (1228800 decimal) indicates a 1.2288 MHz counter-input frequency. CAUTION: If you are using a description file from a Release 5 version of the ICU, the ICU will display this value as 16 times greater than the value you originally entered. Do not re-enter your original value. (USC) Upper CS Size [0400H-040000H] 0400H For boards other than the iAPX 186-based boards you can specify the size of the upper memory chip select line. Select from one of the following values: 1K (400H), 2K (800H), 4K (1000H), 8K (2000H), 16K (4000H), 32K (8000H), 64K (10000H), 128K (20000H), or 256K (40000H). The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. The upper limit defined by this chip select line is always FFFFFH. The lower limit is ascertained by the ICU as the upper limit less the value you specify for this parameter. This chip select area should not overlap any other chip select area or the 256-byte control register block. (UCW) Upper CS Wait States [0,1,2,3] 0000H For boards other than the iAPX 186-based boards you can change the number of wait states for all accesses to the upper memory chip select line. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (UCR) Upper CS Wait for Ready [Yes/No] Yes Specify "Yes" if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified or wait for an external READY condition. Specify "No" for boards other than the iAPX 186-based boards if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified but not to wait for an external READY condition. The default values applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (LCS) Lower Chip Size [0,0400H-04000H] 00000000H Specify a value of zero if you do not intend to program the lower memory chip select line. Otherwise, for boards other than the iAPX 186-based boards specify the size of the lower memory chip select line. Select from one of the following values: 1K (400H), 2K (800H), 4K (1000H), 8K (2000H), or 16K (4000H). The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. The lower limit defined by this chip select line is always 0000H. The upper limit is ascertained by the ICU as the lower limit plus the value you specify for this parameter. This chip select area should not overlap any other chip select area or the 256-byte control register block. (LCW) Lower CS Wait States [0,1,2,3] 0000H For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can change the number of wait states for all accesses to the lower memory chip select line. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (LCR) Lower CS Wait for Ready [Yes/No] No For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can specify "Yes" if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified or wait for an external READY condition. Specify "No" if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified but not to wait for an external READY condition. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (MCA) Midrange CS Base Address [0-0FE000H] 00000000H For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can specify the base address of the midrange memory chip select lines if you specified a non-zero value for the "Midrange CS Size" parameter. The ICU ignores this parameter if you specified zero for the "Midrange CS Size". The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. The base address must be an integer multiple of the size of the total memory block you specified for the "(MCS) Midrange CS Size" parameter. This chip select area should not overlap any other chip select area or the 256-byte control register block. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes relation of this parameter to other parameters (MCS) Midrange CS Size [0,0200H-080000H] 00000000H Specify a value of zero if you do not intend on programming the midrange memory chip select line. Otherwise, if your board is other than an iAPX 186-based board specify the size of the midrange memory chip select line. Select from one of the following values: 512 (200H), 1K (400H), 2K (800H), 4K (1000H), 8K (2000H), 16K (4000H), 32K (8000H), 64K (10000H), 128K (20000H), 256K (40000H), or 512K (80000H). The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. The iAPX 186 provides four midrange memory chip select lines. Your response to this parameter sets the total size of the memory block defined by the four midrange select lines. The size of any one midrange memory chip select line is one-fourth of the total. The lower limit defined by this chip select line is defined by the "Midrange Chip Select Base Address" parameter. The upper limit is ascertained by the ICU as the lower limit plus the value specified for this parameter line. (MCW) Midrange CS Wait States [0,1,2,3] 0000H For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can change the number of wait states for all accesses to the lower memory chip select line. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (MCR) Midrange CS Wait for Ready [Yes/No] No For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can specify "Yes" if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified or wait for an external READY condition. Specify "No" if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified but not to wait for an external READY condition. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (PCS) Peripheral CS Acitve [Yes/No] Yes Specify "Yes" if you are going to use at least one peripheral chip select line. For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you can specify "No". The iAPX 186 can generate chip selects for up to seven peripheral devices on peripheral chip select lines zero through six. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (PCA) Peripheral CS Base Address [0-0FC00H] 0000H If you specified "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, you must specify the base address of the peripheral chip selects. These chip selects are active for seven contiguous blocks of 128 bytes above the peripheral chip select base address. The base address can only be a multiple of 1K bytes. That is, the least significant 10 bits of the base address must be zero. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (PCM) Peripheral CS Mapped to Memory [Yes/No] No If you did not specify "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, the ICU ignores this parameter. For boards other than iSBC 186-based boards you may specify "Yes". This indicates that the base address is located in memory. A "No" response indicates that the base address is located in I/O space. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (LPW) Lower Peripheral CS Wait States [0,1,2,3] 0002H If you specified "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, you must specify the number of wait states for all accesses to the peripheral chip selects zero through three. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03 and the iSBC 186/51. (LPR) Lower Peripheral CS Wait for Ready [Yes/No] Yes If you did not specify "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, the ICU ignores this parameter. Specify "Yes" to this parameter if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified or to wait for an external READY condition. For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you may specify "No". This indicates that the iAPX 186 will wait for the number of wait states specified but will not wait for an external READY condition. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (UPW) Upper Peripheral CS Wait States [0,1,2,3] 0002H If you specified "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripeheral CS Active" parameter, you must specify the number accesses to the peripheral chip selects four through six. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03 and the iSBC 186/51. (UPR) Upper Peripheral CS Wait for Ready [Yes/No] Yes If you did not specify "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, the ICU ignores this parameter. Specify "Yes" to this parameter if you want the iAPX 186 to wait for the number of wait states specified or to wait for an external READY condition. For boards other than iSBC 186-based boards you may specify "No". This indicates that the iAPX 186 will wait for the number of wait states specified but will not wait for an external READY condition. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (PLA) Peripheral CS 5,6 Latch A1,A2 [Yes/No] No If you did not specify "Yes" to the "(PCS) Peripheral CS Active" parameter, the ICU ignores this parameter. Specify "No" to this parameter if peripheral chip selects five and six do not provide latched address bits A1, A2. For boards other than iAPX 186-based boards you may specify "Yes". This indicates that periperhal chip selects five and six are to provide latched address bits A1, A2. In this case peripheral chip selects five and six can not be used as peripheral selects. The default value applies to the following boards: the iSBC 186/03, and the iSBC 186/51. (IF) Initialize iSBC 286/10 Functions [Yes/No] Yes Enter "Yes" if using an iSBC 286/10 board which includes an 8255A PPI that should be initialized to set up certain on-board options (i.e. NMI Mask, 8274 channel A loop back). Enter "No" if your 80286-based board does not include an 8255A PPI that should be initialized. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - explains the initialization process (PIL) 80186 PIC Slave Interrupt Level [0-7] 0 Specify the interrupt level of the master PIC line that uses the 80186 on- chip PIC as a slave. (OCL) Off-Chip Code Location [40H-0FFFFH,None] FC00H If you are going to use the set of Nucleus system calls provided on the 80130 component, enter the address of the off-chip code. If you are not going to use these system calls, enter the word "None". The off-chip code includes initialization and configuration information for the 80130 and any additional off-chip Nucleus code. Additional off-chip Nucleus code occurs whenever you select more Nucleus system calls than are provided by the 80130. This is possible only if you have purchased the iRMX 86 O.S. The 80130 off-chip code uses approximately 5.5K-bytes of additional memory. Specify this memory in the memory screen. CAUTION: The 80130 off-chip code must be contained within the 24K-byte area on either side of the 80130 component on-chip code. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - explains how to lay out memory; lists OSP primitives and Nucleus system calls (LSI) 80130 Level Sensitive Ints [0-7/None] None Specify which 80130 interrupt levels are level-sensitive. Use commas (with or without blanks) to separate the numbers. Unlike the 8259A component, each 80130 interrupt line can be either edge- or level-sensitive. The master interrupt level for the system clock and any Intel-supplied device driver must be edge-sensitive. It is recommended that you do not change the default value. (OPS) 80130 Port Separation [0-0FFFFH] If you are using the 80130 timer and/or the 80130 PIC, you must specify the interval between each 80130 PIC and 80130 PIT port. Starting with the base port address, the ICU determines the address of the next port by adding a specified interval, your response to this parameter, to the previous address. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes related screens (PPU) 80186 PIC Used [Master/Slave/No] Slave Choose one of the three options depending on how you will use the on-chip processor PIC on your 80186-based board. The 80186 PIC can be a master PIC in either of two modes with a limited number of slaves. The 80186 PIC can be a slave PIC in only one mode (RMX mode). You do not need to use the 80186 PIC at all, however, if your system includes either an 80130 component or an 8259A component. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes possible modes in general terms; explains how this parameter affects other parameters iRMX 86 Nucleus Ref Manual - describes interrupts and various modes (ORF) Outrate Frequency [0-0FFFFFFFFH] 00000000H If one timer is used for both input and output, set this parameter to zero. Otherwise, enter the counter outrate frequency. (OIL) 80130 PIC Slave Interrupt Level [4-5] 4 Specify the interrupt level of the 80186 master PIC line that uses the 80130 on-chip PIC as a slave. (PLI) 80186 Level Sensitive Ints [4-7/None] None Specify which 80186 master interrupt levels are level-sensitive. Use commas (with or without blanks) to separate the numbers. Unlike the 8259A component, each 80186 master interrupt line can be either edge- or level-sensitive. The master interrupt level for any Intel-supplied device driver must be edge-sensitive. It is recommended that you do not change the default value. ------ Main screens: ----- (HA)RDWARE (EIOS S)YS CALLS (NU)CLEUS (INTERRUPTS) (LO)GICAL NAMES (OB)JECT SYS CALLS (iA)PX 186 INITIALIZATION (I/O U)SERS (JO)B AND TASK SYS CALLS (M)EMORY (I/O J)OBS (EXCH)ANGE SYS CALLS (SU)B-SYSTEMS (BI)OS (F)REE SPACE SYS CALLS (HU)MAN INTERFACE (NO)N-FILE SYS CALLS (INTERRUPT S)YS CALLS (HI J)OBS (PH)YSICAL FILE SYS CALLS (EXT)ENSION SYS CALLS (RE)SIDENT USER (ST)REAM FILE SYS CALLS (EXCE)PTION SYS CALLS (PR)EFIXES (NA)MED FILE SYS CALLS (USER J)OBS (HI L)OGICAL NAMES (INTEL) DEVICES (USER M)ODULES (A)PPLICATION LOADER (USER D)EVICES (RO)M CODE (EIOS) (SDB) SYSTEM DEBUGGER (INC)LUDES AND LIBRARIES (DY)NAMIC DEBUGGER (G)ENERATE FILE NAMES ------ Device driver screens: ----- (iSBC 204) DRIVER (iSBC 534) DRIVER (iSBX 251) DRIVER (iSBC 206) DRIVER (iSBC 544) DRIVER (SCSI) DRIVER FOR iSBC (iSBC 208) DRIVER (8251A) TERMINAL DRIVER 186/03 (iSBC 215)/218 DRIVER (LINE PRINTER D)RIVER (iSBX 218A) DRIVER (iSBC 220) DRIVER (T)ERMINAL HANDLER DRIVER (RA)M DRIVER (iSBC 254) DRIVER (8274) TERMINAL DRIVER (iSBC 216) DRIVER (iSBX 270) DRIVER (LINE PRINTER F)OR iSBC 286 (82530) TERMINAL DRIVER System Debugger (SLV) SDB Interrupt Level [Encoded Level/None] 18H Specify "None" if you plan to gain access to the SDB by use of the DEBUG command. Otherwise, specify the interrupt level that your system uses to gain access to the SDB. To gain access to the SDB, you must issue the DEBUG command, press the interrupt button on your system's front panel, or enter the iSDM 86 or 286 monitor by some other means. This interrupt level should be encoded as follows (where bit 0 is the low-order bit): Master with Slave Master with Slave Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code 0 0008H 0-7 0000-0007H 4 0048H 0-7 0040-0047H 1 0018H 0-7 0010-0017H 5 0058H 0-7 0050-0057H 2 0028H 0-7 0020-0027H 6 0068H 0-7 0060-0067H 3 0038H 0-7 0030-0037H 7 0078H 0-7 0070-0077H A default value 0018H (0000 0000 0001 1000 binary) specifies master interrupt level 1. CAUTION: If you specify a value other than "None" and your system is a System 86/300 Series Microcomputer System, the Interrupt button on your system's front panel will no longer function. (UIR) UDI in ROM [Yes/No] No If the UDI is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the UDI from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (CAR) Crash Analyzer in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Crash Analyzer is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Crash Analyzer from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (SIR) SDB in ROM [Yes/No] No If the System Debugger is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the System Debugger from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (RIR) Root Job in ROM [Yes/No] No If the Root Job is to reside in ROM (or PROM), answer "Yes". If it is to reside in RAM, answer "No". Answering with a "No" means that you must load the Root Job from secondary storage into RAM before your application can use it. -Additional Sources of Information- iRMX 86 Configuration Guide - describes the steps needed to put a system in ROM (SUF) Standard/Uniform Format [Standard/Uniform] Standard Specify the format that the controller should expect on track zero. Select "Standard" if you want track zero to be single density with 128-byte sectors (regardless of how other tracks are formatted). Select "Uniform" if you want all tracks on a diskette to have the same format. The FORMAT command formats track zero of a standard named volume with 128-byte sectors. If you wish to read a disk that was formatted as a physical volume or was not formatted using either the Human Interface or Files Utility format command, choose the "Uniform" option. Note that automatic device characteristics recognition does not work unless track zero is single density with 128-byte sectors. Reserved for future use (lmem) (NAM) Job Name [0-14 characters] Specify the name that will identify this particular user job screen. The ICU will only use this name to help you identify this screen. The information does not become part of the job itself. USER MODULES Specify the pathnames of any user modules that you want included in the library that contains your system RAM code. The "(RAF) RAM Code File Name" parameter allows you to specify the file name of the library which will contain your system RAM code. This parameter allows you to add the pathnames of any user modules that you want included in this library. (OSC) Terminal OSC Controls [Yes/No] Req Specify "Yes" if any of your terminals need terminal OSC controls. That is, if you want to specify "Both", "Input", or "Output" on a terminal driver unit information screen, you must first specify "Yes" to the "(OSC) Terminal OSC Controls" parameter. The default value is "Req" if your system includes the Human Interface. Specify "No" if your system does not include the Human Interface or if you do not have any terminals that require OSC controls. (SDF) SDB INCLUDES and Libs :F1: Enter the prefix for the device or iRMX 86 directory which contains the SDB INCLUDE files and libraries. (SRR) Start Root Job from Reset [Yes/No] No Specify "No" if your system is in RAM or if your system is in ROM and you want control turned over to your monitor upon resetting your system. Specify "Yes" only if your system is in ROM, your system does not need to be bootstrap loaded, and you want your iRMX 86 system to begin executing upon resetting your system. (HID) Host ID [0-0FFH] 0000H Specify the SCSI Device ID that you want assigned to the host processor. The possible values for this parameter are 0080H, 0040H, 0020H, 0010H, 0008H, 0004H, 0002H, 0001H, and 0000H. However, since the SCSI driver does not support arbitration, the default value 0000H is recommended (regardless of the number of controllers in the system). (ARB) SCSI Bus Arbitration [Yes/No] No The current release of the SCSI driver does not support arbitration. Do not change the default value. (FE) Format Exception [0-0FFH] 0000H Specify the value of the error code returned by the SCSI command "Test Unit Ready" when a SCSI drive is not formatted. The Basic I/O System will ignore this error code when it attempts to attach the SCSI drive after you attempt to format it. A value of zero indicates that your SCSI controller does not return an error code when you attempt to attach an unformatted drive. (CB) Control Byte [0-0FFH] 0000H Specify the contents of the last byte in all commands. This byte is called the "control byte" in the ANSI SCSI document. The bits in this byte have the following meaning: Bits 7-6 Vendor Unique - these bits are specified by the manufacturer of the SCSI controller Bits 5-0 Set to zero. (IC) Initialization Command [0-0FFH] 0000H Specify the hex value of the mode select command (or an initialization command that the manufacturer of the SCSI controller has used to replace the mode select command). If your SCSI controller is device specific and does not require any initialization, use the value 0000H. (ID) Initialization Data [None/CR] None If your SCSI controller is device specific and does not require any initialization, specify "None". Otherwise, enter "ID=" and a carriage return. If you are entering initialization data, the ICU prompts you with "ID(nn)" where nn is the byte which you need to define. The first three bytes (for SCSI devices) define an extent descriptor and the remaining groups of 8 bytes define both unit and device characteristics. Note that the bytes 08 through 0B (for SCSI devices) define the granularity of a particular device-unit. This information must agree with the granularity specified on the device-unit screen. (BMA) Base Memory Address [0-0FFFFH] 8000H Specify the base address in memory for the RAM driver. This address must be on a paragraph boundary. Your response to the "Device Size" parameter on the "Device-Unit" screen determines the size of the RAM driver. This block of memory can not be declared on the "Memory" screen. The "Memory" screen declares memory that can be used by the system to locate system modules or to be used as free space. You must consider the use of the RAM driver before specifying the base address. Refer the iRMX 86 Configuration Guide for additional information. (WP) Write Protected [Yes/No] Yes Specify "Yes" if you want to write protect your RAM driver. Since you cannot format a write protected device, only respond with a "Yes" if you plan to use the LOCDATA command to produce an object module image of an already formatted RAM-disk. It is not mandatory that you specify "Yes" for any particular usage unless you place the object module image of the RAM-disk into PROM. (TS) Tape Support for iSBC 215G [Yes/No] No Since the current release of the Operating System does not support tape drives, do not change the default value to "Yes". A customer letter should let you know when tape support is anticipated. If you accidentally respond "Yes" to this parameter, ensure that the response is changed back to "No" and any iSBC 215G-related screens are deleted before you generate your configuration files. (ATT) Channel A Timer Type [0-2] nnnnn (BTT) Channel B Timer Type [0-2] nnnnn Choose one of the following options: 8254 8253 or 8254 PIT 80130 80130 integral timer 80186 80186 integral timer Timer type refers to the counter device used to generate a serial channel's input and output baud rates.