; ; *-*-* PATCH.CMD *-*-* ; ; SUBMIT PATCH(library, module, segment name, repair object file) ; ; Sample submit file for use of PTCH86 ; (PTCH86 on RMX systems is the same as PTCH86.86 on ISIS systems.) ; ; It removes the a module from a library, patches the segment in the ; module with the repair object file and replaces the original module ; in the library with the repaired module. ; LINK86 %0(%1) TO PTEMP1 NOMAP ; PTCH86 PTEMP1 %2 common ; LINK86 PTEMP1, %3 TO PTEMP2 NOMAP ; PTCH86 PTEMP2 %2 public ; LIB86 DELETE %0(%1) ADD PTEMP2 TO %0 EXIT ; DELETE PTEMP1, PTEMP2